During the semester break\, we off er intensive German courses at various levels:
\n- lev el B2.1: February\, 5 – March\, 1
- levels
A1.1 and B2.2: March\, 4-28
< a class="button_inline" href="t3://page?uid=77144">Intensive German course s
LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-daad-6-20250211 DTSTAMP:20241206T122417Z DTSTART:20250211T080000Z DTEND:20250211T120000Z SUMMARY:DAAD DESCRIPTION:The DAAD language certificate in English is part of many appli cations for a semester abroad or scholarships.\nFor further information or registration please click here\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:The DAAD language certificate in English i s part of many applications for a semester abroad or scholarships.
\nFor further information or registration please click here
\n\n LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-b1-exam-english DTSTAMP:20250128T120115Z DTSTART:20250213T090000Z DTEND:20250213T120000Z SUMMARY:B1-exam (English) DESCRIPTION: X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html: LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-lunchtime-get-together-german-courses-20250213 DTSTAMP:20250107T114222Z DTSTART:20250213T103000Z DTEND:20250213T113000Z SUMMARY:Lunchtime get-together: German courses DESCRIPTION:We cordially invite you to our next lunchtime get-together on German courses offered at the Language Centre of the University of Oldenbu rg.\nMatthias Jürgens\, responsible for the coordination of German course s at the Language centre\, will present the variety of German courses offe red by the Language Centre. You will also be informed about upcoming deadl ines for course registration and you will have the chance to ask further q uestions on this topic.\nWe will meet online: -1zx-tok-hyx (no registration necessary). X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:We cordially invite you to our next luncht ime get-together on German courses offered at the Language Centre of the U niversity of Oldenburg.
\nMatthias Jürgens\, responsible for the co ordination of German courses at the Language centre\, will present the var iety of German courses offered by the Language Centre. You will also be in formed about upcoming deadlines for course registration and you will have the chance to ask further questions on this topic.
\nWe will meet on line: https://webconf.u (no registration necessary). \;
LOCATION: ( END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-managing-literature-with-endnote DTSTAMP:20250122T123301Z DTSTART:20250213T120000Z DTEND:20250213T130000Z SUMMARY:Managing literature with EndNote DESCRIPTION:Further information about the course on Stud.IP X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:Further information about the course on Stud.IP
LOCATION:Room details will be announced via Stud.IP END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-b2-exam-english-20250214 DTSTAMP:20250128T120053Z DTSTART:20250214T090000Z DTEND:20250214T120000Z SUMMARY:B2-exam (English) DESCRIPTION: X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html: LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-board-games-night-for-international-doctoral-candidates-an d-researchers DTSTAMP:20250113T112448Z DTSTART:20250215T150000Z DTEND:20250215T180000Z SUMMARY:Board games afternoon for international doctoral candidates and re searchers DESCRIPTION:We invite you to a cosy afternoon with board games! The Intern ational Office will provide board games\, soft drinks and snacks. Please f eel welcome to bring your own favourite game.\nLocation: Room "IKT" (Inter kultureller Treff/ Intercultural Meeting Place)\, building SSC (A12) – g round floor\, Campus HaarentorDate: Saturday\, 15th February 2025Time: 4 p m - 6 pm\nPlease register here by 12th February 2025.\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:We invite you to a cosy afternoon with boa rd games! The International Office will provide board games\, soft drinks and snacks. Please feel welcome to bring your own favourite game.
Location: Room "IKT" (Interkultureller Treff/ Intercultur
al Meeting Place)\, building SSC (A12) – ground floor\, Campus Haarentor
Date: Saturday\, 15th February 2025
me: 4 pm - 6 pm
Please register here by 12th February 2025.
\n\n LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-writing-marathon-1 DTSTAMP:20250206T155133Z DTSTART:20250303T080000Z DTEND:20250307T160000Z SUMMARY:Writing marathon DESCRIPTION:Further information about the course on Stud.IP X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:Further information about the course on Stud.IP
LOCATION:will be announced via Stud.IP END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-daad-6-20250304 DTSTAMP:20250110T122742Z DTSTART:20250304T080000Z DTEND:20250304T120000Z SUMMARY:DAAD DESCRIPTION:The DAAD language certificate in English is part of many appli cations for a semester abroad or scholarships.\nFor further information or registration please click here\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:The DAAD language certificate in English i s part of many applications for a semester abroad or scholarships.
