International Office

Welcome to the International Office!

When it comes to international activities, the International Office is the heart and soul of the University of Oldenburg. Our mission is to coordinate and manage international exchange and research partnerships, cooperation agreements around the world, as well as the development and realisation of projects with international partners.

We will be happy to advise you if you are interested in studying at the University of Oldenburg. Come and join the 1,400 international students already enrolled. We also advise students when planning to study abroad – either within Europe (Erasmus+) or worldwide.

We provide researchers and academic staff from the University of Oldenburg with support, guidance, and information throughout the process of preparing and completing a stay abroad. Equally, the International Office assists academics from around the globe who wish to work or teach at the University of Oldenburg.

Call for Applications / Deadlines

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendarize//EN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-daad-award-for-outstandig-international-students-and-docto ral-candidates DTSTAMP:20240624T115336Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20240701 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20241111 SUMMARY:DAAD-Award for outstandig international students and doctoral cand idates DESCRIPTION:DAAD-Award for outstandig international students and doctoral candidates X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

DAAD-Award for outstandig international students and doctoral ca ndidates


Calendar of events

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendarize//EN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-erasmus-days-2024 DTSTAMP:20240828T144318Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241014 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20241020 SUMMARY:Erasmus Days 2024 DESCRIPTION:\nVarious events will be held at the University of Oldenburg a s part of the Erasmus Days 2024. \nDatum/UhrzeitVeranstaltungOrtTuesday\, 15.10. (12:00-13:00)Erasmus+ Lunchtime TalkA12 / IKTTuesday\, 15.10. (14: 00-16:30)Erasmus+ Coffee&AnswersA12 / IKTTuesday\, 15.10. (ab 18:30)Europa Pub QuizKarin's KneipeWednesday\, 16.10. (11:30-14:00)From Wechloy into t he world – meet your International Office advisorsWechloy Ringebene X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:


Various events will be held at t he University of Oldenburg as part of the Erasmus Days 2024. \;

Datum/UhrzeitVe ranstaltungOrt
Tuesday\, 15.10. ( 12:00-13:00)Erasmus+ Lunchti me TalkA12 / IKT
Tuesday\, 15.10. (14:00-16: 30)Erasmus+ Coffee&\;AnswersA12 / IK T
Tuesday\, 15.10. (ab 18:30)Europa Pub Qu izKarin's Kneipe
Wednesday\, 16.10. (11:30-1 4:00)Fr om Wechloy into the world – meet your International Office advisors< /td>Wechloy Ringebene
LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-lunchtime-talk-auslandsaufenthalte-mit-erasmus DTSTAMP:20240918T085748Z DTSTART:20241015T100000Z DTEND:20241015T110000Z SUMMARY:Erasmus+ Lunchtime talk DESCRIPTION:This session is part of the Erasmus Days 2024.\nWith the Erasm us+ Lunchtime talk on “Going abroad with Erasmus+: study and intern in E urope and beyond”\, we would like to give you an overview of the funding opportunities within the Erasmus+ program. Why not take the opportunity t o find out more and ask your questions?  \nPlease note: This session will be held in German. If you prefer English\, please use join out Coffee&Ans wers session between 14:00 and 16:30.  X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

This session is part of the Erasmus Days 2024.


With the Erasmus+ Lunchtime talk on “Going abroad with Erasmus+: study and i ntern in Europe and beyond”\, we would like to give you an overview of t he funding opportunities within the Erasmus+ program. Why not take the opp ortunity to find out more and ask your questions?  \;


Please note: This session will be held in German. If you p refer English\, please use join out Coffee&\;Answers s ession between 14:00 and 16:30. \;

LOCATION:SSC/A12 Intercultural meet-up ( END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-erasmus-coffee-answers DTSTAMP:20240918T092127Z DTSTART:20241015T120000Z DTEND:20241015T143000Z SUMMARY:Erasmus+ Coffee & Answers DESCRIPTION:This session is part of the Erasmus Days 2024.\nAre you thinki ng about going abroad\, but don't quite know how and where? Or are you alr eady planning a stay abroad within Europe and would like to find out about your financing options?\nWe've got you covered! Join us for our Coffee&An swers session and plan your upcoming stay abroad in a relaxed and stress-f ree atmosphere with tea/coffee.\n(The event replaces the regular office ho urs\, please come to the IKT with your questions if you have questions tha t you do not wish to ask in this context\, please come to our office hours on Thursday between 10:00 and 12:30\, which will take place as usual). X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

This session is part of the Erasmus Days 2024.


