The following table was created as response to the SQL query;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; "SELECT sbs_sbsname ""SBS name"", m_methodname ""general method"", sla_singlevalue ""single value [mm^2/mg]"", sla_n ""sample size"", sla_valid ""valid"", lfm_name ""leaf specific method"", ref_refname ""reference"", sbs_sbsnumber ""SBS number"", or_origrefname ""original reference"", geo_countryname ""country"", geo_utmzone ""UTM zone"", geo_utmeasting ""UTM easting"", geo_utmnorthing ""UTM northing"", sla_mean ""mean SLA [mm^2/mg]"", sla_maximum ""maximum SLA [mm^2/mg]"", sla_minimum ""minimum SLA [mm^2/mg]"", sla_replicates ""number of replicates"", sla_stddev ""standard deviation"", sla_stderror ""standard error"", sla_balanceerror ""balance error [mg]"", sla_collectiondate ""collection date"", sla_comment ""general comment"", pslv_name ""plant stage"" FROM (SELECT case when sla_median is not null then sla_median when sla_mean is not null then sla_mean when sla_maximum is not null and sla_minimum is not null then (sla_maximum + sla_minimum) / 2 when sla_maximum is not null then sla_maximum when sla_minimum is not null then sla_minimum else null end AS sla_singlevalue, sbs_sbsnumber, sbs_sbsname, m_methodname, sla_mean, sla_maximum, sla_minimum, sla_n, sla_valid, lfm_name, ref_refname, or_origrefname, geo_countryname, geo_utmzone, geo_utmeasting, geo_utmnorthing, sla_replicates, sla_stddev, sla_stderror, sla_balanceerror, sla_collectiondate, sla_comment, pslv_name, sla_sbsnumber FROM (SELECT sbs.sbs_sbsnumber, sbs.sbs_sbsname, m_sla.m_methodname, m_sla.sla_median, m_sla.sla_mean, m_sla.sla_maximum, m_sla.sla_minimum, m_sla.sla_n, m_sla.sla_valid, m_sla.lfm_name, m_sla.ref_refname, m_sla.or_origrefname, m_sla.geo_countryname, m_sla.geo_utmzone, m_sla.geo_utmeasting, m_sla.geo_utmnorthing, m_sla.sla_replicates, m_sla.sla_stddev, m_sla.sla_stderror, m_sla.sla_balanceerror, m_sla.sla_collectiondate, m_sla.sla_comment, m_sla.pslv_name, m_sla.sla_sbsnumber FROM (SELECT speciesno AS sbs_sbsnumber, fullname AS sbs_sbsname FROM (SELECT fullname, speciesno, familyname, isinledalist from (select fullname, speciesno, family as familyid, isinledalist from taxon where specieslist = 60028) natural join taxonomicfamily)) sbs JOIN (SELECT sla_lfm.sla_sbsnumber, m.m_methodname, sla_lfm.sla_median, sla_lfm.sla_mean, sla_lfm.sla_maximum, sla_lfm.sla_minimum, sla_lfm.sla_n, sla_lfm.sla_valid, sla_lfm.lfm_name, sla_lfm.ref_refname, sla_lfm.or_origrefname, sla_lfm.geo_countryname, sla_lfm.geo_utmzone, sla_lfm.geo_utmeasting, sla_lfm.geo_utmnorthing, sla_lfm.sla_replicates, sla_lfm.sla_stddev, sla_lfm.sla_stderror, sla_lfm.sla_balanceerror, sla_lfm.sla_collectiondate, sla_lfm.sla_comment, sla_lfm.pslv_name FROM (SELECT methodid AS m_methodid, methodname AS m_methodname FROM (select * from method_lv)) m JOIN (SELECT r_sla.sla_sbsnumber, r_sla.sla_methodid, r_sla.sla_median, r_sla.sla_mean, r_sla.sla_maximum, r_sla.sla_minimum, r_sla.sla_n, r_sla.sla_valid, lfm.lfm_name, r_sla.ref_refname, r_sla.or_origrefname, r_sla.geo_countryname, r_sla.geo_utmzone, r_sla.geo_utmeasting, r_sla.geo_utmnorthing, r_sla.sla_replicates, r_sla.sla_stddev, r_sla.sla_stderror, r_sla.sla_balanceerror, r_sla.sla_collectiondate, r_sla.sla_comment, r_sla.pslv_name FROM (SELECT sla_orf.sla_sbsnumber, sla_orf.sla_methodid, sla_orf.sla_median, sla_orf.sla_mean, sla_orf.sla_maximum, sla_orf.sla_minimum, sla_orf.sla_n, sla_orf.sla_valid, sla_orf.sla_specificmethodid, r.ref_refname, sla_orf.or_origrefname, sla_orf.geo_countryname, sla_orf.geo_utmzone, sla_orf.geo_utmeasting, sla_orf.geo_utmnorthing, sla_orf.sla_replicates, sla_orf.sla_stddev, sla_orf.sla_stderror, sla_orf.sla_balanceerror, sla_orf.sla_collectiondate, sla_orf.sla_comment, sla_orf.pslv_name FROM (SELECT referenceid AS ref_referenceid, refname AS ref_refname FROM (select referenceid, refname, reftypeid from reference)) r LEFT JOIN (SELECT sla_geo.sla_sbsnumber, sla_geo.sla_methodid, sla_geo.sla_median, sla_geo.sla_mean, sla_geo.sla_maximum, sla_geo.sla_minimum, sla_geo.sla_n, sla_geo.sla_valid, sla_geo.sla_specificmethodid, sla_geo.sla_referenceid, orf.or_origrefname, sla_geo.geo_countryname, sla_geo.geo_utmzone, sla_geo.geo_utmeasting, sla_geo.geo_utmnorthing, sla_geo.sla_replicates, sla_geo.sla_stddev, sla_geo.sla_stderror, sla_geo.sla_balanceerror, sla_geo.sla_collectiondate, sla_geo.sla_comment, sla_geo.pslv_name FROM (SELECT sla_pslv.sla_sbsnumber, sla_pslv.sla_methodid, sla_pslv.sla_median, sla_pslv.sla_mean, sla_pslv.sla_maximum, sla_pslv.sla_minimum, sla_pslv.sla_n, sla_pslv.sla_valid, sla_pslv.sla_specificmethodid, sla_pslv.sla_referenceid, sla_pslv.sla_origreferenceid, geo.geo_countryname, geo.geo_utmzone, geo.geo_utmeasting, geo.geo_utmnorthing, sla_pslv.sla_replicates, sla_pslv.sla_stddev, sla_pslv.sla_stderror, sla_pslv.sla_balanceerror, sla_pslv.sla_collectiondate, sla_pslv.sla_comment, sla_pslv.pslv_name FROM (SELECT sla.sla_sbsnumber, sla.sla_methodid, sla.sla_median, sla.sla_mean, sla.sla_maximum, sla.sla_minimum, sla.sla_n, sla.sla_valid, sla.sla_specificmethodid, sla.sla_referenceid, sla.sla_origreferenceid, sla.sla_georeferenceid, sla.sla_replicates, sla.sla_stddev, sla.sla_stderror, sla.sla_balanceerror, sla.sla_collectiondate, sla.sla_comment, pslv.pslv_name FROM (SELECT sbsnumber AS sla_sbsnumber, methodid AS sla_methodid, median AS sla_median, mean AS sla_mean, maximum AS sla_maximum, minimum AS sla_minimum, n AS sla_n, valid AS sla_valid, leafspecificmethodid AS sla_specificmethodid, referenceid AS sla_referenceid, origreferenceid AS sla_origreferenceid, georefid AS sla_georeferenceid, replicates AS sla_replicates, stddeviation AS sla_stddev, stderror AS sla_stderror, balanceerror AS sla_balanceerror, collectiondate AS sla_collectiondate, p_comment AS sla_comment, plantstageid AS sla_plantstageid FROM (SELECT sbsnumber, taxonid, mean, median, minimum, maximum, stderror, stddeviation, n, replicates, created_when, updated_when, collectiondate, p_comment, methodid, referenceid, origreferenceid, habitattypeid, georefid, valid, validsince, validuntil, ledaid, batchid, leafformid, plantstageid, leafspecificmethodid, balanceerror, specificleafareaid FROM specificleafarea natural join taxontosbsassignment WHERE valid IN (-2, 1))) sla FULL JOIN (SELECT plantstageid AS pslv_id, plantstagename AS pslv_name FROM (select plantstageid, plantstagename from plantstage_lv)) pslv ON sla.sla_plantstageid = pslv.pslv_id) sla_pslv FULL JOIN (SELECT georefid AS geo_georefid, countryname AS geo_countryname, utm_zone AS geo_utmzone, utm_easting AS geo_utmeasting, utm_northing AS geo_utmnorthing FROM (select * from georef_part)) geo ON sla_pslv.sla_georeferenceid = geo.geo_georefid) sla_geo FULL JOIN (SELECT origreferenceid AS or_origrefid, origrefname AS or_origrefname FROM (select referenceid as origreferenceid, refname as origrefname, reftypeid as origreftypeid from reference)) orf ON sla_geo.sla_origreferenceid = orf.or_origrefid) sla_orf ON r.ref_referenceid = sla_orf.sla_referenceid) r_sla LEFT JOIN (SELECT leafspecificmethodid AS lfm_id, leafspecificmethodname AS lfm_name FROM (select leafspecificmethodid, leafspecificmethodname from leafspecificmethod_lv)) lfm ON r_sla.sla_specificmethodid = lfm.lfm_id) sla_lfm ON m.m_methodid = sla_lfm.sla_methodid) m_sla ON sbs.sbs_sbsnumber = m_sla.sla_sbsnumber))";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; on Tue Mar 25 17:02:12 CET 2008 .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SBS name;general method;single value [mm^2/mg];sample size;valid;leaf specific method;reference;SBS number;original reference;country;UTM zone;UTM easting;UTM northing;mean SLA [mm^2/mg];maximum SLA [mm^2/mg];minimum SLA [mm^2/mg];number of replicates;standard deviation;standard error;balance error [mg];collection date;general comment;plant stage; Dactylis glomerata;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;16.8;8;1;no leaf rehydration;Arrendondo, J. Tulio(2003): Components of leaf elongation rate and their relationship to specific leaf area in ...;40290;Arrendondo, J. Tulio(2003): Components of leaf elongation rate and their relationship to specific leaf area in ...;Europe;;0;0;16.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Festuca pratensis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;19.8;8;1;no leaf rehydration;Arrendondo, J. Tulio(2003): Components of leaf elongation rate and their relationship to specific leaf area in ...;41343;Arrendondo, J. Tulio(2003): Components of leaf elongation rate and their relationship to specific leaf area in ...;Europe;;0;0;19.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lolium perenne;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;22.2;8;1;no leaf rehydration;Arrendondo, J. Tulio(2003): Components of leaf elongation rate and their relationship to specific leaf area in ...;43540;Arrendondo, J. Tulio(2003): Components of leaf elongation rate and their relationship to specific leaf area in ...;Europe;;0;0;22.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Festuca ovina;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;16.8;8;1;no leaf rehydration;Arrendondo, J. Tulio(2003): Components of leaf elongation rate and their relationship to specific leaf area in ...;40171;Arrendondo, J. Tulio(2003): Components of leaf elongation rate and their relationship to specific leaf area in ...;Europe;;0;0;16.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus erectus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;17.6;8;1;unknown;Arrendondo, J. Tulio(2003): Components of leaf elongation rate and their relationship to specific leaf area in ...;40358;Arrendondo, J. Tulio(2003): Components of leaf elongation rate and their relationship to specific leaf area in ...;Europe;;0;0;17.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Arrhenatherum elatius;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;19.8;8;1;no leaf rehydration;Arrendondo, J. Tulio(2003): Components of leaf elongation rate and their relationship to specific leaf area in ...;40414;Arrendondo, J. Tulio(2003): Components of leaf elongation rate and their relationship to specific leaf area in ...;Europe;;0;0;19.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Brachypodium pinnatum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;19.7;8;1;no leaf rehydration;Arrendondo, J. Tulio(2003): Components of leaf elongation rate and their relationship to specific leaf area in ...;40931;Arrendondo, J. Tulio(2003): Components of leaf elongation rate and their relationship to specific leaf area in ...;Europe;;0;0;19.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Genista pilosa;field experiment;19.84;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;20915;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;0;0;19.84;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Melica ciliata;field experiment;16.49;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;42479;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;0;0;16.49;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aegilops geniculata;field experiment;22.6;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;41112;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;22.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Avena barbata;field experiment;25.2;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;40564;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;25.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex hallerana;field experiment;17.1;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;37290;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;17.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Convolvulus arvensis;field experiment;24.2;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;18911;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;24.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Crataegus monogyna;field experiment;10.6;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;29980;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;10.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Dactylis glomerata;field experiment;18.3;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;40290;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;18.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Eryngium campestre;field experiment;8.6;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;1324;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;8.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Medicago minima;field experiment;21.2;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;21911;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;21.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Teucrium chamaedrys;field experiment;11.3;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;24813;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;11.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rubia peregrina;field experiment;13.8;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;31737;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;13.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus arvensis;field experiment;12.8;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;40609;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;12.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lilium martagon;field experiment;23.52;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;39063;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;0;0;23.52;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Helianthemum nummularium;field experiment;14.7;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;18594;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;14.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lotus corniculatus;field experiment;18.2;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;21886;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;18.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Thymus pulegioides;field experiment;16.3;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;24929;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;0;0;16.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rosa micrantha;field experiment;11.6;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;30571;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;11.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Daucus carota;field experiment;18;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;1358;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;18;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lonicera xylosteum;field experiment;28.3;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;15356;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;0;0;28.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium angustifolium;field experiment;15.6;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;22108;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;15.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Prunus spinosa;field experiment;10.7;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;29316;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;10.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Phleum pratense;field experiment;22.2;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;42408;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;22.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rubus fruticosus ag. L.;field experiment;14.4;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;58698;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;14.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anagallis arvensis;field experiment;28.7;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;28783;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;28.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Reseda phyteuma;field experiment;16.1;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;27929;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;0;0;16.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Plantago lanceolata;field experiment;10.6;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;27860;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;10.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lysimachia vulgaris;field experiment;20.71;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;28980;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;0;0;20.71;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Scabiosa atropurpurea;field experiment;11.4;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;19064;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;11.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Phyteuma orbiculare;field experiment;36.1;15;1;leaf rehydration;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;14818;Lavergne, Sébastian(2003): Do rock endemic and widespread plant species differ under the Leaf-Height-Seed...;FRANCE;0;0;0;36.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Salix polaris;actual measurement;12.53;60;1;no leaf rehydration;Dormann, Carsten.F.(2002): Flowering growth and defence in the two sexes: consequences of herbivore exclusion for Salix polaris [16];32521;Dormann, Carsten.F.(2002): Flowering growth and defence in the two sexes: consequences of herbivore exclusion for Salix polaris [16];NORWAY;0;0;0;12.53;;;1;;;0.01;00:00.0;;adult; Salix polaris;actual measurement;12.37;60;1;no leaf rehydration;Dormann, Carsten.F.(2002): Flowering growth and defence in the two sexes: consequences of herbivore exclusion for Salix polaris [16];32521;Dormann, Carsten.F.(2002): Flowering growth and defence in the two sexes: consequences of herbivore exclusion for Salix polaris [16];NORWAY;0;0;0;12.37;;;1;;;0.01;00:00.0;;adult; Acer platanoides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21;7;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;801;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;23.35;58.36;21;;;74;13.22875656;5;;00:00.0;;unknown; Crataegus monogyna;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10;7;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;29980;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;23.35;58.36;10;;;74;18.52025918;7;;00:00.0;;unknown; Ribes alpinum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.9;7;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;23116;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;23.35;58.36;16.9;;;74;52.91502622;20;;00:00.0;;unknown; Ribes nigrum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.3;7;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;23122;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;23.35;58.36;21.3;;;74;15.87450787;6;;00:00.0;;unknown; Rosa subcollina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.2;7;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;30254;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;23.35;58.36;19.2;;;74;37.04051835;14;;00:00.0;;unknown; Salix aurita;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.6;7;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;32563;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;23.35;58.36;10.6;;;74;23.8117618;9;;00:00.0;;unknown; Salix myrsinifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13;7;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;32559;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;23.35;58.36;13;;;74;15.87450787;6;;00:00.0;;unknown; Salix bicolor;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.33;7;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;32585;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;23.35;58.36;10.33;;;74;11.64130577;4.4;;00:00.0;;unknown; Andromeda polifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);7.5;5;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;19573;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;26.12;58.17;7.5;;;74;2.236067977;1;;00:00.0;;unknown; Salix myrsinifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.1;5;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;32559;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;26.12;58.17;10.1;;;74;13.41640786;6;;00:00.0;;unknown; Chimaphila umbellata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.13;5;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;28795;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;27.32;58.5;9.13;;;74;6.484597135;2.9;;00:00.0;;unknown; Salix myrsinifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.8;4;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;32559;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;27.32;58.5;8.8;;;74;14;7;;00:00.0;;unknown; Vaccinium vitis-idaea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.01;4;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;19439;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;27.32;58.5;8.01;;;74;5.8;2.9;;00:00.0;;unknown; Arctostaphylos uva-ursi;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);6.86;4;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;19582;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;27.32;58.5;6.86;;;74;5.8;2.9;;00:00.0;;unknown; Daphne mezereum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);34.6;7;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;34610;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;23.35;58.36;34.6;;;74;97.89279851;37;;00:00.0;;unknown; Salix cinerea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.9;5;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;32565;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;26.12;58.17;10.9;;;74;17.88854382;8;;00:00.0;;unknown; Salix cinerea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.41;7;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;32565;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;23.35;58.36;9.41;;;74;7.937253933;3;;00:00.0;;unknown; Betula humilis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.6;5;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;11714;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;26.12;58.17;9.6;;;74;46.95742753;21;;00:00.0;;unknown; Lonicera xylosteum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.7;7;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;15356;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;23.35;58.36;26.7;;;74;111.1215551;42;;00:00.0;;unknown; Quercus robur;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.7;7;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;22457;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;23.35;58.36;16.7;;;74;9.789279851;3.7;;00:00.0;;unknown; Salix starkeana;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.6;5;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;32511;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;26.12;58.17;9.6;;;74;31.30495168;14;;00:00.0;;unknown; Salix caprea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.8;7;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;32596;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;23.35;58.36;15.8;;;74;44.97777229;17;;00:00.0;;unknown; Syringa vulgaris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.74;7;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;26377;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;23.35;58.36;10.74;;;74;3.704051835;1.4;;00:00.0;;unknown; Vaccinium myrtillus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.3;4;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;19475;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;27.32;58.5;12.3;;;74;12;6;;00:00.0;;unknown; Ulmus glabra;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.5;7;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;35180;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;23.35;58.36;17.5;;;74;21.16601049;8;;00:00.0;;unknown; Tilia cordata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);41;7;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;34664;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;23.35;58.36;41;;;74;68.78953409;26;;00:00.0;;unknown; Salix repens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.81;5;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;32533;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;26.12;58.17;10.81;;;74;9.391485505;4.2;;00:00.0;;unknown; Salix repens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.1;7;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;32533;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;23.35;58.36;14.1;;;74;39.68626967;15;;00:00.0;;unknown; Berberis vulgaris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.4;7;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;11672;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;23.35;58.36;15.4;;;74;52.91502622;20;;00:00.0;;unknown; Ledum palustre;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.4;5;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;19499;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;26.12;58.17;15.4;;;74;42.48529157;19;;00:00.0;;unknown; Viburnum opulus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.7;7;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;15336;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;23.35;58.36;22.7;;;74;63.49803147;24;;00:00.0;;unknown; Salix triandra;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.9;4;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;32478;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;27.32;58.5;12.9;;;74;26;13;;00:00.0;;unknown; Cornus sanguinea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.6;7;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;18429;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;23.35;58.36;25.6;;;74;58.20652884;22;;00:00.0;;unknown; Corylus avellana;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.5;7;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;18083;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;23.35;58.36;27.5;;;74;44.97777229;17;;00:00.0;;unknown; Corylus avellana;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.5;7;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;18083;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;23.35;58.36;27.5;;;74;44.97777229;17;;00:00.0;;unknown; Fraxinus excelsior;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12;7;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;26381;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;23.35;58.36;12;;;74;13.22875656;5;;00:00.0;;unknown; Rosa subcanina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.3;7;1;unknown;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;29641;Niinemets, Ülo(2003): Leaf structure vs. nutrient relationship vary with soil onditions in temperate shrubs and trees;ESTONIA;;23.35;58.36;8.3;;;74;18.52025918;7;;00:00.0;;unknown; Achillea millefolium;actual measurement;21.4;20;1;unknown;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];3013;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];NORWAY;0;0;0;21.4;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Astragalus alpinus;actual measurement;15.9;20;1;unknown;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];21673;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];NORWAY;0;0;0;15.9;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Bartsia alpina;actual measurement;18.9;20;1;unknown;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];34451;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];NORWAY;0;0;0;18.9;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Erigeron borealis;actual measurement;11.6;20;1;unknown;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];4210;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];NORWAY;0;0;0;11.6;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Hypericum maculatum;actual measurement;20.7;20;1;unknown;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];23226;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];NORWAY;0;0;0;20.7;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Gentianella campestris;actual measurement;24.2;20;1;unknown;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];23049;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];NORWAY;0;0;0;24.2;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Veronica alpina;actual measurement;20.3;20;1;unknown;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];33325;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];NORWAY;0;0;0;20.3;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Silene dioica;actual measurement;33.9;20;1;unknown;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];17578;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];NORWAY;0;0;0;33.9;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Veronica officinalis;actual measurement;16.1;20;1;unknown;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];33764;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];NORWAY;0;0;0;16.1;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Silene acaulis;actual measurement;9;20;1;unknown;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];17102;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];NORWAY;0;0;0;9;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Sibbaldia procumbens;actual measurement;15.5;20;1;unknown;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];30472;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];NORWAY;0;0;0;15.5;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Euphrasia frigida;actual measurement;20.5;20;1;unknown;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];34486;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];NORWAY;0;0;0;20.5;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Hieracium lactucella;actual measurement;25.4;20;1;unknown;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];7271;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];NORWAY;0;0;0;25.4;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Leucanthemum vulgare;actual measurement;17.7;20;1;unknown;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];9651;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];NORWAY;0;0;0;17.7;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Ajuga pyramidalis;actual measurement;14.6;20;1;unknown;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];24144;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];NORWAY;0;0;0;14.6;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Alchemilla alpina;actual measurement;11.3;20;1;unknown;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];29517;Eriksson, Ove(2003): Recruitment and life-history traits of sparse plant species in subalpine grasslands [81];NORWAY;0;0;0;11.3;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Castanea sativa;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;18.9;33;1;no leaf rehydration;Antúnez, Isabel(2001): Relative growth rate in phylogenetically related deciduous and evergreen ...;22480;Antúnez, Isabel(2001): Relative growth rate in phylogenetically related deciduous and evergreen ...;SPAIN;0;0;0;18.9;;;1;24.12716312;4.2;;00:00.0;;adult; Fraxinus angustifolia;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;27.3;33;1;no leaf rehydration;Antúnez, Isabel(2001): Relative growth rate in phylogenetically related deciduous and evergreen ...;26387;Antúnez, Isabel(2001): Relative growth rate in phylogenetically related deciduous and evergreen ...;SPAIN;0;0;0;27.3;;;1;36.76520094;6.4;;00:00.0;;adult; Quercus robur;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;19.4;33;1;no leaf rehydration;Antúnez, Isabel(2001): Relative growth rate in phylogenetically related deciduous and evergreen ...;22457;Antúnez, Isabel(2001): Relative growth rate in phylogenetically related deciduous and evergreen ...;SPAIN;0;0;0;19.4;;;1;20.10596926;3.5;;00:00.0;;adult; Gentianella germanica;field experiment;12.3;90;1;unknown;Fischer, Markus(1997): Responses of rare calcereous grassland plants to elevated CO2: a field experiment with Gentianella germanica and Gentianella cruciata[85];22958;Fischer, Markus(1997): Responses of rare calcereous grassland plants to elevated CO2: a field experiment with Gentianella germanica and Gentianella cruciata[85];SWITZERLAND;0;0;0;12.3;;;1;61.095;6.44;;;;unknown; Gentianella germanica;field experiment;13.1;90;1;unknown;Fischer, Markus(1997): Responses of rare calcereous grassland plants to elevated CO2: a field experiment with Gentianella germanica and Gentianella cruciata[85];22958;Fischer, Markus(1997): Responses of rare calcereous grassland plants to elevated CO2: a field experiment with Gentianella germanica and Gentianella cruciata[85];SWITZERLAND;0;0;0;13.1;;;1;76.843;8.1;;;kept in a chamber;unknown; Gentianella germanica;field experiment;13.1;90;1;unknown;Fischer, Markus(1997): Responses of rare calcereous grassland plants to elevated CO2: a field experiment with Gentianella germanica and Gentianella cruciata[85];22958;Fischer, Markus(1997): Responses of rare calcereous grassland plants to elevated CO2: a field experiment with Gentianella germanica and Gentianella cruciata[85];SWITZERLAND;0;0;0;13.1;;;1;120.483;12.7;;;kept in a chamber, elevated CO2;unknown; Ranunculus repens;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;17;4;1;unknown;Lynn, D.E.(2003): Survival of Ranunculus repens L. (Creeping Buttercup) in an Amphibious Habitat [91];26770;Lynn, D.E.(2003): Survival of Ranunculus repens L. (Creeping Buttercup) in an Amphibious Habitat [91];IRELAND;0;0;0;17;;;1;;;;;completely submerged;juvenile; Ranunculus repens;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;23;4;1;unknown;Lynn, D.E.(2003): Survival of Ranunculus repens L. (Creeping Buttercup) in an Amphibious Habitat [91];26770;Lynn, D.E.(2003): Survival of Ranunculus repens L. (Creeping Buttercup) in an Amphibious Habitat [91];IRELAND;0;0;0;23;;;1;;;;;flooded to sand surface with tap water;juvenile; Ranunculus repens;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;19;4;1;unknown;Lynn, D.E.(2003): Survival of Ranunculus repens L. (Creeping Buttercup) in an Amphibious Habitat [91];26770;Lynn, D.E.(2003): Survival of Ranunculus repens L. (Creeping Buttercup) in an Amphibious Habitat [91];IRELAND;0;0;0;19;;;1;;;;;drained;juvenile; Ranunculus repens;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;22;4;1;unknown;Lynn, D.E.(2003): Survival of Ranunculus repens L. (Creeping Buttercup) in an Amphibious Habitat [91];26770;Lynn, D.E.(2003): Survival of Ranunculus repens L. (Creeping Buttercup) in an Amphibious Habitat [91];IRELAND;0;0;0;22;;;1;;;;;completely submerged;juvenile; Ranunculus repens;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;24;4;1;unknown;Lynn, D.E.(2003): Survival of Ranunculus repens L. (Creeping Buttercup) in an Amphibious Habitat [91];26770;Lynn, D.E.(2003): Survival of Ranunculus repens L. (Creeping Buttercup) in an Amphibious Habitat [91];IRELAND;0;0;0;24;;;1;;;;;flooded to sand surface with tap water;juvenile; Ranunculus repens;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;19;4;1;unknown;Lynn, D.E.(2003): Survival of Ranunculus repens L. (Creeping Buttercup) in an Amphibious Habitat [91];26770;Lynn, D.E.(2003): Survival of Ranunculus repens L. (Creeping Buttercup) in an Amphibious Habitat [91];IRELAND;0;0;0;19;;;1;;;;;Drained plants;juvenile; Carex limosa;actual measurement;22;1;1;unknown;Campbell, Daniel R.(2003): Germination and seedling growth of bog plants in relation to the recolonization of milled peatlands [169];37761;Campbell, Daniel R.(2003): Germination and seedling growth of bog plants in relation to the recolonization of milled peatlands [169];CANADA;0;0;0;22;;;1;4;4;;;N unknown, 21 days age;juvenile; Eriophorum angustifolium;actual measurement;23;1;1;unknown;Campbell, Daniel R.(2003): Germination and seedling growth of bog plants in relation to the recolonization of milled peatlands [169];37550;Campbell, Daniel R.(2003): Germination and seedling growth of bog plants in relation to the recolonization of milled peatlands [169];CANADA;0;0;0;23;;;1;1;1;;;N unknown, 21 days age;juvenile; Eriophorum vaginatum;actual measurement;24;1;1;unknown;Campbell, Daniel R.(2003): Germination and seedling growth of bog plants in relation to the recolonization of milled peatlands [169];37560;Campbell, Daniel R.(2003): Germination and seedling growth of bog plants in relation to the recolonization of milled peatlands [169];CANADA;0;0;0;24;;;1;2;2;;;N unknown, 21 days age;juvenile; Scirpus cespitosus;actual measurement;23;1;1;unknown;Campbell, Daniel R.(2003): Germination and seedling growth of bog plants in relation to the recolonization of milled peatlands [169];37472;Campbell, Daniel R.(2003): Germination and seedling growth of bog plants in relation to the recolonization of milled peatlands [169];CANADA;0;0;0;23;;;1;2;2;;;N unknown, 21 days age;juvenile; Chamaedaphne calyculata;actual measurement;48;1;1;unknown;Campbell, Daniel R.(2003): Germination and seedling growth of bog plants in relation to the recolonization of milled peatlands [169];19530;Campbell, Daniel R.(2003): Germination and seedling growth of bog plants in relation to the recolonization of milled peatlands [169];CANADA;0;0;0;48;;;1;4;4;;;N unknown, 21 days age;juvenile; Vaccinium oxycoccos;actual measurement;35;1;1;unknown;Campbell, Daniel R.(2003): Germination and seedling growth of bog plants in relation to the recolonization of milled peatlands [169];19476;Campbell, Daniel R.(2003): Germination and seedling growth of bog plants in relation to the recolonization of milled peatlands [169];CANADA;0;0;0;35;;;1;3;3;;;N unknown, 21 days age;juvenile; Drosera rotundifolia;actual measurement;59;1;1;unknown;Campbell, Daniel R.(2003): Germination and seedling growth of bog plants in relation to the recolonization of milled peatlands [169];18999;Campbell, Daniel R.(2003): Germination and seedling growth of bog plants in relation to the recolonization of milled peatlands [169];CANADA;0;0;0;59;;;1;8;8;;;;juvenile; Kalmia polifolia;actual measurement;130;1;1;unknown;Campbell, Daniel R.(2003): Germination and seedling growth of bog plants in relation to the recolonization of milled peatlands [169];19497;Campbell, Daniel R.(2003): Germination and seedling growth of bog plants in relation to the recolonization of milled peatlands [169];CANADA;0;0;0;130;;;1;63;63;;;N unknown, 21 days age;juvenile; Rubus chamaemorus;actual measurement;29;1;1;unknown;Campbell, Daniel R.(2003): Germination and seedling growth of bog plants in relation to the recolonization of milled peatlands [169];30071;Campbell, Daniel R.(2003): Germination and seedling growth of bog plants in relation to the recolonization of milled peatlands [169];CANADA;0;0;0;29;;;1;3;3;;;N unknown, 21 days age;juvenile; Picea mariana;actual measurement;19;1;1;unknown;Campbell, Daniel R.(2003): Germination and seedling growth of bog plants in relation to the recolonization of milled peatlands [169];685;Campbell, Daniel R.(2003): Germination and seedling growth of bog plants in relation to the recolonization of milled peatlands [169];CANADA;0;0;0;19;;;1;1;1;;;N unknown, 21 days age;juvenile; Betula papyrifera;actual measurement;44;1;1;unknown;Campbell, Daniel R.(2003): Germination and seedling growth of bog plants in relation to the recolonization of milled peatlands [169];11719;Campbell, Daniel R.(2003): Germination and seedling growth of bog plants in relation to the recolonization of milled peatlands [169];CANADA;0;0;0;44;;;1;4;4;;;N unknown, 21 days age;juvenile; Sarracenia purpurea;actual measurement;41;1;1;unknown;Campbell, Daniel R.(2003): Germination and seedling growth of bog plants in relation to the recolonization of milled peatlands [169];31302;Campbell, Daniel R.(2003): Germination and seedling growth of bog plants in relation to the recolonization of milled peatlands [169];CANADA;0;0;0;41;;;1;3;3;;;N unknown, 21 days age;juvenile; Carex bigelowii;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);38.81;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];37350;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;38.81;;;1;;;;;;adult; Cassiope hypnoides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];19524;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;20;;;1;;;;;;adult; Agrostis capillaris;actual measurement;75.88;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];41392;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;75.88;;;0;;;;;;adult; Arctostaphylos alpinus;actual measurement;11.58;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];19579;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;11.58;;;0;;;;;;adult; Viola biflora;actual measurement;53.94;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];35415;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;53.94;;;0;;;;;;adult; Ranunculus acris;actual measurement;46.6;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];26865;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;46.6;;;0;;;;;;adult; Veronica alpina;actual measurement;23.56;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];33325;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;23.56;;;0;;;;;;adult; Vaccinium uliginosum;actual measurement;14.48;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];19479;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;14.48;;;0;;;;;;adult; Empetrum nigrum s. hermaphroditum;actual measurement;13.46;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];19451;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;13.46;;;0;;;;;;adult; Deschampsia flexuosa;actual measurement;21.35;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];41982;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;21.35;;;0;;;;;;adult; Betula nana;actual measurement;16.22;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];11715;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;16.22;;;0;;;;;;adult; Hieracium alpinum;actual measurement;31.27;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];30615;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;31.27;;;0;;;;;originally named Hieracium sect. Alpina;adult; Festuca ovina;actual measurement;19.29;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];40171;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;19.29;;;0;;;;;;adult; Solidago virgaurea;actual measurement;22.8;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];9820;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;22.8;;;0;;;;;;adult; Trientalis europaea;actual measurement;41.02;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];28871;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;41.02;;;0;;;;;;adult; Vaccinium vitis-idaea;actual measurement;5.65;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];19439;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;5.65;;;0;;;;;;adult; Epilobium angustifolium;actual measurement;27.05;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];26075;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;27.05;;;0;;;;;;adult; Silene dioica;actual measurement;41.54;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];17578;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;41.54;;;0;;;;;;adult; Silene dioica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);41.54;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];17578;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;41.54;;;1;;;;;;adult; Poa alpigena;actual measurement;19.1;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];43594;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;19.1;;;0;;;;;;adult; Petasites frigidus;actual measurement;28.68;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];10210;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;28.68;;;0;;;;;;adult; Thalictrum alpinum;actual measurement;22.22;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];26671;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;22.22;;;0;;;;;;adult; Sibbaldia procumbens;actual measurement;24.66;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];30472;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;24.66;;;0;;;;;;adult; Euphrasia frigida;actual measurement;32;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];34486;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;32;;;0;;;;;;adult; Salix herbacea;actual measurement;37.88;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];32589;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;37.88;;;0;;;;;;adult; Anthoxanthum odoratum;actual measurement;34.72;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];41907;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;34.72;;;0;;;;;;adult; Polygonum viviparum;actual measurement;20.2;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];27573;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;20.2;;;0;;;;;;adult; Rumex acetosa;actual measurement;34.86;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];27593;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;34.86;;;0;;;;;;adult; Vaccinium myrtillus;actual measurement;21.26;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];19475;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;21.26;;;0;;;;;;adult; Rubus chamaemorus;actual measurement;20.3;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];30071;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;20.3;;;0;;;;;;adult; Juncus trifidus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.84;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];36209;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;16.84;;;1;;;;;;adult; Carex curta;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.86;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];37950;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;26.86;;;1;;;;;;adult; Lychnis alpina;actual measurement;21.56;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];17455;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;21.56;;;0;;;;;;adult; Luzula multiflora;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.55;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];36245;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;29.55;;;1;;;;;;adult; Diphasiastrum alpinum;actual measurement;12.63;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];44384;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;12.63;;;0;;;;;;adult; Phyllodoce caerulea;actual measurement;12.09;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];19512;Bruun, Hans Henrik(2005): Distinct patterns in alpine vegetation around dens of the Arctic fox [28];SWEDEN;33;0;0;12.09;;;0;;;;;;adult; Acorus calamus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;43.6;8;1;unknown;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];35825;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];CANADA;0;0;0;43.6;;;1;;;;;planted in washed silica sand, nutrient solution added;juvenile; Tanacetum vulgare;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;23.8;4;1;unknown;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];10128;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];CANADA;0;0;0;23.8;;;1;;;;;planted in washed silica sand, nutrient solution added;juvenile; Trifolium pratense;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;21.9;8;1;unknown;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];22096;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];CANADA;0;0;0;21.9;;;1;;;;;planted in washed silica sand, nutrient solution added;juvenile; Acer negundo;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;23.2;6;1;unknown;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];785;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];CANADA;0;0;0;23.2;;;1;;;;;planted in washed silica sand, nutrient solution added;juvenile; Pinus banksiana;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;26.2;27;1;unknown;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];574;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];CANADA;0;0;0;26.2;;;1;;;;;planted in washed silica sand, nutrient solution added;juvenile; Fraxinus pennsylvanica;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;22.7;14;1;unknown;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];26402;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];CANADA;0;0;0;22.7;;;1;;;;;planted in washed silica sand, nutrient solution added;juvenile; Picea glauca;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;26.7;27;1;unknown;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];684;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];CANADA;0;0;0;26.7;;;1;;;;;planted in washed silica sand, nutrient solution added;juvenile; Pinus banksiana;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;26.2;27;1;unknown;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];574;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];CANADA;0;0;0;26.2;;;1;;;;;planted in washed silica sand, nutrient solution added;juvenile; Pinus ponderosa;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;16.5;25;1;unknown;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];615;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];CANADA;0;0;0;16.5;;;1;;;;;planted in washed silica sand, nutrient solution added;juvenile; Galium palustre;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;25.6;8;1;unknown;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];31813;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];CANADA;0;0;0;25.6;;;1;;;;;planted in washed silica sand, nutrient solution added;juvenile; Melilotus alba;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;18.6;7;1;unknown;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];21420;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];CANADA;0;0;0;18.6;;;1;;;;;planted in washed silica sand, nutrient solution added;juvenile; Oenothera biennis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;21.2;15;1;unknown;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];26442;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];CANADA;0;0;0;21.2;;;1;;;;;planted in washed silica sand, nutrient solution added;juvenile; Oenothera biennis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;20;8;1;unknown;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];26442;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];CANADA;0;0;0;20;;;1;;;;;;juvenile; Bromus inermis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;24.4;7;1;unknown;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];40620;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];CANADA;0;0;0;24.4;;;1;;;;;planted in washed silica sand, nutrient solution added;juvenile; Tsuga canadensis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;19.1;10;1;unknown;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];566;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];CANADA;0;0;0;19.1;;;1;;;;;planted in washed silica sand, nutrient solution added;juvenile; Achillea millefolium;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;24.8;8;1;unknown;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];3013;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];CANADA;0;0;0;24.8;;;1;;;;;planted in washed silica sand, nutrient solution added;juvenile; Acer saccharinum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;29.7;7;1;unknown;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];805;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];CANADA;0;0;0;29.7;;;1;;;;;planted in washed silica sand, nutrient solution added;juvenile; Plantago major;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;17.8;7;1;unknown;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];27829;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];CANADA;0;0;0;17.8;;;1;;;;;planted in washed silica sand, nutrient solution added;juvenile; Rudbeckia hirta;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;24.1;9;1;unknown;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];11072;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];CANADA;0;0;0;24.1;;;1;;;;;planted in washed silica sand, nutrient solution added;juvenile; Phleum pratense;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;39.2;8;1;unknown;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];42408;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];CANADA;0;0;0;39.2;;;1;;;;;planted in washed silica sand, nutrient solution added;juvenile; Rumex longifolius;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;29.9;7;1;unknown;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];27534;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];CANADA;0;0;0;29.9;;;1;;;;;planted in washed silica sand, nutrient solution added;juvenile; Aster novae-angliae;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;26.9;9;1;unknown;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];5614;Shipley, B.(2002): Trade-offs between net assimilation rate and specific leaf area in determining relative growth rate: relationship with daily irradiance[16];CANADA;0;0;0;26.9;;;1;;;;;planted in washed silica sand, nutrient solution added;juvenile; Lolium multiflorum;unknown;32.5;1;1;unknown;Beddows, A. R. (1973): Biological flora of the British Isles: Lolium multiflorum Lam.;43196;Beddows, A. R. (1973): Biological flora of the British Isles: Lolium multiflorum Lam.;UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;;40;25;1;;;;;N unknown;unknown; Prunus avium;unknown;16.8;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];31189;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;16.8;;;1;;;;;Mohanty et al. (2001), N unknown;unknown; Sorbus torminalis;unknown;11.4;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];29551;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;11.4;;;1;;;;;Petit et al. (2003), Oddou-Muratorio et al. (2001), N unknown;unknown; Tilia platyphyllos;unknown;16.9;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];34634;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;16.9;;;1;;;;;Fineschi, S. (unpublished data), N unknown;unknown; Ulmus minor;unknown;9.3;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];35187;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;9.3;;;1;;;;;Petit et al. (2003), N unknown;unknown; Betula pendula;unknown;33.4;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];11720;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;33.4;;;1;;;;;Palme et al. (2003), N unknown;unknown; Calluna vulgaris;unknown;11.6;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];19587;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;11.6;;;1;;;;;Rendell & Ennos (2002), N unknown;unknown; Crataegus monogyna;unknown;15.8;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];29980;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;15.8;;;1;;;;;Fineschi et al. (2004), N unknown;unknown; Fraxinus angustifolia;unknown;18.6;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];26387;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;18.6;;;1;;;;;Vendramin, G.G. (unpublished data), N unknown;unknown; Ilex aquifolium;unknown;4.6;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];2439;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;4.6;;;1;;;;;Rendell & Ennos (2003), N unknown;unknown; Populus tremula;unknown;20.6;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];32680;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;20.6;;;1;;;;;Bittkau (2002), N unknown;unknown; Fagus sylvatica;unknown;22.1;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];22485;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;22.1;;;1;;;;;Petit et al. (2003), N unknown;unknown; Carpinus betulus;unknown;19.5;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];17990;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;19.5;;;1;;;;;Grivet & Petit (2003), N unknown;unknown; Hedera helix;unknown;16;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];2449;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;16;;;1;;;;;Grivet & Petit (2002), N unknown;unknown; Betula pubescens;unknown;14.4;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];11725;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;14.4;;;1;;;;;Palme et al. (2004), N unknown;unknown; Quercus robur;unknown;11.3;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];22457;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;11.3;;;1;;;;;Petit et al. (2003), Petit & Grivet (2002), N unknown;unknown; Prunus spinosa;unknown;16.2;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];29316;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;16.2;;;1;;;;;Mohanty et a. (2002), N unknown;unknown; Salix caprea;unknown;13.2;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];32596;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;13.2;;;1;;;;;Palme et al. (2003), N unknown;unknown; Rubus fruticosus ag. L.;unknown;11.6;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];58698;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;11.6;;;1;;;;;Petit et al. (2003), N unknown;unknown; Cytisus scoparius;unknown;11.2;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];21757;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;11.2;;;1;;;;;Petit et al. (2003), Aguinagalde et al. (2002), N unknown;unknown; Ulmus glabra;unknown;19.9;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];35180;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;19.9;;;1;;;;;Musch, B. (unpublished data), N unknown;unknown; Tilia cordata;unknown;20.7;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];34664;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;20.7;;;1;;;;;Fineschi et al. (2003), N unknown;unknown; Sorbus aria;unknown;10.8;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];30087;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;10.8;;;1;;;;;Musch, B. (unpublished data), N unknown;unknown; Acer pseudoplatanus;unknown;19.6;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];803;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;19.6;;;1;;;;;Bittkau (2002), N unknown;unknown; Acer campestre;unknown;23.2;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];811;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;23.2;;;1;;;;;Bittkau (2002), N unknown;unknown; Corylus avellana;unknown;21.3;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];18083;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;21.3;;;1;;;;;Palme & Vendramin (2002), N unknown;unknown; Alnus glutinosa;unknown;14;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];11694;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;14;;;1;;;;;Petit et al. (2003), N unknown;unknown; Fraxinus excelsior;unknown;11.8;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];26381;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;11.8;;;1;;;;;Heuertz et al. (2004), N unknown;unknown; Crataegus laevigata;unknown;17.1;1;1;unknown;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];29749;Aguinagalde, Itziar(2005): Effects of life-history traits and species distribution on genetic structure at maternally inherited markers in European trees and shrubs [32];SPAIN;0;0;0;17.1;;;1;;;;;Fienschi et al. (2004), N unknown;unknown; Malva pusilla;unknown;3.2;1;1;unknown;Makowski, R. M. D. (1989): The biology of Canadian weeds. 91. Malva pusilla Sm. (=M. rotundifolia L.).;25668;Makowski, R. M. D. (1989): The biology of Canadian weeds. 91. Malva pusilla Sm. (=M. rotundifolia L.).;CANADA;0;0;0;3.2;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Malva pusilla;unknown;20.8;1;1;unknown;Makowski, R. M. D. (1989): The biology of Canadian weeds. 91. Malva pusilla Sm. (=M. rotundifolia L.).;25668;Makowski, R. M. D. (1989): The biology of Canadian weeds. 91. Malva pusilla Sm. (=M. rotundifolia L.).;CANADA;0;0;0;20.8;;;1;;;;;Budzinsky (1987), N unknown;unknown; Arctostaphylos uva-ursi;field experiment;7.84;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Reich, Peter B.(1998): Relationship of leaf dark respiration to leaf nitrogen, specific leaf area and leaf life-span:..;19582;Reich, Peter B.(1998): Relationship of leaf dark respiration to leaf nitrogen, specific leaf area and leaf life-span:..;UNITED STATES;0;105.36;40.03;7.84;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vaccinium myrtillus;field experiment;17.1;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Reich, Peter B.(1998): Relationship of leaf dark respiration to leaf nitrogen, specific leaf area and leaf life-span:..;19475;Reich, Peter B.(1998): Relationship of leaf dark respiration to leaf nitrogen, specific leaf area and leaf life-span:..;UNITED STATES;0;105.36;40.03;17.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Menyanthes trifoliata;field experiment;27.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;26352;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.07;52.1;27.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Menyanthes trifoliata;field experiment;23.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;26352;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.07;52.1;23.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Deschampsia flexuosa;field experiment;16;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;41982;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.44;52.1;16;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Erica tetralix;field experiment;7.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;19489;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;6.21;52.24;7.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Erica tetralix;field experiment;8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;19489;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;6.21;52.24;8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Molinia caerulea;field experiment;24.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;42495;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;6.21;52.24;24.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Molinia caerulea;field experiment;21.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;42495;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;6.21;52.24;21.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Succisa pratensis;field experiment;15.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;19186;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;6.21;52.24;15.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Succisa pratensis;field experiment;16.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;19186;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;6.21;52.24;16.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Viola palustris;field experiment;27.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;35276;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;6.21;52.24;27.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Viola palustris;field experiment;34.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;35276;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;6.21;52.24;34.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex pilulifera;field experiment;24.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;37739;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.47;52;24.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex pilulifera;field experiment;20.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;37739;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.47;52;20.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Calluna vulgaris;field experiment;11;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;19587;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.47;52;11;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Calluna vulgaris;field experiment;8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;19587;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.47;52;8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Deschampsia flexuosa;field experiment;21.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;41982;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.47;52;21.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Deschampsia flexuosa;field experiment;17.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;41982;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.47;52;17.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Molinia caerulea;field experiment;23;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;42495;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.47;52;23;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Molinia caerulea;field experiment;22.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;42495;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.47;52;22.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium repens;field experiment;33.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;22101;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.1;52.05;33.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium repens;field experiment;28.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;22101;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.1;52.05;28.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex flacca;field experiment;15;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;37912;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.52;50.51;15;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Dactylorhiza maculata;field experiment;22;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;39506;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.52;50.51;22;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Agrostis capillaris;field experiment;25.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;41392;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;6.21;52.24;25.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Alopecurus pratensis;field experiment;30;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;40391;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;6.21;52.24;30;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Holcus lanatus;field experiment;31.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;42613;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;6.21;52.24;31.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Holcus lanatus;field experiment;37.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;42613;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;6.21;52.24;37.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lolium perenne;field experiment;42.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;43540;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;6.21;52.24;42.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Dactylis glomerata;field experiment;36.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;40290;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.1;52.24;36.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Dactylis glomerata;field experiment;28.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;40290;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.1;52.24;28.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polygonum persicaria;field experiment;36.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;27673;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.08;52.09;36.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Epilobium hirsutum;field experiment;19.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;26536;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.09;52.04;19.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Elymus repens;field experiment;29.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;40238;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.27;52;29.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Dactylis glomerata;field experiment;30;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;40290;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.1;52.05;30;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lolium perenne;field experiment;32.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;43540;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.1;52.05;32.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Juncus subnodulosus;field experiment;7.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;36148;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.07;52.1;7.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potentilla palustris;field experiment;15.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;30328;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.07;52.1;15.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potentilla palustris;field experiment;22.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;30328;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.07;52.1;22.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Urtica dioica;field experiment;28.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;35149;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.07;52.09;28.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Urtica dioica;field experiment;27.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;35149;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.27;52;27.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Urtica dioica;field experiment;23.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;35149;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.09;52.04;23.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Urtica dioica;field experiment;24.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;35149;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.1;52.24;24.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Urtica dioica;field experiment;33.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;35149;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.1;52.24;33.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Festuca ovina;field experiment;8.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;40171;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.47;52.11;8.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Festuca ovina;field experiment;16.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;40171;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.47;52.11;16.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Eupatorium cannabinum;field experiment;28.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;3585;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.07;52.09;28.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aegopodium podagraria;field experiment;30;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;2007;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.1;52.24;30;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aegopodium podagraria;field experiment;39.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;2007;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.1;52.24;39.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chenopodium album;field experiment;21.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;17842;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.08;52.09;21.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rumex acetosella;field experiment;24.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;27601;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.47;52;24.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ononis repens;field experiment;22.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;20645;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.52;50.51;22.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium saxatile;field experiment;28.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;31769;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.47;52;28.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ammophila arenaria;field experiment;8.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;40398;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.47;52.11;8.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ammophila arenaria;field experiment;6.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;40398;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.47;52.11;6.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Brachypodium pinnatum;field experiment;21.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;40931;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.52;50.51;21.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex lasiocarpa;field experiment;11.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;37319;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.07;52.1;11.