\nFor further information or registration please click here
\n\n LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-stammtisch-networking-for-international-doctoral-candidate s-and-postdocs-1 DTSTAMP:20241209T123839Z DTSTART:20250305T180000Z DTEND:20250305T200000Z SUMMARY:Stammtisch: Networking for international doctoral candidates and p ostdocs DESCRIPTION:You are kindly invited to join our “Stammtisch” where you can meet other international scholars and have a chat with the PhD tutors. \nWhen? Wednesday\, 5th March 2025\, 7 pm Where? “SECCO am Hafen” ( Address: Stau 54\, 26122 Oldenburg)\nYour first non-alcoholic drink will b e free of charge. For more information on the restaurant and menu\, please visit their official website.\nWe are looking forward to your registratio n. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:You are kindly invited to join our “Stam mtisch” where you can meet other international scholars and have a chat with the PhD tutors.
\nWhen? \;Wednesday\, 5th
March 2025\, 7 pm \;
Where? \;“SECCO am Ha
fen” (Address: Stau 54\, 26122 Oldenburg)
Your first non-alcohol ic drink will be free of charge. For more information on the restaurant an d menu\, please visit their official website.
\nWe are looking forwa rd to your registration.
LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-c1-exam-english DTSTAMP:20250128T120135Z DTSTART:20250317T090000Z DTEND:20250317T120000Z SUMMARY:C1-exam (English) DESCRIPTION: X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html: LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-daad-6-20250318 DTSTAMP:20250110T122742Z DTSTART:20250318T080000Z DTEND:20250318T120000Z SUMMARY:DAAD DESCRIPTION:The DAAD language certificate in English is part of many appli cations for a semester abroad or scholarships.\nFor further information or registration please click here\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:The DAAD language certificate in English i s part of many applications for a semester abroad or scholarships.
\nFor further information or registration please click here
\n\n LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-b2-exam-english-20250318 DTSTAMP:20250128T120053Z DTSTART:20250318T120000Z DTEND:20250318T150000Z SUMMARY:B2-exam (English) DESCRIPTION: X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html: LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-become-an-intercultural-facilitator DTSTAMP:20241217T135851Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250319 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250328 SUMMARY:Become an intercultural facilitator DESCRIPTION:We will prepare you thoroughly and comprehensively (28 hours) for your task and role. You’ll receive basic knowledge on intercultural communication and competence as well as on the cultural sphere of higher e ducation\, with its very specific rules. You’ll also learn the tools for planning and implementing semi-formal teaching and learning settings\, th e so-called “cheer-up meetings”. You’ll get the opportunity to try t his out yourself and to receive feedback.\nYou can sign up here in advance before the actual registration period on StudIP (15 March/ (15 September) :\nRegistration form OPLUS intercultural facilitator\nClick here for more information on the programme and schedules. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:We will prepare you thoroughly and comprehens ively (28 hours) for your task and role. You’ll receive basic knowledge on intercultural communication and competence as well as on the cultural s phere of higher education\, with its very specific rules. You’ll also le arn the tools for planning and implementing semi-formal teaching and learn ing settings\, the so-called “cheer-up meetings”. You’ll get the opp ortunity to try this out yourself and to receive feedback.
\nYou can sign up here in advance before the actual registration period on StudIP ( 15 March/ (15 September):
\nClick here for more information on the programme and schedules. \;
LOCATION:A6-0-004 und END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-oldenburg-computer-museum-ocm-1 DTSTAMP:20250129T142728Z DTSTART:20250322T144500Z DTEND:20250322T170000Z SUMMARY:Oldenburg Computer Museum (OCM) DESCRIPTION:The Oldenburg Computer Museum (OCM) shows historical computer systems with a focus on home computers from the 1970s and 80s. The exhibit ion also includes video games\, games consoles\, arcade machines and pinba ll machines. The museum is unique in Germany: All exhibits on display are ready to use and equipped with software. They can - and should - be used\, experienced and explored (by you).\nThe tour (in English) will take two h ours: In the first hour\, you will be given a guided tour of the permanent exhibition ‘Home computers of the 1970s and 80s’\, after which you ca n explore and try out the approximately 1\,000 m² museum\, all the comput ers and games consoles\, as well as a selection of arcade machines. Please find more information on their website (in German).\nDate: Saturday\, 22n d March 2025\, 3:45 pm - 6 pmLocation: Oldenburger Computer-Museum (OCM)\, Bahnhofsplatz 10\, 26122 Oldenburg\nSince places are limited for this eve nt\, we kindly ask for your (binding) registration by 16th March 2025. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:The Oldenburg Computer Museum (OCM) shows historical computer systems with a focus on home computers from the 1970s and 80s. The exhibition also includes video games\, games consoles\, arcad e machines and pinball machines. The museum is unique in Germany: All exhi bits on display are ready to use and equipped with software. They can - an d should - be used\, experienced and explored (by you).