Are you thinking about going abroad\, but don't quite know how and where? Or a re you already planning a stay abroad within Europe and would like to find out about your financing options?


We've got you covered! Join us for our Coffee&\;Answers session and plan your upcoming stay abroad in a relaxed and stress-free atmosphere with tea/coffee.


(The event replaces the regular office hours\, please come to the IKT wi th your questions if you have questions that you do not wish to ask in thi s context\, please come to our office hours on Thursday between 10:00 and 12:30\, which will take place as usual).

LOCATION:SSC/A12 Intercultural meet-up END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-europa-pub-quiz DTSTAMP:20240918T100452Z DTSTART:20241015T163000Z SUMMARY:Europa Pub Quiz DESCRIPTION:This session is part of the Erasmus Days 2024.\nLet the inform ation sink in and end the day with a pub quiz in Karin's Kneipe and test y our knowledge on Europe.  X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

This session is part of the Erasmus Days 2024.


Let the information sink in and end the day with a pub quiz in Karin's Kneipe and test your knowledge on Europe. \;

LOCATION:Karin's Kneipe ( END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-from-wechloy-into-the-world-meet-your-international-office -advisors DTSTAMP:20240918T093334Z DTSTART:20241016T093000Z DTEND:20241016T120000Z SUMMARY:From Wechloy into the world – meet your International Office adv isors DESCRIPTION:This session is part of the Erasmus Days 2024.\nAre you intere sted in studying abroad and need some guidance on how to organize and fina nce your stay? You are studying at Campus Wechloy and did not have the opp ortunity to participate in yesterday's offer? Then visit us at our stand o n the ring level above the canteen in Wechloy.\nThis is a good opportunity for all students to get an overview of the many different study abroad pr ograms\, exchange and financing options  to explore their own future pros pects. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

This session is part of the Erasmus Days 2024.


Are you interested in studying abroad and need some guidance on how to organiz e and finance your stay? You are studying at Campus Wechloy and did not ha ve the opportunity to participate in yesterday's offer? Then visit us at o ur stand on the ring level above the canteen in Wechloy.


This is a good opportunity for all students to get an overview of the many differen t study abroad programs\, exchange and financing options  \;to explore their own future prospects.

LOCATION:Ring level above the Mensa in Wechloy END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-excursion-to-bremerhaven DTSTAMP:20240719T115343Z DTSTART:20241019T071500Z DTEND:20241019T190000Z SUMMARY:Excursion to Bremerhaven DESCRIPTION:Explore Bremerhaven with us! Bremerhaven is not only famous fo r its harbour but also for its maritime university and the large number of nationally and internationally renowned research institutions (e.g. AWI\, Fraunhofer\, DLR\, Thünen).\nWe will take the bus from Oldenburg ZOB and arrive in Bremerhaven at 11 am. Our first stop will be an extensive visit to one of the two museums Bremerhaven is known for: Klimahaus („Clima te House”) and Deutsches Auswandererhaus („The German Emigration Cent er”). There will be two groups so that you can choose which museum you w ould like to visit. You can bring some packed lunch or buy a snack at one of the museum restaurants.\nAfterwards\, we will go for a walk by the harb our promenade including a trip to a viewing platform (costs: 4€). In the case of rain\, we will visit the outlet mall instead. \nA joint meal at a restaurant (at your own expense) is planned for later in the afternoon b efore we head back to Oldenburg by bus and train at 7 pm (arrival in Olden burg: 8:53 pm).\nIf you have a semester ticket or Deutschlandticket („Ge rmany ticket”)\, please bring it with you on the day of excursion. We ca n only provide tickets for those who do not have a ticket subscription. Th ank you!\nMeeting point: ZOB Oldenburg\, bus platform G (bus no. 440 to Br emerhaven) Time: 9:15 am (bus departure 9:35 am)\nCosts covered by the Int ernational Office: entry to one museum\, bus/ train ticket from Oldenburg ZOB to Bremerhaven and return (if applicable) Costs covered by participant s: entry to viewing platform (4€)\, food/ restaurant\nRegistration: Plea se note that there are two Bremerhaven events on our registration platform . We kindly ask that you register according to your choice of museum by 15 th October 2024. As places are limited for this excursion\, your registrat ion is binding. In case you need to cancel your registration\, please noti fy us via email to Thank you! You can register here.\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Explore Bremerhaven with us! Bremerhaven i s not only famous for its harbour but also for its maritime university and the large number of nationally and internationally renowned research inst itutions (e.g. AWI\, Fraunhofer\, DLR\, Thünen).