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex lasiocarpa;field experiment;18;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;37319;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.07;52.1;18;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Genista anglica;field experiment;15.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;19775;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.47;52;15.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Genista anglica;field experiment;17.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;19775;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.47;52;17.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anthoxanthum odoratum;field experiment;30;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;41907;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;6.21;52.24;30;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anthoxanthum odoratum;field experiment;32;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;41907;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;6.21;52.24;32;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anthoxanthum odoratum;field experiment;27.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;41907;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.53;50.5;27.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Centaurea jacea;field experiment;18.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;3112;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.52;50.51;18.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Centaurea jacea;field experiment;13;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;3112;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.53;50.5;13;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Centaurea jacea;field experiment;15.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;3112;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.53;50.5;15.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Centaurea jacea;field experiment;16.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;3112;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.53;50.5;16.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Centaurea jacea;field experiment;25.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;3112;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.53;50.5;25.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cirsium arvense;field experiment;16;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;5024;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.09;52.04;16;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cirsium arvense;field experiment;5.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;5024;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.1;52.05;5.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cirsium arvense;field experiment;19.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;5024;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.1;52.05;19.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Taraxacum species;field experiment;36.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;9261;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.1;52.05;36.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;taraxacum officinale;adult; Taraxacum species;field experiment;37.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;9261;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;6.21;52.24;37.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;taraxacum officinale;adult; Leucanthemum vulgare;field experiment;14;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;9651;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.53;50.5;14;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Leucanthemum vulgare;field experiment;18.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;9651;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.53;50.5;18.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus hordeaceus;field experiment;29.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;40361;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.1;52.05;29.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Calamagrostis canescens;field experiment;28;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;40960;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.07;52.1;28;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Salix repens;field experiment;14.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;32533;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;6.21;52.24;14.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Salix repens;field experiment;15.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;32533;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;6.21;52.24;15.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex nigra;field experiment;16.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;37228;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.07;52.1;16.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex nigra;field experiment;15.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;37228;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.07;52.1;15.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Corynephorus canescens;field experiment;12.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;41702;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.47;52.11;12.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Corynephorus canescens;field experiment;16.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;41702;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.47;52.11;16.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anthriscus sylvestris;field experiment;30;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;1916;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.1;52.24;30;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anthriscus sylvestris;field experiment;30.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;1916;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.1;52.24;30.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cirsium dissectum;field experiment;16.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;5048;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;6.21;52.24;16.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cirsium dissectum;field experiment;17;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;5048;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;6.21;52.24;17;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Leontodon hispidus;field experiment;27;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;6638;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.52;50.51;27;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potentilla anserina;field experiment;30.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;29712;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.1;52.05;30.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potentilla anserina;field experiment;18.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;29712;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.1;52.05;18.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rhinanthus minor;field experiment;26.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;32892;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.53;50.5;26.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium aparine;field experiment;47.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;31956;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.07;52.09;47.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium aparine;field experiment;39;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;31956;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.27;52;39;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium aparine;field experiment;42;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;31956;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.1;52.24;42;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium aparine;field experiment;62.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;31956;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.1;52.24;62.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Phragmites australis;field experiment;23.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;42412;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.07;52.09;23.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Phragmites australis;field experiment;18.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;42412;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.09;52.04;18.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cirsium vulgare;field experiment;19.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;3737;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.07;52.09;19.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Heracleum sphondylium;field experiment;23.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;1232;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.27;52;23.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Leontodon autumnalis;field experiment;32.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;7298;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;6.21;52.24;32.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Plantago major;field experiment;21.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;27829;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.1;52.05;21.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Plantago major;field experiment;16;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;27829;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.1;52.05;16;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Plantago lanceolata;field experiment;25.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;27860;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.52;50.51;25.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Plantago lanceolata;field experiment;19.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;27860;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.53;50.5;19.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Plantago lanceolata;field experiment;24.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;27860;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.53;50.5;24.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Plantago lanceolata;field experiment;13.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;27860;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.1;52.05;13.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Plantago lanceolata;field experiment;24.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;27860;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.1;52.05;24.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium pratense;field experiment;23.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;22096;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.53;50.5;23.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium pratense;field experiment;23.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;22096;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.53;50.5;23.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus repens;field experiment;29.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;26770;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;5.1;52.05;29.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus repens;field experiment;23.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;26770;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;6.21;52.24;23.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus repens;field experiment;34.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;26770;Poorter, Hendrik(1999): A comparison of specific leaf area, chemical composition and leaf construction costs of field ....;NETHERLANDS;0;6.21;52.24;34.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Achillea millefolium;field experiment;9.3;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;3013;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;9.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Elymus repens;field experiment;14.129;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;40238;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;14.129;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Agrostis gigantea;field experiment;15.188;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;40852;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;15.188;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Asclepias syriaca;field experiment;15.828;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;2546;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;15.828;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aster lanceolatus;field experiment;13.233;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;5496;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;13.233;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aster novae-angliae;field experiment;14.864;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;5614;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;14.864;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Crepis tectorum;field experiment;17.2;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;3084;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;17.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Festuca rubra;field experiment;15.361;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;40103;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;15.361;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Oenothera biennis;field experiment;9.627;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;26442;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;9.627;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Poa pratensis;field experiment;6.91;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;42677;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;6.91;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Setaria pumila;field experiment;19.701;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;43456;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;19.701;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vicia villosa;field experiment;25.417;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;21598;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;25.417;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Festuca ovina;field experiment;12.055;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;40171;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;12.055;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ambrosia artemisiifolia;field experiment;14.12;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;4198;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;14.12;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chenopodium album;field experiment;13;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;17842;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;13;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rumex acetosella;field experiment;13.831;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;27601;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;13.831;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex lasiocarpa;field experiment;7.312;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;37319;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;7.312;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Koeleria macrantha;field experiment;5.028;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;42831;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;5.028;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Heliopsis helianthoides;field experiment;16.427;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;7176;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;16.427;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Verbascum thapsus;field experiment;13.611;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;32859;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;13.611;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Phleum pratense;field experiment;15.577;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;42408;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;15.577;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Conyza canadensis;field experiment;18.885;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;5194;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;18.885;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lupinus perennis;field experiment;16.743;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;21453;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;16.743;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Panicum capillare;field experiment;21.667;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;43220;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;21.667;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aster laevis;field experiment;12.714;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;5953;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;12.714;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Berteroa incana;field experiment;12;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;14292;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;12;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium pratense;field experiment;21.773;1;1;leaf rehydration;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;22096;Craine, J.M.(201): The relationship among roots and leaf traits of 76 grassland species and relative abundance ...;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;21.773;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sedum telephium;unknown;15.625;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18283;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;15.625;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Origanum vulgare;unknown;20.49180328;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23973;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;20.49180328;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Trifolium repens;unknown;28.01120448;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22101;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;28.01120448;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Hyoscyamus niger;unknown;56.49717514;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34956;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;56.49717514;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Vincetoxicum hirundinaria;unknown;31.25;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2467;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;31.25;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Anthemis tinctoria;unknown;13.31557923;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2787;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;13.31557923;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Artemisia absinthium;unknown;41.49377593;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;5486;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;41.49377593;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Artemisia vulgaris;unknown;29.41176471;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;4158;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;29.41176471;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Cacalia hastata;unknown;53.19148936;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;5949;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;53.19148936;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Vaccinium uliginosum;unknown;12.84135872;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19479;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;12.84135872;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Arctostaphylos alpinus;unknown;10.41666667;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19579;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;10.41666667;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Astragalus alpinus;unknown;21.73913043;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21673;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;21.73913043;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Bartsia alpina;unknown;12.54901961;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34451;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;12.54901961;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Betula nana;unknown;12.28149488;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11715;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;12.28149488;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Diapensia lapponica;unknown;6.371753247;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19591;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;6.371753247;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Loiseleuria procumbens;unknown;4.332983193;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19506;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;4.332983193;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Loiseleuria procumbens;unknown;4.545454545;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19506;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;4.545454545;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Picea glauca;unknown;3.125;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;684;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;3.125;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Potentilla fruticosa;unknown;12.98701299;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29725;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;12.98701299;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Anemone sylvestris;unknown;19.68503937;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27363;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;19.68503937;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Trollius europaeus;unknown;23.41920375;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26598;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;23.41920375;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Fragaria vesca;unknown;38.46153846;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30633;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;38.46153846;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Fragaria viridis;unknown;19.37984496;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29358;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;19.37984496;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Potentilla erecta;unknown;31.15264798;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30927;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;31.15264798;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Galium boreale;unknown;14.68428781;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31917;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;14.68428781;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Galium mollugo;unknown;38.46153846;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31782;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;38.46153846;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Galium verum;unknown;29.58579882;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31730;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;29.58579882;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Veronica chamaedrys;unknown;31.25;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32792;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;31.25;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Viola canina;unknown;30.03003003;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35384;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;30.03003003;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Viola mirabilis;unknown;58.47953216;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35297;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;58.47953216;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Allium lineare;unknown;12.01923077;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39287;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;12.01923077;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Calla palustris;unknown;30.21148036;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35879;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;30.21148036;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Convallaria majalis;unknown;42.73504274;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39099;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;42.73504274;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix herbacea;unknown;12.22641524;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32589;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;12.22641524;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Trollius europaeus;unknown;27.83822823;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26598;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;27.83822823;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Vaccinium uliginosum;unknown;12.4672926;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19479;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;12.4672926;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Veronica alpina;unknown;27.47645803;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33325;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;27.47645803;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Rubus corylifolius;unknown;14.2;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30823;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;GERMANY;;;;14.2;;;10;;;;;Kuppers_Bayreuth, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Tofieldia pusilla;unknown;13.88888889;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;38843;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;13.88888889;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Scirpus cespitosus;unknown;6.41025641;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37472;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;6.41025641;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Vaccinium uliginosum;unknown;12.29722658;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19479;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;12.29722658;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Maianthemum bifolium;unknown;38.46153846;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39069;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;38.46153846;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Polygonatum odoratum;unknown;38.02281369;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;38076;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;38.02281369;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Sparganium erectum;unknown;18.3;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43993;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;18.3;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Typha latifolia;unknown;8.004847939;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;44041;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;8.004847939;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Arabis alpina;unknown;26.31578947;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13346;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;26.31578947;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Crataegus monogyna;unknown;8.26446281;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29980;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SPAIN;;;;8.26446281;;;10;;;;;Mediavilla_et_al_Salamanca, collection period: 1995-1997, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Quercus suber;unknown;4.975124378;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22470;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SPAIN;;;;4.975124378;;;10;;;;;Mediavilla_et_al_Salamanca, collection period: 1995-1997, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Acer platanoides;unknown;20.74688797;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;801;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;20.74688797;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Alnus incana;unknown;14.92537313;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11695;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;14.92537313;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Andromeda polifolia;unknown;7.598784195;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19573;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;7.598784195;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Betula nana;unknown;9.345794393;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11715;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;9.345794393;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Betula pendula;unknown;13.15789474;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11720;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;13.15789474;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Prunus cerasus;unknown;37.31343284;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29305;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;37.31343284;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Chamaedaphne calyculata;unknown;9.852216749;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19530;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;9.852216749;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Erigeron uniflorus;unknown;20.92066667;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2653;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;20.92066667;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Gentiana acaulis;unknown;15.01501502;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23091;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;15.01501502;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Luzula alpinopilosa;unknown;14.706;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36187;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;14.706;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Potentilla frigida;unknown;18.86792453;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30607;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;18.86792453;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Primula glutinosa;unknown;13.75030112;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28781;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;13.75030112;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Ranunculus glacialis;unknown;16.25340056;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26885;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;16.25340056;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Taraxacum apenninum;unknown;27.397;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;44239;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;27.397;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Veronica alpina;unknown;27.02702703;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33325;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;27.02702703;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Achillea millefolium;unknown;19.08646226;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3013;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;19.08646226;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_low, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Arabis hirsuta;unknown;20;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13002;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;20;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_low, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Crataegus monogyna;unknown;9.090909091;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29980;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;9.090909091;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Euonymus europaeus;unknown;19.60784314;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18402;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;19.60784314;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Frangula alnus;unknown;38.31417625;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28032;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;38.31417625;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Juniperus communis;unknown;10.58201058;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;741;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;10.58201058;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Lonicera caerulea;unknown;13.49527665;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15404;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;13.49527665;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Potentilla fruticosa;unknown;20.2020202;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29725;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;20.2020202;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Physocarpus opulifolius;unknown;24.3902439;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29711;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;24.3902439;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Pyrus pyraster;unknown;11.23595506;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31153;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;11.23595506;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Ribes alpinum;unknown;15.87301587;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23116;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;15.87301587;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Ribes nigrum;unknown;17.54385965;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23122;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;17.54385965;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Ranunculus acris;unknown;15.71001613;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26865;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;15.71001613;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_low, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Ranunculus bulbosus;unknown;17.85714286;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26809;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;17.85714286;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_low, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Ranunculus polyanthemos;unknown;14.92537313;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26780;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;14.92537313;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_low, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Taraxacum officinale;unknown;29.07;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;44250;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;29.07;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_low, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Rosa canina;unknown;10.59322034;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29295;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;10.59322034;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Rosa majalis;unknown;19.41747573;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31125;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;19.41747573;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Rosa mollis;unknown;12.82051282;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31128;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;12.82051282;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Rosa rugosa;unknown;8.326394671;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30857;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;8.326394671;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix aurita;unknown;12.04819277;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32563;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;12.04819277;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix fragilis;unknown;8.802816901;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32570;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;8.802816901;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Trifolium repens;unknown;29.499;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22101;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;29.499;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_low, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Veronica chamaedrys;unknown;31.25;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32792;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;31.25;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_low, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Amaranthus blitoides;unknown;18.14068558;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;892;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SPAIN;;;;18.14068558;;;10;;;;;Gulias_UIB, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Anagyris foetida;unknown;10.48488576;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21583;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SPAIN;;;;10.48488576;;;10;;;;;Gulias_UIB, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Beta vulgaris;unknown;19.35816502;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17819;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SPAIN;;;;19.35816502;;;10;;;;;Gulias_UIB, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Ceratonia siliqua;unknown;3.96249317;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20790;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SPAIN;;;;3.96249317;;;10;;;;;Gulias_UIB, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Convolvulus arvensis;unknown;23.91100746;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18911;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SPAIN;;;;23.91100746;;;10;;;;;Gulias_UIB, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Fraxinus angustifolia;unknown;8.847167356;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26387;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SPAIN;;;;8.847167356;;;10;;;;;Gulias_UIB, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Quercus pubescens;unknown;9.491320092;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22449;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SPAIN;;;;9.491320092;;;10;;;;;Gulias_UIB, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Vitex agnus-castus;unknown;12.00971578;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35099;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SPAIN;;;;12.00971578;;;10;;;;;Gulias_UIB, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Quercus rubra;unknown;10.65;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22466;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;10.65;;;10;;;;;Jose_Gillespie_Indiana, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Achillea millefolium;unknown;20.2620552;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3013;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;20.2620552;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Alnus incana;unknown;13.8674719;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11695;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;13.8674719;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Andromeda polifolia;unknown;7.746506844;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19573;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;7.746506844;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Angelica sylvestris;unknown;33.39695718;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1519;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;33.39695718;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Arctostaphylos alpinus;unknown;11.74754173;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19579;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;11.74754173;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Astragalus alpinus;unknown;24.31409162;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21673;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;24.31409162;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix lapponum;unknown;9.699321048;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32550;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;9.699321048;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix myrsinifolia;unknown;13.19261214;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32559;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;13.19261214;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix myrtilloides;unknown;15.29051988;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32557;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;15.29051988;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix purpurea;unknown;9.496676163;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32526;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;9.496676163;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix bicolor;unknown;8.944543828;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32585;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;8.944543828;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Sambucus racemosa;unknown;20.83333333;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15364;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;20.83333333;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Sorbaria sorbifolia;unknown;24.63054187;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29158;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;24.63054187;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Taxus baccata;unknown;12.80409731;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;835;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;12.80409731;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Ulmus laevis;unknown;19.12045889;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35184;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;19.12045889;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Vaccinium uliginosum;unknown;17.30103806;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19479;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;17.30103806;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Bartsia alpina;unknown;13.93073448;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34451;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;13.93073448;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Betula nana;unknown;12.43322142;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11715;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;12.43322142;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Carex capitata;unknown;13.31705545;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37361;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;13.31705545;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Cornus suecica;unknown;30.94105415;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18440;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;30.94105415;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Elymus repens;unknown;24.13118049;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40238;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;24.13118049;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Geranium sylvaticum;unknown;21.68501329;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22559;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;21.68501329;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Juncus arcticus;unknown;4.408566184;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35944;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;4.408566184;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Quercus rubra;unknown;18.2;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22466;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;CANADA;;;;18.2;;;10;;;;;Ricklefs_SE_Ontario, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix fragilis;unknown;10.41860465;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32570;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;CANADA;;;;10.41860465;;;10;;;;;Small1972_OTTAWA, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Acer platanoides;unknown;21.53;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;801;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;POLAND;;;;21.53;;;10;;;;;OleksynPol_Siemanice, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Betula pendula;unknown;15.1813091;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11720;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;POLAND;;;;15.1813091;;;10;;;;;OleksynPol_Siemanice, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Larix decidua;unknown;9.93735894;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;653;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;POLAND;;;;9.93735894;;;10;;;;;OleksynPol_Siemanice, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Picea abies;unknown;4.2519858;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;670;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;POLAND;;;;4.2519858;;;10;;;;;OleksynPol_Siemanice, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Pinus nigra;unknown;3.07790869;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;593;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;POLAND;;;;3.07790869;;;10;;;;;OleksynPol_Siemanice, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Pinus sylvestris;unknown;3.53722917;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;624;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;POLAND;;;;3.53722917;;;10;;;;;OleksynPol_Siemanice, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Juniperus communis;unknown;5.996618001;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;741;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;5.996618001;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Loiseleuria procumbens;unknown;4;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19506;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;4;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Picea abies;unknown;3.323156172;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;670;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;3.323156172;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Pinguicula vulgaris;unknown;60.80619215;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26085;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;60.80619215;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Pinus sylvestris;unknown;3.317403379;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;624;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;3.317403379;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Rhodiola rosea;unknown;29.36647461;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18168;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;29.36647461;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Rumex obtusifolius;unknown;24.86544148;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27542;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;24.86544148;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix lapponum;unknown;11.66189306;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32550;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;11.66189306;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Pseudotsuga menziesii;unknown;7.16615124;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;562;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;POLAND;;;;7.16615124;;;10;;;;;OleksynPol_Siemanice, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Quercus rubra;unknown;14.589463;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22466;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;POLAND;;;;14.589463;;;10;;;;;OleksynPol_Siemanice, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Quercus rubra;unknown;10.4;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22466;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;10.4;;;10;;;;;MitchellNC_Coweeta, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Robinia pseudacacia;unknown;13.2;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22045;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;13.2;;;10;;;;;MitchellNC_Coweeta, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Larix decidua;unknown;13.9;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;653;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;13.9;;;10;;;;;Reichetal_Wisconsin, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Prunus serotina;unknown;9.9;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29315;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;9.9;;;10;;;;;Reichetal_Wisconsin, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Alnus incana;unknown;21.73913043;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11695;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;21.73913043;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Andromeda polifolia;unknown;6.447453256;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19573;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;6.447453256;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Arctagrostis latifolia;unknown;7.692307692;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40408;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;7.692307692;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Arctostaphylos alpinus;unknown;10.12145749;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19579;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;10.12145749;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Betula nana;unknown;15.87301587;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11715;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;15.87301587;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Betula glandulosa, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Betula nana;unknown;13.00408559;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11715;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;13.00408559;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Carex aquatilis;unknown;10.35478548;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;38015;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;10.35478548;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Carex bigelowii;unknown;9.085326548;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37350;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;9.085326548;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Epilobium latifolium;unknown;14.92537313;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26494;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;14.92537313;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Equisetum arvense;unknown;9.900990099;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;166;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;9.900990099;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Eriophorum vaginatum;unknown;6.382111078;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37560;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;6.382111078;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Antennaria dioica;unknown;25;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2770;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;25;;;1;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Arctium tomentosum;unknown;50;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3664;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;50;;;1;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Polygonum bistorta;unknown;41.67;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27743;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;41.67;;;1;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Polygonum bistorta;unknown;27.03;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27743;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;27.03;;;1;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_low, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Polygonum bistorta;unknown;10.76;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27743;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;10.76;;;1;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, ssp. plumosum, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Polygonum bistorta;unknown;10.18;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27743;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;10.18;;;1;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Empetrum nigrum s. hermaphroditum;unknown;5.65;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19451;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;5.65;;;1;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Empetrum nigrum s. hermaphroditum;unknown;6.44;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19451;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;6.44;;;1;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Eriophorum angustifolium;unknown;13.08;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37550;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;13.08;;;1;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Eriophorum angustifolium;unknown;7.82;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37550;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;7.82;;;1;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Eriophorum angustifolium;unknown;6.85;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37550;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;6.85;;;1;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, ssp. triste, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Genista tinctoria;unknown;16.67;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21390;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;16.67;;;1;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum;unknown;15.57611026;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34226;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;15.57611026;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Populus tremula;unknown;12.99573545;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32680;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;12.99573545;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Populus tremula;unknown;9.803921569;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32680;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;9.803921569;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull98_Tartu, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Populus tremula;unknown;11.53402537;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32680;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;11.53402537;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix acutifolia;unknown;17.57469244;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32683;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;17.57469244;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Veronica longifolia;unknown;15.67;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32803;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;15.67;;;1;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Potentilla reptans;unknown;28.98550725;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30622;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;28.98550725;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_low, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Juncus biglumis;unknown;5;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35947;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;5;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Rosa caesia;unknown;11.9047619;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30273;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;11.9047619;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Deschampsia cespitosa;unknown;18.03416424;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40299;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;18.03416424;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix reticulata;unknown;7.975973184;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32535;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;7.975973184;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix reticulata;unknown;11.0619469;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32535;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;11.0619469;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix reticulata;unknown;9.155518395;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32535;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;9.155518395;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix glauca;unknown;11.76470588;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32573;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;11.76470588;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix daphnoides;unknown;10.63829787;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32605;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;10.63829787;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Carex vaginata;unknown;16.07869118;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37695;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;16.07869118;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Lilium martagon;unknown;25.70694087;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39063;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;25.70694087;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Equisetum sylvaticum;unknown;24.40581798;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;179;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;24.40581798;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Equisetum variegatum;unknown;6.329113924;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;184;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;6.329113924;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Poa glauca;unknown;7.936507937;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43601;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;7.936507937;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Aegopodium podagraria;unknown;30.3030303;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2007;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;30.3030303;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Arabis caerulea;unknown;21.00840336;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;12655;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;21.00840336;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Leucanthemopsis alpina;unknown;16;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;7191;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;16;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Solidago virgaurea;unknown;27.53185293;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9820;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;27.53185293;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Chenopodium album;unknown;14.75077187;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17842;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SPAIN;;;;14.75077187;;;10;;;;;Gulias_UIB, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Chenopodium album;unknown;15.3;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17842;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SPAIN;;;;15.3;;;10;;;;;Mooney_etal_81_old-field, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Chenopodium album;unknown;57.80346821;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17842;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;57.80346821;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Fagus sylvatica;unknown;22.1938319;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22485;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;POLAND;;;;22.1938319;;;10;;;;;OleksynPol_Siemanice, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Carpinus betulus;unknown;21.888455;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17990;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;POLAND;;;;21.888455;;;10;;;;;OleksynPol_Siemanice, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Rumex acetosella;unknown;14.79289941;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27601;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;14.79289941;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Gentiana bavarica;unknown;17.00680272;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23084;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;17.00680272;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Sedum acre;unknown;5;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18178;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;5;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Polygonum aviculare;unknown;33.67003367;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27740;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;33.67003367;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Plantago media;unknown;26.17801047;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27756;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;26.17801047;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Stachys officinalis;unknown;31.25;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24916;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;31.25;;;1;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Trientalis europaea;unknown;44.84304933;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28871;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;44.84304933;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Vaccinium vitis-idaea;unknown;5.614022096;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19439;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;5.614022096;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Vaccinium vitis-idaea;unknown;4.06162465;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19439;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;4.06162465;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Vaccinium vitis-idaea;unknown;6.270247235;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19439;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;6.270247235;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Empetrum nigrum;unknown;5.681282414;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19449;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;5.681282414;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Empetrum nigrum;unknown;11.4494383;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19449;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;11.4494383;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Cerastium uniflorum;unknown;31.65316532;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15656;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;31.65316532;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Epilobium angustifolium;unknown;12.99;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26075;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;12.99;;;1;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Epilobium angustifolium;unknown;15.11;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26075;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;15.11;;;1;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Epilobium angustifolium;unknown;27.78;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26075;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;27.78;;;1;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Primula elatior;unknown;23.7252619;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29086;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;23.7252619;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_low, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Drosera rotundifolia;unknown;39.72177119;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18999;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;39.72177119;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Knautia arvensis;unknown;25.77319588;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19058;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;25.77319588;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Spergularia rubra;unknown;12.28501229;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17650;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;12.28501229;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Polygala sibirica;unknown;14.4092219;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28086;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;14.4092219;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Rubus saxatilis;unknown;32.9225464;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29888;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;32.9225464;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Myrica gale;unknown;10.22494888;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25316;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;10.22494888;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Sorbus intermedia;unknown;11.9047619;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30014;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;11.9047619;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Fumaria officinalis;unknown;43.29004329;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25549;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;43.29004329;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Thlaspi arvense;unknown;24.69135802;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13825;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;24.69135802;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Lychnis flos-jovis;unknown;22.22222222;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17458;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;22.22222222;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_low, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Pedicularis asplenifolia;unknown;18.96;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33857;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;18.96;;;1;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Prunus padus;unknown;25.64102564;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30306;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;25.64102564;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Daphne mezereum;unknown;32.36245955;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34610;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;32.36245955;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Pedicularis hirsuta;unknown;20.27775451;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33478;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;20.27775451;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Carex rostrata;unknown;14.50056525;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37274;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;14.50056525;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix polaris;unknown;13.51351351;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32521;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;13.51351351;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Svalbard, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix polaris;unknown;12.01919807;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32521;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;12.01919807;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix arctica;unknown;11.49425287;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32524;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;11.49425287;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix cinerea;unknown;9.98003992;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32565;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;9.98003992;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix pentandra;unknown;14.3472023;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32567;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;14.3472023;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix phylicifolia;unknown;10.13171226;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32568;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;10.13171226;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix phylicifolia;unknown;10.92569122;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32568;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;10.92569122;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, ssp. pulchra, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Rosa dumalis;unknown;11.31221719;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;60797;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;11.31221719;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Neottianthe cucullata;unknown;45.66210046;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39958;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;45.66210046;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Ligusticum mutellina;unknown;12.594;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1224;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;12.594;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Thuja occidentalis;unknown;4.4843049;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;755;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;4.4843049;;;10;;;;;Reichetal_Wisconsin, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Amaranthus retroflexus;unknown;16.96272472;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;931;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SPAIN;;;;16.96272472;;;10;;;;;Gulias_UIB, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Matteuccia struthiopteris;unknown;27.16114259;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;57;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;27.16114259;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Petasites frigidus;unknown;14.98148356;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;10210;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;14.98148356;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Inula hirta;unknown;21.18644068;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;8244;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;21.18644068;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Echinops ritro;unknown;8.333333333;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2649;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;8.333333333;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Ribes rubrum;unknown;33.44481605;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23126;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;33.44481605;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Ribes spicatum;unknown;29.96811673;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23132;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;29.96811673;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Ribes spicatum;unknown;38.31417625;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23132;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;38.31417625;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Oxyria digyna;unknown;39.21625;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27715;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;39.21625;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Oxyria digyna;unknown;14.08450704;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27715;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;14.08450704;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Svalbard, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Oxyria digyna;unknown;16.05033385;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27715;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;16.05033385;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Betula