\nThe tour ( in English) will take two hours: In the first hour\, you will be given a g uided tour of the permanent exhibition ‘Home computers of the 1970s and 80s’\, after which you can explore and try out the approximately 1\,000 m² museum\, all the computers and games consoles\, as well as a selection of arcade machines. Please find more information on their website (in German).< /p>\n
Date: Saturday\, 22nd March 2025\, 3:45 pm - 6 pm
Location: Oldenburger Computer-Museum (OCM)\, Bahnh
ofsplatz 10\, 26122 Oldenburg
Since places are limited for this ev ent\, we kindly ask for your (binding) registration by 16th March 2025.
LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-stammtisch-networking-for-international-doctoral-candidate s-and-postdocs-2 DTSTAMP:20241209T124456Z DTSTART:20250402T170000Z DTEND:20250402T190000Z SUMMARY:Stammtisch: Networking for international doctoral candidates and p ostdocs DESCRIPTION:You are kindly invited to join our “Stammtisch” where you can meet other international scholars and have a chat with the PhD tutors. \nWhen? Wednesday\, 2nd April 2025\, 7 pm Where? “Muchos Más” (Add ress: Heiligengeistwall 10-11\, 26122 Oldenburg)\nYour first non-alcoholic drink will be free of charge. For more information on the restaurant and menu\, please visit their official website.\nWe are looking forward to you r registration. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:You are kindly invited to join our “Stam mtisch” where you can meet other international scholars and have a chat with the PhD tutors.
\nWhen? \;Wednesday\, 2nd
April 2025\, 7 pm \;
Where? \;“Muchos Más
” (Address: Heiligengeistwall 10-11\, 26122 Oldenburg)
Your firs t non-alcoholic drink will be free of charge. For more information on the restaurant and menu\, please visit their official website.
\nWe are looking forward to your registration.
LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-cheer-up-meetings-1-20250411 DTSTAMP:20250114T082648Z DTSTART:20250411T140000Z DTEND:20250411T170000Z SUMMARY:Cheer-up meetings for international students - starting your studi es off right DESCRIPTION:Are you an international student in the initial semesters of y our specialised studies? Studying in Germany provides you with opportuniti es but\, at the same time\, poses challenges you have to overcome. Interna tional students frequently report the following difficulties:\na gap betwe en the expectations and reality of studying and living in Germanyuncertain ty about the degree programme structure and processes in the education sys tem-a desire formore contact with other students\, especially localslangua ge problemsstress and emotional strainproblems with German bureaucracy (re sidence permit\, licence fee\, waste separation)\nEveryday life brings wit h it a variety of challenges when you begin your studies\, but you don’t have to tackle them on your own. Are you looking for help in managing the se or other personal and intercultural challenges as well as for exchanges with other students? Then you’ve come to the right place!\nThese are th e dates for our “Cheer-up” meetings during the summer term:\n11 April\ , 08 May\, 22 May\, 05 June\, 19 June\, 03 July 2025 from 4 to 7 pm.\nplea se register you participationplease come to the Intercultural Meeting Plac e (IKT\, A12-002)please ensure your participation to ALL dates listed abov e\nget more information and register here X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:Are you an international student in the in itial semesters of your specialised studies? Studying in Germany provides you with opportunities but\, at the same time\, poses challenges you have to overcome. International students frequently report the following diffic ulties:
\n- a gap between the expectations and reality of studyin g and living in Germany
- uncertainty about the degree programme str ucture and processes in the education system-a desire for
- more con tact with other students\, especially locals
- language problems
- stress and emotional strain
- problems with German bureaucracy (residence permit\, licence fee\, waste separation)
Everyday life brings with it a variety of challenges when you begin your studies\, but you don’t have to tackle them on your own. Are you looking for help in managing these or other personal and intercultural challenges as well as for exchanges with other students? Then you’ve come to the right plac e!
\nThese are the dates for our “Cheer-up” meetings during the summer term:
\n11 April\, 08 May\, 22 May\, 05 June\, 19 Jun e\, 03 July 2025 from 4 to 7 pm.
\n- pl ease register you participation
- please come to the Intercultural M eeting Place (IKT\, A12-002)
- please ensure your participation to A LL dates listed above
get more information and register here
LOCATION:IKT (A12-002) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-good-friday-german-national-holiday DTSTAMP:20241216T135123Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250418 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250419 SUMMARY:Good Friday: German national holiday DESCRIPTION:Good Friday is a national holiday in Germany\, shops and insti tutions are closed. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:Good Friday is a national holiday in Germa ny\, shops and institutions are closed.
LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-easter-monday-german-national-holiday DTSTAMP:20241216T135211Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250421 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250422 SUMMARY:Easter Monday: German national holiday DESCRIPTION:Easter Monday is a national holiday in Germany\, shops and ins titutions are closed. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:Easter Monday is a national holiday in Ger many\, shops and institutions are closed.
LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-study-abroad-fair-2025 DTSTAMP:20240930T151957Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250423 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250425 SUMMARY:Study Abroad Fair 2025 DESCRIPTION:Planning to go abroad for studies or an internship? What about the budget for such an adventure? We provide information on all topics r elated to your stay abroad. \nThe next "Study Abroad Fair" will be held o n 23 and 24 April 2025.\nFurther information will be available here in spr ing: \n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:Planning to go abr oad for studies or an internship? What about the budget for such an advent ure? \;We provide information on all topics related to your stay abroa d. \;
\nThe next "Study Abroad Fair" will be held on 23 and 24 April 2025.
\nFurther information will be available here in spring: \;
\n LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-labor-day-german-national-holiday DTSTAMP:20241216T135312Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250501 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250502 SUMMARY:Labor Day: German national holiday DESCRIPTION:Labor Day: National holiday in Germany\, shops and institution s are closed. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:Labor Day: National holiday in Germany\, s hops and institutions are closed.
LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-stammtisch-networking-for-international-doctoral-candidate s-and-postdocs-3 DTSTAMP:20241209T125626Z DTSTART:20250507T170000Z DTEND:20250507T190000Z SUMMARY:Stammtisch: Networking for international doctoral candidates and p ostdocs DESCRIPTION:You are kindly invited to join our “Stammtisch” where you can meet other international scholars and have a chat with the PhD tutors. \nWhen? Wednesday\, 7th May 2025\, 7 pm Where? “Papa Rossi” (Addres s: Ammerländer Heerstr. 250\, 26129 Oldenburg)\nYour first non-alcoholic drink will be free of charge. For more information on the restaurant and m enu\, please visit their official website.\nWe are looking forward to your registration. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:You are kindly invited to join our “Stam mtisch” where you can meet other international scholars and have a chat with the PhD tutors.
\nWhen? \;Wednesday\, 7th
May 2025\, 7 pm \;
Where? \;“Papa Rossi”
(Address: Ammerländer Heerstr. 250\, 26129 Oldenburg)
Your first non-alcoholic drink will be free of charge. For more information on the r estaurant and menu\, please visit their official website.
\nWe are l ooking forward to your registration.
LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-cheer-up-meetings-1-20250508 DTSTAMP:20250114T082648Z DTSTART:20250508T140000Z DTEND:20250508T170000Z SUMMARY:Cheer-up meetings for international students - starting your studi es off right DESCRIPTION:Are you an international student in the initial semesters of y our specialised studies? Studying in Germany provides you with opportuniti es but\, at the same time\, poses challenges you have to overcome. Interna tional students frequently report the following difficulties:\na gap betwe en the expectations and reality of studying and living in Germanyuncertain ty about the degree programme structure and processes in the education sys tem-a desire formore contact with other students\, especially localslangua ge problemsstress and emotional strainproblems with German bureaucracy (re sidence permit\, licence fee\, waste separation)\nEveryday life brings wit h it a variety of challenges when you begin your studies\, but you don’t have to tackle them on your own. Are you looking for help in managing the se or other personal and intercultural challenges as well as for exchanges with other students? Then you’ve come to the right place!\nThese are th e dates for our “Cheer-up” meetings during the summer term:\n11 April\ , 08 May\, 22 May\, 05 June\, 19 June\, 03 July 2025 from 4 to 7 pm.\nplea se register you participationplease come to the Intercultural Meeting Plac e (IKT\, A12-002)please ensure your participation to ALL dates listed abov e\nget more information and register here X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:Are you an international student in the in itial semesters of your specialised studies? Studying in Germany provides you with opportunities but\, at the same time\, poses challenges you have to overcome. International students frequently report the following diffic ulties:
\n- a gap between the expectations and reality of studyin g and living in Germany
- uncertainty about the degree programme str ucture and processes in the education system-a desire for
- more con tact with other students\, especially locals
- language problems
- stress and emotional strain
- problems with German bureaucracy (residence permit\, licence fee\, waste separation)
Everyday life brings with it a variety of challenges when you begin your studies\, but you don’t have to tackle them on your own. Are you looking for help in managing these or other personal and intercultural challenges as well as for exchanges with other students? Then you’ve come to the right plac e!
