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The guest, representatives of the ICBM Board of Directors and the presented projects (from left): Claudia Thölen (Gute Küste), Lars Meyer-Hagg (MATE), Prof. Dr. Katharina Pahnke (Deputy Director ICBM), Dr. Helge-Ansgar Giebel (Gute Küste), Dr Björn Thümler (Member of the Lower Saxony Parliament), Prof. Dr Ralf Rabus (Director ICBM), Prof. Dr Oliver Wurl (BASS, MATE), Dr Thomas Badewien (ZfMarS, MATE)[Photo: S.Riexinger].
Marine Science Kontakte

Former Minister visits ZfMarS

On 20 October, Björn Thümler, Member of the State Parliament, visited the Centre for Marine Sensors (ZfMarS), which is part of the ICBM, at the…

(Changed: 29 May 2024)  | 
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