humilis;unknown;12.34567901;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11714;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;12.34567901;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Betula pubescens;unknown;15.87;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11725;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;15.87;;;1;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Betula pubescens;unknown;14.5;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11725;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;14.5;;;1;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Cerastium arvense;unknown;10;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;16782;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;10;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_low, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Spergula arvensis;unknown;11.11111111;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;16731;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;11.11111111;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Stellaria media;unknown;32.46753247;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;16755;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;32.46753247;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Moneses uniflora;unknown;17.54385965;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28798;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;17.54385965;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Bunias orientalis;unknown;24.15458937;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14415;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;24.15458937;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Orthilia secunda;unknown;17.96945346;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28809;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;17.96945346;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Orthilia secunda;unknown;11.66861144;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28809;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;11.66861144;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Lonicera xylosteum;unknown;24.93765586;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15356;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;24.93765586;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Linnaea borealis;unknown;33.33333333;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15394;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;33.33333333;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Filipendula ulmaria;unknown;28.34113749;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29764;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;28.34113749;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Filipendula ulmaria;unknown;18.79699248;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29764;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;18.79699248;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Lupinus polyphyllus;unknown;31.34796238;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22241;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;31.34796238;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Quercus ilex;unknown;4.132231405;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22435;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SPAIN;;;;4.132231405;;;10;;;;;Mediavilla_et_al_Salamanca, collection period: 1995-1997, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Quercus robur;unknown;14.490847;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22457;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;POLAND;;;;14.490847;;;10;;;;;OleksynPol_Siemanice, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Quercus robur;unknown;16.47446458;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22457;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;16.47446458;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Campanula sibirica;unknown;11.79245283;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15030;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;11.79245283;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Campanula barbata;unknown;19.01140684;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15243;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;19.01140684;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Rosa glauca;unknown;11.0864745;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29258;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;11.0864745;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Prunus spinosa;unknown;17.42160279;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29316;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;17.42160279;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Prunus spinosa;unknown;11.1;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29316;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;GERMANY;;;;11.1;;;10;;;;;Kuppers_Bayreuth, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Filipendula vulgaris;unknown;21.27659574;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29429;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;21.27659574;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Potentilla hyparctica;unknown;18.86792453;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31169;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;18.86792453;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Dryas octopetala;unknown;13.51351351;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31232;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;13.51351351;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Dryas octopetala;unknown;5.015;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31232;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;5.015;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, var. integrifolia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Dryas octopetala;unknown;10.72959501;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31232;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;10.72959501;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Dryas octopetala;unknown;8.474576271;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31232;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;8.474576271;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Svalbard, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Dryas octopetala;unknown;8.782021782;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31232;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;8.782021782;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Populus tremuloides;unknown;13.15789474;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32681;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;13.15789474;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Populus alba;unknown;10.86894259;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32710;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SPAIN;;;;10.86894259;;;10;;;;;Gulias_UIB, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Veronica spicata;unknown;12.85;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32745;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;12.85;;;1;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Veronica bellidioides;unknown;10;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32788;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;10;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Verbascum thapsus;unknown;33.89830508;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32859;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;33.89830508;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Melampyrum sylvaticum;unknown;31.78397868;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33044;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;31.78397868;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Digitalis grandiflora;unknown;30.21148036;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33169;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;30.21148036;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Sanguisorba officinalis;unknown;32.78688525;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30139;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;32.78688525;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Sibbaldia procumbens;unknown;17.00680272;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30472;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;17.00680272;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Sibbaldia procumbens;unknown;15.75757576;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30472;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;15.75757576;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Euphrasia frigida;unknown;32.62064489;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34486;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;32.62064489;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix viminalis;unknown;13.22751323;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32486;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;13.22751323;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix starkeana;unknown;11.76470588;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32511;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;11.76470588;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix caprea;unknown;16.77852349;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32596;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;16.77852349;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Phleum alpinum;unknown;24.06801742;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;42401;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;24.06801742;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Poa laxa;unknown;25;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;42439;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;25;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Poa arctica;unknown;9.803921569;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;42900;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;9.803921569;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Platanthera bifolia;unknown;28.16901408;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39786;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;28.16901408;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Artemisia genipi;unknown;23.80952381;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3535;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;23.80952381;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Acer negundo;unknown;27;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;785;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;CANADA;;;;27;;;10;;;;;Ricklefs_SE_Ontario, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Acer opalus;unknown;17.68033946;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;791;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SPAIN;;;;17.68033946;;;10;;;;;Gulias_Sóller, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Cirsium arvense;unknown;26.10966057;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;5024;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;26.10966057;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Leucanthemum vulgare;unknown;19.12396226;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9651;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;19.12396226;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_low, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Leucanthemum vulgare;unknown;33.44481605;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9651;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;33.44481605;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Pyrola media;unknown;20.49180328;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28773;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;20.49180328;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Pyrola rotundifolia;unknown;20.36659878;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28777;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;20.36659878;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Polygonum viviparum;unknown;12.5;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27573;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;12.5;;;1;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Svalbard, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Polygonum viviparum;unknown;11.38;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27573;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;11.38;;;1;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Polygonum viviparum;unknown;14.31;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27573;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;14.31;;;1;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Polygonum viviparum;unknown;14.25;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27573;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;14.25;;;1;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Aquilegia vulgaris;unknown;29.41176471;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27156;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;29.41176471;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Caltha palustris;unknown;41.6668417;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27293;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;41.6668417;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Caltha palustris;unknown;30.864;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27293;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;30.864;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_low, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Caltha palustris;unknown;35.71428571;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27293;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;35.71428571;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Erodium cicutarium;unknown;54.94505495;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22675;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;54.94505495;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Lathyrus pratensis;unknown;29.45779345;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21355;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;29.45779345;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Rhamnus catharticus;unknown;11.5;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28012;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;11.5;;;1;;;;;Reichetal_Wisconsin, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Rhamnus catharticus;unknown;15.63;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28012;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;15.63;;;1;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Hedysarum alpinum;unknown;15.625;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21851;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;15.625;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Thalictrum simplex;unknown;22.67573696;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26562;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;22.67573696;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Syringa vulgaris;unknown;15.625;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26377;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;15.625;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Glechoma hederacea;unknown;46.08294931;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24650;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;46.08294931;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Vaccinium myrtillus;unknown;24.87562189;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19475;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;24.87562189;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Vaccinium myrtillus;unknown;43.85964912;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19475;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;43.85964912;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Vaccinium myrtillus;unknown;13.69863014;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19475;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;13.69863014;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Vaccinium myrtillus;unknown;18.57250023;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19475;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;18.57250023;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Pyrus communis;unknown;7.407407407;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29660;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SPAIN;;;;7.407407407;;;10;;;;;Mediavilla_et_al_Salamanca, collection period: 1995-1997, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Sambucus nigra;unknown;18.11594203;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15363;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;18.11594203;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Atriplex halimus;unknown;11.43185146;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17763;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SPAIN;;;;11.43185146;;;10;;;;;Gulias_UIB, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Amelanchier spicata;unknown;19.60784314;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29852;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;19.60784314;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Malus domestica;unknown;25.83979328;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30045;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;25.83979328;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Rubus chamaemorus;unknown;12.3415468;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30071;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;12.3415468;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Rubus chamaemorus;unknown;12.5;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30071;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;12.5;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Rubus chamaemorus;unknown;12.10304475;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30071;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;12.10304475;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Geum rivale;unknown;18.93946226;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29366;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;18.93946226;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_low, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Potentilla crantzii;unknown;16.94915254;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29387;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;16.94915254;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_low, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Potentilla crantzii;unknown;16.502;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29387;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;16.502;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Potentilla crantzii;unknown;12.20238095;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29387;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;12.20238095;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Spiraea alba;unknown;12.31830239;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29502;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;CANADA;;;;12.31830239;;;10;;;;;Small1972_OTTAWA, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Chrysosplenium alternifolium;unknown;54.34782609;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31308;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;54.34782609;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Spiraea tomentosa;unknown;13.29179647;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30734;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;CANADA;;;;13.29179647;;;10;;;;;Small1972_OTTAWA, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Juncus trifidus;unknown;17.3121259;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36209;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;17.3121259;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Ulmus glabra;unknown;25.97402597;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35180;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;25.97402597;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Linaria alpina;unknown;25;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34452;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;25;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Pedicularis lapponica;unknown;16.26330584;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33481;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;16.26330584;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Pedicularis lapponica;unknown;10.99033816;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33481;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;10.99033816;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Melampyrum pratense;unknown;20.57613169;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33526;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;20.57613169;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Tilia cordata;unknown;21.7698447;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34664;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;POLAND;;;;21.7698447;;;10;;;;;OleksynPol_Siemanice, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Tilia cordata;unknown;13.17523057;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34664;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;13.17523057;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull98_Tartu, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Tilia cordata;unknown;39.21568627;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34664;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;39.21568627;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix repens;unknown;9.523809524;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32533;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;9.523809524;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, ssp. rosmarinifolia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix myrsinites;unknown;8.592398975;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32555;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;8.592398975;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix myrsinites;unknown;10.52631579;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32555;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;10.52631579;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Populus candicans;unknown;10.41666667;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;44620;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;10.41666667;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Anthriscus sylvestris;unknown;42.59886272;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1916;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;42.59886272;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Gymnocarpium dryopteris;unknown;35.48499096;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;355;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;35.48499096;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Picea mariana;unknown;2.564102564;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;685;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;2.564102564;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Achillea erba-rotta s. moschata;unknown;22.22;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6098;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;22.22;;;1;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Senecio incanus;unknown;15.01501502;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9472;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;15.01501502;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Pyrola minor;unknown;29.6735905;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28775;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;29.6735905;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Carum carvi;unknown;26.385;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2331;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;26.385;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_low, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Leontodon hispidus;unknown;22.98850575;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6638;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;22.98850575;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_low, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Leontodon hispidus;unknown;20;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6638;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;20;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Ribes uva-crispa;unknown;34.36426117;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23138;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;34.36426117;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Ribes uva-crispa;unknown;15.4;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23138;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;GERMANY;;;;15.4;;;10;;;;;Kuppers_Bayreuth, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Polygala vulgaris;unknown;14.68428781;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28062;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;14.68428781;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Onobrychis arenaria;unknown;8.920606601;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21876;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;8.920606601;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Berberis vulgaris;unknown;13.15789474;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11672;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;13.15789474;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Betula papyrifera;unknown;18.18181818;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11719;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;18.18181818;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Kalmia angustifolia;unknown;8.352941176;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19496;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;CANADA;;;;8.352941176;;;10;;;;;Small1972_OTTAWA, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Ledum palustre;unknown;7.936507937;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19499;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;7.936507937;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, ssp. groenlandicum, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Ledum palustre;unknown;13.69863014;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19499;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;13.69863014;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Ledum palustre;unknown;5.3186299;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19499;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;5.3186299;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Potentilla anserina;unknown;19.12;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29712;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;19.12;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_low, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Viburnum opulus;unknown;17.54385965;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15336;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;17.54385965;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Ranunculus ficaria;unknown;31.25;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26860;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;31.25;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_low, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Helleborus foetidus;unknown;5.940711697;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27081;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SPAIN;;;;5.940711697;;;10;;;;;Gulias_UIB, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Rubus idaeus;unknown;27.02702703;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29604;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;27.02702703;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Lathyrus vernus;unknown;50;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19847;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;50;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Geum montanum;unknown;14.15580112;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29982;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;14.15580112;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Lepidium ruderale;unknown;19.76284585;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13947;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;19.76284585;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Crataegus macrocarpa;unknown;9.1;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29414;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;GERMANY;;;;9.1;;;10;;;;;Kuppers_Bayreuth, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix alba;unknown;10.1010101;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32638;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;10.1010101;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Rhinanthus minor;unknown;15.23695944;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32892;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;15.23695944;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Luzula arctica;unknown;9.523809524;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36195;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;9.523809524;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Luzula multiflora;unknown;29.33607337;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36245;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;29.33607337;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Sorbus aria;unknown;11.62790698;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30087;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;11.62790698;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Datura stramonium;unknown;20.65973803;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34907;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SPAIN;;;;20.65973803;;;10;;;;;Gulias_UIB, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Verbascum sinuatum;unknown;13.66057041;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33712;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SPAIN;;;;13.66057041;;;10;;;;;Gulias_UIB, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Calamagrostis lapponica;unknown;25.71105166;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;41200;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;25.71105166;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Salix triandra;unknown;12.10653753;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32478;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;12.10653753;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Carex saxatilis;unknown;16.19714662;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37653;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;16.19714662;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Doronicum clusii;unknown;20.492;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3276;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;20.492;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Erigeron acer;unknown;17.85714286;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3429;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;17.85714286;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_low, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Aster amellus;unknown;10.2145046;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3537;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;10.2145046;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Hierochloe alpina;unknown;5.87762994;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43517;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;5.87762994;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Acer pseudoplatanus;unknown;16.1790601;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;803;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;POLAND;;;;16.1790601;;;10;;;;;OleksynPol_Siemanice, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Acer campestre;unknown;10.5;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;811;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;GERMANY;;;;10.5;;;10;;;;;Kuppers_Bayreuth, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Impatiens noli-tangere;unknown;69.44444444;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11751;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;69.44444444;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Myosotis scorpioides;unknown;40;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11951;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;40;;;1;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Capsella bursa-pastoris;unknown;40.81632653;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;12848;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;40.81632653;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Tanacetum vulgare;unknown;20.46835942;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;10128;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;20.46835942;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Tanacetum vulgare;unknown;23.36448598;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;10128;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;23.36448598;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Cichorium intybus;unknown;28.55961789;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2694;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SPAIN;;;;28.55961789;;;10;;;;;Gulias_UIB, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Ambrosia trifida;unknown;18;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6319;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SPAIN;;;;18;;;10;;;;;Mooney_etal_81_old-field, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Cornus sanguinea;unknown;21.36752137;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18429;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;21.36752137;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Corylus avellana;unknown;18.72659176;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18083;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;18.72659176;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull98_Tartu, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Corylus avellana;unknown;27.02702703;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18083;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;27.02702703;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Cotoneaster integerrimus;unknown;18.72659176;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30932;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;18.72659176;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Herniaria glabra;unknown;9.090909091;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;16521;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;9.090909091;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Alnus glutinosa;unknown;12.91989664;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11694;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;12.91989664;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Alnus viridis;unknown;14.49;1;1;unknown;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11702;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;14.49;;;1;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, ssp. fruticosa, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Dianthus versicolor;unknown;17.76198934;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;16931;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;17.76198934;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Trifolium pratense;unknown;39.165949;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22096;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;39.165949;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Trifolium pratense;unknown;25.77319588;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22096;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;25.77319588;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Oxytropis campestris;unknown;14.92537313;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21486;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;14.92537313;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Oxytropis maydelliana, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Fraxinus excelsior;unknown;12.69035533;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26381;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;12.69035533;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull98_Tartu, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Fraxinus excelsior;unknown;12.00480192;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26381;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;12.00480192;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Astragalus frigidus;unknown;21.41424356;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21746;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;21.41424356;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Astragalus frigidus;unknown;21.27659574;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21746;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;21.27659574;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Phyllodoce caerulea;unknown;8.403361345;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19512;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;8.403361345;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Phyllodoce caerulea;unknown;7.816793893;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19512;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;7.816793893;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Rhododendron lapponicum;unknown;7.442422886;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19517;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;7.442422886;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Rhododendron lapponicum;unknown;6.289308176;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19517;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;6.289308176;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Cassiope tetragona;unknown;4;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19528;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;UNITED STATES;;;;4;;;10;;;;;Chapin_etc_Toolik_Lake, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Cassiope tetragona;unknown;7.35373954;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19528;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;7.35373954;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Primula farinosa;unknown;22.22222222;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28915;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;22.22222222;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_low, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Ranunculus nivalis;unknown;20.13556619;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26708;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;20.13556619;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Latnjajaure, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Geum reptans;unknown;14.10530112;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29707;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;14.10530112;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Potentilla aurea;unknown;21.00840336;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29716;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;21.00840336;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_high, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Adonis vernalis;unknown;14.45086705;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29095;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;RUSSIAN FEDERATION;;;;14.45086705;;;10;;;;;Pyankov_Urals_Yekaterinburg, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Sorbus aucuparia;unknown;15.93868714;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29162;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;15.93868714;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Sorbus aucuparia;unknown;15.15151515;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29162;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;15.15151515;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Lavatera cretica;unknown;20.92179455;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25733;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SPAIN;;;;20.92179455;;;10;;;;;Gulias_UIB, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Rosa subcanina;unknown;9.460737938;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29641;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;9.460737938;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Vicia cracca;unknown;35.97082411;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22128;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SWEDEN;;;;35.97082411;;;10;;;;;Kudo_Cornelissen_Abisko, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Quercus pyrenaica;unknown;8.064516129;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22455;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;SPAIN;;;;8.064516129;;;10;;;;;Mediavilla_et_al_Salamanca, collection period: 1995-1997, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Campanula glomerata;unknown;27.02702703;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15158;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;AUSTRIA;;;;27.02702703;;;10;;;;;Diemer_Korner_Austria_low, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Rosa pimpinellifolia;unknown;13.94700139;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29288;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;13.94700139;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Malus sylvestris;unknown;19.60784314;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29369;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;19.60784314;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Crataegus calycina;unknown;11.36363636;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29408;Wright, Ian J. et al (2004): The worldwide leaf economics spectrum (;ESTONIA;;;;11.36363636;;;10;;;;;Niinemets_Kull94_Estonia, ssp. curvisepala, Number of samples and replicates unknown;unknown; Pinus nigra;actual measurement;10.6;12;1;no leaf rehydration;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];593;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];SPAIN;31;0;0;10.6;;;1;1.386;0.4;;;;adult; Pinus pinea;actual measurement;3.9;8;1;no leaf rehydration;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];613;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];SPAIN;31;0;0;3.9;;;1;0.453;0.16;;;;adult; Pinus sylvestris;actual measurement;3.5;8;1;no leaf rehydration;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];624;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];SPAIN;31;0;0;3.5;;;1;1.216;0.43;;;;adult; Crataegus monogyna;actual measurement;8.2;15;1;no leaf rehydration;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];29980;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];SPAIN;31;0;0;8.2;;;1;0.93;0.24;;;;adult; Quercus suber;actual measurement;5.7;14;1;no leaf rehydration;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];22470;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];SPAIN;31;0;0;5.7;;;1;0.973;0.26;;;;adult; Fraxinus angustifolia;actual measurement;10.7;16;1;no leaf rehydration;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];26387;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];SPAIN;31;0;0;10.7;;;1;2.36;0.59;;;;adult; Frangula alnus;actual measurement;12.7;11;1;no leaf rehydration;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];28032;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];SPAIN;31;0;0;12.7;;;1;5.174;1.56;;;;adult; Pinus pinaster;actual measurement;2.4;8;1;no leaf rehydration;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];607;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];SPAIN;31;0;0;2.4;;;1;0.82;0.29;;;;adult; Betula pubescens;actual measurement;12.8;12;1;no leaf rehydration;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];11725;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];SPAIN;31;0;0;12.8;;;1;2.39;0.69;;;;adult; Sambucus nigra;actual measurement;20.9;12;1;no leaf rehydration;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];15363;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];SPAIN;31;0;0;20.9;;;1;2.944;0.85;;;;adult; Quercus coccifera;actual measurement;4.3;11;1;no leaf rehydration;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];22498;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];SPAIN;31;0;0;4.3;;;1;1.393;0.42;;;;adult; Acer monspessulanum;actual measurement;10.1;18;1;no leaf rehydration;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];783;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];SPAIN;31;0;0;10.1;;;1;1.4;0.33;;;;adult; Quercus pyrenaica;actual measurement;8.2;24;1;no leaf rehydration;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];22455;Mediavilla, Sonia(2003): Relative growth rate of leaf biomass and leaf nitrogen content in several mediterranean woody species [168];SPAIN;31;0;0;8.2;;;1;1.078;0.22;;;;adult; Brachypodium sylvaticum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;37.9;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Davies, M.S.(1991): Performance of two contrasting morphs of Brachypodium sylvaticum transplanted into shaded and unshaded sites[79];41179;Davies, M.S.(1991): Performance of two contrasting morphs of Brachypodium sylvaticum transplanted into shaded and unshaded sites[79];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;37.9;;;1;;;;;leaves non-hairy-edged, unshaded;unknown; Brachypodium sylvaticum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;37.1;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Davies, M.S.(1991): Performance of two contrasting morphs of Brachypodium sylvaticum transplanted into shaded and unshaded sites[79];41179;Davies, M.S.(1991): Performance of two contrasting morphs of Brachypodium sylvaticum transplanted into shaded and unshaded sites[79];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;37.1;;;1;;;;;leaves hairy edged, unshaded;unknown; Brachypodium sylvaticum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;62.4;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Davies, M.S.(1991): Performance of two contrasting morphs of Brachypodium sylvaticum transplanted into shaded and unshaded sites[79];41179;Davies, M.S.(1991): Performance of two contrasting morphs of Brachypodium sylvaticum transplanted into shaded and unshaded sites[79];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;62.4;;;1;;;;;leaves with non-hairy-edges, shaded;unknown; Brachypodium sylvaticum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;48.9;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Davies, M.S.(1991): Performance of two contrasting morphs of Brachypodium sylvaticum transplanted into shaded and unshaded sites[79];41179;Davies, M.S.(1991): Performance of two contrasting morphs of Brachypodium sylvaticum transplanted into shaded and unshaded sites[79];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;48.9;;;1;;;;;leafs with hairy edges, shaded;unknown; Geranium molle;actual measurement;36.5;20;1;unknown;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];22585;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;36.5;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Lolium multiflorum;actual measurement;36.25;20;1;unknown;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];43196;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;36.25;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Matricaria perforata;actual measurement;35;20;1;unknown;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];10535;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;35;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Myosotis arvensis;actual measurement;39.5;20;1;unknown;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];12027;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;39.5;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Papaver rhoeas;actual measurement;38.75;20;1;unknown;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];25577;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;38.75;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Poa annua;actual measurement;29.25;20;1;unknown;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];43060;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;29.25;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Sinapis arvensis;actual measurement;34.25;20;1;unknown;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];13454;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;34.25;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Bromus sterilis;actual measurement;36.25;20;1;unknown;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];40373;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;36.25;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Avena fatua;actual measurement;37.5;20;1;unknown;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];40425;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;37.5;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Alopecurus myosuroides;actual measurement;33;20;1;unknown;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];41138;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;33;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Senecio vulgaris;actual measurement;38.5;20;1;unknown;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];10456;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;38.5;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Chenopodium album;actual measurement;35.25;20;1;unknown;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];17842;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;35.25;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Polygonum aviculare;actual measurement;35.5;20;1;unknown;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];27740;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;35.5;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Brassica napus;actual measurement;29.5;20;1;unknown;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];14206;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;29.5;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Triticum aestivum;actual measurement;28.25;20;1;unknown;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];43825;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;28.25;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Stellaria media;actual measurement;47;20;1;unknown;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];16755;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;47;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Galium aparine;actual measurement;35.5;20;1;unknown;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];31956;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;35.5;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Veronica persica;actual measurement;43;20;1;unknown;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];33737;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;43;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Fallopia convolvulus;actual measurement;35.75;20;1;unknown;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];44736;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;35.75;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Capsella bursa-pastoris;actual measurement;37.75;20;1;unknown;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];12848;Storkey, J.(2004): Modelling Seedling Growth Rates of 18 Temperate Arable Weed Species as a Function of the Environment and Plant Traits [93];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;37.75;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Bromus madritensis;field experiment;37;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;40949;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;FRANCE;0;3.47;43.32;37;;;20;1.1;1.1;;00:00.0;reproductive tiller;juvenile; Avena barbata;field experiment;25.4;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;40564;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;FRANCE;0;3.47;43.32;25.4;;;20;0.7;0.7;;00:00.0;reproductive tiller;juvenile; Bromus madritensis;field experiment;35.8;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;40949;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;FRANCE;0;3.44;43.48;35.8;;;20;0.5;0.5;;00:00.0;reproductive tiller;juvenile; Hordeum murinum;field experiment;29.4;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;42447;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;FRANCE;0;3.44;43.48;29.4;;;20;0.6;0.6;;00:00.0;reproductive tiller;juvenile; Agropyron cristatum;field experiment;27.5;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;40526;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;FRANCE;0;3.44;43.48;27.5;;;20;0.8;0.8;;00:00.0;vegetative tiller;juvenile; Dactylis glomerata;field experiment;20.4;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;40290;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;FRANCE;0;3.47;43.32;20.4;;;20;0.6;0.6;;00:00.0;vegetative tiller;juvenile; Dactylis glomerata;field experiment;21.8;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;40290;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;FRANCE;0;3.47;43.32;21.8;;;20;0.7;0.7;;00:00.0;reproductive tiller;juvenile; Bromus erectus;field experiment;17;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;40358;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;FRANCE;0;3.47;43.32;17;;;20;0.5;0.5;;00:00.0;vegetative tiller;juvenile; Bromus erectus;field experiment;22;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;40358;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;FRANCE;0;3.44;43.48;22;;;20;0.7;0.7;;00:00.0;vegetative tiller;juvenile; Bromus erectus;field experiment;20.2;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;40358;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;FRANCE;0;3.47;43.32;20.2;;;20;0.5;0.5;;00:00.0;reproductive tiller;juvenile; Vulpia ciliata;field experiment;37.7;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;42792;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;FRANCE;0;3.44;43.48;37.7;;;20;1.8;1.8;;00:00.0;reproductive tiller;juvenile; Lolium rigidum;field experiment;25.3;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;42473;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;FRANCE;0;3.44;43.48;25.3;;;20;0.4;0.4;;00:00.0;reproductive tiller;juvenile; Bromus lanceolatus;field experiment;28.8;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;42158;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;FRANCE;0;3.47;43.32;28.8;;;2;0.8;0.8;;00:00.0;reproductive tiller;juvenile; Bromus hordeaceus;field experiment;28.2;1;1;no leaf rehydration;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;40361;Garnier, E. (1997): Specific leaf area and nitrogen concentration in annual and perennial grass species growing in ...;FRANCE;0;3.44;43.48;28.2;;;20;0.5;0.5;;00:00.0;reproductive tiller;juvenile; Nerium oleander;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;26.6;8;1;unknown;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];2565;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];NETHERLANDS;0;0;0;26.6;;;2;2.546;0.9;;;Low irradiance (200ľmol quanta/m2s);juvenile; Nerium oleander;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;15.4;8;1;unknown;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];2565;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];NETHERLANDS;0;0;0;15.4;;;2;1.131;0.4;;;High irradiance (1000 ľmol quanta/m2s);juvenile; Raphanus sativus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;61.6;8;1;unknown;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];13125;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];NETHERLANDS;0;0;0;61.6;;;2;5.657;2;;;Low irradiance (200ľmol quanta/m2s);juvenile; Raphanus sativus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;29.3;8;1;unknown;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];13125;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];NETHERLANDS;0;0;0;29.3;;;2;4.525;1.6;;;High irradiance (1000ľmol quanta/m2s);juvenile; Nicotiana tabacum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;29.6;8;1;unknown;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];34910;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];NETHERLANDS;0;0;0;29.6;;;2;5.374;1.9;;;High irradiance (1000ľmol quanta/m2s);juvenile; Nicotiana tabacum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;58.6;8;1;unknown;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];34910;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];NETHERLANDS;0;0;0;58.6;;;2;4.808;1.7;;;Low irradiance (200ľmol quanta/m2s);juvenile; Plantago major;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;25.9;8;1;unknown;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];27829;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];NETHERLANDS;0;0;0;25.9;;;2;2.546;0.9;;;high irradiance (1000ľmol quanta/m2s);juvenile; Plantago major;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;47.4;8;1;unknown;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];27829;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];NETHERLANDS;0;0;0;47.4;;;2;3.394;1.2;;;Low irradiance (200ľmol quanta/m2s);juvenile; Datura stramonium;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;26.9;8;1;unknown;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];34907;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];NETHERLANDS;0;0;0;26.9;;;2;5.091;1.8;;;high irradiance (1000ľmol quanta/m2s);juvenile; Datura stramonium;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;57;8;1;unknown;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];34907;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];NETHERLANDS;0;0;0;57;;;2;6.505;2.3;;;Low irradiance (200ľmol quanta/m2s);juvenile; Physalis peruviana;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;28.9;8;1;unknown;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];34978;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];NETHERLANDS;0;0;0;28.9;;;2;4.525;1.6;;;high irradiance (1000ľmol quanta/m2s);juvenile; Physalis peruviana;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;60.2;8;1;unknown;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];34978;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];NETHERLANDS;0;0;0;60.2;;;2;9.334;3.3;;;Low irradiance (200ľmol quanta/m2s);juvenile; Echium plantagineum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;22.6;8;1;unknown;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];12090;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];NETHERLANDS;0;0;0;22.6;;;2;2.546;0.9;;;High irradiance (1000ľmol quanta/m2s);juvenile; Echium plantagineum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;43.1;8;1;unknown;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];12090;Poorter, Hendrik(1998): Photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency of species that differ inherently in specific leaf area[116];NETHERLANDS;0;0;0;43.1;;;2;3.394;1.2;;;Low irradiance (200ľmol quanta/m2s);juvenile; Amaranthus blitoides;actual measurement;18.14;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];892;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;18.14;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Anagyris foetida;actual measurement;10.48;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];21583;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;10.48;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Beta vulgaris;actual measurement;19.36;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];17819;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;19.36;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Capsicum annuum;actual measurement;14.72;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];35076;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;14.72;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Ceratonia siliqua;actual measurement;3.96;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];20790;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;3.96;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Cistus albidus;actual measurement;9.12;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];18778;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;9.12;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Convolvulus arvensis;actual measurement;23.91;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];18911;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;23.91;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Fraxinus angustifolia;actual measurement;8.85;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];26387;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;8.85;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Olea europaea;actual measurement;4.57;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];26365;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;4.57;;;1;;;;;ssp. sylvestris;unknown; Pistacia lentiscus;actual measurement;4.8;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];948;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;4.8;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Solanum tuberosum;actual measurement;22.91;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];34915;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;22.91;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Vitex agnus-castus;actual measurement;12.01;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];35099;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;12.01;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Vitis vinifera;actual measurement;17.12;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];34500;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;17.12;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Avena sativa;actual measurement;15.73;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];41151;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;15.73;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Sorghum bicolor;actual measurement;22.81;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];43458;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;22.81;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Helianthus annuus;actual measurement;17.53;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];7986;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;17.53;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Chenopodium album;actual measurement;14.75;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];17842;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;14.75;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Lactuca sativa;actual measurement;20.52;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];6510;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;20.52;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Brassica napus;actual measurement;20.11;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];14206;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;20.11;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Ficus carica;actual measurement;12.09;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];25300;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;12.09;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Solanum melongena;actual measurement;13.7;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];35014;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;13.7;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Amaranthus retroflexus;actual measurement;16.96;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];931;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;16.96;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Vicia faba;actual measurement;22.14;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];20755;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;22.14;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Arbutus unedo;actual measurement;6.09;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];19577;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;6.09;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Quercus ilex;actual measurement;5.13;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];22435;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;5.13;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Trifolium subterraneum;actual measurement;25;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];21077;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;25;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Populus alba;actual measurement;10.87;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];32710;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;10.87;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Ailanthus altissima;actual measurement;17.78;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];34523;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;17.78;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Acer opalus;actual measurement;17.68;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];791;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;17.68;;;1;;;;;ssp. granatense;unknown; Hypericum hircinum;actual measurement;24.32;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];23297;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;24.32;;;1;;;;;ssp. cambessedesii;unknown; Brassica oleracea;actual measurement;14.65;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];14208;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;14.65;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Atriplex halimus;actual measurement;11.43;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];17763;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;11.43;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Populus nigra;actual measurement;10.07;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];32673;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;10.07;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Quercus coccifera;actual measurement;5.92;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];22498;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;5.92;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Cistus monspeliensis;actual measurement;7.47;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];18760;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;7.47;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Rosa agrestis;actual measurement;9.95;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];29667;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;9.95;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Helleborus foetidus;actual measurement;5.94;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];27081;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;5.94;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Datura stramonium;actual measurement;20.66;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];34907;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;20.66;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Urtica atrovirens;actual measurement;22.67;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];35147;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;22.67;;;1;;;;;ssp. bianorii;unknown; Verbascum sinuatum;actual measurement;13.66;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];33712;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;13.66;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Zea mays;actual measurement;28.17;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];43844;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;28.17;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Pteridium aquilinum;actual measurement;9.23;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];250;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;9.23;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Cichorium intybus;actual measurement;28.56;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];2694;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;28.56;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Cneorum tricoccon;actual measurement;9.89;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];18396;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;9.89;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Pisum sativum;actual measurement;20.75;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];22040;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;20.75;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Phillyrea latifolia;actual measurement;8.25;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];26370;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;8.25;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Lavatera cretica;actual measurement;20.92;6;1;unknown;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];25733;Gulias, Javier(2003): Relationship between Maximum Leaf Photosynthesis, Nitrogen Content and Specific Leaf Area in Balearic Endemic and Non-endemic Mediterranean Species [92];SPAIN;31;0;0;20.92;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Veronica alpina;actual measurement;22.4;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];33325;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;22.4;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Saxifraga seguieri;actual measurement;15.4;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];31592;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;15.4;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Ranunculus glacialis;actual measurement;11.3;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];26885;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;11.3;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Sempervivum montanum;actual measurement;12.3;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];18338;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;12.3;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Erigeron uniflorus;actual measurement;16.5;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];2653;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;16.5;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Primula glutinosa;actual measurement;13.6;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];28781;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;13.6;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Potentilla frigida;actual measurement;14.7;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];30607;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;14.7;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Avenula versicolor;actual measurement;13.1;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];40598;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;13.1;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Salix herbacea;actual measurement;21.1;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];32589;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;21.1;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Luzula spicata;actual measurement;9.8;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];36240;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;9.8;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Kobresia myosuroides;actual measurement;9.9;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];37150;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;9.9;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Leucanthemopsis alpina;actual measurement;15.3;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];7191;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;15.3;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Gentiana bavarica;actual measurement;15.5;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];23084;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;15.5;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Cerastium uniflorum;actual measurement;23.6;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];15656;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;23.6;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Minuartia sedoides;actual measurement;9.8;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];17489;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;9.8;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Saxifraga oppositifolia;actual measurement;14.8;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];31526;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;14.8;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Oxyria digyna;actual measurement;23.9;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];27715;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;23.9;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Veronica bellidioides;actual measurement;10.5;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];32788;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;10.5;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Sibbaldia procumbens;actual measurement;12.4;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];30472;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;12.4;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Agrostis rupestris;actual measurement;15.5;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];40377;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;15.5;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Poa alpina;actual measurement;10.2;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];42327;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;10.2;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Poa laxa;actual measurement;18.2;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];42439;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;18.2;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Oreochloa disticha;actual measurement;9.2;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];42500;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;9.2;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Saxifraga bryoides;actual measurement;18.2;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];31348;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;18.2;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Linaria alpina;actual measurement;9;10;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];34452;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;9;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Festuca intercedens;actual measurement;8.9;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];41052;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;8.9;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Carex curvula;actual measurement;8.8;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];37370;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;8.8;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Sedum alpestre;actual measurement;14.1;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];18184;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;14.1;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Omalotheca supina;actual measurement;24.5;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];10537;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;24.5;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Androsace alpina;actual measurement;15.9;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];28902;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;15.9;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Geum montanum;actual measurement;11.4;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];29982;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;11.4;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Geum reptans;actual measurement;7.7;20;1;unknown;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];29707;Keller, Franziska(2003): The Role of Photoperiodism in Alpine Plant Development [35];AUSTRIA;33;0;0;7.7;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Betula nana;actual measurement;16.216;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];11715;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];SWEDEN;0;0;0;16.216;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;unknown; Deschampsia flexuosa;actual measurement;21.354;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];41982;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];SWEDEN;0;0;0;21.354;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;unknown; Empetrum nigrum s. hermaphroditum;actual measurement;13.462;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];19451;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];SWEDEN;0;0;0;13.462;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;unknown; Hieracium alpinum;actual measurement;31.267;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];30615;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];SWEDEN;0;0;0;31.267;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;unknown; Salix herbacea;actual measurement;37.875;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];32589;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];SWEDEN;0;0;0;37.875;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;unknown; Vaccinium uliginosum;actual measurement;14.483;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];19479;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];SWEDEN;0;0;0;14.483;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;unknown; Agrostis capillaris;actual measurement;75.877;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];41392;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];SWEDEN;0;0;0;75.877;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;unknown; Carex bigelowii;actual measurement;38.809;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];37350;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];SWEDEN;0;0;0;38.809;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;unknown; Cerastium alpinum;actual measurement;40.2;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];16895;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];SWEDEN;0;0;0;40.