\nThese are the dates for our “Cheer-up” meetings during the summer term:
\n11 April\, 08 May\, 22 May\, 05 June\, 19 Jun e\, 03 July 2025 from 4 to 7 pm.
\n- pl ease register you participation
- please come to the Intercultural M eeting Place (IKT\, A12-002)
- please ensure your participation to A LL dates listed above
get more information and register here
LOCATION:IKT (A12-002) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-cheer-up-meetings-1-20250522 DTSTAMP:20250114T082648Z DTSTART:20250522T140000Z DTEND:20250522T170000Z SUMMARY:Cheer-up meetings for international students - starting your studi es off right DESCRIPTION:Are you an international student in the initial semesters of y our specialised studies? Studying in Germany provides you with opportuniti es but\, at the same time\, poses challenges you have to overcome. Interna tional students frequently report the following difficulties:\na gap betwe en the expectations and reality of studying and living in Germanyuncertain ty about the degree programme structure and processes in the education sys tem-a desire formore contact with other students\, especially localslangua ge problemsstress and emotional strainproblems with German bureaucracy (re sidence permit\, licence fee\, waste separation)\nEveryday life brings wit h it a variety of challenges when you begin your studies\, but you don’t have to tackle them on your own. Are you looking for help in managing the se or other personal and intercultural challenges as well as for exchanges with other students? Then you’ve come to the right place!\nThese are th e dates for our “Cheer-up” meetings during the summer term:\n11 April\ , 08 May\, 22 May\, 05 June\, 19 June\, 03 July 2025 from 4 to 7 pm.\nplea se register you participationplease come to the Intercultural Meeting Plac e (IKT\, A12-002)please ensure your participation to ALL dates listed abov e\nget more information and register here X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:Are you an international student in the in itial semesters of your specialised studies? Studying in Germany provides you with opportunities but\, at the same time\, poses challenges you have to overcome. International students frequently report the following diffic ulties:
\n- a gap between the expectations and reality of studyin g and living in Germany
- uncertainty about the degree programme str ucture and processes in the education system-a desire for
- more con tact with other students\, especially locals
- language problems
- stress and emotional strain
- problems with German bureaucracy (residence permit\, licence fee\, waste separation)
Everyday life brings with it a variety of challenges when you begin your studies\, but you don’t have to tackle them on your own. Are you looking for help in managing these or other personal and intercultural challenges as well as for exchanges with other students? Then you’ve come to the right plac e!
\nThese are the dates for our “Cheer-up” meetings during the summer term:
\n11 April\, 08 May\, 22 May\, 05 June\, 19 Jun e\, 03 July 2025 from 4 to 7 pm.
\n- pl ease register you participation
- please come to the Intercultural M eeting Place (IKT\, A12-002)
- please ensure your participation to A LL dates listed above
get more information and register here
LOCATION:IKT (A12-002) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-ascension-day-german-national-holiday DTSTAMP:20241216T135345Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250529 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250530 SUMMARY:Ascension Day: German national holiday DESCRIPTION:Ascension Day is a national holiday in Germany\, shops and ins titutions are closed. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:Ascension Day is a national holiday in Ger many\, shops and institutions are closed.
LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-stammtisch-networking-for-international-doctoral-candidate s-and-postdocs-4 DTSTAMP:20241209T130052Z DTSTART:20250604T170000Z DTEND:20250604T190000Z SUMMARY:Stammtisch: Networking for international doctoral candidates and p ostdocs DESCRIPTION:You are kindly invited to join our “Stammtisch” where you can meet other international scholars and have a chat with the PhD tutors. \nWhen? Wednesday\, 4th June 2025\, 7 pm Where? “Finca & Bar Celona” Wechloy (Adresse: Ammerländer Heerstr. 252\, 26129 Oldenburg)\nYour firs t non-alcoholic drink will be free of charge. For more information on the restaurant and menu\, please visit their official website.\nWe are looking forward to your registration. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:You are kindly invited to join our “Stam mtisch” where you can meet other international scholars and have a chat with the PhD tutors.
\nWhen? \;Wednesday\, 4th
June 2025\, 7 pm \;
Where? \;“Finca &\;
Bar Celona” Wechloy (Adresse: Ammerländer Heerstr. 252\, 26129 Oldenbu
Your first non-alcoholic drink will be free of charge. For mor e information on the restaurant and menu\, please visit their official web site.
\nWe are looking forward to your registration.
LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-cheer-up-meetings-1-20250605 DTSTAMP:20250114T082648Z DTSTART:20250605T140000Z DTEND:20250605T170000Z SUMMARY:Cheer-up meetings for international students - starting your studi es off right DESCRIPTION:Are you an international student in the initial semesters of y our specialised studies? Studying in Germany provides you with opportuniti es but\, at the same time\, poses challenges you have to overcome. Interna tional students frequently report the following difficulties:\na gap betwe en the expectations and reality of studying and living in Germanyuncertain ty about the degree programme structure and processes in the education sys tem-a desire formore contact with other students\, especially localslangua ge problemsstress and emotional strainproblems with German bureaucracy (re sidence permit\, licence fee\, waste separation)\nEveryday life brings wit h it a variety of challenges when you begin your studies\, but you don’t have to tackle them on your own. Are you looking for help in managing the se or other personal and intercultural challenges as well as for exchanges with other students? Then you’ve come to the right place!\nThese are th e dates for our “Cheer-up” meetings during the summer term:\n11 April\ , 08 May\, 22 May\, 05 June\, 19 June\, 03 July 2025 from 4 to 7 pm.\nplea se register you participationplease come to the Intercultural Meeting Plac e (IKT\, A12-002)please ensure your participation to ALL dates listed abov e\nget more information and register here X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:Are you an international student in the in itial semesters of your specialised studies? Studying in Germany provides you with opportunities but\, at the same time\, poses challenges you have to overcome. International students frequently report the following diffic ulties:
\n- a gap between the expectations and reality of studyin g and living in Germany
- uncertainty about the degree programme str ucture and processes in the education system-a desire for
- more con tact with other students\, especially locals
- language problems
- stress and emotional strain
- problems with German bureaucracy (residence permit\, licence fee\, waste separation)
Everyday life brings with it a variety of challenges when you begin your studies\, but you don’t have to tackle them on your own. Are you looking for help in managing these or other personal and intercultural challenges as well as for exchanges with other students? Then you’ve come to the right plac e!
\nThese are the dates for our “Cheer-up” meetings during the summer term:
\n11 April\, 08 May\, 22 May\, 05 June\, 19 Jun e\, 03 July 2025 from 4 to 7 pm.
\n- pl ease register you participation
- please come to the Intercultural M eeting Place (IKT\, A12-002)
- please ensure your participation to A LL dates listed above
get more information and register here
LOCATION:IKT (A12-002) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-whit-monday-german-national-holiday DTSTAMP:20241216T135534Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250609 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250610 SUMMARY:Whit Monday: German national holiday DESCRIPTION:Whit Monday is a national holiday in Germany\, shops and insti tutions are closed. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:Whit Monday is a national holiday in Germa ny\, shops and institutions are closed.
LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-cheer-up-meetings-1-20250619 DTSTAMP:20250114T082648Z DTSTART:20250619T140000Z DTEND:20250619T170000Z SUMMARY:Cheer-up meetings for international students - starting your studi es off right DESCRIPTION:Are you an international student in the initial semesters of y our specialised studies? Studying in Germany provides you with opportuniti es but\, at the same time\, poses challenges you have to overcome. Interna tional students frequently report the following difficulties:\na gap betwe en the expectations and reality of studying and living in Germanyuncertain ty about the degree programme structure and processes in the education sys tem-a desire formore contact with other students\, especially localslangua ge problemsstress and emotional strainproblems with German bureaucracy (re sidence permit\, licence fee\, waste separation)\nEveryday life brings wit h it a variety of challenges when you begin your studies\, but you don’t have to tackle them on your own. Are you looking for help in managing the se or other personal and intercultural challenges as well as for exchanges with other students? Then you’ve come to the right place!\nThese are th e dates for our “Cheer-up” meetings during the summer term:\n11 April\ , 08 May\, 22 May\, 05 June\, 19 June\, 03 July 2025 from 4 to 7 pm.\nplea se register you participationplease come to the Intercultural Meeting Plac e (IKT\, A12-002)please ensure your participation to ALL dates listed abov e\nget more information and register here X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:Are you an international student in the in itial semesters of your specialised studies? Studying in Germany provides you with opportunities but\, at the same time\, poses challenges you have to overcome. International students frequently report the following diffic ulties:
\n- a gap between the expectations and reality of studyin g and living in Germany
- uncertainty about the degree programme str ucture and processes in the education system-a desire for
- more con tact with other students\, especially locals
- language problems
- stress and emotional strain
- problems with German bureaucracy (residence permit\, licence fee\, waste separation)
Everyday life brings with it a variety of challenges when you begin your studies\, but you don’t have to tackle them on your own. Are you looking for help in managing these or other personal and intercultural challenges as well as for exchanges with other students? Then you’ve come to the right plac e!
\nThese are the dates for our “Cheer-up” meetings during the summer term:
\n11 April\, 08 May\, 22 May\, 05 June\, 19 Jun e\, 03 July 2025 from 4 to 7 pm.