We will take the bus from Oldenburg ZOB and arrive in Bremerhaven at 11 am. Our first stop will be an extensive visit to one of the two museums Bremerhaven is known for: \;Klimahaus \;(„Climate House”) and Deutsches \;Auswa ndererhaus („The German Emigration Center”). There will be two gro ups so that you can choose which museum you would like to visit. You can bring some packed lunch or buy a snack at one of the museu m restaurants.


Afterwards\, we will go for a walk by the harbour p romenade including a trip to a viewing platform (costs: 4€). In the case of rain\, we will visit the outlet mall instead. \;


A joint m eal at a restaurant (at your own expense) is planned for later in the afte rnoon before we head back to Oldenburg by bus and train at 7 pm (arrival i n Oldenburg: 8:53 pm).


If you have a semester ticket or De utschlandticket („Germany ticket”)\, please bring it with you on the d ay of excursion. We can only provide tickets for those who do not have a t icket subscription. Thank you!


Meeting point: ZOB Oldenburg\, bus platform G (bus no. 440 to Bremerhaven)
Time: 9:15 am (bus departure 9:35 am)


Costs covered by the In ternational Office: entry to one museum\, bus/ train ticket from Oldenburg ZOB to Bremerhaven and return (if applicable)
Cost s covered by participants: entry to viewing platform (4€)\, foo d/ restaurant


Registration: Please note that ther e are two Bremerhaven events on our registration platform. We kindly ask t hat you register according to your choice of museum by 15th Octobe r 2024. As places are limited for this e xcursion\, your registration is binding. In case you need to cancel your registration\, please notify us via email to Thank y ou! You can register here.

\n\n LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-research-abroad-scholarships-and-funding-for-early-career- researchers DTSTAMP:20240814T105901Z DTSTART:20241029T110000Z DTEND:20241029T120000Z SUMMARY:Research abroad: Scholarships and funding for early career researc hers DESCRIPTION:Doing research and establishing international networks as a Ph .D. student or a postdoc at the University of Oldenburg: For many\, that s till seems unattainable. But it is not that difficult and we will show you how to pursue this goal. The info session will provide you with an overvi ew of paths and possibilities to do research abroad and how the funding la ndscape facilitates your endeavours. \nThe event is aimed at doctoral can didates and postdoctoral researchers from all disciplines at the Universit y of Oldenburg. On request\, an individual funding counselling session wit h one of the speakers can take place after the seminar. If you would like to take advantage of this additional service\, please contact us before th e seminar at (doctoral candidates) and anne.clausen (postdocs)  so that we can arrange an appointment with you.\nRoma n Behrens graduated with a master of arts (medicine history) and a master of business administration (education and science management) at the Unive rsity of Oldenburg. Since his studies he has worked as a regional coordina tor for Africa\, Asia\, Oceania and Russia in the International Office. Fi elds of work include fostering mobility flows (students\, Ph.D. candidates and teaching staff)\, advising interested university staff regarding fund ing options for projects abroad as well as cooperation and contract manage ment with international HEI partners. \nDr. Anne Clausen is a research co nsultant at the University of Oldenburg and advises postdoctoral academics on funding opportunities offered by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)\, the Humboldt Foundation\, the Fulbright Programme and the Federal Ministries of Germany. She has 20 years of relevant professional experien ce in research funding\, policy advice and science management in various i nternational higher education systems in Europe and overseas. Anne regular ly shares her expertise in specialist seminars and offers researchers comp rehensive support and tailored advice on funding applications in the conte xt of career strategies.\nSpeakers: Roman Behrens (International Office) a nd Dr. Anne Clausen (Department of Research and Transfer)\, both Universit y of Oldenburg \nLanguage: English\nNumber of participants: not limited\n Costs: none X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Doing research and establishing int ernational networks as a Ph.D. student or a postdoc at the University of O ldenburg: For many\, that still seems unattainable. But it is not that dif ficult and we will show you how to pursue this goal. The info session will provide you with an overview of paths and possibilities to do research ab road and how the funding landscape facilitates your endeavours. \;