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;unknown; Poa pratensis;actual measurement;19.096;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];42677;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];SWEDEN;0;0;0;19.096;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;unknown; Carex vaginata;actual measurement;32.834;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];37695;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];SWEDEN;0;0;0;32.834;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;unknown; Vaccinium vitis-idaea;actual measurement;5.652;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];19439;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];SWEDEN;0;0;0;5.652;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;unknown; Silene dioica;actual measurement;41.537;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];17578;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];SWEDEN;0;0;0;41.537;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;unknown; Anthoxanthum odoratum;actual measurement;34.719;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];41907;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];SWEDEN;0;0;0;34.719;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;unknown; Rumex acetosa;actual measurement;34.859;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];27593;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];SWEDEN;0;0;0;34.859;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;unknown; Rumex acetosa;actual measurement;34.859;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];27593;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];SWEDEN;0;0;0;34.859;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;unknown; Vaccinium myrtillus;actual measurement;21.256;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];19475;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];SWEDEN;0;0;0;21.256;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;unknown; Juncus trifidus;actual measurement;16.837;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];36209;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];SWEDEN;0;0;0;16.837;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;unknown; Diphasiastrum alpinum;actual measurement;12.632;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];44384;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];SWEDEN;0;0;0;12.632;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;unknown; Phyllodoce caerulea;actual measurement;12.088;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];19512;Österdahl, Sofia(2003): Växtsamhällen pĺ fjällrävslyor iett subarktiskt/alpint landskap / (Plant communities on dens of arctic fox in a subarctic/alpine landscape)) [];SWEDEN;0;0;0;12.088;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;unknown; Acorus calamus;actual measurement;33.85;9;1;unknown;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];35825;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];CANADA;0;0;0;33.85;;;2;;;;;;unknown; Elymus repens;actual measurement;22.15;11;1;unknown;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];40238;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];CANADA;0;0;0;22.15;;;2;;;;;;unknown; Hieracium aurantiacum;actual measurement;22.77;7;1;unknown;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];7024;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];CANADA;0;0;0;22.77;;;2;;;;;;unknown; Oenothera biennis;actual measurement;17.38;12;1;unknown;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];26442;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];CANADA;0;0;0;17.38;;;2;;;;;;unknown; Phleum pratense s. pratense;actual measurement;26.35;12;1;unknown;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];43406;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];CANADA;0;0;0;26.35;;;2;;;;;;unknown; Poa pratensis;actual measurement;21.13;11;1;unknown;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];42677;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];CANADA;0;0;0;21.13;;;2;;;;;;unknown; Polygonum lapathifolium;actual measurement;12.13;11;1;unknown;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];27747;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];CANADA;0;0;0;12.13;;;2;;;;;;unknown; Prunella vulgaris;actual measurement;23.5;9;1;unknown;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];24350;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];CANADA;0;0;0;23.5;;;2;;;;;;unknown; Deschampsia cespitosa;actual measurement;17.55;9;1;unknown;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];40299;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];CANADA;0;0;0;17.55;;;2;;;;;;unknown; Hordeum jubatum;actual measurement;20.13;8;1;unknown;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];43702;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];CANADA;0;0;0;20.13;;;2;;;;;;unknown; Silene vulgaris;actual measurement;18.85;7;1;unknown;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];16657;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];CANADA;0;0;0;18.85;;;2;;;;;;unknown; Erysimum cheiranthoides;actual measurement;16.78;9;1;unknown;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];14097;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];CANADA;0;0;0;16.78;;;2;;;;;;unknown; Leucanthemum vulgare;actual measurement;16.28;12;1;unknown;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];9651;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];CANADA;0;0;0;16.28;;;2;;;;;;unknown; Rumex acetosa;actual measurement;21.78;8;1;unknown;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];27593;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];CANADA;0;0;0;21.78;;;2;;;;;;unknown; Bromus inermis;actual measurement;20.63;12;1;unknown;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];40620;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];CANADA;0;0;0;20.63;;;2;;;;;;unknown; Panicum capillare;actual measurement;37.65;4;1;unknown;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];43220;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];CANADA;0;0;0;37.65;;;2;;;;;;unknown; Leontodon autumnalis;actual measurement;20.55;11;1;unknown;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];7298;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];CANADA;0;0;0;20.55;;;2;;;;;;unknown; Plantago major;actual measurement;16.5;11;1;unknown;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];27829;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];CANADA;0;0;0;16.5;;;2;;;;;;unknown; Plantago lanceolata;actual measurement;13.63;9;1;unknown;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];27860;Meziane, Driss(2001): Direct and Indirect Relationships Between Specific Leaf Area, Leaf Nitrogen and Leaf Gas Exchange. Effects of Irradiance and Nutrient Supply [88];CANADA;0;0;0;13.63;;;2;;;;;;unknown; Carex diandra;actual measurement;13.9;12;1;no leaf rehydration;Konings, Henk(1989): Growth characteristics, nutrient allocation and photosynthesis of Carex species from floating fens [80];37377;Konings, Henk(1989): Growth characteristics, nutrient allocation and photosynthesis of Carex species from floating fens [80];Europe;;0;0;13.9;;;1;0.79;0.228;;;plants were kept under optimum nutrient conditions;adult; Carex rostrata;actual measurement;18.2;12;1;no leaf rehydration;Konings, Henk(1989): Growth characteristics, nutrient allocation and photosynthesis of Carex species from floating fens [80];37274;Konings, Henk(1989): Growth characteristics, nutrient allocation and photosynthesis of Carex species from floating fens [80];Europe;;0;0;18.2;;;1;0.9;0.26;;;plants were kept under optimum nutrient conditions;adult; Carex acutiformis;actual measurement;17.5;12;1;no leaf rehydration;Konings, Henk(1989): Growth characteristics, nutrient allocation and photosynthesis of Carex species from floating fens [80];37460;Konings, Henk(1989): Growth characteristics, nutrient allocation and photosynthesis of Carex species from floating fens [80];Europe;;0;0;17.5;;;1;0.87;0.251;;;plants were kept under optimum nutrient conditions;adult; Vaccinium uliginosum;field experiment;11.82;10;1;unknown;Parsons, A.N.(1994): Growth responses of four sub-Arctic dwarf shrubs to simulated environmental change;19479;Parsons, A.N.(1994): Growth responses of four sub-Arctic dwarf shrubs to simulated environmental change;SWEDEN;;18.49;68.21;11.82;;;4;0.790569415;0.25;;00:00.0;;adult; Vaccinium vitis-idaea;field experiment;6.97;10;1;unknown;Parsons, A.N.(1994): Growth responses of four sub-Arctic dwarf shrubs to simulated environmental change;19439;Parsons, A.N.(1994): Growth responses of four sub-Arctic dwarf shrubs to simulated environmental change;SWEDEN;;18.49;68.21;6.97;;;4;1.106797181;0.35;;00:00.0;;adult; Vaccinium myrtillus;field experiment;14.8;10;1;unknown;Parsons, A.N.(1994): Growth responses of four sub-Arctic dwarf shrubs to simulated environmental change;19475;Parsons, A.N.(1994): Growth responses of four sub-Arctic dwarf shrubs to simulated environmental change;SWEDEN;;18.49;68.21;14.8;;;4;1.264911064;0.4;;00:00.0;;adult; Ulmus minor;actual measurement;18.4;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];35187;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];CANADA;0;0;0;18.4;;;3;;;;;;unknown; Dactylis glomerata;actual measurement;22.1;9;1;no leaf rehydration;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];40290;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];CANADA;0;0;0;22.1;;;3;;;;;;unknown; Epilobium glandulosum;actual measurement;25.6;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];26535;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];CANADA;0;0;0;25.6;;;3;;;;;;unknown; Epipactis helleborine;actual measurement;37.4;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];39609;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];CANADA;0;0;0;37.4;;;3;;;;;;unknown; Erigeron annuus;actual measurement;34.2;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];5070;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];CANADA;0;0;0;34.2;;;3;;;;;ssp. strigosus;unknown; Hypericum perforatum;actual measurement;24.3;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];23212;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];CANADA;0;0;0;24.3;;;3;;;;;;unknown; Impatiens capensis;actual measurement;54.3;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];11747;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];CANADA;0;0;0;54.3;;;3;;;;;;unknown; Melilotus alba;actual measurement;19;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];21420;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];CANADA;0;0;0;19;;;3;;;;;;unknown; Oenothera biennis;actual measurement;19.3;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];26442;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];CANADA;0;0;0;19.3;;;3;;;;;;unknown; Oxalis stricta;actual measurement;57.7;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];25827;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];CANADA;0;0;0;57.7;;;3;;;;;;unknown; Polygonum persicaria;actual measurement;21;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];27673;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];CANADA;0;0;0;21;;;3;;;;;;unknown; Prunella vulgaris;actual measurement;37.8;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];24350;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];CANADA;0;0;0;37.8;;;3;;;;;;unknown; Rudbeckia hirta;actual measurement;14.6;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];11072;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];CANADA;0;0;0;14.6;;;3;;;;;;unknown; Solidago canadensis;actual measurement;21.5;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];9491;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];CANADA;0;0;0;21.5;;;3;;;;;;unknown; Veronica officinalis;actual measurement;26.2;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];33764;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];CANADA;0;0;0;26.2;;;3;;;;;;unknown; Lythrum salicaria;actual measurement;16.4;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];26038;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];CANADA;0;0;0;16.4;;;3;;;;;;unknown; Phleum pratense;actual measurement;17.4;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];42408;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];CANADA;0;0;0;17.4;;;3;;;;;;unknown; Centaurea nigra;actual measurement;14.9;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];3754;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];CANADA;0;0;0;14.9;;;3;;;;;;unknown; Leucanthemum vulgare;actual measurement;17.1;4;1;no leaf rehydration;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];9651;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];CANADA;0;0;0;17.1;;;3;;;;;;unknown; Sonchus arvensis;actual measurement;20.3;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];10586;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];CANADA;0;0;0;20.3;;;3;;;;;;unknown; Brassica oleracea;actual measurement;35;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];14208;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];CANADA;0;0;0;35;;;3;;;;;;unknown; Spiraea tomentosa;actual measurement;17.6;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];30734;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];CANADA;0;0;0;17.6;;;3;;;;;;unknown; Galeopsis tetrahit;actual measurement;22.7;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];24648;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];CANADA;0;0;0;22.7;;;3;;;;;;unknown; Plantago major;actual measurement;19;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];27829;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];CANADA;0;0;0;19;;;3;;;;;;unknown; Trifolium pratense;actual measurement;18.9;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];22096;Shipley, B.(1995): Structured interspecific determinants of specific leaf area in 34 species of herbaceous angiosperms [9];CANADA;0;0;0;18.9;;;3;;;;;;unknown; Sinapis arvensis;actual measurement;98.44;220;1;no leaf rehydration;Steinger, T.(2003): Evolution in stressfull environments II: adaptive value and costs of plasticity in response to low light in Sinapsis arvensis [16];13454;Steinger, T.(2003): Evolution in stressfull environments II: adaptive value and costs of plasticity in response to low light in Sinapsis arvensis [16];UNITED STATES;0;0;0;98.44;;;1;;;;;treatment: low light;unknown; Sinapis arvensis;actual measurement;46.49;220;1;no leaf rehydration;Steinger, T.(2003): Evolution in stressfull environments II: adaptive value and costs of plasticity in response to low light in Sinapsis arvensis [16];13454;Steinger, T.(2003): Evolution in stressfull environments II: adaptive value and costs of plasticity in response to low light in Sinapsis arvensis [16];UNITED STATES;0;0;0;46.49;;;1;;;;;treatment: high light;unknown; Oenothera biennis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;8.9;9;1;unknown;Reekie, E.G.(1991): The effect of reproduction on canopy structure, allocation and growth in Oenothera biennis [79];26442;Reekie, E.G.(1991): The effect of reproduction on canopy structure, allocation and growth in Oenothera biennis [79];CANADA;0;0;0;8.9;;;1;0.5;0.167;;;;adult; Brassica rapa;actual measurement;18.1;24;1;unknown;Poulton, John(2002): Costs of canalization and plasticity in response to neighbors in Brassica rapa [17];13695;Poulton, John(2002): Costs of canalization and plasticity in response to neighbors in Brassica rapa [17];UNITED STATES;0;0;0;;18.1;;1;;;;;;adult; Brassica rapa;actual measurement;23.5;24;1;unknown;Poulton, John(2002): Costs of canalization and plasticity in response to neighbors in Brassica rapa [17];13695;Poulton, John(2002): Costs of canalization and plasticity in response to neighbors in Brassica rapa [17];UNITED STATES;0;0;0;;23.5;;1;;;;;;adult; Veronica montana;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;34.19;10;1;unknown;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, V. montana and V. officinalis. I. Light quality and light quantity;33758;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, V. montana and V. officinalis. I. Light quality and light quantity;UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;34.19;;;5;;;;;unshaded;unknown; Veronica montana;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;44.17;10;1;unknown;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, V. montana and V. officinalis. I. Light quality and light quantity;33758;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, V. montana and V. officinalis. I. Light quality and light quantity;UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;44.17;;;5;;;;;muslin-shaded =37% daylight;unknown; Veronica montana;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;41.77;10;1;unknown;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, V. montana and V. officinalis. I. Light quality and light quantity;33758;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, V. montana and V. officinalis. I. Light quality and light quantity;UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;41.77;;;5;;;;;Ricinus-shaded (37%daylight, lowered R:FR ratio;unknown; Veronica montana;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;34.19;10;1;unknown;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, V. montana and V. officinalis. I. Light quality and light quantity;33758;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, V. montana and V. officinalis. I. Light quality and light quantity;UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;34.19;;;6;;;;;unshaded;unknown; Veronica montana;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;44.17;10;1;unknown;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, V. montana and V. officinalis. I. Light quality and light quantity;33758;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, V. montana and V. officinalis. I. Light quality and light quantity;UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;44.17;;;6;;;;;muslin-shaded (37% of daylight);unknown; Veronica montana;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;41.77;10;1;unknown;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, V. montana and V. officinalis. I. Light quality and light quantity;33758;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, V. montana and V. officinalis. I. Light quality and light quantity;UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;41.77;;;6;;;;;ricinus-shaded (37% of daylight; lowered R:FR-ratio);unknown Veronica chamaedrys;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;33.51;10;1;unknown;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, V. montana and V. officinalis. I. Light quality and light quantity;32792;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, V. montana and V. officinalis. I. Light quality and light quantity;UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;33.51;;;6;;;;;unshaded;unknown; Veronica chamaedrys;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;49.67;10;1;unknown;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, V. montana and V. officinalis. I. Light quality and light quantity;32792;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, V. montana and V. officinalis. I. Light quality and light quantity;UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;49.67;;;6;;;;;muslin-shaded (37% of daylight);unknown; Veronica chamaedrys;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;43.26;10;1;unknown;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, V. montana and V. officinalis. I. Light quality and light quantity;32792;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, V. montana and V. officinalis. I. Light quality and light quantity;UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;43.26;;;6;;;;;ricinus-shaded (37% of daylight; lowered R:FR-ratio);unknown Veronica officinalis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;35.3;10;1;unknown;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, V. montana and V. officinalis. I. Light quality and light quantity;33764;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, V. montana and V. officinalis. I. Light quality and light quantity;UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;35.3;;;6;;;;;ricinus-shaded (37% of daylight; lowered R:FR-ratio);unknown Veronica officinalis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;33.98;10;1;unknown;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, V. montana and V. officinalis. I. Light quality and light quantity;33764;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, V. montana and V. officinalis. I. Light quality and light quantity;UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;33.98;;;6;;;;;muslin-shaded (37% of daylight);unknown; Veronica officinalis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;28;10;1;unknown;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, V. montana and V. officinalis. I. Light quality and light quantity;33764;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, V. montana and V. officinalis. I. Light quality and light quantity;UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;28;;;6;;;;;unshaded;unknown; Cyperus esculentus;actual measurement;31.18;40;1;unknown;Li, Bo(2001): Effects of light quantity and quality on growth and reproduction of a clonal sedge, Cyperus esculentus [16];37201;Li, Bo(2001): Effects of light quantity and quality on growth and reproduction of a clonal sedge, Cyperus esculentus [16];JAPAN;0;0;0;31.18;;;1;;;;;30 days after transplanting;unknown; Cyperus esculentus;actual measurement;28.3;40;1;unknown;Li, Bo(2001): Effects of light quantity and quality on growth and reproduction of a clonal sedge, Cyperus esculentus [16];37201;Li, Bo(2001): Effects of light quantity and quality on growth and reproduction of a clonal sedge, Cyperus esculentus [16];JAPAN;0;0;0;28.3;;;1;;;;;44 days after transplanting;unknown; Cyperus esculentus;actual measurement;26.68;40;1;unknown;Li, Bo(2001): Effects of light quantity and quality on growth and reproduction of a clonal sedge, Cyperus esculentus [16];37201;Li, Bo(2001): Effects of light quantity and quality on growth and reproduction of a clonal sedge, Cyperus esculentus [16];JAPAN;0;0;0;26.68;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Cyperus esculentus;actual measurement;26.88;40;1;unknown;Li, Bo(2001): Effects of light quantity and quality on growth and reproduction of a clonal sedge, Cyperus esculentus [16];37201;Li, Bo(2001): Effects of light quantity and quality on growth and reproduction of a clonal sedge, Cyperus esculentus [16];JAPAN;0;0;0;26.88;;;1;;;;;72 days after transplanting;unknown; Cyperus esculentus;actual measurement;23.41;10;1;unknown;Li, Bo(2001): Effects of light quantity and quality on growth and reproduction of a clonal sedge, Cyperus esculentus [16];37201;Li, Bo(2001): Effects of light quantity and quality on growth and reproduction of a clonal sedge, Cyperus esculentus [16];JAPAN;0;0;0;23.41;;;1;3.953;1.25;;;16 days after transplanting;unknown; Acorus calamus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;37.2;3;1;no leaf rehydration;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];35825;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];CANADA;0;0;0;37.2;;;1;;;;;High irradiance (1100ľmol/m2/s PAR) and 1:6 strength hydroponic solution;juvenile; Deschampsia cespitosa;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;14.9;3;1;no leaf rehydration;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];40299;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];CANADA;0;0;0;14.9;;;1;;;;;High irradiance (1100ľmol/m2/s PAR) and 1:6 strength hydroponic solution;juvenile; Hieracium aurantiacum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;17.4;3;1;no leaf rehydration;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];7024;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];CANADA;0;0;0;17.4;;;1;;;;;High irradiance (1100ľmol/m2/s PAR) and 1:6 strength hydroponic solution;juvenile; Plantago lanceolata;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;7.7;3;1;no leaf rehydration;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];27860;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];CANADA;0;0;0;7.7;;;1;;;;;High irradiance (1100ľmol/m2/s PAR) and 1:6 strength hydroponic solution;juvenile; Oenothera biennis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;13.5;3;1;no leaf rehydration;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];26442;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];CANADA;0;0;0;13.5;;;1;;;;;High irradiance (1100ľmol/m2/s PAR) and 1:6 strength hydroponic solution;juvenile; Prunella vulgaris;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;17.4;3;1;no leaf rehydration;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];24350;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];CANADA;0;0;0;17.4;;;1;;;;;High irradiance (1100ľmol/m2/s PAR) and 1:6 strength hydroponic solution;juvenile; Agropyron cristatum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;15.4;3;1;no leaf rehydration;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];40526;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];CANADA;0;0;0;15.4;;;1;;;;;High irradiance (1100ľmol/m2/s PAR) and 1:6 strength hydroponic solution;juvenile; Bromus inermis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;18.5;3;1;no leaf rehydration;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];40620;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];CANADA;0;0;0;18.5;;;1;;;;;High irradiance (1100ľmol/m2/s PAR) and 1:6 strength hydroponic solution;juvenile; Leucanthemum ircutianum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;9.1;3;1;no leaf rehydration;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];61197;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];CANADA;0;0;0;9.1;;;1;;;;;High irradiance (1100ľmol/m2/s PAR) and 1:6 strength hydroponic solution;juvenile; Cichorium intybus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;17.1;3;1;no leaf rehydration;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];2694;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];CANADA;0;0;0;17.1;;;1;;;;;High irradiance (1100ľmol/m2/s PAR) and 1:6 strength hydroponic solution;juvenile; Rumex acetosa;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;15.6;3;1;no leaf rehydration;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];27593;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];CANADA;0;0;0;15.6;;;1;;;;;High irradiance (1100ľmol/m2/s PAR) and 1:6 strength hydroponic solution;juvenile; Plantago major;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;13.5;3;1;no leaf rehydration;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];27829;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];CANADA;0;0;0;13.5;;;1;;;;;High irradiance (1100ľmol/m2/s PAR) and 1:6 strength hydroponic solution;juvenile; Erysimum cheiranthoides;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;14.8;3;1;no leaf rehydration;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];14097;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];CANADA;0;0;0;14.8;;;1;;;;;High irradiance (1100ľmol/m2/s PAR) and 1:6 strength hydroponic solution;juvenile; Panicum capillare;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;27;3;1;no leaf rehydration;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];43220;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];CANADA;0;0;0;27;;;1;;;;;High irradiance (1100ľmol/m2/s PAR) and 1:6 strength hydroponic solution;juvenile; Phleum pratense;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;24.7;3;1;no leaf rehydration;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];42408;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];CANADA;0;0;0;24.7;;;1;;;;;High irradiance (1100ľmol/m2/s PAR) and 1:6 strength hydroponic solution;juvenile; Poa pratensis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;15.3;3;1;no leaf rehydration;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];42677;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];CANADA;0;0;0;15.3;;;1;;;;;High irradiance (1100ľmol/m2/s PAR) and 1:6 strength hydroponic solution;juvenile; Polygonum lapathifolium;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;10.8;3;1;no leaf rehydration;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];27747;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];CANADA;0;0;0;10.8;;;1;;;;;High irradiance (1100ľmol/m2/s PAR) and 1:6 strength hydroponic solution;juvenile; Silene vulgaris;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;14.3;3;1;no leaf rehydration;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];16657;Meziane, D.(1999): Interacting determinats of specific leaf area in 22 herbaceous species: effects of irradiance and nutrient availability [22];CANADA;0;0;0;14.3;;;1;;;;;High irradiance (1100ľmol/m2/s PAR) and 1:6 strength hydroponic solution;juvenile; Prunus avium;actual measurement;10.1;3;1;no leaf rehydration;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];31189;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];SWITZERLAND;32;0;0;10.1;;;1;0.468;0.27;;;;adult; Tilia platyphyllos;actual measurement;14.4;3;1;no leaf rehydration;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];34634;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];SWITZERLAND;32;0;0;14.4;;;1;1.576;0.91;;;;adult; Larix decidua;actual measurement;9.81;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];653;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];SWITZERLAND;32;0;0;9.81;;;1;0.447;0.2;;;;adult; Abies alba;actual measurement;3.7;2;1;no leaf rehydration;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];697;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];SWITZERLAND;32;0;0;3.7;;;1;0.707;0.5;;;;adult; Picea abies;actual measurement;2.61;4;1;no leaf rehydration;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];670;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];SWITZERLAND;32;0;0;2.61;;;1;0.34;0.17;;;;adult; Pinus sylvestris;actual measurement;3;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];624;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];SWITZERLAND;32;0;0;3;;;1;0.604;0.27;;;;adult; Fagus sylvatica;actual measurement;9.77;6;1;no leaf rehydration;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];22485;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];SWITZERLAND;32;0;0;9.77;;;1;0.71;0.29;;;;adult; Carpinus betulus;actual measurement;11.9;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];17990;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];SWITZERLAND;32;0;0;11.9;;;1;0.47;0.21;;;;adult; Acer campestre;actual measurement;9.63;4;1;no leaf rehydration;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];811;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];SWITZERLAND;32;0;0;9.63;;;1;0.58;0.29;;;;adult; Quercus petraea;actual measurement;8.68;4;1;no leaf rehydration;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];22445;Hoch, G.(2003): Non-structural carbon compounds in temperate forest trees [26];SWITZERLAND;32;0;0;8.68;;;1;0.26;0.13;;;;adult; Pinus sylvestris;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;11.25;7;1;no leaf rehydration;Grotkopp, Eva(2002): Towards a Causal Explanation of Plant Invasiveness:Seedling Growth and Life-History ... ;624;Grotkopp, Eva(2002): Towards a Causal Explanation of Plant Invasiveness:Seedling Growth and Life-History ... ;UNITED STATES;0;0;0;11.25;;;1;6.87895E+15;26;;00:00.0;diluted nutrient solution, sun lighted;juvenile; Medicago lupulina;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;28.2;56;1;unknown;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;20595;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;Europe;;0;0;28.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Melilotus officinalis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;33.1;56;1;unknown;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;22218;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;Europe;;0;0;33.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Origanum vulgare;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;40.6;56;1;unknown;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;23973;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;Europe;;0;0;40.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hypericum perforatum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;49.5;56;1;unknown;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;23212;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;Europe;;0;0;49.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vicia tetrasperma;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;49.5;56;1;unknown;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;22147;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;Europe;;0;0;49.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vicia sativa;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;35.1;56;1;unknown;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;22143;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;Europe;;0;0;35.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vicia sepium;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;35.1;56;1;unknown;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;20357;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;Europe;;0;0;35.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Calystegia sepium;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;38.4;56;1;unknown;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;18945;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;Europe;;0;0;38.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geum urbanum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;41.5;56;1;unknown;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;30638;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;Europe;;0;0;41.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Humulus lupulus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;36.3;56;1;unknown;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;14697;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;Europe;;0;0;36.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bryonia cretica s. cretica;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;34.9;56;1;unknown;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;18476;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;Europe;;0;0;34.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lathyrus pratensis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;38.8;56;1;unknown;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;21355;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;Europe;;0;0;38.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anthriscus sylvestris;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;40.2;56;1;unknown;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;1916;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;Europe;;0;0;40.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium aparine;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;46.9;56;1;unknown;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;31956;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;Europe;;0;0;46.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Medicago sativa;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;33;56;1;unknown;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;21975;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;Europe;;0;0;33;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lysimachia vulgaris;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;42.2;56;1;unknown;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;28980;den Dubbelden, Koen C.(1996): Inherent allocation patterns and potential growth rates of herbaceous climbing plants;Europe;;0;0;42.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica montana;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;36.079;10;1;unknown;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, Veronica montana and Veronica officinalis. II. The interaction of irradiance and water regime;33758;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, Veronica montana and Veronica officinalis. II. The interaction of irradiance and water regime;UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;36.079;;;5;;;;;Drought;unknown; Veronica montana;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;37.979;10;1;unknown;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, Veronica montana and Veronica officinalis. II. The interaction of irradiance and water regime;33758;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, Veronica montana and Veronica officinalis. II. The interaction of irradiance and water regime;UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;37.979;;;5;;;;;Normal;unknown; Veronica montana;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;31.135;10;1;unknown;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, Veronica montana and Veronica officinalis. II. The interaction of irradiance and water regime;33758;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, Veronica montana and Veronica officinalis. II. The interaction of irradiance and water regime;UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;31.135;;;5;;;;;Waterlogged;unknown; Veronica chamaedrys;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;36.353;10;1;unknown;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, Veronica montana and Veronica officinalis. II. The interaction of irradiance and water regime;32792;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, Veronica montana and Veronica officinalis. II. The interaction of irradiance and water regime;UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;36.353;;;5;;;;;Drought;unknown; Veronica chamaedrys;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;40.65;10;1;unknown;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, Veronica montana and Veronica officinalis. II. The interaction of irradiance and water regime;32792;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, Veronica montana and Veronica officinalis. II. The interaction of irradiance and water regime;UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;40.65;;;5;;;;;Normal;unknown; Veronica chamaedrys;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;23.484;10;1;unknown;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, Veronica montana and Veronica officinalis. II. The interaction of irradiance and water regime;32792;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, Veronica montana and Veronica officinalis. II. The interaction of irradiance and water regime;UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;23.484;;;5;;;;;Waterlogged;unknown; Veronica officinalis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;28.557;10;1;unknown;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, Veronica montana and Veronica officinalis. II. The interaction of irradiance and water regime;33764;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, Veronica montana and Veronica officinalis. II. The interaction of irradiance and water regime;UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;28.557;;;5;;;;;Waterlogged;unknown; Veronica officinalis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;32.521;10;1;unknown;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, Veronica montana and Veronica officinalis. II. The interaction of irradiance and water regime;33764;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, Veronica montana and Veronica officinalis. II. The interaction of irradiance and water regime;UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;32.521;;;5;;;;;Normal;unknown; Veronica officinalis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;32.408;10;1;unknown;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, Veronica montana and Veronica officinalis. II. The interaction of irradiance and water regime;33764;Dale, M. P.(1992): The ecophysiology of Veronica chamaedrys, Veronica montana and Veronica officinalis. II. The interaction of irradiance and water regime;UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;32.408;;;5;;;;;Drought;unknown; Aegilops geniculata;field experiment;22.7;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;41112;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;22.7;;;1;0.8;0.252982213;;00:00.0;;adult; Aegilops geniculata;field experiment;22.6;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;41112;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;22.6;;;1;0.6;0.18973666;;00:00.0;;adult; Avena barbata;field experiment;25.2;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;40564;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;25.2;;;1;0.6;0.18973666;;00:00.0;;adult; Avena barbata;field experiment;25.4;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;40564;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;25.4;;;1;0.7;0.221359436;;00:00.0;;adult; Buxus sempervirens;field experiment;5.4;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;14716;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;5.4;;;1;0.2;0.063245553;;00:00.0;;adult; Buxus sempervirens;field experiment;5.2;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;14716;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;5.2;;;1;0.2;0.063245553;;00:00.0;;adult; Buxus sempervirens;field experiment;6;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;14716;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;6;;;1;0.3;0.09486833;;00:00.0;;adult; Buxus sempervirens;field experiment;6.7;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;14716;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;6.7;;;1;0.2;0.063245553;;00:00.0;;adult; Buxus sempervirens;field experiment;6.1;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;14716;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;6.1;;;1;0.2;0.063245553;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex hallerana;field experiment;17.1;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;37290;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;17.1;;;1;0.6;0.18973666;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex hallerana;field experiment;13.8;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;37290;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;13.8;;;1;0.6;0.18973666;;00:00.0;;adult; Catananche caerulea;field experiment;15.2;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;2948;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;15.2;;;1;0.3;0.09486833;;00:00.0;;adult; Catananche caerulea;field experiment;16;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;2948;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;16;;;1;0.8;0.252982213;;00:00.0;;adult; Clematis vitalba;field experiment;26.1;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;27205;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;26.1;;;1;3;0.948683298;;00:00.0;;adult; Clematis vitalba;field experiment;19.7;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;27205;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;19.7;;;1;1.9;0.600832755;;00:00.0;;adult; Convolvulus arvensis;field experiment;24.2;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;18911;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;24.2;;;1;0.5;0.158113883;;00:00.0;;adult; Convolvulus arvensis;field experiment;26.3;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;18911;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;26.3;;;1;1.2;0.379473319;;00:00.0;;adult; Crataegus monogyna;field experiment;10.6;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;29980;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;10.6;;;1;0.4;0.126491106;;00:00.0;;adult; Crataegus monogyna;field experiment;10.5;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;29980;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;10.5;;;1;0.2;0.063245553;;00:00.0;;adult; Dactylis glomerata;field experiment;26.1;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;40290;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;26.1;;;1;2.1;0.664078309;;00:00.0;;adult; Dactylis glomerata;field experiment;24.8;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;40290;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;24.8;;;1;1.1;0.347850543;;00:00.0;;adult; Dactylis glomerata;field experiment;18.3;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;40290;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;18.3;;;1;0.8;0.252982213;;00:00.0;;adult; Dactylis glomerata;field experiment;16.4;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;40290;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;16.4;;;1;0.5;0.158113883;;00:00.0;;adult; Dactylis glomerata;field experiment;21.9;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;40290;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;21.9;;;1;1.5;0.474341649;;00:00.0;;adult; Eryngium campestre;field experiment;8.6;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;1324;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;8.6;;;1;0.8;0.252982213;;00:00.0;;adult; Eryngium campestre;field experiment;10.3;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;1324;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;10.3;;;1;0.8;0.252982213;;00:00.0;;adult; Kickxia spuria;field experiment;18.4;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;33129;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;18.4;;;1;1.4;0.442718872;;00:00.0;;adult; Kickxia spuria;field experiment;34.2;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;33129;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;34.2;;;1;1;0.316227766;;00:00.0;;adult; Medicago minima;field experiment;34.8;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;21911;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;34.8;;;1;1.8;0.569209979;;00:00.0;;adult; Medicago minima;field experiment;26.9;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;21911;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;26.9;;;1;1.4;0.442718872;;00:00.0;;adult; Medicago minima;field experiment;21.2;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;21911;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;21.2;;;1;0.4;0.126491106;;00:00.0;;adult; Medicago minima;field experiment;22.2;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;21911;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;22.2;;;1;0.6;0.18973666;;00:00.0;;adult; Quercus pubescens;field experiment;8.7;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;22449;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;8.7;;;1;0.3;0.09486833;;00:00.0;;adult; Quercus pubescens;field experiment;9.2;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;22449;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;9.2;;;1;0.3;0.09486833;;00:00.0;;adult; Quercus pubescens;field experiment;8.9;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;22449;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;8.9;;;1;0.3;0.09486833;;00:00.0;;adult; Quercus pubescens;field experiment;9.5;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;22449;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;9.5;;;1;0.2;0.063245553;;00:00.0;;adult; Teucrium chamaedrys;field experiment;11.3;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;24813;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;11.3;;;1;0.3;0.09486833;;00:00.0;;adult; Teucrium chamaedrys;field experiment;13;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;24813;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;13;;;1;0.7;0.221359436;;00:00.0;;adult; Thymus vulgaris;field experiment;9.5;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;23794;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;9.5;;;1;0.3;0.09486833;;00:00.0;;adult; Thymus vulgaris;field experiment;7.6;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;23794;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;7.6;;;1;0.2;0.063245553;;00:00.0;;adult; Thymus vulgaris;field experiment;12.2;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;23794;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;12.2;;;1;0.4;0.126491106;;00:00.0;;adult; Thymus vulgaris;estimation (following LEDA data standards);9.5;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;23794;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;9.5;;;1;0.5;0.158113883;;00:00.0;;adult; Thymus vulgaris;field experiment;13.1;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;23794;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;13.1;;;1;0.3;0.09486833;;00:00.0;;adult; Aegilops geniculata;field experiment;27;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;41112;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.52;43.38;27;;;1;0.6;0.18973666;;00:00.0;;adult; Avena barbata;field experiment;23.6;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;40564;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.52;43.38;23.6;;;1;0.9;0.284604989;;00:00.0;;adult; Buxus sempervirens;field experiment;6.1;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;14716;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.52;43.38;6.1;;;1;0.3;0.09486833;;00:00.0;;adult; Clematis vitalba;field experiment;27.5;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;27205;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.52;43.38;27.5;;;1;1.1;0.347850543;;00:00.0;;adult; Convolvulus arvensis;field experiment;22.7;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;18911;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.52;43.38;22.7;;;1;0.8;0.252982213;;00:00.0;;adult; Crataegus monogyna;field experiment;14.1;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;29980;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;6.35;43.25;14.1;;;1;0.5;0.158113883;;00:00.0;;adult; Dactylis glomerata;field experiment;25.2;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;40290;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.52;43.38;25.2;;;1;1.2;0.379473319;;00:00.0;;adult; Dactylis glomerata;field experiment;28.1;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;40290;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;6.35;43.25;28.1;;;1;1.3;0.411096096;;00:00.0;;adult; Kickxia spuria;field experiment;34.5;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;33129;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.52;43.38;34.5;;;1;2.3;0.727323862;;00:00.0;;adult; Medicago minima;field experiment;33.1;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;21911;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.52;43.38;33.1;;;1;1.3;0.411096096;;00:00.0;;adult; Quercus pubescens;field experiment;10.6;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;22449;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;6.35;43.25;10.6;;;1;0.5;0.158113883;;00:00.0;;adult; Quercus pubescens;field experiment;9.9;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;22449;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.52;43.38;9.9;;;1;0.4;0.126491106;;00:00.0;;adult; Teucrium chamaedrys;field experiment;14.3;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;24813;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;6.35;43.25;14.3;;;1;0.5;0.158113883;;00:00.0;;adult; Rubia peregrina;field experiment;16.3;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;31737;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;6.35;43.25;16.3;;;1;1.5;0.474341649;;00:00.0;;adult; Rubia peregrina;field experiment;14.2;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;31737;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.52;43.38;14.2;;;1;0.5;0.158113883;;00:00.0;;adult; Rubia peregrina;field experiment;18.6;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;31737;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;18.6;;;1;1.2;0.379473319;;00:00.0;;adult; Rubia peregrina;field experiment;13.8;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;31737;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;13.8;;;1;0.8;0.252982213;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus erectus;field experiment;17.4;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;40358;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.52;43.38;17.4;;;1;2.529822128;0.8;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus erectus;field experiment;17.4;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;40358;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;17.4;;;1;1.897366596;0.6;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus erectus;field experiment;13.1;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;40358;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;13.1;;;1;1.58113883;0.5;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus erectus;field experiment;12.8;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;40358;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;12.8;;;1;1.58113883;0.5;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus erectus;field experiment;17.2;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;40358;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;17.2;;;1;1.897366596;0.6;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus erectus;field experiment;16.1;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;40358;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;16.1;;;1;1.264911064;0.4;;00:00.0;;adult; Helianthemum nummularium;field experiment;15;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;18594;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;6.35;43.25;15;;;1;0.6;0.18973666;;00:00.0;;adult; Helianthemum nummularium;field experiment;16.5;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;18594;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;16.5;;;1;0.8;0.252982213;;00:00.0;;adult; Helianthemum nummularium;field experiment;10.9;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;18594;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;10.9;;;1;0.3;0.09486833;;00:00.0;;adult; Helianthemum nummularium;field experiment;14.7;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;18594;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;14.7;;;1;0.4;0.126491106;;00:00.0;;adult; Helianthemum nummularium;field experiment;13.5;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;18594;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;13.5;;;1;0.5;0.158113883;;00:00.0;;adult; Helianthemum nummularium;field experiment;13.6;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;18594;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;13.6;;;1;1;0.316227766;;00:00.0;;adult; Lotus corniculatus;field experiment;20.7;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;21886;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;20.7;;;1;1.4;0.442718872;;00:00.0;1;adult; Lotus corniculatus;field experiment;18.2;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;21886;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;18.2;;;1;0.4;0.126491106;;00:00.0;;adult; Stachys officinalis;field experiment;16.5;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;24916;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;16.5;;;1;0.5;0.158113883;;00:00.0;;adult; Stachys officinalis;field experiment;13.4;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;24916;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;13.4;;;1;0.6;0.18973666;;00:00.0;;adult; Lonicera etrusca;field experiment;15.1;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;15370;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;15.1;;;1;0.5;0.158113883;;00:00.0;;adult; Lonicera etrusca;field experiment;16.9;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;15370;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;16.9;;;1;0.5;0.158113883;;00:00.0;;adult; Rosa micrantha;field experiment;12.8;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;30571;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;12.8;;;1;0.5;0.158113883;;00:00.0;;adult; Rosa micrantha;field experiment;11.6;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;30571;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;11.6;;;1;0.4;0.126491106;;00:00.0;;adult; Juniperus oxycedrus;field experiment;7.1;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;701;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;7.1;;;1;0.1;0.031622777;;00:00.0;;adult; Juniperus oxycedrus;field experiment;6.5;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;701;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;6.5;;;1;0.2;0.063245553;;00:00.0;;adult; Juniperus oxycedrus;field experiment;6.1;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;701;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;6.1;;;1;0.3;0.09486833;;00:00.0;;adult; Juniperus oxycedrus;field experiment;4.5;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;701;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;4.5;;;1;0.2;0.063245553;;00:00.0;;adult; Juniperus oxycedrus;field experiment;5;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;701;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;5;;;1;0.1;0.031622777;;00:00.0;;adult; Daucus carota;field experiment;12.9;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;1358;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.52;43.38;12.9;;;1;0.5;0.158113883;;00:00.0;;adult; Daucus carota;field experiment;17.5;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;1358;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;17.5;;;1;0.7;0.221359436;;00:00.0;;adult; Daucus carota;field experiment;9.5;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;1358;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;9.5;;;1;0.4;0.126491106;;00:00.0;;adult; Daucus carota;field experiment;18;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;1358;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;18;;;1;1;0.316227766;;00:00.0;;adult; Daucus carota;field experiment;23.5;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;1358;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;23.5;;;1;0.9;0.284604989;;00:00.0;;adult; Daucus carota;field experiment;25;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;1358;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;25;;;1;1.9;0.600832755;;00:00.0;;adult; Echinops ritro;field experiment;11.8;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;2649;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;11.8;;;1;0.7;0.221359436;;00:00.0;;adult; Echinops ritro;field experiment;11;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;2649;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;11;;;1;0.4;0.126491106;;00:00.0;;adult; Sanguisorba minor;field experiment;17.7;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;29153;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.52;43.38;17.7;;;1;0.8;0.252982213;;00:00.0;;adult; Sanguisorba minor;field experiment;19.4;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;29153;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;19.4;;;1;0.9;0.284604989;;00:00.0;;adult; Sanguisorba minor;field experiment;15.1;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;29153;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;15.1;;;1;0.7;0.221359436;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium angustifolium;field experiment;21.7;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;22108;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;21.7;;;1;1.3;0.411096096;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium angustifolium;field experiment;15.6;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;22108;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;15.6;;;1;0.4;0.126491106;;00:00.0;;adult; Quercus ilex;field experiment;6.7;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;22435;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.52;43.38;6.7;;;1;0.1;0.031622777;;00:00.0;;adult; Quercus ilex;field experiment;6.2;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;22435;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;6.2;;;1;0.2;0.063245553;;00:00.0;;adult; Quercus ilex;field experiment;5.7;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;22435;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;5.7;;;1;0.2;0.063245553;;00:00.0;;adult; Quercus ilex;field experiment;9.4;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;22435;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;9.4;;;1;0.6;0.18973666;;00:00.0;;adult; Quercus ilex;field experiment;5.1;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;22435;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;5.1;;;1;0.2;0.063245553;;00:00.0;;adult; Quercus ilex;field experiment;5.8;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;22435;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;5.8;;;1;0.3;0.09486833;;00:00.0;;adult; Prunus spinosa;field experiment;12.4;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;29316;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;12.4;;;1;0.8;0.252982213;;00:00.0;;adult; Prunus spinosa;field experiment;10.7;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;29316;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;10.7;;;1;0.5;0.158113883;;00:00.0;;adult; Ruscus aculeatus;field experiment;18.1;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;38080;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;18.1;;;1;1.5;0.474341649;;00:00.0;;adult; Ruscus aculeatus;field experiment;11.9;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;38080;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;11.9;;;1;1.4;0.442718872;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus lanceolatus;field experiment;22.7;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;42158;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.52;43.38;22.7;;;1;0.7;0.221359436;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus lanceolatus;field experiment;23.8;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;42158;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;23.8;;;1;0.6;0.18973666;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus lanceolatus;field experiment;30;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;42158;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;30;;;1;1.1;0.347850543;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus lanceolatus;field experiment;25.1;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;42158;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;25.1;;;1;0.9;0.284604989;;00:00.0;;adult; Phleum pratense;field experiment;24.4;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;42408;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;24.4;;;1;0.7;0.221359436;;00:00.0;;adult; Phleum pratense;field experiment;22.2;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;42408;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;22.2;;;1;1.4;0.442718872;;00:00.0;;adult; Phleum pratense;field experiment;28.7;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;42408;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;28.7;;;1;0.8;0.252982213;;00:00.0;;adult; Anagallis arvensis;field experiment;40;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;28783;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;40;;;1;2;0.632455532;;00:00.0;;adult; Anagallis arvensis;field experiment;28.7;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;28783;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;28.7;;;1;1.3;0.411096096;;00:00.0;;adult; Prunus mahaleb;field experiment;12.4;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;29650;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;12.4;;;1;0.3;0.09486833;;00:00.0;;adult; Prunus mahaleb;field experiment;12;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;29650;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;12;;;1;0.8;0.252982213;;00:00.0;;adult; Prunus mahaleb;field experiment;13.5;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;29650;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;13.5;;;1;0.5;0.158113883;;00:00.0;;adult; Crepis sancta;field experiment;26.3;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;4235;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.52;43.38;26.3;;;1;2.1;0.664078309;;00:00.0;;adult; Crepis sancta;field experiment;32.4;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;4235;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;32.4;;;1;3.5;1.106797181;;00:00.0;;adult; Crepis sancta;field experiment;21.7;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;4235;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;21.7;;;1;1.4;0.442718872;;00:00.0;;adult; Crepis vesicaria;field experiment;18;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;3710;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.52;43.38;18;;;1;0.5;0.158113883;;00:00.0;;adult; Crepis vesicaria;field experiment;25.8;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;3710;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;25.8;;;1;1.1;0.347850543;;00:00.0;;adult; Crepis vesicaria;field experiment;15.1;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;3710;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;15.1;;;1;0.9;0.284604989;;00:00.0;;adult; Acer monspessulanum;field experiment;14.3;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;783;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;6.35;43.25;14.3;;;1;0.5;0.158113883;;00:00.0;;adult; Acer monspessulanum;field experiment;11.9;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;783;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.52;43.38;11.9;;;1;0.4;0.126491106;;00:00.0;;adult; Acer monspessulanum;field experiment;12.6;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;783;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;12.6;;;1;0.3;0.09486833;;00:00.0;;adult; Acer monspessulanum;field experiment;13.4;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;783;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;13.4;;;1;0.4;0.126491106;;00:00.0;;adult; Xeranthemum inapertum;field experiment;39.4;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;9879;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;39.4;;;1;1.3;0.411096096;;00:00.0;;adult; Xeranthemum inapertum;field experiment;23.4;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;9879;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;23.4;;;1;0.5;0.158113883;;00:00.0;;adult; Xeranthemum inapertum;field experiment;31.7;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;9879;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;31.7;;;1;1.1;0.347850543;;00:00.0;;adult; Xeranthemum inapertum;field experiment;29.2;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;9879;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;29.2;;;1;1.1;0.347850543;;00:00.0;;adult; Plantago lanceolata;field experiment;16.7;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;27860;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;16.7;;;1;1.2;0.379473319;;00:00.0;;adult; Plantago lanceolata;field experiment;10.6;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;27860;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;10.6;;;1;0.5;0.158113883;;00:00.0;;adult; Plantago lanceolata;field experiment;19.9;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;27860;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;6.35;43.25;19.9;;;1;1;0.316227766;;00:00.0;;adult; Plantago lanceolata;field experiment;15.8;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;27860;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.52;43.38;15.8;;;1;1.1;0.347850543;;00:00.0;;adult; Phillyrea latifolia;field experiment;7.5;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;26370;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.52;43.38;7.5;;;1;0.2;0.063245553;;00:00.0;;adult; Phillyrea latifolia;field experiment;9.1;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;26370;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;9.1;;;1;0.3;0.09486833;;00:00.0;;adult; Scabiosa atropurpurea;field experiment;13.5;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;19064;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;6.35;43.25;13.5;;;1;0.6;0.18973666;;00:00.0;;adult; Scabiosa atropurpurea;field experiment;12;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;19064;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.52;43.38;12;;;1;0.3;0.09486833;;00:00.0;;adult; Scabiosa atropurpurea;field experiment;12;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;19064;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;12;;;1;0.5;0.158113883;;00:00.0;;adult; Scabiosa atropurpurea;field experiment;11.4;10;1;leaf rehydration;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;19064;Garnier, E.