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Prof. Dr. Christian Schneider
+49 (0)441 798-3572
+49 (0)441 798-3699
Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg Institute of Physics D-26111 Oldenburg Germany
Site plan with route plan
Gastreferentin: Prof. Dr. Bärbel Rethfeld, Fachbereich Physik, Ultrakurzzeitdynamik laserangeregter Festkörper, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany
Einladend: Prof. Dr. Christoph Lienau
02.12.2024 14:15 – 16:15
By clicking onto the links below you reach the room allocation schedule in StudIP. The reservations for the IfP seminar rooms are then done by .
Raum W2-1-143
Raum W2-1-122
Raum W2-2-249
Raum W2-3-349