The event is aimed at doctoral candidates and postdoct oral researchers from all disciplines at the University of Oldenburg. On r equest\, an individual funding counselling session with one of the speaker s can take place after the seminar. If you would like to take advantage of this additional service\, please contact us before the seminar at \;< /span> (doctoral candidates) and \; (postdocs)  \; so that we can arrange an appointment with you.


Roman Behrens graduated with a master of arts (medicine history) and a master of business administration (education and science management ) at the University of Oldenburg. Since his studies he has worked as a reg ional coordinator for Africa\, Asia\, Oceania and Russia in the Internatio nal Office. Fields of work include fostering mobility flows (students\, Ph .D. candidates and teaching staff)\, advising interested university staff regarding funding options for projects abroad as well as cooperation and c ontract management with international HEI partners. \;


Dr. Anne Clausen is a research consultant at the University of O ldenburg and advises postdoctoral academics on funding opportunities offer ed by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)\, the Humboldt Foundatio n\, the Fulbright Programme and the Federal Ministries of Germany. She has 20 years of relevant professional experience in research funding\, policy advice and science management in various international higher education s ystems in Europe and overseas. Anne regularly shares her expertise in spec ialist seminars and offers researchers comprehensive support and tailored advice on funding applications in the context of career strategies.

\n< p>Speakers: Roman Behrens (International Office) and Dr. Anne Clausen (Dep artment of Research and Transfer)\, both University of Oldenburg \;


Language: English


Number of participants: not limited

\n< p>Costs: none

LOCATION:online via BigBlueButton END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-national-holiday-reformation-day DTSTAMP:20231201T123208Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241031 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20241101 SUMMARY:National holiday: Reformation Day DESCRIPTION:Reformation Day on 31 October is a public holiday in Lower Sax ony. Please note that all shops\, with the exception of some petrol statio ns and kiosks\, and all institutions\, including the university\, will be closed on this day. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Reformation Day on 31 October is a public holiday in Lower Saxony.
Please note that all shops\, with the excep tion of some petrol stations and kiosks\, and all institutions\, including the university\, will be closed on this day.

LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-stammtisch-networking-for-international-doctoral-candidate s-and-postdocs-26 DTSTAMP:20231212T155707Z DTSTART:20241106T180000Z DTEND:20241106T200000Z SUMMARY:Stammtisch: networking for international doctoral candidates and p ostdocs DESCRIPTION:You are kindly invited to join our “Stammtisch” where you can meet other international scholars and have a chat with the PhD tutors. \nWhen? Wednesday\, 6th November 2024\, 7 pm  Where? “EZ Moda Grand Café” (Address: Lange Str. 2\, 26122 Oldenburg)\nYour first non-alcoho lic drink will be free of charge. For more information on the restaurant a nd menu\, please visit their official website.\nWe are looking forward to your registration. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

You are kindly invited to join our “Stam mtisch” where you can meet other international scholars and have a chat with the PhD tutors.


When? \;Wednesday\, 6th \;November \;2024\, 7 pm \;
Where?&nb sp\;“EZ Moda Grand Café” (Address: Lange Str. 2\, 26122 Olde nburg)


Your first non-alcoholic drink will be free of charge. For more information on the restaurant and menu\, please visit their official website.


We are looking forward to your registration.

LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-cheer-up-meetings-20241107 DTSTAMP:20240624T103519Z DTSTART:20241107T150000Z DTEND:20241107T180000Z SUMMARY:Cheer-up meetings for international students - starting your (spec ialised) studies off right DESCRIPTION:Are you an international student in the initial semesters of y our specialised studies? Studying in Germany provides you with opportuniti es but\, at the same time\, poses challenges you have to overcome. Interna tional students frequently report the following difficulties:\n a gap bet ween the expectations and reality of studying and living in Germany uncer tainty about the degree programme structure and processes in the education system-a desire for more contact with other students\, especially locals language problems stress and emotional strain problems with German bur eaucracy (residence permit\, licence fee\, waste separation) \nEveryday li fe brings with it a variety of challenges when you begin your studies\, bu t you don’t have to tackle them on your own. Are you looking for help in managing these or other personal and intercultural challenges as well as for exchanges with other students? Then you’ve come to the right place!\ nThese are the dates for our “Cheer-up” meetings during the winter  t erm:\n02 November\, 21 November\, 05 December\, 19 December\, 09 January\, 23 January  2024/25 from 4 to 7 pm.\n please register you participation   please come to the Intercultural Meeting Place (IKT\, A12-002) pleas e ensure your participation to ALL dates listed above \nget more informati on and register here X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Are you an international student in the in itial semesters of your specialised studies? Studying in Germany provides you with opportunities but\, at the same time\, poses challenges you have to overcome. International students frequently report the following diffic ulties:

  • a gap between the expectations and reality of study ing and living in Germany
  • uncertainty about the degree programme structure and processes in the education system-a desire for
  • mo re contact with other students\, especially locals
  • language prob lems
  • stress and emotional strain
  • problems with German bureaucracy (residence permit\, licence fee\, waste separation)

Everyday life brings with it a variety of challenges when you begin y our studies\, but you don’t have to tackle them on your own. Are you loo king for help in managing these or other personal and intercultural challe nges as well as for exchanges with other students? Then you’ve come to t he right place!


These are the dates for our “Cheer-up” meeting s during the winter \; term:


02 November\, 21 November \, 05 December\, 19 December\, 09 January\, 23 January \; 2024/25 from 4 to 7 pm.

  • please register you participation  \;
  • please come to \;the Intercultural Meeting Place (IKT\, A 12-002)
  • please ensure your participation to ALL dates listed abo ve

get more information and register here

LOCATION:IKT (A12-002) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-winter-school-24 DTSTAMP:20240408T131510Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241118 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20241123 SUMMARY:DAAD Lehramt.International Winter School DESCRIPTION: X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html: LOCATION:Oldenburg (hybrid) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-teaching-across-borders-workshop-3 DTSTAMP:20240408T131025Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241121 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20241122 SUMMARY:Teaching Across Borders Workshop III DESCRIPTION: X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html: cross-borders

LOCATION:Universität Oldenburg (hybrid) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-cheer-up-meetings-20241121 DTSTAMP:20240624T103519Z DTSTART:20241121T150000Z DTEND:20241121T180000Z SUMMARY:Cheer-up meetings for international students - starting your (spec ialised) studies off right DESCRIPTION:Are you an international student in the initial semesters of y our specialised studies? Studying in Germany provides you with opportuniti es but\, at the same time\, poses challenges you have to overcome. Interna tional students frequently report the following difficulties:\n a gap bet ween the expectations and reality of studying and living in Germany uncer tainty about the degree programme structure and processes in the education system-a desire for more contact with other students\, especially locals language problems stress and emotional strain problems with German bur eaucracy (residence permit\, licence fee\, waste separation) \nEveryday li fe brings with it a variety of challenges when you begin your studies\, bu t you don’t have to tackle them on your own. Are you looking for help in managing these or other personal and intercultural challenges as well as for exchanges with other students? Then you’ve come to the right place!\ nThese are the dates for our “Cheer-up” meetings during the winter  t erm:\n02 November\, 21 November\, 05 December\, 19 December\, 09 January\, 23 January  2024/25 from 4 to 7 pm.\n please register you participation   please come to the Intercultural Meeting Place (IKT\, A12-002) pleas e ensure your participation to ALL dates listed above \nget more informati on and register here X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Are you an international student in the in itial semesters of your specialised studies? Studying in Germany provides you with opportunities but\, at the same time\, poses challenges you have to overcome. International students frequently report the following diffic ulties:

  • a gap between the expectations and reality of study ing and living in Germany
  • uncertainty about the degree programme structure and processes in the education system-a desire for
  • mo re contact with other students\, especially locals
  • language prob lems
  • stress and emotional strain
  • problems with German bureaucracy (residence permit\, licence fee\, waste separation)

Everyday life brings with it a variety of challenges when you begin y our studies\, but you don’t have to tackle them on your own. Are you loo king for help in managing these or other personal and intercultural challe nges as well as for exchanges with other students? Then you’ve come to t he right place!