(2001): Consistency of species ranking based on functional leaf traits;FRANCE;0;3.42;43.46;11.4;;;1;0.3;0.09486833;;00:00.0;;adult; Juniperus communis;field experiment;6.66;2;1;no leaf rehydration;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];741;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];SPAIN;0;0;0;6.66;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Phillyrea angustifolia;field experiment;4.26;2;1;no leaf rehydration;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];26369;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];SPAIN;0;0;0;4.26;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Pistacia lentiscus;field experiment;4.62;2;1;no leaf rehydration;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];948;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];SPAIN;0;0;0;4.62;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Fraxinus ornus;field experiment;6.39;2;1;no leaf rehydration;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];26396;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];SPAIN;0;0;0;6.39;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Myrtus communis;field experiment;10.39;2;1;no leaf rehydration;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];25977;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];SPAIN;0;0;0;10.39;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Nerium oleander;field experiment;5.51;2;1;no leaf rehydration;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];2565;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];SPAIN;0;0;0;5.51;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Populus alba;field experiment;11.72;2;1;no leaf rehydration;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];32710;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];SPAIN;0;0;0;11.72;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Vitis vinifera;field experiment;15.78;2;1;no leaf rehydration;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];34500;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];SPAIN;0;0;0;15.78;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Quercus rubra;field experiment;12.1;2;1;no leaf rehydration;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];22466;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];CANADA;0;0;0;12.1;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Platanus occidentalis;field experiment;23.28;2;1;unknown;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];27915;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];UNITED STATES;0;0;0;23.28;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Liriodendron tulipifera;field experiment;28.13;2;1;unknown;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];25285;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];UNITED STATES;0;0;0;28.13;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Crataegus monogyna;field experiment;8.7;2;1;no leaf rehydration;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];29980;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];SPAIN;0;0;0;8.7;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Crataegus monogyna;field experiment;10.63;2;1;no leaf rehydration;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];29980;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];SPAIN;0;0;0;10.63;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Calluna vulgaris;field experiment;7.11;2;1;no leaf rehydration;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];19587;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];SPAIN;0;0;0;7.11;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Rubus ulmifolius;field experiment;11.91;2;1;no leaf rehydration;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];29561;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];SPAIN;0;0;0;11.91;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Frangula alnus;field experiment;14.11;2;1;no leaf rehydration;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];28032;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];SPAIN;0;0;0;14.11;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Arctostaphylos uva-ursi;field experiment;3.14;2;1;unknown;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];19582;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];SPAIN;0;0;0;3.14;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Fraxinus angustifolia;field experiment;13.36;2;1;no leaf rehydration;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];26387;Villar, Rafael(2001): Comparison of leaf construction costs in woody species with differing leaf life-spans in contrasting ecosystems[151];SPAIN;0;0;0;13.36;;;1;;;;;;unknown; Carex flacca;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;16.506;27;1;no leaf rehydration;Volk, Matthias(2001): Genotype x elevated CO2 interaction and allocation in calcereous grassland species[151];37912;Volk, Matthias(2001): Genotype x elevated CO2 interaction and allocation in calcereous grassland species[151];SWITZERLAND;0;0;0;16.506;;;1;1.699;327;;00:00.0;;juvenile; Carex flacca;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;11.971;27;1;no leaf rehydration;Volk, Matthias(2001): Genotype x elevated CO2 interaction and allocation in calcereous grassland species[151];37912;Volk, Matthias(2001): Genotype x elevated CO2 interaction and allocation in calcereous grassland species[151];SWITZERLAND;0;0;0;11.971;;;1;0.852;164;;00:00.0;High CO2-level (600 ľl/l );juvenile; Carex flacca;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;13.294;27;1;no leaf rehydration;Volk, Matthias(2001): Genotype x elevated CO2 interaction and allocation in calcereous grassland species[151];37912;Volk, Matthias(2001): Genotype x elevated CO2 interaction and allocation in calcereous grassland species[151];SWITZERLAND;0;0;0;13.294;;;1;1.517;292;;00:00.0;;juvenile; Carex flacca;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;16.821;27;1;no leaf rehydration;Volk, Matthias(2001): Genotype x elevated CO2 interaction and allocation in calcereous grassland species[151];37912;Volk, Matthias(2001): Genotype x elevated CO2 interaction and allocation in calcereous grassland species[151];SWITZERLAND;0;0;0;16.821;;;1;1.694;326;;00:00.0;;juvenile; Bromus erectus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;14.621;27;1;no leaf rehydration;Volk, Matthias(2001): Genotype x elevated CO2 interaction and allocation in calcereous grassland species[151];40358;Volk, Matthias(2001): Genotype x elevated CO2 interaction and allocation in calcereous grassland species[151];SWITZERLAND;0;0;0;14.621;;;1;2.011;387;;00:00.0;High CO2-level (600 ľl/l );juvenile; Bromus erectus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;22.565;27;1;no leaf rehydration;Volk, Matthias(2001): Genotype x elevated CO2 interaction and allocation in calcereous grassland species[151];40358;Volk, Matthias(2001): Genotype x elevated CO2 interaction and allocation in calcereous grassland species[151];SWITZERLAND;0;0;0;22.565;;;1;2.754;530;;00:00.0;High CO2-level (600 ľl/l );juvenile; Bromus erectus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;17.07;27;1;no leaf rehydration;Volk, Matthias(2001): Genotype x elevated CO2 interaction and allocation in calcereous grassland species[151];40358;Volk, Matthias(2001): Genotype x elevated CO2 interaction and allocation in calcereous grassland species[151];SWITZERLAND;0;0;0;17.07;;;1;2.354;453;;00:00.0;;juvenile; Bromus erectus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;21.754;27;1;no leaf rehydration;Volk, Matthias(2001): Genotype x elevated CO2 interaction and allocation in calcereous grassland species[151];40358;Volk, Matthias(2001): Genotype x elevated CO2 interaction and allocation in calcereous grassland species[151];SWITZERLAND;0;0;0;21.754;;;1;2.796;538;;00:00.0;;juvenile; Hordeum vulgare;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;0.0305;4;1;unknown;Gunn, S.(1999): Specific leaf area in barley: individual leaves versus whole plant[143];42448;Gunn, S.(1999): Specific leaf area in barley: individual leaves versus whole plant[143];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;;0.033;0.028;1;;;;;;juvenile; Hordeum vulgare;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;0.04;4;1;unknown;Gunn, S.(1999): Specific leaf area in barley: individual leaves versus whole plant[143];42448;Gunn, S.(1999): Specific leaf area in barley: individual leaves versus whole plant[143];UNITED KINGDOM;0;0;0;;0.045;0.035;1;;;;;shaded leaves;juvenile; Cistus albidus;actual measurement;9.912;80;1;no leaf rehydration;Roche, Philip(2004): Congruency analysis of species ranking based on leaf traits: which traits are the more reliable? [174];18778;Roche, Philip(2004): Congruency analysis of species ranking based on leaf traits: which traits are the more reliable? [174];FRANCE;33;0;0;9.912;;;5;2.218;0.248;;;;unknown; Quercus pubescens;actual measurement;11.371;80;1;no leaf rehydration;Roche, Philip(2004): Congruency analysis of species ranking based on leaf traits: which traits are the more reliable? [174];22449;Roche, Philip(2004): Congruency analysis of species ranking based on leaf traits: which traits are the more reliable? [174];FRANCE;33;0;0;11.371;;;5;2.379;0.266;;;;unknown; Rubia peregrina;actual measurement;12.396;80;1;no leaf rehydration;Roche, Philip(2004): Congruency analysis of species ranking based on leaf traits: which traits are the more reliable? [174];31737;Roche, Philip(2004): Congruency analysis of species ranking based on leaf traits: which traits are the more reliable? [174];FRANCE;33;0;0;12.396;;;5;2.218;0.248;;;;unknown; Diplotaxis erucoides;actual measurement;26.369;80;1;no leaf rehydration;Roche, Philip(2004): Congruency analysis of species ranking based on leaf traits: which traits are the more reliable? [174];13209;Roche, Philip(2004): Congruency analysis of species ranking based on leaf traits: which traits are the more reliable? [174];FRANCE;33;0;0;26.369;;;5;2.397;0.268;;;;unknown; Sanguisorba minor;actual measurement;21.362;80;1;no leaf rehydration;Roche, Philip(2004): Congruency analysis of species ranking based on leaf traits: which traits are the more reliable? [174];29153;Roche, Philip(2004): Congruency analysis of species ranking based on leaf traits: which traits are the more reliable? [174];FRANCE;33;0;0;21.362;;;5;2.379;0.266;;;;unknown; Quercus ilex;actual measurement;5.582;80;1;no leaf rehydration;Roche, Philip(2004): Congruency analysis of species ranking based on leaf traits: which traits are the more reliable? [174];22435;Roche, Philip(2004): Congruency analysis of species ranking based on leaf traits: which traits are the more reliable? [174];FRANCE;33;0;0;5.582;;;5;2.227;0.249;;;;unknown; Clematis flammula;actual measurement;15.13;80;1;no leaf rehydration;Roche, Philip(2004): Congruency analysis of species ranking based on leaf traits: which traits are the more reliable? [174];27199;Roche, Philip(2004): Congruency analysis of species ranking based on leaf traits: which traits are the more reliable? [174];FRANCE;33;0;0;15.13;;;5;2.567;0.287;;;;unknown; Agrostis capillaris;actual measurement;11.78705658;15;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;41392;;GERMANY;;;;11.78705658;;;6;;1.12;;;;adult; Alisma lanceolatum;actual measurement;19.01867957;15;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;35630;;GERMANY;;;;19.01867957;;;6;;1.13;;;;adult; Alopecurus pratensis;actual measurement;17.96439402;20;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;40391;;GERMANY;;;;17.96439402;;;6;;0.99;;;;adult; Anthoxanthum odoratum;actual measurement;18.52216891;14;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;41907;;GERMANY;;;;18.52216891;;;6;;2.65;;;;adult; Bidens tripartita;actual measurement;24.20210138;13;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;3990;;GERMANY;;;;24.20210138;;;6;;0.65;;;;adult; Calamagrostis epigejos;actual measurement;6.100139609;14;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;41199;;GERMANY;;;;6.100139609;;;6;;0.43;;;;adult; Cardamine pratensis;actual measurement;13.61597899;12;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;14249;;GERMANY;;;;13.61597899;;;6;;1.4;;;agg.;adult; Carex riparia;actual measurement;9.516107401;9;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;37273;;GERMANY;;;;9.516107401;;;6;;0.38;;;;adult; Carex vulpina;actual measurement;16.17338391;12;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;37185;;GERMANY;;;;16.17338391;;;6;;0.56;;;;adult; Chenopodium album;actual measurement;34.84361154;14;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;17842;;GERMANY;;;;34.84361154;;;6;;1.65;;;;adult; Cirsium oleraceum;actual measurement;25.73605105;12;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;6109;;GERMANY;;;;25.73605105;;;6;;2.46;;;;adult; Cirsium vulgare;actual measurement;9.610028618;18;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;3737;;GERMANY;;;;9.610028618;;;6;;0.55;;;;adult; Conyza canadensis;actual measurement;22.74756574;16;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;5194;;GERMANY;;;;22.74756574;;;6;;0.64;;;;adult; Deschampsia cespitosa;actual measurement;11.26307958;13;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;40299;;GERMANY;;;;11.26307958;;;6;;0.49;;;;adult; Elymus repens;actual measurement;18.1388716;17;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;40238;;GERMANY;;;;18.1388716;;;6;;0.54;;;;adult; Erophila verna;actual measurement;42.48202512;7;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;14075;;GERMANY;;;;42.48202512;;;6;;15.94;;;;adult; Glechoma hederacea;actual measurement;25.5105977;13;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;24650;;GERMANY;;;;25.5105977;;;6;;1.54;;;;adult; Glyceria maxima;actual measurement;14.65235981;13;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;40135;;GERMANY;;;;14.65235981;;;6;;0.32;;;;adult; Filaginella uliginosa;actual measurement;39.42797193;20;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;3719;;GERMANY;;;;39.42797193;;;6;;3.21;;;;adult; Inula britannica;actual measurement;18.71430179;17;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;8741;;GERMANY;;;;18.71430179;;;6;;0.66;;;;adult; Juncus articulatus;actual measurement;9.50304163;11;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;35965;;GERMANY;;;;9.50304163;;;6;;0.58;;;;adult; Juncus bufonius;actual measurement;22.17745289;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;36128;;GERMANY;;;;22.17745289;;;6;;1.82;;;;adult; Juncus tenuis;actual measurement;9.521101971;12;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;36112;;GERMANY;;;;9.521101971;;;6;;0.65;;;;adult; Lolium perenne;actual measurement;8.837770655;17;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;43540;;GERMANY;;;;8.837770655;;;6;;0.74;;;;adult; Oenanthe aquatica;actual measurement;20.31263331;19;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;1156;;GERMANY;;;;20.31263331;;;6;;0.77;;;;adult; Poa palustris;actual measurement;19.55644869;15;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;43610;;GERMANY;;;;19.55644869;;;6;;1.09;;;;adult; Poa trivialis;actual measurement;21.13987866;19;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;43077;;GERMANY;;;;21.13987866;;;6;;1.31;;;;adult; Potentilla reptans;actual measurement;19.98675962;8;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;30622;;GERMANY;;;;19.98675962;;;6;;1.18;;;;adult; Ranunculus aquatilis;actual measurement;20.37745253;21;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;27005;;GERMANY;;;;20.37745253;;;6;;1.06;;;;adult; Ranunculus flammula;actual measurement;13.59372009;16;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;26624;;GERMANY;;;;13.59372009;;;6;;0.48;;;;adult; Sonchus asper;actual measurement;21.14337548;9;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;9413;;GERMANY;;;;21.14337548;;;6;;0.95;;;;adult; Stachys palustris;actual measurement;21.19741866;16;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;24921;;GERMANY;;;;21.19741866;;;6;;0.68;;;;adult; Stellaria graminea;actual measurement;18.43039212;15;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;17658;;GERMANY;;;;18.43039212;;;6;;1.35;;;;adult; Stellaria palustris;actual measurement;23.01948636;14;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;17304;;GERMANY;;;;23.01948636;;;6;;3.4;;;;adult; Tanacetum vulgare;actual measurement;16.02084682;16;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;10128;;GERMANY;;;;16.02084682;;;6;;0.41;;;;adult; Trifolium fragiferum;actual measurement;22.54718026;12;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;22005;;GERMANY;;;;22.54718026;;;6;;1.27;;;;adult; Trifolium hybridum;actual measurement;19.94212164;14;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;21107;;GERMANY;;;;19.94212164;;;6;;0.68;;;;adult; Trifolium pratense;actual measurement;19.75243578;14;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;22096;;GERMANY;;;;19.75243578;;;6;;0.81;;;;adult; Vicia tetrasperma;actual measurement;26.18949008;8;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;22147;;GERMANY;;;;26.18949008;;;6;;0.63;;;;adult; Mycelis muralis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);36.29477276;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Römermann), E-Mail:;11510;;GERMANY;;;;36.29477276;;;2;8.154316444;;;;;adult; Polygala chamaebuxus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.39366242;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Römermann), E-Mail:;28113;;GERMANY;;;;18.39366242;;;2;0.676403193;;;;;adult; Scabiosa columbaria;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.18164474;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Römermann), E-Mail:;19381;;GERMANY;;;;18.18164474;;;2;1.818091909;;;;;adult; Thlaspi montanum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.08341739;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Römermann), E-Mail:;14668;;GERMANY;;;;21.08341739;;;2;1.678468923;;;;;adult; Carex pulicaris;actual measurement;8.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37751;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;8.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Odontites verna;actual measurement;17.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33007;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Gymnadenia conopsea;actual measurement;17.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39638;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Festuca rubra;actual measurement;17.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40103;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Senecio viscosus;actual measurement;17.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10121;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus flammula;actual measurement;17.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26624;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trisetum flavescens;actual measurement;17.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42564;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.8;;;2;;;;;;adult; Veronica beccabunga;actual measurement;17.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33863;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ophrys apifera;actual measurement;18;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39669;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus ramosus;actual measurement;18;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40952;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Brassica rapa;actual measurement;18;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13695;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Dianthus deltoides;actual measurement;18.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16129;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus bulbosus;actual measurement;18.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26809;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Epilobium hirsutum;actual measurement;18.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26536;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Festuca arundinacea;actual measurement;18.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40254;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cochlearia danica;actual measurement;18.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12875;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Onobrychis viciifolia;actual measurement;18.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21874;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex otrubae;actual measurement;18.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37711;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex flacca;actual measurement;18.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37912;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Silene noctiflora;actual measurement;18.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17252;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Spergularia rupicola;actual measurement;18.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17651;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lactuca virosa;actual measurement;18.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;7940;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Eriophorum vaginatum;actual measurement;5.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37560;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;5.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Fragaria vesca;actual measurement;19.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30633;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex paniculata;actual measurement;19.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37249;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Narcissus pseudonarcissus;actual measurement;19.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35717;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trisetum flavescens;actual measurement;19.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42564;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium hybridum;actual measurement;19.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21107;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Onobrychis viciifolia;actual measurement;19.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21874;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Astragalus glycyphyllos;actual measurement;19.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22427;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anchusa arvensis;actual measurement;19.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12189;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus sceleratus;actual measurement;20;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26717;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Alchemilla xanthochlora;actual measurement;20.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30366;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Campanula rotundifolia;actual measurement;20.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15045;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium striatum;actual measurement;20.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21076;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Viola lutea;actual measurement;20.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35331;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex pilulifera;actual measurement;20.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37739;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium sanguineum;actual measurement;20.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22557;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium sanguineum;actual measurement;20.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22557;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Eriophorum angustifolium;actual measurement;8.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37550;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;8.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carlina vulgaris s. vulgaris;actual measurement;10.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2945;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cirsium acaule;actual measurement;10.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3252;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Iris foetidissima;actual measurement;10.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36612;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polypodium vulgare;actual measurement;10.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;71;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Helleborus viridis;actual measurement;11.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27076;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cirsium acaule;actual measurement;11.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3252;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Melilotus officinalis;actual measurement;11.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22218;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Crithmum maritimum;actual measurement;11.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1350;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Erysimum cheiri;actual measurement;11.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12871;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Pedicularis sylvatica;actual measurement;11.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32992;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Spergularia marina;actual measurement;11.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17645;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex riparia;actual measurement;11.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37273;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Typha latifolia;actual measurement;12.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;44041;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polystichum aculeatum;actual measurement;12.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;337;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anaphalis margaritacea;actual measurement;12.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5740;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ornithogalum umbellatum;actual measurement;13.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39006;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Mentha spicata;actual measurement;13.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24289;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica chamaedrys;actual measurement;13.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32792;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.4;;;2;;;;;;adult; Cirsium acaule;actual measurement;13.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3252;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Littorella uniflora;actual measurement;13.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27852;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Mentha spicata;actual measurement;13.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24289;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus bulbosus;actual measurement;13.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26809;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aphanes inexspectata;actual measurement;13.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;50026;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Oenanthe lachenalii;actual measurement;13.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2104;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Melilotus officinalis;actual measurement;14;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22218;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polypodium vulgare;actual measurement;14;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;71;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cirsium eriophorum;actual measurement;14.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2903;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium verum;actual measurement;14.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31730;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.2;;;2;;;;;;adult; Sagina maritima;actual measurement;14.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17033;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Armoracia rusticana;actual measurement;14.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13400;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Gymnadenia conopsea;actual measurement;14.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39638;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cochlearia danica;actual measurement;14.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12875;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Juncus compressus;actual measurement;14.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36003;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Odontites verna;actual measurement;14.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33007;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hypericum perforatum;actual measurement;14.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23212;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Deschampsia flexuosa;actual measurement;15;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41982;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Acorus calamus;actual measurement;15.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35825;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex flacca;actual measurement;15.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37912;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Fragaria vesca;actual measurement;15.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30633;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex panicea;actual measurement;15.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37248;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sparganium erectum;actual measurement;15.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43993;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cerastium glomeratum;actual measurement;15.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17356;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Reseda luteola;actual measurement;15.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27977;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anchusa arvensis;actual measurement;15.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12189;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Reseda lutea;actual measurement;16.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27974;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Succisa pratensis;actual measurement;16.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19186;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hieracium flagellare;actual measurement;16.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;7042;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aira praecox;actual measurement;16.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41629;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carlina vulgaris s. vulgaris;actual measurement;16.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2945;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Papaver dubium;actual measurement;16.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25513;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lysimachia nummularia;actual measurement;16.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28922;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Reseda lutea;actual measurement;16.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27974;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potentilla argentea;actual measurement;16.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30642;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Senecio viscosus;actual measurement;16.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10121;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Senecio squalidus;actual measurement;16.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9306;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Typha latifolia;actual measurement;16.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;44041;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hypochaeris glabra;actual measurement;16.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;7007;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Agrimonia eupatoria;actual measurement;17;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29512;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Genista tinctoria;actual measurement;17.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21390;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potentilla recta;actual measurement;17.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29349;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Poa pratensis;actual measurement;17.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42677;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potamogeton natans;actual measurement;17.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43926;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sherardia arvensis;actual measurement;17.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31967;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hypericum perforatum;actual measurement;17.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23212;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Gymnadenia conopsea;actual measurement;17.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39638;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aira praecox;actual measurement;17.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41629;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lathyrus montanus;actual measurement;17.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20503;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Agrimonia eupatoria;actual measurement;17.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29512;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Prunella vulgaris;actual measurement;31.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24350;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium sylvaticum;actual measurement;31.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22559;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Solidago canadensis;actual measurement;31.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9491;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lathyrus tuberosus;actual measurement;31.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19845;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Stellaria holostea;actual measurement;31.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16753;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Picris hieracioides;actual measurement;31.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9660;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Holcus mollis;actual measurement;32;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42614;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus sterilis;actual measurement;32;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40373;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ajuga reptans;actual measurement;32;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25159;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Valeriana dioica;actual measurement;32.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34884;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Holcus lanatus;actual measurement;32.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42613;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.3;;;2;;;;;;adult; Sinapis arvensis;actual measurement;32.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13454;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Parnassia palustris;actual measurement;32.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25636;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polygonum bistorta;actual measurement;32.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27743;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sinapis arvensis;actual measurement;32.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13454;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus hederaceus;actual measurement;32.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26758;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cardaria draba;actual measurement;18.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13313;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Verbascum nigrum;actual measurement;18.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32834;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lemna minor;actual measurement;18.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36875;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Viola canina;actual measurement;18.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35384;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Coronopus squamatus;actual measurement;18.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14154;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium pratense;actual measurement;18.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22589;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sparganium erectum;actual measurement;18.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43993;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Narcissus pseudonarcissus;actual measurement;18.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35717;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Mentha spicata;actual measurement;18.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24289;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Melilotus officinalis;actual measurement;18.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22218;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Reseda luteola;actual measurement;20.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27977;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Artemisia vulgaris;actual measurement;20.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;4158;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium striatum;actual measurement;20.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21076;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Epilobium montanum;actual measurement;20.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26496;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Melilotus indica;actual measurement;20.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20556;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polygonum persicaria;actual measurement;20.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27673;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Centaurea scabiosa;actual measurement;20.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3597;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Angelica sylvestris;actual measurement;20.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1519;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Festuca pratensis;actual measurement;20.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41343;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.7;;;2;;;;;;adult; Armoracia rusticana;actual measurement;20.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13400;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Centranthus ruber;actual measurement;20.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34865;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Solanum nigrum;actual measurement;20.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34958;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hypericum perforatum;actual measurement;20.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23212;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium hybridum;actual measurement;20.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21107;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polygonum lapathifolium;actual measurement;21;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27747;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Reseda lutea;actual measurement;21;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27974;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Armoracia rusticana;actual measurement;21.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13400;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus flammula;actual measurement;21.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26624;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Glyceria maxima;actual measurement;21.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40135;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Matricaria perforata;actual measurement;21.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10535;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potentilla erecta;actual measurement;21.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30927;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Festuca pratensis;actual measurement;21.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41343;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.4;;;2;;;;;;adult; Dipsacus fullonum;actual measurement;21.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19359;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Reseda luteola;actual measurement;21.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27977;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Papaver dubium;actual measurement;21.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25513;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Myosotis laxa;actual measurement;21.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11988;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polygonum persicaria;actual measurement;21.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27673;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Molinia caerulea;actual measurement;21.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42495;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anemone nemorosa;actual measurement;21.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27355;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Mimulus guttatus;actual measurement;21.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34136;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium striatum;actual measurement;21.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21076;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Poa compressa;actual measurement;21.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42683;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Astragalus danicus;actual measurement;21.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22416;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Viola tricolor;actual measurement;21.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35219;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carduus crispus;actual measurement;21.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2731;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Origanum vulgare;actual measurement;21.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23973;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Barbarea intermedia;actual measurement;22;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13016;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potentilla erecta;actual measurement;22;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30927;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aphanes inexspectata;actual measurement;22.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;50026;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Poa compressa;actual measurement;22.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42683;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ornithopus perpusillus;actual measurement;22.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19964;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Spergularia marina;actual measurement;22.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17645;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium lucidum;actual measurement;22.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22584;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Papaver dubium;actual measurement;22.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25513;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cerastium glomeratum;actual measurement;22.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17356;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sambucus ebulus;actual measurement;22.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15361;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trisetum flavescens;actual measurement;22.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42564;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Pinguicula vulgaris;actual measurement;22.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26085;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lolium multiflorum;actual measurement;22.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43196;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.6;;;2;;;;;;adult; Poa nemoralis;actual measurement;22.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42334;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium verum;actual measurement;22.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31730;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.8;;;2;;;;;;adult; Ranunculus bulbosus;actual measurement;22.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26809;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lysimachia nemorum;actual measurement;22.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28927;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica beccabunga;actual measurement;22.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33863;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cerastium glomeratum;actual measurement;22.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17356;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica montana;actual measurement;22.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33758;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Artemisia absinthium;actual measurement;22.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5486;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Artemisia vulgaris;actual measurement;22.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;4158;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Glyceria maxima;actual measurement;22.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40135;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lamiastrum galeobdolon;actual measurement;22.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24666;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Epilobium montanum;actual measurement;22.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26496;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus acris;actual measurement;23;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26865;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23;;;2;;;;;;adult; Alopecurus pratensis;actual measurement;23;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40391;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rapistrum rugosum;actual measurement;23;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13886;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sonchus asper;actual measurement;23;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9413;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Picris hieracioides;actual measurement;23.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9660;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hieracium aurantiacum;actual measurement;23.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;7024;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Elymus repens;actual measurement;23.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40238;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cymbalaria muralis;actual measurement;23.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33224;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica serpyllifolia;actual measurement;23.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32740;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Pseudofumaria lutea;actual measurement;23.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;45589;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cardaria draba;actual measurement;23.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13313;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus acris;actual measurement;23.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26865;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Calystegia pulchra;actual measurement;23.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18975;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Arabis hirsuta;actual measurement;23.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13002;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Dactylis glomerata;actual measurement;23.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40290;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Brachypodium sylvaticum;actual measurement;23.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41179;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cynosurus cristatus;actual measurement;23.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40659;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Dryopteris dilatata;actual measurement;23.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;387;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sherardia arvensis;actual measurement;23.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31967;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lamium maculatum;actual measurement;24;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24189;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Torilis japonica;actual measurement;24;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1552;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus ramosus;actual measurement;24;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40952;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Valeriana dioica;actual measurement;24;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34884;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Campanula rotundifolia;actual measurement;24.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15045;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Dryopteris filix-mas;actual measurement;24.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;393;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sinapis arvensis;actual measurement;24.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13454;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cardaria draba;actual measurement;24.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13313;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Alopecurus pratensis;actual measurement;24.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40391;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.4;;;2;;;;;;adult; Convolvulus arvensis;actual measurement;24.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18911;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Viola lutea;actual measurement;19;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35331;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lemna trisulca;actual measurement;19;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36878;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sonchus asper;actual measurement;19.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9413;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Festuca arundinacea;actual measurement;19.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40254;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vaccinium uliginosum;actual measurement;19.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19479;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Viola odorata;actual measurement;19.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35309;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica anagallis-aquatica;actual measurement;19.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32774;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Poa pratensis;actual measurement;19.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42677;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.4;;;2;;;;;;adult; Agrimonia procera;actual measurement;19.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29916;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Barbarea vulgaris;actual measurement;19.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14291;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Senecio squalidus;actual measurement;19.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9306;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Juncus articulatus;actual measurement;19.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35965;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Succisa pratensis;actual measurement;19.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19186;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Parnassia palustris;actual measurement;19.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25636;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Juncus articulatus;actual measurement;43.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35965;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;43.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Linum catharticum;actual measurement;43.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25925;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;43.9;;;2;;;;;;adult; Convolvulus arvensis;actual measurement;45.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18911;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;45.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hordeum murinum;actual measurement;46;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42447;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;46;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galinsoga ciliata;actual measurement;46.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;6801;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;46.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Viola palustris;actual measurement;46.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35276;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;46.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Catabrosa aquatica;actual measurement;47.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41695;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;47.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Mimulus moschatus;actual measurement;47.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34076;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;47.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potamogeton crispus;actual measurement;47.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43966;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;47.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Claytonia perfoliata;actual measurement;47.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27495;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;47.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Glyceria declinata;actual measurement;47.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42323;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;47.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Mimulus moschatus;actual measurement;48.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34076;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;48.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Holcus mollis;actual measurement;49.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42614;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;49.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Poa annua;actual measurement;49.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43060;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;49.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Zannichellia palustris;actual measurement;50.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43857;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;50.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium palustre;actual measurement;52.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31813;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;52.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cardamine flexuosa;actual measurement;53.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13294;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;53.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Centaurea montana;actual measurement;54.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2682;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;54.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Convallaria majalis;actual measurement;24.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39099;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Conium maculatum;actual measurement;24.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1410;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sedum telephium;actual measurement;24.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18283;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Myosotis arvensis;actual measurement;24.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12027;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rumex obtusifolius;actual measurement;24.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27542;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Matricaria perforata;actual measurement;24.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10535;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Dryopteris carthusiana;actual measurement;24.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;377;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium pusillum;actual measurement;24.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22590;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus acris;actual measurement;24.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26865;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.9;;;2;;;;;;adult; Hyacinthoides hispanica;actual measurement;24.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;38119;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lactuca virosa;actual measurement;25;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;7940;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Parnassia palustris;actual measurement;25.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25636;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lolium perenne;actual measurement;25.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43540;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.1;;;2;;;;;;adult; Lactuca virosa;actual measurement;25.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;7940;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Poa compressa;actual measurement;25.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42683;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Silene noctiflora;actual measurement;25.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17252;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chamomilla suaveolens;actual measurement;25.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5904;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Picris echioides;actual measurement;25.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10896;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium pusillum;actual measurement;25.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22590;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Conium maculatum;actual measurement;25.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1410;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Saxifraga granulata;actual measurement;25.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31381;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium pusillum;actual measurement;25.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22590;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Elodea canadensis;actual measurement;25.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36340;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Astragalus glycyphyllos;actual measurement;25.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22427;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Solanum dulcamara;actual measurement;25.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35041;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rumex crispus;actual measurement;25.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27506;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Elymus repens;actual measurement;25.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40238;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Agrostis capillaris;actual measurement;25.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41392;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.9;;;2;;;;;;adult; Dactylis glomerata;actual measurement;25.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40290;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.9;;;2;;;;;;adult; Rumex maritimus;actual measurement;26;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27537;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Reseda alba;actual measurement;26;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27957;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Scrophularia nodosa;actual measurement;26;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32862;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Euphorbia exigua;actual measurement;26.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20206;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rumex hydrolapathum;actual measurement;26.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27528;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Phalaris arundinacea;actual measurement;26.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42396;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium hybridum;actual measurement;26.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21107;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium molle;actual measurement;26.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22585;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ophrys apifera;actual measurement;26.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39669;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium molle;actual measurement;26.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22585;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aira praecox;actual measurement;26.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41629;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chamomilla suaveolens;actual measurement;26.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5904;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Achillea millefolium;actual measurement;26.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3013;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.7;;;2;;;;;;adult; Artemisia absinthium;actual measurement;26.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5486;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Angelica sylvestris;actual measurement;26.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1519;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium mollugo;actual measurement;26.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31782;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Epilobium montanum;actual measurement;26.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26496;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Stellaria holostea;actual measurement;26.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16753;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Torilis japonica;actual measurement;26.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1552;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus sterilis;actual measurement;27;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40373;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polygonum hydropiper;actual measurement;27;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27636;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Viola tricolor;actual measurement;27;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35219;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica polita;actual measurement;27;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33745;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rumex crispus;actual measurement;27.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27506;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium molle;actual measurement;27.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22585;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Festuca gigantea;actual measurement;27.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40761;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Senecio squalidus;actual measurement;27.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9306;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trollius europaeus;actual measurement;27.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26598;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Valeriana officinalis;actual measurement;27.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34832;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Papaver rhoeas;actual measurement;27.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25577;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium lucidum;actual measurement;27.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22584;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Triglochin palustris;actual measurement;27.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36324;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lolium perenne;actual measurement;27.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43540;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.8;;;2;;;;;;adult; Medicago lupulina;actual measurement;27.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20595;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lathyrus montanus;actual measurement;27.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20503;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Poa pratensis;actual measurement;28;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42677;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chrysanthemum segetum;actual measurement;28;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3728;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Papaver dubium;actual measurement;28.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25513;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ophrys insectifera;actual measurement;28.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39703;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Prunella vulgaris;actual measurement;28.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24350;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.2;;;2;;;;;;adult; Hyacinthoides hispanica;actual measurement;30.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;38119;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica beccabunga;actual measurement;30.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33863;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Epilobium parviflorum;actual measurement;30.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26505;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Convolvulus arvensis;actual measurement;30.