Project Groups

Projektgruppe: Chemie-Informatik Online

The project group “Chemie-Informatik Online” (chemistry computer science online) is concerned with the design and development of a remote-controlled micro reaction system at the University of Oldenburg. The internet driven micro reaction system (abbr. MIA) performs the dehydration of isopropanol and can be controlled via the internet from any computer or mobile device around the world. The test procedure can be performed as part of a lecture by students of technical chemistry location-independently. Students gain experience about operating and using modern chemical plants. Due to the internet-driven infrastructure, international partner universities also have the opportunity to use the MIA.


By using the MIA students shall learn how to use a micro reaction system. To ensure this it is necessary to provide two main functions. The MIA has to carry out the experiment of the dehydration of isopropanol and students must have the opportunity to control and monitor the system. The MIA is intended to be controlled remotely to provide the experimental procedure to partner universities abroad. With the addition of mobile devices (laptop, tablet, smartphone) a location independence is guaranteed.

The remote control is done via the internet. For this reason, attention must be paid to cyber security so that only authorized personnel has access to the MIA. The authorization is done by an integrated role-based user management system, which is designed so that the functionality can also be implemented in other technical equipment and so that it provides a central login functionality.

Administrators can manage roles and their privileges and thus allow a differentiated user classification. Due to the connection with partner universities abroad, the system has to guarantee a high availability and offer a functionality to implement different languages easily. Furthermore, care is taken in the context of process safety so no unacceptable test parameters can be entered, which could result in damage to the micro reaction system.

It is essential to ensure that the MIA can be put into operation and maintenance can be carried out. Furthermore the MIA has to be extensible with little effort.

(Changed: 19 Jan 2024)  | 
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