These are the dates for our “Cheer-up” meeting s during the winter \; term:


02 November\, 21 November \, 05 December\, 19 December\, 09 January\, 23 January \; 2024/25 from 4 to 7 pm.

  • please register you participation  \;
  • please come to \;the Intercultural Meeting Place (IKT\, A 12-002)
  • please ensure your participation to ALL dates listed abo ve

get more information and register here

LOCATION:IKT (A12-002) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-cheer-up-meetings-20241205 DTSTAMP:20240624T103519Z DTSTART:20241205T150000Z DTEND:20241205T180000Z SUMMARY:Cheer-up meetings for international students - starting your (spec ialised) studies off right DESCRIPTION:Are you an international student in the initial semesters of y our specialised studies? Studying in Germany provides you with opportuniti es but\, at the same time\, poses challenges you have to overcome. Interna tional students frequently report the following difficulties:\n a gap bet ween the expectations and reality of studying and living in Germany uncer tainty about the degree programme structure and processes in the education system-a desire for more contact with other students\, especially locals language problems stress and emotional strain problems with German bur eaucracy (residence permit\, licence fee\, waste separation) \nEveryday li fe brings with it a variety of challenges when you begin your studies\, bu t you don’t have to tackle them on your own. Are you looking for help in managing these or other personal and intercultural challenges as well as for exchanges with other students? Then you’ve come to the right place!\ nThese are the dates for our “Cheer-up” meetings during the winter  t erm:\n02 November\, 21 November\, 05 December\, 19 December\, 09 January\, 23 January  2024/25 from 4 to 7 pm.\n please register you participation   please come to the Intercultural Meeting Place (IKT\, A12-002) pleas e ensure your participation to ALL dates listed above \nget more informati on and register here X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Are you an international student in the in itial semesters of your specialised studies? Studying in Germany provides you with opportunities but\, at the same time\, poses challenges you have to overcome. International students frequently report the following diffic ulties:

  • a gap between the expectations and reality of study ing and living in Germany
  • uncertainty about the degree programme structure and processes in the education system-a desire for
  • mo re contact with other students\, especially locals
  • language prob lems
  • stress and emotional strain
  • problems with German bureaucracy (residence permit\, licence fee\, waste separation)

Everyday life brings with it a variety of challenges when you begin y our studies\, but you don’t have to tackle them on your own. Are you loo king for help in managing these or other personal and intercultural challe nges as well as for exchanges with other students? Then you’ve come to t he right place!


These are the dates for our “Cheer-up” meeting s during the winter \; term:


02 November\, 21 November \, 05 December\, 19 December\, 09 January\, 23 January \; 2024/25 from 4 to 7 pm.

  • please register you participation  \;
  • please come to \;the Intercultural Meeting Place (IKT\, A 12-002)
  • please ensure your participation to ALL dates listed abo ve

