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Semester: Summer term 2025

OLT.25.07 Seminar: Practical introduction to Raman and atomic force microscopy -  

Event date(s) | room


    The aim of this course is to familiarize doctoral candidates with specific microscopy techniques and to support them in sample preparation, imaging and data analysis. The course is aimed at doctoral candidates who plan to use Raman or AFM microscopy during their doctoral research. The content of the course will be adapted to the specific question of the doctoral project.


    Study fields

    • Environmental Sciences
    • Interdisziplinäre Veranstaltungen / Interdisciplinary courses
    • Interface Science
    • Neurosensory Science and Systems
    • olt505 Subject-oriented techniques/ knowledge
    • olt507 Additional module "Specific knowledge"
    • olt705 - Research methods and techniques
    • olt707 - Additional module „Specific knowledge”
    • Verbreiterung und Vertiefung von Fachwissen



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