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18911;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Medicago lupulina;actual measurement;30.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20595;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus ramosus;actual measurement;30.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40952;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Saxifraga granulata;actual measurement;30.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31381;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polemonium caeruleum;actual measurement;30.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28181;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Valeriana officinalis;actual measurement;30.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34832;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Prunella vulgaris;actual measurement;31;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24350;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31;;;2;;;;;;adult; Clematis vitalba;actual measurement;31;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27205;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anemone nemorosa;actual measurement;31.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27355;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Linum catharticum;actual measurement;31.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25925;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Glyceria declinata;actual measurement;31.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42323;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium sylvaticum;actual measurement;31.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22559;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.3;;;2;;;;;;adult; Sonchus asper;actual measurement;31.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9413;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potamogeton pectinatus;actual measurement;31.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43938;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potentilla recta;actual measurement;28.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29349;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Primula vulgaris;actual measurement;28.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28981;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Desmazeria rigida;actual measurement;28.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40985;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Pimpinella major;actual measurement;28.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1134;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Poa annua;actual measurement;28.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43060;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hypericum maculatum;actual measurement;28.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23226;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Myosotis arvensis;actual measurement;28.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12027;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Alisma plantago-aquatica;actual measurement;28.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35609;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Pimpinella major;actual measurement;28.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1134;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cynosurus cristatus;actual measurement;28.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40659;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.9;;;2;;;;;;adult; Solanum dulcamara;actual measurement;28.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35041;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Epilobium parviflorum;actual measurement;28.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26505;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Epilobium ciliatum;actual measurement;29;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26518;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cicerbita macrophylla;actual measurement;29.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3060;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica chamaedrys;actual measurement;29.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32792;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Convallaria majalis;actual measurement;29.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39099;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium mollugo;actual measurement;29.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31782;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium verum;actual measurement;29.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31730;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hordeum murinum;actual measurement;29.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42447;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Symphytum orientale;actual measurement;29.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12215;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica polita;actual measurement;29.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33745;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Epilobium ciliatum;actual measurement;30.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26518;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Thlaspi caerulescens;actual measurement;30.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;45966;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rumex obtusifolius;actual measurement;30.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27542;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Poa annua;actual measurement;32.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43060;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Senecio viscosus;actual measurement;32.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10121;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Papaver rhoeas;actual measurement;33;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25577;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Agrostis capillaris;actual measurement;33.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41392;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Alisma plantago-aquatica;actual measurement;33.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35609;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Agrostis capillaris;actual measurement;33.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41392;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Torilis japonica;actual measurement;33.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1552;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Epilobium ciliatum;actual measurement;33.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26518;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Dactylis glomerata;actual measurement;33.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40290;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potamogeton natans;actual measurement;33.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43926;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Claytonia perfoliata;actual measurement;33.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27495;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Barbarea vulgaris;actual measurement;33.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14291;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sanicula europaea;actual measurement;34;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2102;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chamomilla suaveolens;actual measurement;34;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5904;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Filaginella uliginosa;actual measurement;34.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3719;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Mimulus guttatus;actual measurement;34.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34136;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Alopecurus pratensis;actual measurement;34.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40391;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Juncus articulatus;actual measurement;34.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35965;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Holcus lanatus;actual measurement;34.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42613;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.7;;;2;;;;;;adult; Brachypodium sylvaticum;actual measurement;34.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41179;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Valeriana dioica;actual measurement;34.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34884;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Paris quadrifolia;actual measurement;35;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;38073;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Euphorbia helioscopia;actual measurement;35.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20189;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus aquatilis;actual measurement;35.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27005;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cymbalaria muralis;actual measurement;35.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33224;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus sterilis;actual measurement;35.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40373;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Triglochin palustris;actual measurement;35.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36324;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Filago vulgaris;actual measurement;36;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5888;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Epilobium parviflorum;actual measurement;36.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26505;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Euphorbia helioscopia;actual measurement;36.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20189;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Filaginella uliginosa;actual measurement;36.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3719;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Tanacetum parthenium;actual measurement;36.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11451;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica polita;actual measurement;36.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33745;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Euphorbia helioscopia;actual measurement;36.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20189;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Impatiens glandulifera;actual measurement;37.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11749;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lysimachia nemorum;actual measurement;37.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28927;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ornithopus perpusillus;actual measurement;37.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19964;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus penicillatus;actual measurement;37.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;45469;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Epilobium hirsutum;actual measurement;38;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26536;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;38;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium palustre;actual measurement;38.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31813;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;38.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium repens;actual measurement;38.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22101;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;38.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lysimachia nummularia;actual measurement;38.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28922;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;38.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Viola palustris;actual measurement;38.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35276;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;38.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium repens;actual measurement;39.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22101;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;39.2;;;2;;;;;;adult; Glyceria declinata;actual measurement;39.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42323;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;39.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Impatiens glandulifera;actual measurement;39.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11749;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;39.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Dipsacus pilosus;actual measurement;39.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19256;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;39.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Solanum nigrum;actual measurement;39.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34958;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;39.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Smyrnium olusatrum;actual measurement;39.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1000;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;39.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica anagallis-aquatica;actual measurement;39.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32774;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;39.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Filaginella uliginosa;actual measurement;40;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3719;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;40;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica anagallis-aquatica;actual measurement;40.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32774;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;40.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Tellima grandiflora;actual measurement;40.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31626;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;40.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Catabrosa aquatica;actual measurement;40.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41695;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;40.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Filago vulgaris;actual measurement;41.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5888;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;41.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Glyceria plicata;actual measurement;43.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40816;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;43.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polygonum hydropiper;actual measurement;43.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27636;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;43.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potamogeton berchtoldii;actual measurement;55;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43955;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;55;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus peltatus;actual measurement;55.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26695;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;55.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Oxalis acetosella;actual measurement;62.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25842;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;62.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Claytonia perfoliata;actual measurement;62.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27495;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;62.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Nasturtium microphyllum;actual measurement;63.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12669;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;63.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potamogeton crispus;actual measurement;64.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43966;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;64.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Brachypodium sylvaticum;actual measurement;65.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41179;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;65.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Nasturtium microphyllum;actual measurement;65.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12669;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;65.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Myosotis laxa;actual measurement;67.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11988;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;67.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potamogeton crispus;actual measurement;69.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43966;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;69.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Oenanthe fistulosa;actual measurement;71;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1660;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;71;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Poa nemoralis;actual measurement;77.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42334;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;77.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Asplenium marinum;actual measurement;9.3;1;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;148;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.3;;;3;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Plantago maritima;actual measurement;7.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27843;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7.4;;;3;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sedum anglicum;actual measurement;39.8;1;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18189;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;39.8;;;11;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Wahlenbergia hederacea;actual measurement;33.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14756;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.8;;;3;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Acer platanoides;actual measurement;18.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;801;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.3;;;5;2.35;;;00:00.0;;adult; Acer platanoides;actual measurement;16.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;801;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.7;;;5;3.92;;;00:00.0;;adult; Betula pendula;actual measurement;13.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11720;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.1;;;5;1.04;;;00:00.0;;adult; Betula pendula;actual measurement;12;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11720;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12;;;5;0.97;;;00:00.0;;adult; Betula pendula;actual measurement;15.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11720;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.9;;;5;1.61;;;00:00.0;;adult; Buxus sempervirens;actual measurement;9.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14716;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.7;;;5;0.69;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Buxus sempervirens;actual measurement;9.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14716;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.6;;;5;1.18;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Erica cinerea;actual measurement;10.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19545;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.9;;;15;1.06;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Erica cinerea;actual measurement;11.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19545;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.3;;;15;1.11;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Erica cinerea;actual measurement;11.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19545;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.6;;;15;1.28;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Erica cinerea;actual measurement;9.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19545;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.7;;;15;1.04;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Euonymus europaeus;actual measurement;14.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18402;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.7;;;5;0.45;;;00:00.0;;adult; Euonymus europaeus;actual measurement;16.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18402;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.2;;;5;0.78;;;00:00.0;;adult; Frangula alnus;actual measurement;21.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28032;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.1;;;5;3.22;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ilex aquifolium;actual measurement;6.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2439;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;6.5;;;5;0.62;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS REPRODUCTIVE GROWTH;adult; Ilex aquifolium;actual measurement;7.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2439;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7.9;;;5;0.65;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS VEGETATIVE GROWTH;adult; Ilex aquifolium;actual measurement;5.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2439;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;5.2;;;5;0.38;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS VEGETATIVE GROWTH;adult; Ilex aquifolium;actual measurement;10.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2439;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.2;;;5;0.53;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS REPRODUCTIVE GROWTH;adult; Ilex aquifolium;actual measurement;8.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2439;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;8.3;;;5;0.51;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS VEGETATIVE GROWTH;adult; Ilex aquifolium;actual measurement;5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2439;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;5;;;5;0.42;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS VEGETATIVE GROWTH;adult; Ilex aquifolium;actual measurement;7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2439;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7;;;5;0.52;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS VEGETATIVE GROWTH;adult; Ilex aquifolium;actual measurement;4.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2439;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;4.7;;;5;0.74;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS VEGETATIVE GROWTH;adult; Juglans regia;actual measurement;14.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23153;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.6;;;5;1.11;;;00:00.0;;adult; Laburnum anagyroides;actual measurement;18.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20994;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.2;;;5;2.19;;;00:00.0;;adult; Laburnum anagyroides;actual measurement;15.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20994;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.9;;;5;2.39;;;00:00.0;;adult; Laburnum anagyroides;actual measurement;19.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20994;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.4;;;5;1.97;;;00:00.0;;adult; Buxus sempervirens;actual measurement;8.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14716;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;8.3;;;5;0.45;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Buxus sempervirens;actual measurement;8.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14716;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;8.3;;;5;0.51;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Calluna vulgaris;actual measurement;16.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19587;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.7;;;15;0.78;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Calluna vulgaris;actual measurement;10.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19587;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.3;;;15;1.23;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Calluna vulgaris;actual measurement;19.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19587;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.9;;;15;2.98;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Calluna vulgaris;actual measurement;12.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19587;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.7;;;15;1.54;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Castanea sativa;actual measurement;12.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22480;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.5;;;5;0.87;;;00:00.0;;adult; Castanea sativa;actual measurement;12.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22480;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.3;;;5;1.74;;;00:00.0;;adult; Castanea sativa;actual measurement;15.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22480;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.1;;;5;1.53;;;00:00.0;;adult; Crataegus monogyna;actual measurement;10.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29980;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.6;;;5;1.07;;;00:00.0;;adult; Crataegus monogyna;actual measurement;9.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29980;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.9;;;5;1;;;00:00.0;;adult; Crataegus monogyna;actual measurement;13.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29980;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.4;;;5;0.97;;;00:00.0;;adult; Crataegus monogyna;actual measurement;12.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29980;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.1;;;5;0.86;;;00:00.0;;adult; Prunus lusitanica;actual measurement;6.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29971;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;6.7;;;5;0.85;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Quercus rubra;actual measurement;17.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22466;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.4;;;5;2.44;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ribes nigrum;actual measurement;15.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23122;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.1;;;5;1.27;;;00:00.0;;adult; Robinia pseudacacia;actual measurement;20.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22045;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.1;;;5;1.14;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rubus fruticosus;actual measurement;15.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30807;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.5;;;5;1.45;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rubus fruticosus;actual measurement;18.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30807;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.6;;;5;2.99;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rubus fruticosus;actual measurement;12.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30807;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.8;;;5;1.35;;;00:00.0;;adult; Solanum dulcamara;actual measurement;44.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35041;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;44.1;;;5;4.71;;;00:00.0;;adult; Solanum dulcamara;actual measurement;42.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35041;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;42.9;;;5;7.67;;;00:00.0;;adult; Solanum dulcamara;actual measurement;25.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35041;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.3;;;5;3.75;;;00:00.0;;adult; Taxus baccata;actual measurement;8.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;835;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;8.9;;;5;0.7;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Taxus baccata;actual measurement;5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;835;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;5;;;5;0.32;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Taxus baccata;actual measurement;7.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;835;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7.4;;;5;0.56;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Larix decidua;actual measurement;9.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;653;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.9;;;5;1.03;;;00:00.0;SHORT SHOOTS;adult; Larix decidua;actual measurement;9.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;653;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.9;;;5;0.49;;;00:00.0;SHORT SHOOTS;adult; Larix decidua;actual measurement;8.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;653;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;8.6;;;5;0.94;;;00:00.0;BRANCH APEX;adult; Larix decidua;actual measurement;9.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;653;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.3;;;5;0.66;;;00:00.0;SHORT SHOOTS;adult; Lonicera periclymenum;actual measurement;14.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15385;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.2;;;5;0.82;;;00:00.0;;adult; Pinus sylvestris;actual measurement;7.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;624;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7.1;;;5;0.57;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Pinus sylvestris;actual measurement;4.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;624;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;4.3;;;5;0.34;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Pinus sylvestris;actual measurement;6.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;624;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;6.8;;;5;0.35;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Pinus sylvestris;actual measurement;5.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;624;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;5.4;;;5;0.61;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Pinus sylvestris;actual measurement;7.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;624;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7.5;;;5;0.28;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Pinus sylvestris;actual measurement;5.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;624;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;5.9;;;5;0.52;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Prunus lusitanica;actual measurement;6.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29971;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;6.4;;;5;0.65;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Prunus lusitanica;actual measurement;7.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29971;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7.7;;;5;0.58;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Prunus lusitanica;actual measurement;5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29971;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;5;;;5;0.74;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Taxus baccata;actual measurement;5.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;835;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;5.6;;;5;0.48;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Taxus baccata;actual measurement;9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;835;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9;;;5;0.51;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Taxus baccata;actual measurement;6.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;835;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;6.4;;;5;0.42;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Thymus praecox;actual measurement;15.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24924;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.6;;;5;1.72;;;00:00.0;;adult; Thymus praecox;actual measurement;16.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24924;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.9;;;5;2.6;;;00:00.0;;adult; Thymus praecox;actual measurement;15.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24924;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.6;;;5;1.68;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ulex europaeus;actual measurement;10.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21090;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.6;;;5;1.38;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Ulex europaeus;actual measurement;11.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21090;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.8;;;5;0.79;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Ulex europaeus;actual measurement;6.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21090;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;6.4;;;5;0.38;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Ulex gallii;actual measurement;7.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19611;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7.3;;;5;1.26;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Ulex gallii;actual measurement;5.9;2;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19611;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;5.9;;;4;0.97;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Vaccinium oxycoccos;actual measurement;10;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19476;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10;;;5;1.51;;;00:00.0;;adult; Viburnum tinus;actual measurement;8.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15337;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;8.5;;;5;0.23;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Viburnum tinus;actual measurement;6.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15337;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;6.9;;;5;0.41;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Nasturtium microphyllum;actual measurement;117.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12669;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;117.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Schoenus nigricans;actual measurement;4.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37577;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;4.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Buxus sempervirens;actual measurement;5.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14716;;SPAIN;;;;5.5;;;2;;;;;;adult; Pinus sylvestris;actual measurement;5.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;624;;SPAIN;;;;5.7;;;2;;;;;;adult; Juniperus communis;actual measurement;5.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;741;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;5.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Helianthemum canum;actual measurement;6.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18656;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;6.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Juniperus communis;actual measurement;6.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;741;;SPAIN;;;;6.5;;;2;;;;;;adult; Eriophorum angustifolium;actual measurement;6.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37550;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;6.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Plantago maritima;actual measurement;6.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27843;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;6.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Eriophorum angustifolium;actual measurement;7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37550;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vaccinium oxycoccos;actual measurement;7.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19476;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Campanula rotundifolia;actual measurement;18.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15045;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Ranunculus aquatilis;actual measurement;18.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27005;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Artemisia vulgaris;actual measurement;18.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;4158;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Cirsium palustre;actual measurement;18.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5896;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Chamomilla suaveolens;actual measurement;18.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5904;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chamomilla suaveolens;actual measurement;18.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5904;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Stellaria holostea;actual measurement;18.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16753;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Symphoricarpos albus;actual measurement;18.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15329;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Poa pratensis;actual measurement;18.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42677;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Matricaria perforata;actual measurement;18.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10535;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Deschampsia flexuosa;actual measurement;18.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41982;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Ornithopus perpusillus;actual measurement;18.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19964;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lolium perenne;actual measurement;26.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43540;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sinapis arvensis;actual measurement;26.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13454;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Linum catharticum;actual measurement;26.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25925;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Centaurea montana;actual measurement;26.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2682;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Succisa pratensis;actual measurement;26.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19186;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Polygonum lapathifolium;actual measurement;26.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27747;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Epipactis helleborine;actual measurement;26.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39609;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Lamium maculatum;actual measurement;26.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24189;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Epilobium montanum;actual measurement;26.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26496;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Dipsacus fullonum;actual measurement;26.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19359;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Epilobium montanum;actual measurement;26.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26496;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anemone nemorosa;actual measurement;26.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27355;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Buxus sempervirens;actual measurement;7.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14716;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Crithmum maritimum;actual measurement;7.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1350;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Molinia caerulea;actual measurement;7.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42495;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Plantago maritima;actual measurement;7.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27843;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Iris foetidissima;actual measurement;7.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36612;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Crithmum maritimum;actual measurement;8.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1350;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;8.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Carex pulicaris;actual measurement;8.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37751;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;8.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Crithmum maritimum;actual measurement;9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1350;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Helianthemum canum;actual measurement;9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18656;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Calluna vulgaris;actual measurement;9.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19587;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Plantago sempervirens;actual measurement;9.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27775;;SPAIN;;;;9.3;;;2;;;;;;adult; Thymus praecox;actual measurement;9.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24924;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Plantago maritima;actual measurement;9.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27843;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Salsola kali;actual measurement;10;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18036;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Erica tetralix;actual measurement;10;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19489;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10;;;1;;;;;;adult; Thymus praecox;actual measurement;10.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24924;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Viburnum lantana;actual measurement;10.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15334;;SPAIN;;;;10.2;;;2;;;;;;adult; Fraxinus angustifolia;actual measurement;10.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26387;;SPAIN;;;;10.3;;;2;;;;;;adult; Rosa rugosa;actual measurement;10.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30857;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Luzula campestris;actual measurement;10.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36280;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rosa rugosa;actual measurement;11.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30857;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Juncus articulatus;actual measurement;11.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35965;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Hypochaeris glabra;actual measurement;18.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;7007;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Dipsacus fullonum;actual measurement;18.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19359;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium mollugo;actual measurement;18.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31782;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Succisa pratensis;actual measurement;18.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19186;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Calystegia soldanella;actual measurement;19;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18962;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Senecio squalidus;actual measurement;19.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9306;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Artemisia annua;actual measurement;19.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5487;;ITALY;;;;19.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chamomilla suaveolens;actual measurement;19.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5904;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Armoracia rusticana;actual measurement;19.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13400;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Atriplex glabriuscula;actual measurement;19.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17760;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Alopecurus pratensis;actual measurement;19.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40391;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Glyceria declinata;actual measurement;19.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42323;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Trisetum flavescens;actual measurement;19.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42564;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Saxifraga aizoides;actual measurement;19.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31321;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lactuca virosa;actual measurement;19.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;7940;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Geranium pratense;actual measurement;19.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22589;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Bromus ramosus;actual measurement;19.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40952;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Poa pratensis;actual measurement;19.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42677;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Poa pratensis;actual measurement;19.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42677;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rumex obtusifolius;actual measurement;19.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27542;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Festuca arundinacea;actual measurement;19.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40254;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Veronica chamaedrys;actual measurement;26.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32792;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Levisticum officinale;actual measurement;27;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2151;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potamogeton natans;actual measurement;27;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43926;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27;;;1;;;;;;adult; Campanula rotundifolia;actual measurement;27.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15045;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Trifolium repens;actual measurement;27.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22101;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hordelymus europaeus;actual measurement;27.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42617;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Alisma plantago-aquatica;actual measurement;27.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35609;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Trifolium hybridum;actual measurement;27.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21107;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Geranium molle;actual measurement;27.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22585;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Polygonum lapathifolium;actual measurement;27.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27747;;ITALY;;;;27.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hypericum maculatum;actual measurement;27.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23226;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Menyanthes trifoliata;actual measurement;27.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26352;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Alisma lanceolatum;actual measurement;27.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35630;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Elymus repens;actual measurement;27.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40238;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sanicula europaea;actual measurement;27.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2102;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Phalaris arundinacea;actual measurement;27.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42396;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica beccabunga;actual measurement;28;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33863;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cicerbita macrophylla;actual measurement;28.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3060;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Cerastium glomeratum;actual measurement;28.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17356;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rumex obtusifolius;actual measurement;28.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27542;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Viola tricolor;actual measurement;28.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35219;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Pedicularis sylvatica;actual measurement;11.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32992;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Elymus farctus;actual measurement;11.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40994;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Antennaria dioica;actual measurement;11.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2770;;IRELAND;;;;11.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hypericum perforatum;actual measurement;11.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23212;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Poa compressa;actual measurement;11.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42683;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rosa rugosa;actual measurement;11.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30857;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Carex pilulifera;actual measurement;11.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37739;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Spergularia marina;actual measurement;12.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17645;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Iris foetidissima;actual measurement;12.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36612;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Frangula alnus;actual measurement;12.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28032;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vicia tetrasperma;actual measurement;20;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22147;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Menyanthes trifoliata;actual measurement;20;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26352;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trollius europaeus;actual measurement;20;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26598;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Verbascum pulverulentum;actual measurement;20.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33747;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Alopecurus pratensis;actual measurement;28.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40391;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cardamine flexuosa;actual measurement;28.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13294;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Geranium lucidum;actual measurement;28.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22584;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium molle;actual measurement;28.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22585;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Tellima grandiflora;actual measurement;28.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31626;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Veronica chamaedrys;actual measurement;28.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32792;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lolium multiflorum;actual measurement;28.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43196;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Convolvulus arvensis;actual measurement;29.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18911;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lamium maculatum;actual measurement;29.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24189;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Crataegus monogyna;actual measurement;12.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29980;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Cirsium eriophorum;actual measurement;12.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2903;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Odontites verna s. serotina;actual measurement;12.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33736;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium micranthum;actual measurement;12.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19621;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anchusa arvensis;actual measurement;12.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12189;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Plantago maritima;actual measurement;12.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27843;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anthemis arvensis;actual measurement;13.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3024;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Inula helenium;actual measurement;13.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;7875;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus flammula;actual measurement;13.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26624;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Littorella uniflora;actual measurement;13.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27852;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Eryngium maritimum;actual measurement;13.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1328;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Euphorbia paralias;actual measurement;13.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20141;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus bulbosus;actual measurement;13.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26809;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Rhamnus saxatilis;actual measurement;13.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27989;;SPAIN;;;;13.5;;;2;;;;;;adult; Desmazeria rigida;actual measurement;13.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40985;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Deschampsia flexuosa;actual measurement;13.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41982;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Cochlearia danica;actual measurement;13.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12875;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Acorus calamus;actual measurement;13.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35825;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex paniculata;actual measurement;13.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37249;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anthemis tinctoria;actual measurement;14;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2787;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Dianthus deltoides;actual measurement;14;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16129;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Medicago lupulina;actual measurement;14.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20595;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Senecio squalidus;actual measurement;20.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9306;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Astragalus glycyphyllos;actual measurement;20.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22427;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polygonum lapathifolium;actual measurement;20.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27747;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Odontites verna;actual measurement;20.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33007;;ITALY;;;;20.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Glyceria maxima;actual measurement;20.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40135;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Inula helenium;actual measurement;20.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;7875;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Dactylis glomerata;actual measurement;20.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40290;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Matricaria perforata;actual measurement;20.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10535;;ITALY;;;;20.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium striatum;actual measurement;20.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21076;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Campanula persicifolia;actual measurement;20.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15103;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Geranium molle;actual measurement;20.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22585;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Cirsium palustre;actual measurement;20.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5896;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hyacinthoides hispanica;actual measurement;20.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;38119;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Trisetum flavescens;actual measurement;20.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42564;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lolium perenne;actual measurement;20.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43540;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hyacinthoides hispanica;actual measurement;20.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;38119;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Dryopteris dilatata;actual measurement;21;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;387;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21;;;1;;;;;;adult; Chamomilla suaveolens;actual measurement;21;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5904;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21;;;1;;;;;;adult; Trifolium striatum;actual measurement;21;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21076;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hypericum perforatum;actual measurement;21;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23212;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21;;;1;;;;;;adult; Arabis glabra;actual measurement;21.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13349;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Linum catharticum;actual measurement;21.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25925;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cicerbita macrophylla;actual measurement;21.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3060;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Myosotis laxa;actual measurement;21.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11988;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Myosotis arvensis;actual measurement;21.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12027;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Bromus ramosus;actual measurement;21.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40952;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Artemisia vulgaris;actual measurement;29.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;4158;;ITALY;;;;29.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Papaver rhoeas;actual measurement;29.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25577;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Dactylis glomerata;actual measurement;29.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40290;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Agrostis capillaris;actual measurement;29.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41392;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Medicago lupulina;actual measurement;29.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20595;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Lamiastrum galeobdolon;actual measurement;29.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24666;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Polemonium caeruleum;actual measurement;30;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28181;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Arabis hirsuta;actual measurement;30.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13002;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Rumex obtusifolius;actual measurement;30.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27542;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Thelypteris palustris;actual measurement;30.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;299;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Centaurea montana;actual measurement;30.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2682;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Bromus sterilis;actual measurement;30.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40373;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Tropaeolum majus;actual measurement;30.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34544;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Bromus sterilis;actual measurement;30.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40373;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aira praecox;actual measurement;30.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41629;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Sparganium erectum;actual measurement;30.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43993;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Geranium lucidum;actual measurement;30.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22584;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Polygonum persicaria;actual measurement;31;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27673;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31;;;1;;;;;;adult; Lamiastrum galeobdolon;actual measurement;31.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24666;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Poa pratensis;actual measurement;31.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42677;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Festuca pratensis;actual measurement;31.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41343;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Lotus uliginosus;actual measurement;31.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21448;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Agrostis capillaris;actual measurement;31.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41392;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Picris echioides;actual measurement;31.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10896;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Glyceria declinata;actual measurement;31.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42323;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium repens;actual measurement;31.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22101;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Convolvulus arvensis;actual measurement;32.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18911;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Galium palustre;actual measurement;32.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31813;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Epilobium hirsutum;actual measurement;32.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26536;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Lathyrus montanus;actual measurement;14.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20503;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Trollius europaeus;actual measurement;14.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26598;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Robinia pseudacacia;actual measurement;14.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22045;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Polygonum persicaria;actual measurement;14.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27673;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; x Festulolium loliaceum;actual measurement;14.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41093;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex vesicaria;actual measurement;14.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37183;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ophrys apifera;actual measurement;14.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39669;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Filago vulgaris;actual measurement;14.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5888;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Potentilla erecta;actual measurement;21.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30927;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Bromus ramosus;actual measurement;21.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40952;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Luzula campestris;actual measurement;21.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36280;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Desmazeria rigida;actual measurement;21.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40985;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Dactylis glomerata;actual measurement;21.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40290;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rumex maritimus;actual measurement;21.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27537;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Silene noctiflora;actual measurement;22;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17252;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22;;;1;;;;;;adult; Myosotis arvensis;actual measurement;32.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12027;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Viola palustris;actual measurement;33.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35276;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Carex divulsa;actual measurement;33.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37393;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Mentha spicata;actual measurement;33.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24289;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Epilobium montanum;actual measurement;33.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26496;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Mentha spicata;actual measurement;33.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24289;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sinapis arvensis;actual measurement;33.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13454;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Holcus lanatus;actual measurement;33.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42613;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Ribes sanguineum;actual measurement;15;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23130;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15;;;1;;;;;;adult; Desmazeria rigida;actual measurement;15;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40985;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Campanula rotundifolia;actual measurement;15.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15045;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Lathyrus montanus;actual measurement;15.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20503;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Odontites verna s. serotina;actual measurement;15.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33736;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aster lanceolatus;actual measurement;15.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5496;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Robinia pseudacacia;actual measurement;15.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22045;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Galium verum;actual measurement;15.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31730;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Carex flacca;actual measurement;15.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37912;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cardaria draba;actual measurement;15.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13313;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Matricaria perforata;actual measurement;15.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10535;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Origanum vulgare;actual measurement;15.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23973;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Alchemilla xanthochlora;actual measurement;15.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30366;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Armoracia rusticana;actual measurement;15.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13400;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Cymbalaria muralis;actual measurement;15.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33224;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Veronica polita;actual measurement;15.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33745;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Stellaria holostea;actual measurement;22.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16753;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cynosurus cristatus;actual measurement;22.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40659;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Trisetum flavescens;actual measurement;22.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42564;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sinapis arvensis;actual measurement;22.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13454;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Euphorbia helioscopia;actual measurement;22.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20189;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Parnassia palustris;actual measurement;22.