
Executive Director

Prof. Dr. Michael Winklhofer

+49 (0) 441 798-3305


 Dr. Nina Gaßmann

+49 (0) 441 798-5475

+49 (0) 441 798-19 5475

W30 0-001

Hanse Lectures in Neuroscience - "Age dependent learning plasticity in humans"

Prof. Dr. Brigitte Roeder from the University of Hamburg who is a renowned researcher on neuroplasticity and recently received the prestigious Leibniz-Award of the DFG will provide new insights into age-dependent learning plasticity in humans.


“Critical phases in human development are epochs in life during which experience is necessary to allow for a full development of brain functions and related behavior. The neuroscientific investigation of humans who are permanently blind and became blind either at birth or later in life are investigated to uncover the adaptivity of the structural and functional organization of the human brain. For example, blind humans often show superior capabilities in their remaining senses which are based on such a neural reorganization. Moreover, individuals born with total bilateral dense cataracts after sight restoration provide a unique opportunity for investigating the neural mechanisms of critical period plasticity in humans. Limits in functional recovery reveal the general principles of human development and the associated neural correlates.” Lecture and discussion from 7:00 pm until approximately 8:00 pm followed by dinner and informal discussion in the HWK Bistro. The lecture is open to everybody, but registration is required for this event (by replying to so that we can order enough food for the dinner! Please also write to Marion Daniel if you would like to bring additional guests.

27.11.2014 19:00 – 20:00

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