

We are an entrepreneurial university

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Entrepreneurial University

The University of Oldenburg has been honoured by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) as one of the best entrepreneurial universities in Germany in the competition "EXIST-Gründungskultur - Die Gründerhochschule” (EXIST-Entrepreneurial Culture - The Entrepreneurial University). This success allows us to further develop our commitment to supporting and promoting entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial spirit on campus. We look forward to the many interested and curious individuals, who use our service, are looking to talk to us and would like to realise their ideas.

I would like to work for a startup.

The following options could interest you:
Entrepreneur[Space], IdeaJam, Team Building, Startup Advice, Entrepreneur Internship

I am looking for team members.

The following options could interest you:
Entrepreneur[Space], Team Building, Mentoring, Startup Advice 

I am starting a business!

I have a great business idea.

I need money to start my business.

I like the idea of starting a business.

The following options could interest you:
Entrepreneur[Space], IdeaJam, Startup Advice, Courses, Entrepreneur Internship 

Startup Advice

Students, scientists or employees who have a business idea that they would like to develop, be that alone or in a team, can receive professional advice from the Founding and Innovation Center (GIZ).

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Entrepreneur[Space] is a monthly meeting for entrepreneurs, people interested in starting a business and anyone who is curious about the topic. At the meeting, people who are interested in starting a business can exchange information with others, find team members and meet interesting guests from within the startup world.

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IdeaJams are events where business ideas can be developed and contacts made. We offer two formats for this:
IdeaJam[Ideasofa] is a regular, open event, where people who are interested in hearing about new ideas and founding a business can air their creativity in a social setting and give impulses to new business ideas.
IdeaJam[ExpertLounge] takes place once a year. It focuses on developing specific business ideas for certain chosen topics and/or industry sectors.

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The courses on offer by the Entrepreneurship professor are intended for all students of the University of Oldenburg who are interested in founding a business, regardless of their field of studies. Course content includes business model analysis, creating a business plan and recent developments in startup management, such as the "Lean Startup" method. The teaching is very practical, involving experts from companies, working on case studies and developing own business startup concepts.

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Entrepreneurship Schools

At entrepreneurship schools, students and scientists work on their business ideas over several days. They receive stimulating input from the working world and are individually advised by experts.

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Team Building

A good business idea alone does not make a successful company. The team also plays a big part. The University of Oldenburg can help founders by providing entrepreneurial advice on team building and internal team development. Our startup coaches and the startup team help to identify the necessary core competences and demonstrate how to build up missing know-how. They offer support in finding new team members, business partners and mentors, as well as in selecting suitable coaching options.

Our Entrepreneur[space] and IdeaJam events, as well as our GIZ_exchange platform - The entrepreneur exchange service, provide ideal opportunities for finding new team members.

Entrepreneur Internship

As part of an internship, students become entrepreneurs themselves, develop business ideas further and put their ideas into practice. They push their own idea forward or work on a topic related to their business idea set by a partner organisation.

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Startup teams work for a maximum of one year in a business incubator on their own startup ideas. They benefit from using the company's resources; its infrastructure, contacts and specialist know-how.

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The VentureLab incubator, within close proximity of the university, offers students, employees and graduates affordable infrastructure, advice, coaching and qualification prior to founding a business.

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Financial Support/Grants

The University of Oldenburg's startup advice also provides information on financing options. Two programmes are of particular relevance here:

  • The EXIST programme of the Federal Ministry for Economics and Energy, which together with the EXIST-Gründerstipendium and the EXIST-Forschungstransfer offers support for innovative technology oriented or science based projects.
  • GründerCampus Niedersachsen is the support programme of the state of Lower Saxony. It supports students, graduates and scientists in starting a business.

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Venture Capital

It is not easy to receive financing when founding innovative companies, and university spin-offs are not excluded from this. To provide support, the EFNW associated institute is involved in the development of an investment trust, which is particularly focused on the early stages of starting up. The EFNW institute prepares founders in helping acquiring capital, if desired with individual pitch preparation, and provides contacts from a network of business angels, venture capitalists and potential company investors.

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An experienced mentor with a scientific or business background will accompany and advise every startup team. Mentees are encouraged to take on increased business responsibility. In addition, mentors act as sparing partners, ready to answer all questions relating to everyday business.

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