get more information and register here

LOCATION:IKT (A12-002) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-cheer-up-meetings-20241219 DTSTAMP:20240624T103519Z DTSTART:20241219T150000Z DTEND:20241219T180000Z SUMMARY:Cheer-up meetings for international students - starting your (spec ialised) studies off right DESCRIPTION:Are you an international student in the initial semesters of y our specialised studies? Studying in Germany provides you with opportuniti es but\, at the same time\, poses challenges you have to overcome. Interna tional students frequently report the following difficulties:\n a gap bet ween the expectations and reality of studying and living in Germany uncer tainty about the degree programme structure and processes in the education system-a desire for more contact with other students\, especially locals language problems stress and emotional strain problems with German bur eaucracy (residence permit\, licence fee\, waste separation) \nEveryday li fe brings with it a variety of challenges when you begin your studies\, bu t you don’t have to tackle them on your own. Are you looking for help in managing these or other personal and intercultural challenges as well as for exchanges with other students? Then you’ve come to the right place!\ nThese are the dates for our “Cheer-up” meetings during the winter  t erm:\n02 November\, 21 November\, 05 December\, 19 December\, 09 January\, 23 January  2024/25 from 4 to 7 pm.\n please register you participation   please come to the Intercultural Meeting Place (IKT\, A12-002) pleas e ensure your participation to ALL dates listed above \nget more informati on and register here X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Are you an international student in the in itial semesters of your specialised studies? Studying in Germany provides you with opportunities but\, at the same time\, poses challenges you have to overcome. International students frequently report the following diffic ulties:

  • a gap between the expectations and reality of study ing and living in Germany
  • uncertainty about the degree programme structure and processes in the education system-a desire for
  • mo re contact with other students\, especially locals
  • language prob lems
  • stress and emotional strain
  • problems with German bureaucracy (residence permit\, licence fee\, waste separation)

Everyday life brings with it a variety of challenges when you begin y our studies\, but you don’t have to tackle them on your own. Are you loo king for help in managing these or other personal and intercultural challe nges as well as for exchanges with other students? Then you’ve come to t he right place!


These are the dates for our “Cheer-up” meeting s during the winter \; term:


02 November\, 21 November \, 05 December\, 19 December\, 09 January\, 23 January \; 2024/25 from 4 to 7 pm.

  • please register you participation  \;
  • please come to \;the Intercultural Meeting Place (IKT\, A 12-002)
  • please ensure your participation to ALL dates listed abo ve

get more information and register here

LOCATION:IKT (A12-002) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-national-holidays-christmas DTSTAMP:20240111T150205Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20241224 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20241227 SUMMARY:National holidays: Christmas DESCRIPTION:Christmas holidays are: 24 December (Christmas Eve)\, 25 Decem ber\, 26 December \nPlease note that all shops\, with the exception of so me petrol stations and kiosks\, and all institutions\, including the unive rsity\, will be closed on these days. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Christmas holidays are: 24 December (Chris tmas Eve)\, 25 December\, 26 December \;


Please note that all shops\, with the exception of some petrol stations and kiosks\, and all in stitutions\, including the university\, will be closed on these days.

LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-new-years-day DTSTAMP:20240111T150355Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250101 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250102 SUMMARY:New Year's Day DESCRIPTION:First of January\, New Year's Day\, is a public holiday in Ger many\, shops and institutions are closed. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

First of January\, New Year's Day\, is a p ublic holiday in Germany\, shops and institutions are closed.

LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-cheer-up-meetings-20250109 DTSTAMP:20240624T103519Z DTSTART:20250109T150000Z DTEND:20250109T180000Z SUMMARY:Cheer-up meetings for international students - starting your (spec ialised) studies off right DESCRIPTION:Are you an international student in the initial semesters of y our specialised studies? Studying in Germany provides you with opportuniti es but\, at the same time\, poses challenges you have to overcome. Interna tional students frequently report the following difficulties:\n a gap bet ween the expectations and reality of studying and living in Germany uncer tainty about the degree programme structure and processes in the education system-a desire for more contact with other students\, especially locals language problems stress and emotional strain problems with German bur eaucracy (residence permit\, licence fee\, waste separation) \nEveryday li fe brings with it a variety of challenges when you begin your studies\, bu t you don’t have to tackle them on your own. Are you looking for help in managing these or other personal and intercultural challenges as well as for exchanges with other students? Then you’ve come to the right place!\ nThese are the dates for our “Cheer-up” meetings during the winter  t erm:\n02 November\, 21 November\, 05 December\, 19 December\, 09 January\, 23 January  2024/25 from 4 to 7 pm.\n please register you participation   please come to the Intercultural Meeting Place (IKT\, A12-002) pleas e ensure your participation to ALL dates listed above \nget more informati on and register here X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Are you an international student in the in itial semesters of your specialised studies? Studying in Germany provides you with opportunities but\, at the same time\, poses challenges you have to overcome. International students frequently report the following diffic ulties:

  • a gap between the expectations and reality of study ing and living in Germany
  • uncertainty about the degree programme structure and processes in the education system-a desire for
  • mo re contact with other students\, especially locals
  • language prob lems
  • stress and emotional strain
  • problems with German bureaucracy (residence permit\, licence fee\, waste separation)

Everyday life brings with it a variety of challenges when you begin y our studies\, but you don’t have to tackle them on your own. Are you loo king for help in managing these or other personal and intercultural challe nges as well as for exchanges with other students? Then you’ve come to t he right place!