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25636;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica serpyllifolia;actual measurement;22.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32740;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Convallaria majalis;actual measurement;22.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39099;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Geranium pratense;actual measurement;23;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22589;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium pratense;actual measurement;23.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22589;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Solanum nigrum;actual measurement;23.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34958;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Carex panicea;actual measurement;23.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37248;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chamomilla suaveolens;actual measurement;23.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5904;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Epilobium parviflorum;actual measurement;23.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26505;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Epipactis palustris;actual measurement;23.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39624;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Festuca gigantea;actual measurement;23.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40761;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Astragalus glycyphyllos;actual measurement;34.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22427;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Potamogeton natans;actual measurement;34.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43926;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Euphorbia helioscopia;actual measurement;34.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20189;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Bromus sterilis;actual measurement;34.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40373;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Medicago lupulina;actual measurement;34.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20595;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Centaurea montana;actual measurement;34.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2682;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Rumex obtusifolius;actual measurement;34.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27542;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hordeum murinum;actual measurement;34.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42447;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Poa annua;actual measurement;34.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43060;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Phalaris arundinacea;actual measurement;35.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42396;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polygonum persicaria;actual measurement;35.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27673;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Rorippa palustris;actual measurement;35.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14626;;ITALY;;;;35.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Solanum dulcamara;actual measurement;35.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35041;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Artemisia annua;actual measurement;35.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5487;;ITALY;;;;35.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Myosotis laxa;actual measurement;35.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11988;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Festuca gigantea;actual measurement;35.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40761;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Trifolium repens;actual measurement;36.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22101;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Tropaeolum majus;actual measurement;36.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34544;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Convolvulus arvensis;actual measurement;36.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18911;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Holcus mollis;actual measurement;36.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42614;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Papaver rhoeas;actual measurement;36.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25577;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Viola palustris;actual measurement;36.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35276;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rumex obtusifolius;actual measurement;36.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27542;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Festuca rubra;actual measurement;36.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40103;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Hordeum murinum;actual measurement;36.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42447;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Papaver dubium;actual measurement;37.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25513;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Senecio squalidus;actual measurement;37.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9306;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Euphorbia helioscopia;actual measurement;37.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20189;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Festuca rubra;actual measurement;16.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40103;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Poa compressa;actual measurement;16.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42683;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Ranunculus flammula;actual measurement;16.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26624;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Molinia caerulea;actual measurement;16.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42495;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Carex panicea;actual measurement;16.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37248;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Carex paniculata;actual measurement;16.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37249;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Festuca arundinacea;actual measurement;16.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40254;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lepidium latifolium;actual measurement;16.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13501;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Filago vulgaris;actual measurement;17;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5888;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17;;;1;;;;;;adult; Sonchus asper;actual measurement;17;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9413;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica chamaedrys;actual measurement;23.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32792;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aphanes inexspectata;actual measurement;23.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;50026;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Polygonum lapathifolium;actual measurement;23.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27747;;ITALY;;;;23.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus acris;actual measurement;24;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26865;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24;;;1;;;;;;adult; Potentilla erecta;actual measurement;24;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30927;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24;;;1;;;;;;adult; Elymus repens;actual measurement;24;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40238;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Solidago canadensis;actual measurement;24.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9491;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Lathyrus montanus;actual measurement;24.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20503;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Filaginella uliginosa;actual measurement;38;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3719;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;38;;;1;;;;;;adult; Sonchus asper;actual measurement;38.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9413;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;38.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Poa annua;actual measurement;38.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43060;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;38.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Lamium maculatum;actual measurement;38.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24189;;ITALY;;;;38.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Arabis hirsuta;actual measurement;38.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13002;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;38.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polygonum minus;actual measurement;39.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27653;;ITALY;;;;39.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Viola odorata;actual measurement;39.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35309;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;39.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Melica uniflora;actual measurement;39.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43550;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;39.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Onobrychis viciifolia;actual measurement;17.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21874;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Papaver dubium;actual measurement;17.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25513;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Symphoricarpos albus;actual measurement;17.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15329;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Elymus repens;actual measurement;17.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40238;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rumex crispus;actual measurement;17.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27506;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Solanum nigrum;actual measurement;17.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34958;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Achillea millefolium;actual measurement;17.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3013;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anchusa arvensis;actual measurement;17.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12189;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Lamiastrum galeobdolon;actual measurement;17.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24666;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Cirsium palustre;actual measurement;17.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5896;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Succisa pratensis;actual measurement;17.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19186;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lathyrus montanus;actual measurement;17.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20503;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Rumex crispus;actual measurement;17.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27506;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Symphoricarpos albus;actual measurement;17.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15329;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Dryopteris dilatata;actual measurement;18;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;387;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18;;;1;;;;;;adult; Sparganium erectum;actual measurement;18;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43993;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Linum catharticum;actual measurement;24.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25925;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Elymus repens;actual measurement;24.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40238;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Beta vulgaris;actual measurement;24.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17819;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ornithopus perpusillus;actual measurement;24.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19964;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Trifolium hybridum;actual measurement;24.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21107;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium sanguineum;actual measurement;24.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22557;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus sterilis;actual measurement;24.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40373;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Veronica beccabunga;actual measurement;24.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33863;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Agrostis capillaris;actual measurement;24.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41392;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Papaver dubium;actual measurement;25;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25513;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Solanum dulcamara;actual measurement;25.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35041;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Medicago lupulina;actual measurement;25.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20595;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carduus crispus;actual measurement;25.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2731;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Medicago lupulina;actual measurement;25.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20595;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Convallaria majalis;actual measurement;25.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39099;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lolium perenne;actual measurement;25.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43540;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium pyrenaicum;actual measurement;25.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22631;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex strigosa;actual measurement;25.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37674;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium pusillum;actual measurement;26;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22590;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26;;;1;;;;;;adult; Epilobium montanum;actual measurement;26;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26496;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26;;;1;;;;;;adult; Aceras anthropophorum;actual measurement;26;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39442;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Robinia pseudacacia;actual measurement;26.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22045;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Ribes nigrum;actual measurement;26.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23122;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Epilobium hirsutum;actual measurement;26.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26536;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sherardia arvensis;actual measurement;26.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31967;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Solanum dulcamara;actual measurement;39.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35041;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;39.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Trifolium repens;actual measurement;39.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22101;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;39.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica chamaedrys;actual measurement;39.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32792;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;39.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lamium maculatum;actual measurement;40;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24189;;ITALY;;;;40;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Glyceria plicata;actual measurement;40.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40816;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;40.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus sceleratus;actual measurement;40.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26717;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;40.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Rorippa palustris;actual measurement;41.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14626;;ITALY;;;;41.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Stachys palustris;actual measurement;41.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24921;;ITALY;;;;41.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Nasturtium microphyllum;actual measurement;42.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12669;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;42.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Rorippa palustris;actual measurement;42.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14626;;ITALY;;;;42.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rumex crispus;actual measurement;43.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27506;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;43.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Holcus mollis;actual measurement;43.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42614;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;43.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Prunella vulgaris;actual measurement;43.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24350;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;43.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potamogeton berchtoldii;actual measurement;44;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43955;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;44;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Saxifraga granulata;actual measurement;44.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31381;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;44.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Mimulus guttatus;actual measurement;44.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34136;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;44.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Stachys palustris;actual measurement;44.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24921;;ITALY;;;;44.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Holcus lanatus;actual measurement;45.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42613;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;45.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Holcus mollis;actual measurement;47.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42614;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;47.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Tropaeolum majus;actual measurement;48.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34544;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;48.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Holcus lanatus;actual measurement;48.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42613;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;48.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Valeriana officinalis;actual measurement;48.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34832;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;48.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polemonium caeruleum;actual measurement;50.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28181;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;50.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Polygonum hydropiper;actual measurement;52.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27636;;ITALY;;;;52.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Oxalis acetosella;actual measurement;53.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25842;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;53.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Solanum dulcamara;actual measurement;53.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35041;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;53.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Dactylorhiza maculata;actual measurement;21.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39506;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Gentianella campestris;actual measurement;34.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23049;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hirschfeldia incana;actual measurement;14.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14011;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rorippa islandica;actual measurement;25.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13905;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Dianthus carthusianorum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.59;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;16880;;GERMANY;;;;14.59;;;2;1.57006054;;;;;adult; Symphytum officinale;actual measurement;17.35;15;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;11757;;GERMANY;;;;17.35;;;6;;0.55;;;;adult; Xanthium albinum;actual measurement;13.27;15;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;61703;;GERMANY;;;;13.27;;;6;;0.58;;;;adult; Coronopus squamatus;actual measurement;18.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14154;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hirschfeldia incana;actual measurement;37.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14011;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Matricaria perforata;actual measurement;21.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10535;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Matricaria perforata;actual measurement;24.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10535;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Dactylorhiza majalis s. praetermissa;actual measurement;30.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39843;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Dactylorhiza majalis s. praetermissa;actual measurement;30.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39843;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lathyrus vernus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);39.14;12;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19847;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;39.42;48.36;33.87;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lathyrus vernus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);42.19;12;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19847;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;42.4;52.42;35.77;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Tragopogon dubius;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.03;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9874;;GERMANY;32;482811;5883875;25.3;29.91;17.63;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Equisetum arvense;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.3;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;166;;GERMANY;32;482811;5883875;10.28;20.96;7.22;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Poa trivialis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43077;;GERMANY;32;482811;5883875;30;30;30;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vicia sativa s. nigra;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.7;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19593;;GERMANY;32;482811;5883875;15.7;18.53;12.88;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vicia sativa s. nigra;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.16;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19593;;GERMANY;32;482811;5883875;20.16;21.42;18.89;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Poa palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);39;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43610;;GERMANY;32;482811;5883875;36.44;42.31;28;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Corispermum intermedium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.25;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17909;;GERMANY;32;449210.324;5882979.866;21.24;25.25;17.41;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Melampyrum nemorosum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);34.38;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33034;;SWEDEN;33;534337.2596;6251697.32;37.75;53.32;28.64;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Melampyrum nemorosum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);34.98;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33034;;SWEDEN;33;534337.2596;6251697.32;38.61;54.62;29.07;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Euphorbia palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.43;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20139;;GERMANY;32;583214.7008;5916354.511;20.38;21.4;19.26;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Inula britannica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);43.43;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;8741;;GERMANY;32;584170.3184;5919082.419;43.73;49.98;37.92;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chenopodium rubrum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.84;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17729;;GERMANY;32;646162.8498;5888614.18;19.98;23.75;14.07;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chenopodium rubrum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.14;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17729;;GERMANY;32;646162.8498;5888614.18;21.22;26.1;14.55;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Amaranthus lividus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);37.33;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;924;;GERMANY;32;646162.8498;5888614.18;35.78;40.63;29.38;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ssp. emarginatus;adult; Amaranthus lividus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);38.74;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;924;;GERMANY;32;646162.8498;5888614.18;35.94;41.26;27.8;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ssp. emarginatus;adult; Bidens radiata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.12;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;5325;;GERMANY;32;646162.8498;5888614.18;31.01;38.16;25.39;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bidens radiata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);32.92;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;5325;;GERMANY;32;646162.8498;5888614.18;34.11;42.37;27.43;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Anthericum ramosum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.51;12;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;38246;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;23.49;26.81;20.46;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Echinochloa crus-galli;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.56;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;42222;;GERMANY;32;645939.1681;5889271.272;27.56;28.46;26.65;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Herniaria hirsuta;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.66;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17001;;GERMANY;32;645939.1681;5889271.272;22.66;22.66;22.66;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Corrigiola litoralis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.73;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15658;;GERMANY;32;645939.1681;5889271.272;26.73;26.73;26.73;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lycopodiella inundata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);59.2;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;44369;;GERMANY;32;449128.3568;5883149.798;58.12;61.58;53.57;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus squarrosus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);5.83;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36142;;GERMANY;32;449128.3568;5883149.798;5.95;6.68;5.3;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus bulbosus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.49;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36026;;GERMANY;32;449128.3568;5883149.798;16.31;18.47;13.77;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Glaux maritima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.91;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28861;;GERMANY;32;622547.8761;5975957.297;18.49;26.27;14;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus minutulus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.81;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36164;;GERMANY;32;617740.5081;5975590.635;28.14;38.13;23.27;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus bulbosus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.26;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36026;;GERMANY;32;617740.5081;5975590.635;13.26;13.26;13.26;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ssp. kochii;adult; Potamogeton acutifolius;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);83.83;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43950;;GERMANY;32;617740.5081;5975590.635;83.83;83.83;83.83;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rosa agrestis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.91;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29667;;GERMANY;32;622329.2601;5975330.663;11.91;12.06;11.76;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rosa agrestis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.93;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29667;;GERMANY;32;622329.2601;5975330.663;11.93;12.09;11.78;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rosa agrestis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.9;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29667;;GERMANY;;;;8.9;8.9;8.9;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. first determination as Rosa micrantha;adult; Rosa agrestis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.92;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29667;;GERMANY;;;;8.92;8.92;8.92;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. first determination as Rosa micrantha;adult; Aster tripolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.69;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3539;;GERMANY;32;621038.8111;5974188.366;20.7;27.38;14.18;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ground leaves;adult; Aster tripolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.03;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3539;;GERMANY;32;621038.8111;5974188.366;20.88;29.04;9.78;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. stem leaves;adult; Artemisia campestris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.99;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2974;;GERMANY;32;620350.5168;5973641.915;15.67;17.67;11.25;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Artemisia campestris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.71;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2974;;GERMANY;32;620350.5168;5973641.915;16.94;19.24;11.1;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ononis repens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.16;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20645;;GERMANY;32;620350.5168;5973641.915;21.7;29.95;18.16;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potamogeton alpinus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);81.21;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43951;;GERMANY;32;404150.3552;5838871.517;81.52;111.43;62.24;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus bulbosus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.49;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36026;;GERMANY;32;398434.5233;5835077.409;25.49;25.49;25.49;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cannabis sativa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.28;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14695;;GERMANY;;;;26.83;34.8;19.64;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cannabis sativa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.92;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14695;;GERMANY;;;;29.12;37.52;20.85;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Equisetum arvense;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.86;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;166;;GERMANY;32;452300.0876;5868705.578;12;14.45;10.08;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potamogeton alpinus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);102.28;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43951;;GERMANY;32;455832.674;5867526.05;104.02;123.26;90.12;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Myriophyllum alterniflorum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);68.04;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25228;;GERMANY;32;456398.4476;5867393.103;67.98;75.61;59.77;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chenopodium bonus-henricus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17724;;GERMANY;32;544810;5580050;26.64;32.8;22.99;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chenopodium bonus-henricus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.95;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17724;;GERMANY;32;544810;5580050;29.05;34.37;24.53;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Plantago coronopus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.4;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27899;;GERMANY;;;;22.4;22.4;22.4;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Asperula cynanchica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.06;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31904;;GERMANY;32;545000;5375900;27.63;32.47;22.14;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cirsium vulgare;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.65;5;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3737;;GERMANY;32;544810;5580050;16.85;17.85;15.87;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cirsium vulgare;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.18;5;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3737;;GERMANY;32;544810;5580050;17.87;18.3;17.06;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Anacamptis pyramidalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);58.4;9;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39443;;GERMANY;32;547000;5380000;56.63;72.48;39.53;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Euphorbia brittingeri;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.05;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20281;;GERMANY;32;547000;5380000;29.07;33.33;25.86;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Stachys officinalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.66;5;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24916;;GERMANY;32;545000;5375900;19.6;21.98;17.28;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Stachys officinalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.12;5;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24916;;GERMANY;32;545000;5375900;24.46;27.39;21.08;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Jasione montana;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);36.39;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14880;;GERMANY;32;449141.3516;5883035.844;36.33;48.55;28.93;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hieracium piloselloides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.7;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6837;;GERMANY;32;449177.3372;5883138.803;25.31;29.28;22.45;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hieracium piloselloides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.87;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6837;;GERMANY;32;449177.3372;5883138.803;30.59;37.46;26.13;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ribes uva-crispa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.3;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23138;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;31.36;35.91;28.88;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ribes uva-crispa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);31.72;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23138;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;32.06;33.24;31.21;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cardaminopsis arenosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.67;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14130;;GERMANY;32;449210.324;5882979.866;23.83;30.99;12.72;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cardaminopsis arenosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.92;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14130;;GERMANY;32;449105.366;5883951.477;23.8;30.87;18.49;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus tenuis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.61;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36112;;GERMANY;32;449848.0688;5893436.682;18.45;20.12;16.63;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potamogeton pectinatus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);56.2;3;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43938;;GERMANY;32;453798.488;5891054.635;58.21;70.09;48.34;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Peucedanum palustre;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.24;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2071;;GERMANY;32;453852.4664;5891016.65;14.98;23.92;11.19;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. floral bracts;adult; Peucedanum palustre;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.56;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2071;;GERMANY;32;453852.4664;5891016.65;23.61;50.55;10.79;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. floral bracts;adult; Peucedanum palustre;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.51;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2071;;GERMANY;32;453852.4664;5891016.65;14.52;20.03;10.58;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. stem leaves;adult; Peucedanum palustre;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.55;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2071;;GERMANY;32;453852.4664;5891016.65;26.47;44.38;16.14;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. stem leaves;adult; Peucedanum palustre;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.62;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2071;;GERMANY;32;453852.4664;5891016.65;15.23;22.72;7.04;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rosette leaves;adult; Peucedanum palustre;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.05;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2071;;GERMANY;32;453852.4664;5891016.65;26.4;30.91;20.11;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rosette leaves;adult; Descurainia sophia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.48;3;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13207;;GERMANY;;;;25.28;26.38;23.97;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Descurainia sophia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.89;3;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13207;;GERMANY;;;;29.01;32.78;26.37;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Peucedanum oreoselinum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.96;6;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2070;;GERMANY;;;;13.49;14.47;11.71;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Peucedanum oreoselinum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.58;6;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2070;;GERMANY;;;;18.49;20.84;16.28;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Viburnum lantana;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.27;9;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15334;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;20.06;26.16;13.07;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Viburnum lantana;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.49;9;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15334;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;19.21;24.85;12.64;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lobelia dortmanna;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.37;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14841;;SWEDEN;33;534337.2596;6251697.32;19.51;24.64;15.84;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Orthilia secunda;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.04;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28809;;SWEDEN;33;535065.968;6251154.537;18.36;20.61;17.08;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Orthilia secunda;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.18;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28809;;SWEDEN;33;535065.968;6251154.537;19.55;22.19;18.06;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vincetoxicum hirundinaria;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);44.94;5;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2467;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;41.87;60.52;13.65;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vincetoxicum hirundinaria;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);46.09;5;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2467;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;39.81;57.43;11.44;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salix triandra;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.6;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32478;;GERMANY;;;;10.78;12.77;8.91;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salix triandra;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.85;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32478;;GERMANY;;;;11.08;13.34;9.2;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Euphrasia stricta;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.99;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33166;;GERMANY;32;435715.724;5951029.635;17.26;22.4;13.26;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hydrocharis morsus-ranae;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36302;;GERMANY;32;466296.4868;5888617.61;27.03;32.41;19.48;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hydrocharis morsus-ranae;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);31.13;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36302;;GERMANY;32;466296.4868;5888617.61;29.47;34.62;20.41;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vincetoxicum hirundinaria;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);72.72;3;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2467;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;66.08;77.14;48.37;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vincetoxicum hirundinaria;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);73;3;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2467;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;65.18;73.67;48.87;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica catenata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);36.77;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33875;;GERMANY;;;;38.05;59.9;25.39;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scirpus triqueter;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);6.8;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37508;;GERMANY;;;;6.84;7.95;6.34;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex montana;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.59;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37346;;GERMANY;32;547000;5380000;28.7;31.59;26.6;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Drosera intermedia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.62;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18996;;GERMANY;32;455279.8952;5895592.819;24.72;30.81;18.84;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Drosera intermedia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);32.4;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18996;;GERMANY;32;455279.8952;5895592.819;31.9;36.56;26.22;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sorbus aria;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.48;9;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30087;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;15.88;19.84;12.57;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sorbus aria;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.83;9;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30087;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;16.32;20.27;12.76;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rhynchospora alba;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.68;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37156;;GERMANY;32;453759.5036;5893339.721;16.98;18.11;16.06;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Erica tetralix;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.54;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19489;;GERMANY;32;454040.3912;5893212.771;15.43;21.89;11.98;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Eleocharis acicularis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);75.27;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37636;;GERMANY;32;451051.5872;5892735.962;77.33;92.71;63.88;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus circinatus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);49.76;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26945;;GERMANY;32;451051.5872;5892735.962;50.16;61.73;34.58;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus circinatus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);47.51;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26945;;GERMANY;32;451051.5872;5892735.962;48.99;61.76;34.34;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium montanum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.07;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21547;;GERMANY;32;547000;5380000;15.37;18.36;12.23;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium montanum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.17;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21547;;GERMANY;32;547000;5380000;20.01;24.66;17.5;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Agrostis mertensii;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.6;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;40856;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;24.03;33.8;10.5;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Polygonum viviparum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.4;13;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;27573;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;17.1;40;8.36;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Polygonum viviparum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.6;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;27573;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;18.13;20.2;15.1;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex atrata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.8;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;37469;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;20.43;22.3;18.2;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex saxatilis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.88;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;37653;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;10.57;12.5;8.04;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex saxatilis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.59;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;37653;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;9.98;15.9;3.49;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cerastium cerastoides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.3;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;17207;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;32.13;40.1;23;8;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 8-9 leaves per sample;adult; Diapensia lapponica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.53;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;19591;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;8.82;11.3;6.85;10;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Omalotheca supina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.8;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;10537;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;25.54;38.3;18.5;6;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 6-9 leaves per sample;adult; Omalotheca supina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.2;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;10537;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;20.1;22.3;18.8;8;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 8-11 leaves per sample;adult; Hieracium alpinum gr.;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.8;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;8507;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;18.33;22;16.2;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hieracium alpinum gr.;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.7;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;8507;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;23.35;26.1;19.9;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Loiseleuria procumbens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);4.77;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;19506;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;4.71;5.19;4.14;11;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 11-20 leaves per sample;adult; Loiseleuria procumbens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);4.84;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;19506;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;5.01;5.72;4.65;10;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 10-11 leaves per sample;adult; Nardus stricta;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.02;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;43217;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;9.96;10.6;9.19;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Phyllodoce caerulea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.8;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;19512;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;11.03;14.1;9.22;14;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 14-23 leaves per sample;adult; Pinguicula vulgaris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);35.1;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;26085;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;36.98;50.5;29.3;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potentilla crantzii;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.1;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;29387;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;15.64;21.3;10.8;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salix glauca;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.66;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;32573;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;9.58;11.1;6.9;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salix lapponum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;32550;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;11.11;12.5;9.85;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sibbaldia procumbens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.05;14;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;30472;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;16.1;19.3;13.2;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sibbaldia procumbens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.75;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;30472;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;14.78;15.8;13.8;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Thalictrum alpinum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.65;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;26671;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;12.81;14.4;11.6;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Thalictrum alpinum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.8;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;26671;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;12.83;13.2;12.5;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vaccinium vitis-idaea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);7.96;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;19439;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;8.09;8.47;7.85;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vaccinium vitis-idaea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.63;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;19439;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;8.71;10.4;7.13;3;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 3-4 leaves per sample;adult; Athyrium distentifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.7;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;35;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;27.1;29.8;22.8;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Betula nana;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;11715;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;10.16;10.9;9.58;5;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Betula nana;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.3;13;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;11715;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;12.25;15;9.6;3;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 3-6 leaves per sample;adult; Acer pseudoplatanus;actual measurement;22.04;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;803;;GERMANY;;;;22.04;24.95;19.13;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Agrostis capillaris;actual measurement;28.53;14;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;41392;;GERMANY;;;;30.23;40.41;24.36;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ajuga genevensis;actual measurement;28.4;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;24142;;GERMANY;;;;28.4;29.58;27.23;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Anthriscus sylvestris;actual measurement;26.33;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;1916;;GERMANY;;;;26.33;26.33;26.33;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Deschampsia flexuosa;actual measurement;17.05;13;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;41982;;GERMANY;;;;18.17;27.74;10.73;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Betula pendula;actual measurement;23.59;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;11720;;GERMANY;;;;23.58;28.26;18.17;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Campanula patula;actual measurement;34.89;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;15092;;GERMANY;;;;32.17;39.53;22.08;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex echinata;actual measurement;17.93;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;37888;;GERMANY;;;;18.85;21.17;17.44;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex montana;actual measurement;14.55;20;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;37346;;GERMANY;;;;14.6;19.79;7.08;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chaerophyllum aureum;actual measurement;20.67;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;1393;;GERMANY;;;;20.17;23.99;14.53;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Leucanthemum vulgare;actual measurement;17.99;16;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;9651;;GERMANY;;;;18.34;21.96;13.82;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cirsium vulgare;actual measurement;11.58;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;3737;;GERMANY;;;;10.73;12.36;6.67;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Clematis vitalba;actual measurement;17.15;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;27205;;GERMANY;;;;19.17;29.49;15.63;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Corylus avellana;actual measurement;22.25;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;18083;;GERMANY;;;;26.25;38.89;21.6;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cruciata laevipes;actual measurement;25.24;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;32133;;GERMANY;;;;25.24;26.49;24;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Fagus sylvatica;actual measurement;21.21;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;22485;;GERMANY;;;;21.4;24.91;17.37;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galium mollugo;actual measurement;28.44;12;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;31782;;GERMANY;;;;29.13;46.93;19.71;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galium pumilum;actual measurement;38.67;15;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;31750;;GERMANY;;;;37.67;55.43;22.25;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galium uliginosum;actual measurement;46.3;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;31724;;GERMANY;;;;46.3;46.3;46.3;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chamaespartium sagittale;actual measurement;25.78;20;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;21791;;GERMANY;;;;27.59;62.81;16.62;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Omalotheca sylvatica;actual measurement;23.91;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;11311;;GERMANY;;;;23.91;25.96;21.87;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hypericum humifusum;actual measurement;19.72;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;23252;;GERMANY;;;;19.63;23.22;15.35;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus acutiflorus;actual measurement;13.8;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;35974;;GERMANY;;;;13.09;15.09;10.47;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus tenuis;actual measurement;12.36;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;36112;;GERMANY;;;;12.36;12.36;12.36;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Koeleria pyramidata;actual measurement;16.53;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;42453;;GERMANY;;;;16.57;22.6;11.55;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lapsana communis;actual measurement;46.73;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;6629;;GERMANY;;;;46.73;50.19;43.27;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lathyrus montanus;actual measurement;37.43;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;20503;;GERMANY;;;;37.43;37.43;37.43;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Leontodon hispidus;actual measurement;22.17;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;6638;;GERMANY;;;;20.81;26.96;14.85;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ligustrum vulgare;actual measurement;14.1;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;26363;;GERMANY;;;;13.76;15.97;11.49;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lotus pedunculatus;actual measurement;28.92;15;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;21444;;GERMANY;;;;29.54;39.38;14.72;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Luzula campestris;actual measurement;23.56;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;36280;;GERMANY;;;;23.56;26.71;20.41;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Luzula luzuloides;actual measurement;23.76;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;36273;;GERMANY;;;;23.76;30.59;16.93;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ononis repens;actual measurement;23.65;12;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;20645;;GERMANY;;;;22.18;35.16;6.07;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Plantago lanceolata;actual measurement;15.57;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;27860;;GERMANY;;;;16.1;19.18;14.62;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Plantago media;actual measurement;20.66;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;27756;;GERMANY;;;;20.25;25.4;12.77;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Polygala comosa;actual measurement;20.29;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;28115;;GERMANY;;;;20.29;20.29;20.29;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Prunus spinosa;actual measurement;19.1;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;29316;;GERMANY;;;;18.88;24.18;13.21;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus bulbosus;actual measurement;18.61;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;26809;;GERMANY;;;;18.9;25.15;13.61;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rhinanthus minor;actual measurement;18.39;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;32892;;GERMANY;;;;18.47;22.48;14.93;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rubus idaeus;actual measurement;19.32;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;29604;;GERMANY;;;;20.08;27.88;15.61;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salvia pratensis;actual measurement;26.38;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;24299;;GERMANY;;;;25.92;33.05;16.15;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scabiosa columbaria;actual measurement;18.36;13;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;19381;;GERMANY;;;;18.71;22.85;15.91;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Solidago virgaurea;actual measurement;19.58;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;9820;;GERMANY;;;;19.58;19.85;19.32;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sonchus oleraceus;actual measurement;39.69;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;10587;;GERMANY;;;;39.69;39.69;39.69;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Stellaria graminea;actual measurement;42.31;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;17658;;GERMANY;;;;41.57;49.3;33.87;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium medium;actual measurement;19.32;12;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;22081;;GERMANY;;;;19.3;22.7;16.67;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium montanum;actual measurement;17.82;12;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;21547;;GERMANY;;;;18.27;25.76;15.26;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trisetum flavescens;actual measurement;21.88;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;42564;;GERMANY;;;;25.43;41.17;16.83;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vaccinium vitis-idaea;actual measurement;13.17;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;19439;;GERMANY;;;;13.45;16.99;10.18;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica officinalis;actual measurement;25.38;17;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;33764;;GERMANY;;;;25.86;37.44;19.28;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vicia sativa s. nigra;actual measurement;31.37;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;19593;;GERMANY;;;;32.69;38.06;29.62;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Viola canina s. canina;actual measurement;28.35;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;35385;;GERMANY;;;;29.03;41.08;19.64;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cerastium arvense;actual measurement;26.88;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;16782;;GERMANY;;;;28.91;41.19;19.84;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Geranium robertianum;actual measurement;40.99;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;22592;;GERMANY;;;;42.12;51.64;32.64;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Lamium album;actual measurement;37.3;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;24182;;GERMANY;;;;37.33;40.94;32.74;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Luzula campestris;actual measurement;28.95;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;36280;;GERMANY;;;;31.02;47.85;24.47;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Myosotis ramosissima;actual measurement;34.74;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;11938;;GERMANY;;;;36.46;48.97;29.58;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Plantago lanceolata;actual measurement;19.94;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;27860;;GERMANY;;;;20.06;24.81;14.41;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Plantago media;actual measurement;16.73;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;27756;;GERMANY;;;;16.9;18.7;14.59;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Rhinanthus minor;actual measurement;22.58;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;32892;;GERMANY;;;;22.6;22.93;22.3;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Trifolium pratense;actual measurement;23.72;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;22096;;GERMANY;;;;25.02;36.5;19.71;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Ajuga reptans;actual measurement;40.64;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;25159;;GERMANY;;;;42.81;58.28;31.78;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Alliaria petiolata;actual measurement;44.79;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;13080;;GERMANY;;;;44.7;47.28;41.74;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Anthoxanthum odoratum;actual measurement;37.92;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;41907;;GERMANY;;;;37.7;47.64;31.4;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Cardamine pratensis;actual measurement;25.13;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;14249;;GERMANY;;;;27.66;37.79;22.58;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Geum urbanum;actual measurement;45.75;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;30638;;GERMANY;;;;40.77;58.78;24.1;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Glechoma hederacea;actual measurement;38.41;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;24650;;GERMANY;;;;39.2;45.93;31.06;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Lamium album;actual measurement;47.54;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;24182;;GERMANY;;;;47.89;60.99;35.49;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Oxalis acetosella;actual measurement;60.81;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;25842;;GERMANY;;;;61.33;77.45;50.36;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Silene dioica;actual measurement;46.17;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;17578;;GERMANY;;;;49.1;71.04;37.4;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Trifolium pratense;actual measurement;23.36;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;22096;;GERMANY;;;;24.3;27.5;21.44;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Ajuga reptans;actual measurement;31.46;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;25159;;GERMANY;;;;31.81;42.59;21.79;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Alliaria petiolata;actual measurement;80.51;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;13080;;GERMANY;;;;78.03;86.1;65.62;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Anthoxanthum odoratum;actual measurement;30.06;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;41907;;GERMANY;;;;30.48;37.73;24.78;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Cardamine pratensis;actual measurement;26.63;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;14249;;GERMANY;;;;27.54;37.31;22.03;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Leucanthemum vulgare;actual measurement;21.56;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;9651;;GERMANY;;;;21.33;25.35;17.29;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Galium mollugo;actual measurement;25.94;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;31782;;GERMANY;;;;27.07;34.61;22.93;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Geranium robertianum;actual measurement;59.89;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;22592;;GERMANY;;;;56.84;74.04;36.53;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Geum urbanum;actual measurement;35;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;30638;;GERMANY;;;;34.72;42.32;23.57;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Glechoma hederacea;actual measurement;35.8;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;24650;;GERMANY;;;;37.12;49.68;31.32;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Lamium album;actual measurement;29.78;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;24182;;GERMANY;;;;29.78;31.8;27.75;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Luzula campestris;actual measurement;24.85;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;36280;;GERMANY;;;;25.72;29.38;22.92;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Mycelis muralis;actual measurement;56.56;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;11510;;GERMANY;;;;58.89;77.73;42.77;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Plantago lanceolata;actual measurement;16.82;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;27860;;GERMANY;;;;16.78;20.66;12.56;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Salvia pratensis;actual measurement;17.5;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;24299;;GERMANY;;;;18.02;21.96;13.28;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Teucrium scorodonia;actual measurement;35.83;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;24460;;GERMANY;;;;38.67;47.16;33.01;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Trifolium pratense;actual measurement;19.65;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;22096;;GERMANY;;;;19.74;21.8;17.85;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Acer pseudoplatanus;actual measurement;22.32;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;803;;GERMANY;;;;22.93;33.29;12.83;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Agrostis capillaris;actual measurement;26.76;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;41392;;GERMANY;;;;28.36;36.86;23.73;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Armeria maritima s. elongata;actual measurement;14.36;12;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;28709;;GERMANY;;;;14.85;29.6;8.21;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Betula pendula;actual