\n- pl ease register you participation
- please come to the Intercultural M eeting Place (IKT\, A12-002)
- please ensure your participation to A LL dates listed above
get more information and register here
LOCATION:IKT (A12-002) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-stammtisch-networking-for-international-doctoral-candidate s-and-postdocs-5 DTSTAMP:20241209T132508Z DTSTART:20250702T170000Z DTEND:20250702T190000Z SUMMARY:Stammtisch: Networking for international doctoral candidates and p ostdocs DESCRIPTION:You are kindly invited to join our “Stammtisch” where you can meet other international scholars and have a chat with the PhD tutors. \nWhen? Wednesday\, 2nd July 2025\, 7 pm Where? “Ols - Brauhaus am Ha fen” (Address: Stau 34\, 26122 Oldenburg)\nYour first non-alcoholic drin k will be free of charge. For more information on the restaurant and menu\ , please visit their official website.\nWe are looking forward to your reg istration. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:You are kindly invited to join our “Stam mtisch” where you can meet other international scholars and have a chat with the PhD tutors.
\nWhen? \;Wednesday\, 2nd
July 2025\, 7 pm \;
Where? \;“Ols - Brauha
us am Hafen” (Address: Stau 34\, 26122 Oldenburg)
Your first non -alcoholic drink will be free of charge. For more information on the resta urant and menu\, please visit their official website.
\nWe are looki ng forward to your registration.
LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-cheer-up-meetings-1-20250703 DTSTAMP:20250114T082648Z DTSTART:20250703T140000Z DTEND:20250703T170000Z SUMMARY:Cheer-up meetings for international students - starting your studi es off right DESCRIPTION:Are you an international student in the initial semesters of y our specialised studies? Studying in Germany provides you with opportuniti es but\, at the same time\, poses challenges you have to overcome. Interna tional students frequently report the following difficulties:\na gap betwe en the expectations and reality of studying and living in Germanyuncertain ty about the degree programme structure and processes in the education sys tem-a desire formore contact with other students\, especially localslangua ge problemsstress and emotional strainproblems with German bureaucracy (re sidence permit\, licence fee\, waste separation)\nEveryday life brings wit h it a variety of challenges when you begin your studies\, but you don’t have to tackle them on your own. Are you looking for help in managing the se or other personal and intercultural challenges as well as for exchanges with other students? Then you’ve come to the right place!\nThese are th e dates for our “Cheer-up” meetings during the summer term:\n11 April\ , 08 May\, 22 May\, 05 June\, 19 June\, 03 July 2025 from 4 to 7 pm.\nplea se register you participationplease come to the Intercultural Meeting Plac e (IKT\, A12-002)please ensure your participation to ALL dates listed abov e\nget more information and register here X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:Are you an international student in the in itial semesters of your specialised studies? Studying in Germany provides you with opportunities but\, at the same time\, poses challenges you have to overcome. International students frequently report the following diffic ulties:
\n- a gap between the expectations and reality of studyin g and living in Germany
- uncertainty about the degree programme str ucture and processes in the education system-a desire for
- more con tact with other students\, especially locals
- language problems
- stress and emotional strain
- problems with German bureaucracy (residence permit\, licence fee\, waste separation)
Everyday life brings with it a variety of challenges when you begin your studies\, but you don’t have to tackle them on your own. Are you looking for help in managing these or other personal and intercultural challenges as well as for exchanges with other students? Then you’ve come to the right plac e!
\nThese are the dates for our “Cheer-up” meetings during the summer term:
\n11 April\, 08 May\, 22 May\, 05 June\, 19 Jun e\, 03 July 2025 from 4 to 7 pm.
\n- pl ease register you participation
- please come to the Intercultural M eeting Place (IKT\, A12-002)
- please ensure your participation to A LL dates listed above
get more information and register here
LOCATION:IKT (A12-002) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-stammtisch-networking-for-international-doctoral-candidate s-and-postdocs-6 DTSTAMP:20241209T132931Z DTSTART:20250806T170000Z DTEND:20250806T190000Z SUMMARY:Stammtisch: Networking for international doctoral candidates and p ostdocs DESCRIPTION:You are kindly invited to join our “Stammtisch” where you can meet other international scholars and have a chat with the PhD tutors. \nWhen? Wednesday\, 6th August 2025\, 7 pm Where? “Gleispark” (Addr ess: Bundesbahnweg\, 26122 Oldenburg)\nYour first non-alcoholic drink will be free of charge. For more information on the restaurant and menu\, plea se visit their official website.\nWe are looking forward to your registrat ion. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:You are kindly invited to join our “Stam mtisch” where you can meet other international scholars and have a chat with the PhD tutors.