These are the dates for our “Cheer-up” meeting s during the winter \; term:


02 November\, 21 November \, 05 December\, 19 December\, 09 January\, 23 January \; 2024/25 from 4 to 7 pm.

  • please register you participation  \;
  • please come to \;the Intercultural Meeting Place (IKT\, A 12-002)
  • please ensure your participation to ALL dates listed abo ve

get more information and register here

LOCATION:IKT (A12-002) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-cheer-up-meetings-20250123 DTSTAMP:20240624T103519Z DTSTART:20250123T150000Z DTEND:20250123T180000Z SUMMARY:Cheer-up meetings for international students - starting your (spec ialised) studies off right DESCRIPTION:Are you an international student in the initial semesters of y our specialised studies? Studying in Germany provides you with opportuniti es but\, at the same time\, poses challenges you have to overcome. Interna tional students frequently report the following difficulties:\n a gap bet ween the expectations and reality of studying and living in Germany uncer tainty about the degree programme structure and processes in the education system-a desire for more contact with other students\, especially locals language problems stress and emotional strain problems with German bur eaucracy (residence permit\, licence fee\, waste separation) \nEveryday li fe brings with it a variety of challenges when you begin your studies\, bu t you don’t have to tackle them on your own. Are you looking for help in managing these or other personal and intercultural challenges as well as for exchanges with other students? Then you’ve come to the right place!\ nThese are the dates for our “Cheer-up” meetings during the winter  t erm:\n02 November\, 21 November\, 05 December\, 19 December\, 09 January\, 23 January  2024/25 from 4 to 7 pm.\n please register you participation   please come to the Intercultural Meeting Place (IKT\, A12-002) pleas e ensure your participation to ALL dates listed above \nget more informati on and register here X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Are you an international student in the in itial semesters of your specialised studies? Studying in Germany provides you with opportunities but\, at the same time\, poses challenges you have to overcome. International students frequently report the following diffic ulties:

  • a gap between the expectations and reality of study ing and living in Germany
  • uncertainty about the degree programme structure and processes in the education system-a desire for
  • mo re contact with other students\, especially locals
  • language prob lems
  • stress and emotional strain
  • problems with German bureaucracy (residence permit\, licence fee\, waste separation)

Everyday life brings with it a variety of challenges when you begin y our studies\, but you don’t have to tackle them on your own. Are you loo king for help in managing these or other personal and intercultural challe nges as well as for exchanges with other students? Then you’ve come to t he right place!


These are the dates for our “Cheer-up” meeting s during the winter \; term:


02 November\, 21 November \, 05 December\, 19 December\, 09 January\, 23 January \; 2024/25 from 4 to 7 pm.

  • please register you participation  \;
  • please come to \;the Intercultural Meeting Place (IKT\, A 12-002)
  • please ensure your participation to ALL dates listed abo ve

get more information and register here

LOCATION:IKT (A12-002) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-study-abroad-fair-2025 DTSTAMP:20240930T151957Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20250423 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20250425 SUMMARY:Study Abroad Fair 2025 DESCRIPTION:Planning to go abroad for studies or an internship? What about the budget for such an adventure? We provide information on all topics r elated to your stay abroad. \nThe next "Study Abroad Fair" will be held o n 23 and 24 April 2025.\nFurther information will be available here in spr ing: \n  X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Planning to go abr oad for studies or an internship? What about the budget for such an advent ure? \;We provide information on all topics related to your stay abroa d. \;


The next "Study Abroad Fair" will be held on 23 and 24 April 2025.


Further information will be available here in spring: \;

\n \;

(Changed: 23 Sep 2024)  | 
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