\nWhen? \;Wednesday\, 6th
August 2025\, 7 pm \;
Where? \;“Gleispark”
(Address: Bundesbahnweg\, 26122 Oldenburg)
Your first non-alcohol ic drink will be free of charge. For more information on the restaurant an d menu\, please visit their official website.
\nWe are looking forwa rd to your registration.
LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-stammtisch-networking-for-international-doctoral-candidate s-and-postdocs-7 DTSTAMP:20241209T133719Z DTSTART:20250903T170000Z DTEND:20250903T190000Z SUMMARY:Stammtisch: Networking for international doctoral candidates and p ostdocs DESCRIPTION:You are kindly invited to join our “Stammtisch” where you can meet other international scholars and have a chat with the PhD tutors. \nWhen? Wednesday\, 3rd September 2025\, 7 pm Where? “Peter Pane” ( Address: Heiligengeistwall 10-13\, 26122 Oldenburg)\nYour first non-alcoho lic drink will be free of charge. For more information on the restaurant a nd menu\, please visit their official website.\nWe are looking forward to your registration. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:You are kindly invited to join our “Stam mtisch” where you can meet other international scholars and have a chat with the PhD tutors.
\nWhen? \;Wednesday\, 3rd
September 2025\, 7 pm \;
Where? \;“Peter P
ane” (Address: Heiligengeistwall 10-13\, 26122 Oldenburg)
Your f irst non-alcoholic drink will be free of charge. For more information on t he restaurant and menu\, please visit their official website.
\nWe a re looking forward to your registration.
LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-stammtisch-networking-for-international-doctoral-candidate s-and-postdocs-8 DTSTAMP:20241209T133955Z DTSTART:20251001T170000Z DTEND:20251001T190000Z SUMMARY:Stammtisch: Networking for international doctoral candidates and p ostdocs DESCRIPTION:You are kindly invited to join our “Stammtisch” where you can meet other international scholars and have a chat with the PhD tutors. \nWhen? Wednesday\, 1st October 2025\, 7 pm Where? “MA” (Address: M arkt 6\, 26122 Oldenburg)\nYour first non-alcoholic drink will be free of charge. For more information on the restaurant and menu\, please visit the ir official website.\nWe are looking forward to your registration. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:You are kindly invited to join our “Stam mtisch” where you can meet other international scholars and have a chat with the PhD tutors.
\nWhen? \;Wednesday\, 1st
October 2025\, 7 pm \;
Where? \;“MA” (Ad
dress: Markt 6\, 26122 Oldenburg)
Your first non-alcoholic drink w ill be free of charge. For more information on the restaurant and menu\, p lease visit their official website.
\nWe are looking forward to your registration.
LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-german-unity-day-national-holiday DTSTAMP:20241216T140457Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20251003 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20251004 SUMMARY:German Unity Day: national holiday DESCRIPTION:German Unity Day (03 October) is a national holiday. Many inst itutions and most shops (and of course the university!) are closed. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:German Unity Day (03 October) is a nationa l holiday. Many institutions and most shops (and of course the university! ) are closed.
LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-national-holiday-reformation-day DTSTAMP:20241216T140613Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20251031 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20251101 SUMMARY:National holiday: Reformation Day DESCRIPTION:Reformation Day on 31 October is a public holiday in Lower Sax ony. Please note that all shops\, with the exception of some petrol statio ns and kiosks\, and all institutions\, including the university\, will be closed on this day. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:Reformation Day on 31 October is a public
holiday in Lower Saxony.
Please note that all shops\, with the excep
tion of some petrol stations and kiosks\, and all institutions\, including
the university\, will be closed on this day.
You are kindly invited to join our “Stam mtisch” where you can meet other international scholars and have a chat with the PhD tutors.
\nWhen? \;Wednesday\, 5th
November 2025\, 7 pm \;
Where? \;“BESCHTE!
” (Address: Schützenweg 22\, 26129 Oldenburg)
Your first non-al coholic drink will be free of charge. For more information on the restaura nt and menu\, please visit their official website.
\nWe are looking forward to your registration.
LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-daad-6-20251209 DTSTAMP:20241206T122752Z DTSTART:20251209T080000Z DTEND:20251209T110000Z SUMMARY:DAAD DESCRIPTION:The DAAD language certificate in English is part of many appli cations for a semester abroad or scholarships.\nFor further information or registration please click here\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:The DAAD language certificate in English i s part of many applications for a semester abroad or scholarships.
\nFor further information or registration please click here