measurement;16.85;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;11720;;GERMANY;;;;16.56;18.89;13.28;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Deschampsia cespitosa;actual measurement;13.56;15;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;40299;;GERMANY;;;;14.15;22.02;9.56;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Fagus sylvatica;actual measurement;32.15;13;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;22485;;GERMANY;;;;31.94;37.53;22.12;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galium uliginosum;actual measurement;36.84;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;31724;;GERMANY;;;;39.87;76.25;26.92;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hieracium laevigatum;actual measurement;20.36;15;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;44220;;GERMANY;;;;20.98;27.9;16.33;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Inula britannica;actual measurement;20.16;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;8741;;GERMANY;;;;21.66;32.51;16.15;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus articulatus;actual measurement;9.47;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;35965;;GERMANY;;;;10.09;14.65;6.36;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Leontodon hispidus;actual measurement;29.03;15;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;6638;;GERMANY;;;;29.54;38.18;26.07;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Molinia caerulea;actual measurement;19.23;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;42495;;GERMANY;;;;19.32;22.66;16.13;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ononis repens;actual measurement;23.07;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;20645;;GERMANY;;;;23.73;31.08;20.11;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Parnassia palustris;actual measurement;23.55;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;25636;;GERMANY;;;;24.02;28.44;21.39;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potentilla reptans;actual measurement;23.41;14;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;30622;;GERMANY;;;;25.42;33.53;20.15;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Prunus spinosa;actual measurement;14.58;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;29316;;GERMANY;;;;14.56;18.87;12.5;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Quercus robur;actual measurement;13.98;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;22457;;GERMANY;;;;17.97;31.35;12.28;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus bulbosus;actual measurement;22.42;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;26809;;GERMANY;;;;22.4;27.56;17.19;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rosa canina;actual measurement;13.58;12;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;29295;;GERMANY;;;;13.76;21.04;8.62;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rubus idaeus;actual measurement;28.44;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;29604;;GERMANY;;;;26.58;30.87;18.49;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium fragiferum;actual measurement;30.94;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;22005;;GERMANY;;;;30.5;37.84;23.57;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium montanum;actual measurement;26.93;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;21547;;GERMANY;;;;26.47;29.2;22.27;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Viburnum opulus;actual measurement;17.86;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;15336;;GERMANY;;;;17.7;25.23;9.85;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Viola canina s. canina;actual measurement;19.01;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;35385;;GERMANY;;;;20.82;32.04;18.21;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex ovalis;actual measurement;24.98;19;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;37242;;GERMANY;;;;25.37;30.86;20.57;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Centaurea scabiosa;actual measurement;19.68;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;3597;;GERMANY;;;;19.91;25.66;16.07;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lychnis flos-cuculi;actual measurement;25.95;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;16589;;GERMANY;;;;23.32;32.53;8.35;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Senecio nemorensis subsp. fuchsii;actual measurement;23.56;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;9810;;GERMANY;;;;23.8;29.22;17.46;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Synonyms: S. fuchsii, S. ovatus;adult; Silene vulgaris;actual measurement;25.6;12;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;16657;;GERMANY;;;;26.6;44.75;19.8;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Thymus pulegioides;actual measurement;29.28;15;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;24929;;GERMANY;;;;30.78;51.94;2.37;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Centaurea scabiosa;actual measurement;17.23;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;3597;;GERMANY;;;;18.04;23.55;15.61;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Taraxacum Sec. Ruderalia;actual measurement;36.12;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;59373;;GERMANY;;;;33.06;39.21;20.89;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Thymus pulegioides;actual measurement;25.44;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;24929;;GERMANY;;;;23.09;35.62;12.48;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bromus hordeaceus;actual measurement;35.29;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;40361;;GERMANY;;;;34.52;38.84;29.03;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Taraxacum Sec. Ruderalia;actual measurement;23.2;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;59373;;GERMANY;;;;23.89;29.63;18.72;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bromus hordeaceus;actual measurement;25.63;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;40361;;GERMANY;;;;26.06;30.98;22.87;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salix repens;actual measurement;12.88;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;32533;;GERMANY;;;;12.76;15.06;11.08;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Thymus pulegioides;actual measurement;27.68;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;24929;;GERMANY;;;;29.2;38.57;22.86;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex vaginata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.81;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;37695;;NORWAY;32;608440;6951854;22.53;31.05;3.96;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cerastium cerastoides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.35;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;17207;;NORWAY;32;608440;6951940;15.94;23.52;7.71;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Epilobium anagallidifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.31;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;26073;;NORWAY;32;608477;6951729;21.33;25.48;15.56;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Erigeron borealis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.19;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;4210;;NORWAY;32;608440;6951860;25.28;32.46;14.31;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Gentiana nivalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);39.63;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;22851;;NORWAY;32;609402;6951929;42.72;89.35;18.96;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alnus incana;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);31.53;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;11695;;NORWAY;32;572830;7033302;30.64;43.82;18.54;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus biglumis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.79;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;35947;;NORWAY;32;608416;6951840;11.44;14.15;5.07;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salix lanata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.76;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;32548;;NORWAY;32;608357;6951813;12.84;14.73;9.51;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salix myrsinites;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.26;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;32555;;NORWAY;32;608338;6951965;10.4;12.67;8.99;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Selaginella selaginoides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.49;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;44385;;NORWAY;32;608349;6951814;27.25;50.56;17.28;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Astragalus alpinus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.07;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;21673;;NORWAY;32;609374;6951951;27.48;31.54;25.35;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Viola biflora;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);50.31;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;35415;;NORWAY;32;608127;6952883;52.53;73.94;43.2;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Heracleum mantegazzianum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.48;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;1295;;NORWAY;32;570144;7033844;21.57;27.64;17.12;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 1. order leaflets;adult; Carex atrofusca;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.23;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;37347;;NORWAY;32;608416;6951841;21.65;28.28;13.7;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex norvegica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.61;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;37233;;NORWAY;32;608503;6951731;12.76;15.54;10.39;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Linnaea borealis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.99;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Wilmann), E-Mail: (;15394;;NORWAY;32;472891;6982452;24.75;35.04;17.61;5;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Based on 5 leaves per individual;adult; Polygala amarella;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.59;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Wilmann), E-Mail: (;28146;;SWEDEN;34;366797;6396734;16.53;19.58;13.49;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Rosette leaves;adult; Polygala amarella;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.38;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Wilmann), E-Mail: (;28146;;SWEDEN;34;366797;6396734;22.8;28.12;20.17;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Stem leaves;adult; Scheuchzeria palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.07;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Wilmann), E-Mail: (;43986;;NORWAY;32;519862;6993781;10.05;12.04;7.56;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sedum annuum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.18;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Wilmann), E-Mail: (;18195;;NORWAY;32;518307;6993761;22.28;36.06;16.72;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica triphyllos;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.63;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33282;;GERMANY;;;;36.71;50.97;26.95;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Senecio vernalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.01;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11179;;GERMANY;;;;25.03;28.1;23.09;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sisymbrium loeselii;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;15.32;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13930;;GERMANY;;;;15.1;17.86;11.35;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. spathaceous bracts. collection date of #1 is 2004-10-13;adult; Sisymbrium loeselii;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;20.42;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13930;;GERMANY;;;;19.53;22.7;14.67;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. spathaceous bracts. collection date of #1 is 2004-10-13;adult; Scrophularia vernalis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;21.18;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33383;;GERMANY;;;;22.09;27.26;19.14;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scrophularia vernalis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;24.37;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33383;;GERMANY;;;;25.51;31.88;22.44;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Tragopogon porrifolius;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;30.43;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9289;;GERMANY;;;;29.65;34.1;23.1;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Atropa bella-donna;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);34.45;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35087;;GERMANY;32;402960;5329543;33.35;39.19;27;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Thalictrum aquilegiifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);34.27;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26672;;GERMANY;32;389290;5284787;34.15;40.25;27.07;1;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Daphne laureola;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.29;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34606;;GERMANY;32;407993;5271836;9.13;11.45;7.22;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cephalanthera damasonium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);31.46;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39459;;GERMANY;32;409555;5312993;32.55;34.91;31.29;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex limosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.6;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37761;;GERMANY;32;432992;5287560;27;31.9;22.67;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex pauciflora;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.96;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37251;;GERMANY;32;432992;5287560;19.45;24.65;14.68;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lactuca virosa;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;18.38;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;7940;;GERMANY;;;;18.26;20.15;16.81;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. collection date of #1 is 2004-10-08;adult; Dactylorhiza incarnata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.52;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39515;;GERMANY;32;494600;5286922;21.9;25.48;20.2;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Myosotis rehsteineri;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);32.96;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11945;;GERMANY;32;507195;5283391;31.32;38.15;21.17;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica peregrina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.53;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33270;;GERMANY;32;507195;5283391;22.45;22.95;21.89;4;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Primula farinosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.08;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28915;;GERMANY;32;503124;5288687;24.4;33.05;20.57;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex elongata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);40.16;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37397;;GERMANY;32;502534;5287359;40.35;41.99;38.66;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Thelypteris palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);31.21;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;299;;GERMANY;32;502534;5287359;30.65;36.99;21.3;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex chordorrhiza;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.84;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37947;;GERMANY;32;502534;5287359;21.84;21.89;21.8;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Seseli libanotis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.07;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1044;;GERMANY;32;499419;5322615;24.59;30.52;20.52;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ground leaves from a hapaxanthic species without inflorescence at collection date;adult; Coronilla vaginalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.62;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21349;;GERMANY;32;499419;5322615;17.68;20.84;14.87;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Aster bellidiastrum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.31;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;5946;;GERMANY;32;494764;5323887;25.69;30.78;23.7;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salvia glutinosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);53.62;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23588;;GERMANY;32;486676;5294016;54.74;61.19;50.65;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lactuca perennis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.68;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6626;;GERMANY;32;486559;5293869;23.47;28.55;17.93;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scandix pecten-veneris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.08;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1087;;GERMANY;32;563497;5676264;26.33;30.91;23.12;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chaerophyllum bulbosum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;17.43;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1394;;GERMANY;;;;17.33;20.31;13.94;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Anchusa azurea;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;19.04;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;12594;;GERMANY;;;;19.04;19.04;19.04;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Centaurea calcitrapa;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;22.82;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2960;;GERMANY;;;;22.82;22.82;22.82;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Brassica elongata;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;14.02;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14200;;GERMANY;;;;14.02;15.17;12.86;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Angelica archangelica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.55;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1514;;GERMANY;32;607341;5968244;14.55;18.71;10.39;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex ligerica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.5;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37874;;GERMANY;;;;16.5;21.58;11.76;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Arctium lappa;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;14.15;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6084;;GERMANY;;;;14.27;14.63;14.02;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Crambe maritima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.72;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14463;;GERMANY;32;577752;6035033;8.35;10.39;6.18;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Dipsacus strigosus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;14.03;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19104;;GERMANY;;;;14.08;16.4;12.58;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lepidium sativum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;22;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13505;;GERMANY;;;;22.44;25.15;19.02;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bromus secalinus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;19.18;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40610;;GERMANY;;;;19.91;23.67;17.55;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus lingua;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;13.83;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26743;;GERMANY;;;;13.96;17.07;11.86;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scirpus lacustris s. tabernaemontani;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);4.53;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37488;;NETHERLANDS;32;;;4.66;6.13;3.81;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Raphanus sativus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;20.09;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13125;;GERMANY;;;;20.28;24.89;16.06;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sarracenia purpurea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.14;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31302;;GERMANY;;;;8.48;10.67;7.03;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rhynchospora fusca;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.24;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37574;;GERMANY;;;;11.44;12.88;10.23;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Genista anglica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.6;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19775;;GERMANY;;;;12.82;14.98;11.2;5;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Crepis pyrenaica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);40.96;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;4706;;GERMANY;;;;39.71;50.28;30.6;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lepidium latifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.82;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13501;;DENMARK;;;;14.67;16.66;12.99;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Geranium palustre;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.59;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22587;;GERMANY;32;606791;5965840;20.44;22.24;18.49;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica peregrina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.9;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33270;;GERMANY;;;;28.23;29.64;26.15;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cerastium arvense;actual measurement;25.01;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;16782;;GERMANY;;;;24.26;26.25;21.29;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Cerastium glomeratum;actual measurement;19.65;9;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17356;;GERMANY;33;350131;5924046;20.18;26.35;13.38;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Agrostis capillaris;actual measurement;24.98;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;41392;;GERMANY;33;350137;5924294;29.54;45.26;19.36;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Cladium mariscus;actual measurement;7.02;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37586;;GERMANY;33;;;7.46;9.32;6.44;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Deschampsia cespitosa;actual measurement;14.88;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40299;;GERMANY;33;348459;5924719;14.63;15.96;11.9;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Elymus repens;actual measurement;31.09;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40238;;GERMANY;;;;32.82;44.01;22.11;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Galeopsis pubescens;actual measurement;63.81;9;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24228;;GERMANY;;;;65.36;83.79;54.66;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Galium mollugo;actual measurement;20.49;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31782;;GERMANY;;;;21.11;23.51;19.57;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Galium uliginosum;actual measurement;30.35;9;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31724;;GERMANY;33;349725;5923964;29.63;38.51;23.77;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Anthoxanthum odoratum;actual measurement;28.73;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;41907;;GERMANY;;;;29.97;43.04;25.79;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Lolium perenne;actual measurement;25.34;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43540;;GERMANY;33;350231;5924041;26.1;29.06;23.97;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Lotus pedunculatus;actual measurement;25.63;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21444;;GERMANY;33;349631;5924067;27.27;40.42;20.29;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Luzula campestris;actual measurement;28.08;9;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36280;;GERMANY;;;;27.75;31.37;23.32;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Molinia caerulea;actual measurement;18.36;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;42495;;GERMANY;33;348556;5924616;18.72;22.82;15;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Oxalis acetosella;actual measurement;77.04;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25842;;GERMANY;;;;81.49;105.9;65.41;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Plantago lanceolata;actual measurement;25.3;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27860;;GERMANY;33;349147;5924593;25.48;31.59;18.4;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Plantago lanceolata;actual measurement;22.87;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27860;;GERMANY;33;349147;5924593;22.98;27.39;17.16;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Potentilla reptans;actual measurement;25.18;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30622;;GERMANY;33;349886;5924209;26.34;35.03;22.05;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Potentilla reptans;actual measurement;23.31;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30622;;GERMANY;33;349886;5924209;23.88;30.57;20.11;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Rubus idaeus;actual measurement;25.34;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29604;;GERMANY;33;348957;5924696;24.86;28.82;20.88;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Rubus idaeus;actual measurement;23.35;9;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29604;;GERMANY;33;348957;5924696;22.86;25.53;18.62;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Stellaria graminea;actual measurement;30.26;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17658;;GERMANY;33;348957;5924696;32.9;51.73;23.5;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Trifolium pratense;actual measurement;19.9;12;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22096;;GERMANY;33;349929;5924056;19.72;21.96;16.57;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Trifolium pratense;actual measurement;19.54;8;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22096;;GERMANY;33;349929;5924056;20.86;34.34;15.71;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Veronica arvensis;actual measurement;36.66;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33302;;GERMANY;;;;37.44;43.65;30.7;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Calamagrostis epigejos;actual measurement;18.69;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;41199;;GERMANY;33;349145;5924495;18.55;21.52;15.68;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Acorus calamus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.9;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;35825;;GERMANY;;;;10;11.51;9.29;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bidens tripartita;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);40.39;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;3990;;GERMANY;;;;39.93;44.02;35.32;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Calamagrostis canescens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);6.91;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;40960;;GERMANY;;;;7.11;8.58;6.1;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex curta;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.45;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;37950;;GERMANY;;;;28.22;32.34;24.5;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex elata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.81;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;37396;;GERMANY;;;;13.96;15.24;11.88;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex paniculata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.93;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;37249;;GERMANY;;;;14.13;15.73;12.91;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex riparia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.48;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;37273;;GERMANY;;;;13.36;13.94;12.68;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex vulpina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.94;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;37185;;GERMANY;;;;24.68;25.65;22.79;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ceratophyllum demersum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.25;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;17691;;GERMANY;;;;30.25;31.5;28.99;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cirsium oleraceum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);34.42;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;6109;;GERMANY;;;;34.88;37.52;32.69;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alisma lanceolatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);44.57;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;35630;;GERMANY;;;;45.23;49.97;41.43;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Deschampsia cespitosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.64;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;40299;;GERMANY;;;;12.48;13.72;10.97;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Glyceria plicata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.82;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;40816;;GERMANY;;;;26.55;27.73;25.03;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Filaginella uliginosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);38.97;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;3719;;GERMANY;;;;38.61;40.78;35.58;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alisma plantago-aquatica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.4;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;35609;;GERMANY;;;;29.39;31.57;27.68;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hydrocharis morsus-ranae;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);64.61;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;36302;;GERMANY;;;;64.6;67.84;61.05;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus articulatus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);7.57;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;35965;;GERMANY;;;;7.6;7.99;7.07;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lemna trisulca;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.3;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;36878;;GERMANY;;;;14.3;14.6;14;40;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alopecurus aequalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.54;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;40867;;GERMANY;;;;24.79;26.1;24.07;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lysimachia thyrsiflora;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);38.09;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;28789;;GERMANY;;;;38.07;38.81;36.94;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Molinia caerulea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.58;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;42495;;GERMANY;;;;21.41;23.48;19.54;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Nuphar lutea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.83;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;25253;;GERMANY;;;;13.69;14.08;13.15;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Oenanthe aquatica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);31.9;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;1156;;GERMANY;;;;32.26;35.62;30.72;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Peucedanum palustre;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.37;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;2071;;GERMANY;;;;19.45;21.74;17.96;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potamogeton acutifolius;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);45.64;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;43950;;GERMANY;;;;46.17;53.51;41.7;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus aquatilis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);50.25;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;27005;;GERMANY;;;;49.74;51.36;47.09;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus circinatus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.13;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;26945;;GERMANY;;;;18.19;19.42;15.99;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus flammula;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.73;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;26624;;GERMANY;;;;20.87;31.3;16.68;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alopecurus pratensis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.12;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;40391;;GERMANY;;;;21.88;23.55;19.16;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus sceleratus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);41.72;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;26717;;GERMANY;;;;42.44;45.85;40.12;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Berula erecta;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.26;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;1938;;GERMANY;;;;12.12;12.68;10.81;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Viola palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);39.79;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;35276;;GERMANY;;;;39.27;41.87;35.09;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Epilobium ciliatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);53.45;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;26518;;GERMANY;;;;54.18;57.36;50.86;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Leontodon hispidus;actual measurement;31.1;20;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kühner), Corresponding address:;6638;;GERMANY;;;;33.56;58.21;22.51;1;;;0;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaves scanned with hand scanner, single leaves measured, not linked to individual plants;adult; Parnassia palustris;actual measurement;35.29;20;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kühner), Corresponding address:;25636;;GERMANY;;;;36.57;52.73;21.73;1;;;0;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaves scanned with hand scanner, single leaves measured, not linked to individual plants;adult; Pinguicula vulgaris;actual measurement;40.38;20;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kühner), Corresponding address:;26085;;GERMANY;;;;42.64;61.03;29.31;1;;;0;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaves scanned with hand scanner, single leaves measured, not linked to individual plants;adult; Convolvulus arvensis;actual measurement;25.8;20;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kühner), Corresponding address:;18911;;GERMANY;;;;24.72;34.43;17.1;1;;;0;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaves scanned with hand scanner, single leaves measured, not linked to individual plants;adult; Gentianella uliginosa;actual measurement;30.38;20;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kühner), Corresponding address:;22746;;GERMANY;;;;30.91;37.22;24.33;1;;;0;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaves scanned with hand scanner, single leaves measured, not linked to individual plants;adult; Carex divulsa subsp. leersii;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.79;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36954;;GERMANY;32;393182;5316232;23.41;27.38;21.14;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Leucanthemum ircutianum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.58;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;61197;;GERMANY;32;417434;5311710;18.5;21.37;11.5;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Isatis tinctoria;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.47;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14558;;GERMANY;32;395157;5328511;22.43;25.99;18.56;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. stem leaves;adult; Potentilla cinerea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.66;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30603;;GERMANY;32;395157;5328511;13.64;14.65;12.24;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potentilla cinerea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.95;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30603;;GERMANY;32;395157;5328511;12.84;13.98;11.31;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vitis vinifera;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.23;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34500;;GERMANY;32;394285;5307068;29.6;38.05;18.37;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. determinated as Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris (native plant);adult; Vitis vinifera;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);35.71;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34500;;GERMANY;32;394285;5307068;35.57;45.81;21.38;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. determinated as Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris (native plant);adult; Aphanes inexspectata;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;43.47;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;50026;;GERMANY;;;;42.67;52.08;33.99;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Plantago major subsp. intermedia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.89;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27835;;GERMANY;32;352188;5941821;17.32;21.02;14.03;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Plantago major subsp. intermedia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.13;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27835;;GERMANY;32;352188;5941821;18.79;22.94;15.12;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Koeleria glauca;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.63;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43022;;GERMANY;32;345758;5939106;12.79;14.26;10.82;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. determinated as Koeleria arenaria (syn. K. albescens, in Stace (1997) linked to K. macrantha);adult; Euphorbia esula;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.96;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20227;;GERMANY;;;;28.9;36.81;21.13;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Senecio nemorensis subsp. fuchsii;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);42.09;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9810;;GERMANY;32;431028;5307908;43.72;53.63;34.37;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. determinated as S. ovatus;adult; Euphorbia lathyris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.31;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20168;;GERMANY;;;;27.7;35.68;23.11;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Xanthium strumarium;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;18.85;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;10168;;GERMANY;;;;19.49;21.57;18.27;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Xanthium strumarium;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;20.69;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;10168;;GERMANY;;;;20.95;23.09;19.21;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Xanthium albinum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;11.48;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;61703;;GERMANY;;;;11.48;11.48;11.48;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Xanthium albinum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;14.17;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;61703;;GERMANY;;;;14.17;14.17;14.17;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Mentha arvensis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);35.96;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23905;;GERMANY;32;593952;5738108;36.32;41.99;31.89;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. determinated as Mentha x verticillata L. (M. aquatica x M. arvensis) s. str.;adult; Mentha arvensis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);36.74;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23905;;GERMANY;32;593952;5738108;37.06;42.58;32.13;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. determinated as Mentha x verticillata L. (M. aquatica x M. arvensis) s. str.;adult; Armeria maritima s. halleri;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.1;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28712;;GERMANY;32;595451;5754355;17.92;21.24;13.31;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Oenothera ammophila;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;19.48;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26491;;GERMANY;;;;19.37;21.05;16.69;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Oenothera ammophila;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;21.84;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26491;;GERMANY;;;;21.35;24.57;18;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Atriplex nitens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.92;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17671;;GERMANY;33;437432;5852154;17.15;18.71;15.81;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Atriplex nitens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.36;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17671;;GERMANY;33;437432;5852154;17.75;19.48;16.42;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vaccinium corymbosum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.01;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19467;;GERMANY;;;;11.77;20.13;8.64;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. determinated as Vaccinium angustifolium x corymbosum;adult; Isatis tinctoria;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.04;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14558;;GERMANY;32;395157;5328511;14.65;16.17;13.47;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rosette leaves;adult; Melilotus alba;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.37;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;21420;;NETHERLANDS;;;;26.77;37.84;20.26;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Dianthus barbatus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.93;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;16451;;NETHERLANDS;;;;16.99;22.77;14.11;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lunaria annua;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);40.03;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;13513;;NETHERLANDS;;;;40.9;51.71;35.1;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lunaria annua;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);34.44;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;13513;;NETHERLANDS;;;;35.07;48.27;22.33;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Stellaria nemorum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);46.38;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;16761;;NETHERLANDS;;;;46.23;57.69;38.3;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Nepeta cataria;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.9;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;24784;;NETHERLANDS;;;;31.38;43.55;22.85;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galium boreale;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.54;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;31917;;SWEDEN;;;;19.62;25.81;14.67;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ajuga pyramidalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.04;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;24144;;SWEDEN;;;;20.09;31.28;13.51;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cotoneaster horizontalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.91;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;29735;;SWEDEN;;;;10.94;11.75;10.11;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex rostrata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.16;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;37274;;NETHERLANDS;;;;14.08;20.48;8.95;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cerastium tomentosum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.17;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;16387;;SWEDEN;;;;15.55;19.7;13.29;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Asperugo procumbens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);69.86;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;12544;;SWEDEN;;;;70.3;81.42;57.52;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Inula salicina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.31;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;6502;;SWEDEN;;;;33.16;39.49;23.71;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Moneses uniflora;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.91;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;28798;;SWEDEN;;;;22.25;37.88;14.76;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Prunus padus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.34;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;30306;;NETHERLANDS;;;;19.59;23.45;17.21;1;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sempervivum tectorum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.78;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;18351;;NETHERLANDS;;;;23.64;30.1;15.8;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica peregrina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);36.43;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;33270;;NETHERLANDS;;;;35.58;41.22;27.59;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hieracium vulgatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);57.91;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;17779;;NETHERLANDS;;;;56.94;77.58;33.99;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Allium carinatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.26;15;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;39360;;NETHERLANDS;;;;28.7;36.14;20;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Crambe maritima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.4;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;14463;;NETHERLANDS;;;;8.37;9.45;7.09;1;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Echinops exaltatus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.92;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;3278;;NETHERLANDS;;;;15.2;21.07;5.87;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Papaver somniferum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);38.23;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;25589;;NETHERLANDS;;;;38.23;38.23;38.23;6;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Symphoricarpos albus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.44;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;15329;;NETHERLANDS;;;;26.19;31.69;20.57;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Linum usitatissimum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.57;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;25866;;NETHERLANDS;;;;32.9;46.43;27.69;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Clematis viticella;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.24;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;27206;;NETHERLANDS;;;;8.24;8.24;8.24;6;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Calystegia soldanella;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.79;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;18962;;NETHERLANDS;;;;13.45;16.86;11.43;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Linum usitatissimum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);63.1;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;25866;;NETHERLANDS;;;;59.73;67.12;48.98;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Zea mays;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.81;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;43844;;NETHERLANDS;;;;23.47;27.43;18.94;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Symphoricarpos albus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.82;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;15329;;NETHERLANDS;;;;17.13;19.14;13.76;5;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Polygonum mite;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.4;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;27654;;NETHERLANDS;;;;36.15;45.99;30.97;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Suaeda maritima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.83;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;17972;;NETHERLANDS;;;;15.36;20.07;12.39;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Centaurium littorale;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);45.62;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;22951;;NETHERLANDS;;;;44.2;53.57;33.72;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus bulbosus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.74;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;36026;;NETHERLANDS;;;;21.69;27.59;16.46;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Glaux maritima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.39;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;28861;;NETHERLANDS;;;;21.74;36.94;16.46;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Oenothera parviflora;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.36;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;26459;;NETHERLANDS;;;;17.5;19.52;14.84;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Pyrola rotundifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.4;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;28777;;NETHERLANDS;;;;15.53;18.86;13.02;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Limonium vulgare;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.53;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;28293;;NETHERLANDS;;;;9.33;10.85;6.88;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Euphorbia esula;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);56.99;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;20227;;NETHERLANDS;;;;51.38;60.12;30.3;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Artemisia maritima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.66;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;2981;;NETHERLANDS;;;;15.08;19.34;11.58;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Plantago maritima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.85;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;27843;;NETHERLANDS;;;;11.9;14.23;9.56;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Viola persicifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);46.77;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;35285;;NETHERLANDS;;;;48.21;56.82;42.86;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica longifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.64;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;32803;;NETHERLANDS;;;;23.18;28.79;15.33;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rosa multiflora;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.36;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;29985;;NETHERLANDS;;;;20.34;23.78;18.86;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Anthemis tinctoria;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.44;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;2787;;NETHERLANDS;;;;26.27;37.25;18.65;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Mentha suaveolens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.52;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;23642;;NETHERLANDS;;;;22.27;31.45;13.03;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Malva alcea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.14;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;25705;;NETHERLANDS;;;;27.58;34.47;21.74;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Gnaphalium luteo-album;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.01;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;7695;;NETHERLANDS;;;;30.16;36.29;25.28;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scheuchzeria palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.48;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;43986;;NETHERLANDS;;;;10.22;19.53;7.43;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Groenlandia densa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);90;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;43982;;NETHERLANDS;;;;94.1;114.75;81.82;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Deschampsia setacea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.63;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;40982;;NETHERLANDS;;;;16.14;26.89;10.49;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex rostrata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.26;12;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;37274;;NETHERLANDS;;;;16.78;19.79;12.98;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Honkenya peploides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.09;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;16523;;DENMARK;;;;20.91;28.75;12.7;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bupleurum tenuissimum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.91;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;1364;;NETHERLANDS;;;;35.09;46.09;26.88;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex cespitosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.27;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;37943;;NETHERLANDS;;;;11.6;14.63;9.74;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Pedicularis palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);53.68;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;33771;;NETHERLANDS;;;;56.32;67.31;46.75;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex rostrata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.34;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;37274;;NETHERLANDS;;;;15.66;18.07;14.04;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Prunus serotina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.58;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;29315;;NETHERLANDS;;;;30.48;39.98;26.73;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Linaria repens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.96;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;33754;;NETHERLANDS;;;;26.98;39.57;21.34;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Euphorbia lathyris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.28;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;20168;;NETHERLANDS;;;;26.17;37.85;13.15;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Pulmonaria officinalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.88;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;11796;;NETHERLANDS;;;;23.8;27.06;17.32;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Petasites albus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.89;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;11005;;NETHERLANDS;;;;13.54;15.67;10.77;1;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Butomus umbellatus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.7;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;35620;;NETHERLANDS;;;;9.5;12.67;7.24;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Elymus farctus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);6.33;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;40994;;NETHERLANDS;;;;6.58;8.21;5.11;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cochlearia anglica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.64;13;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;13319;;NETHERLANDS;;;;22.71;40.83;14.64;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Pedicularis palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.63;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;33771;;NETHERLANDS;;;;16.96;21.62;9.97;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Listera cordata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);45.97;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;39947;;NETHERLANDS;;;;45.78;51.15;41.1;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cornus sanguinea;actual measurement;13.7;1;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Copenhagen, Department of Ecology, Section of Botany, DK (Kollmann), E-Mail:;18429;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.7;13.7;13.7;3;;;50;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Prunus spinosa;actual measurement;15.8;1;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Copenhagen, Department of Ecology, Section of Botany, DK (Kollmann), E-Mail:;29316;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.8;15.8;15.8;3;;;50;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Xanthium albinum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.34;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;61703;;GERMANY;32;584170.3184;5919082.419;12.76;16.68;8.29;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Xanthium albinum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.31;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;61703;;GERMANY;32;584170.3184;5919082.419;15.24;19.95;10.53;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rorippa sylvestris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.81;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13910;;GERMANY;32;645939.1681;5889271.272;24.91;42.97;16.39;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. determined as R. anceps (R. sylvestris x amphibia);adult; Artemisia biennis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.34;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;60555;;GERMANY;32;645939.1681;5889271.272;13.34;13.34;13.34;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Eragrostis albensis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.67;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;62225;;GERMANY;32;645939.1681;5889271.272;25.05;29.43;21.66;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Callitriche platycarpa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);107.14;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15423;;GERMANY;32;404150.3552;5838871.517;107.14;107.14;107.14;4;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. probably C. platycarpa, nevertheless determined as Callitriche palustris agg.;adult; Lithospermum arvense;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.83;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;12012;;GERMANY;;;;27.16;33.79;23.96;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vicia villosa subsp. villosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.13;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21628;;GERMANY;32;476188;5490931;27.67;30.69;23.59;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Montia fontana;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);90.56;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27478;;GERMANY;32;433614;5330732;91.2;97.14;84.88;5;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Stellaria nemorum subsp. nemorum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);43.75;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17299;;GERMANY;32;433679;5330432;42.67;50.48;33.56;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Tragopogon pratensis s. orientalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.81;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;10571;;GERMANY;32;409555;5312993;31.14;33.09;29.52;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vicia tenuifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.2;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22123;;GERMANY;32;486559;5293869;26.63;38.21;20.84;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lotus tenuis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.42;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20976;;GERMANY;;;;23.5;28.85;16.96;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galium palustre;actual measurement;33.09;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31813;;GERMANY;;;;33.55;40.61;25.14;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Galium verum;actual measurement;23.43;9;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31730;;GERMANY;33;348911;5924746;22.92;25.25;20.53;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER), determined as Galium x pomeranicum;adult; Salix repens;actual measurement;25.13;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32533;;GERMANY;33;348759;5924806;26.57;39.58;20.32;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Salix repens;actual measurement;25.04;5;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32533;;GERMANY;33;348759;5924806;24.53;28.07;20.34;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Galium palustre;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.89;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;31813;;GERMANY;;;;30.55;39.41;27.47;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Armeria maritima s. elongata;actual measurement;23.57;20;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kühner), Corresponding address:;28709;;GERMANY;;;;25.87;39.05;16.07;1;;;0;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaves scanned with hand scanner, single leaves measured, not linked to individual plants;adult; Salix repens;actual measurement;17.65;20;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kühner), Corresponding address:;32533;;GERMANY;;;;18.05;26.78;12.4;1;;;0;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaves scanned with hand scanner, single leaves measured, not linked to individual plants;adult; Spinacia oleracea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);32.13;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;18064;;NETHERLANDS;;;;32.29;36.08;29.21;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Claytonia sibirica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.55;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;27498;;NETHERLANDS;;;;30.62;37.02;26.3;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hieracium caespitosum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.94;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;8116;;NETHERLANDS;;;;32.35;64.1;17.37;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scirpus cespitosus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.19;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;37472;;NETHERLANDS;;;;14.01;17.65;11.76;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. determined as Scirpus cespitosus subsp. germanica;adult; Claytonia sibirica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.41;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;27498;;NETHERLANDS;;;;32.14;36.44;25.59;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Duchesnea indica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.28;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;30010;;NETHERLANDS;;;;29.07;36.15;18.5;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lychnis flos-cuculi;actual measurement;25.95;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;16589;;GERMANY;;;;23.32;32.53;8.35;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Taraxacum croceum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);32.5;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;44236;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;36.4;50.3;25.9;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Taraxacum croceum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.9;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;44236;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;33.27;39.5;28.7;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Heracleum sibiricum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.9;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;62348;;NORWAY;32;572827;7033380;16.47;22.54;12.26;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Plantago maritima s. maritima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.65;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Wilmann), E-Mail: (;27848;;NORWAY;32;472843;6982451;11.7;13.72;9.89;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Viola canina s. canina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.32;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Wilmann), E-Mail: (;35385;;NORWAY;32;472900;6982395;27.8;36.75;21.28;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Anemone ranunculoides;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;36.27;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27359;;GERMANY;;;;36.16;41.45;30.62;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Anemone ranunculoides;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;37.13;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27359;;GERMANY;;;;36.89;42.27;31.17;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scilla sibirica;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;27.52;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;38091;;GERMANY;;;;27.78;32.17;23.23;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Corydalis cava;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;47.1;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25389;;GERMANY;;;;47.98;60.1;40.92;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Corydalis cava;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;53.71;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25389;;GERMANY;;;;54.01;66.37;46.53;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Corydalis solida;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;40.89;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25469;;GERMANY;;;;40.77;43.89;35.37;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Corydalis solida;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;45.79;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25469;;GERMANY;;;;46.53;51.9;40.08;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Euphorbia amygdaloides;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;24.04;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20294;;GERMANY;;;;24.04;28.82;20.12;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hepatica nobilis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;22.92;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26984;;GERMANY;;;;23.51;32.47;19.92;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hepatica nobilis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;31.41;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26984;;GERMANY;;;;33.5;55.93;28.34;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Viola reichenbachiana;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;29.11;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35262;;GERMANY;;;;28.67;33.11;22.96;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Viola reichenbachiana;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;30.9;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35262;;GERMANY;;;;30.9;36.89;24.19;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lathyrus vernus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;32.18;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19847;;GERMANY;;;;32.47;37.42;28.32;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lathyrus vernus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;34.71;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19847;;GERMANY;;;;34.71;40.48;30.11;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cardamine bulbifera;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;38.55;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14430;;GERMANY;;;;39.43;46.53;34.63;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cardamine bulbifera;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;42.28;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14430;;GERMANY;;;;43.65;53.07;37.83;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Polygonatum verticillatum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;42.23;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;38518;;GERMANY;;;;41.65;44.47;38.08;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Globularia punctata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);7.92;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25198;;GERMANY;32;716066;5450634;8.01;9.43;7.16;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Globularia punctata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.35;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25198;;GERMANY;32;716066;5450634;8.42;10.08;7.45;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex humilis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.43;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37847;;GERMANY;32;716066;5450634;18.25;22.56;13.08;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Anthriscus caucalis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;38.19;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1975;;GERMANY;32;;;38.19;48.06;28.59;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Anthriscus caucalis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;43.08;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1975;;GERMANY;;;;43.08;53.14;32.11;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ceratocapnos claviculata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);82.13;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;45620;;GERMANY;32;437393;5898075;82.13;90.09;75.87;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ceratocapnos claviculata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);90.14;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;45620;;GERMANY;32;437393;5898075;90.14;98.15;83.28;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Primula elatior;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);34.53;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29086;;GERMANY;32;437164;5898308;34.33;43.62;27.12;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Primula elatior;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);38.65;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29086;;GERMANY;32;437164;5898308;38.65;48.6;29.61;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex ornithopoda;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.58;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37237;;GERMANY;32;398325;5316161;30.58;34.29;26.96;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Leucojum vernum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);32.57;13;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35768;;GERMANY;32;408171;5308111;32.57;38.09;25.94;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Iris germanica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.95;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36614;;GERMANY;32;407673;5307683;13.14;15.3;11.09;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Orchis purpurea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.62;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40052;;GERMANY;32;407711;5307743;29.16;35.15;24.97;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cornus mas;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);31.55;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18428;;GERMANY;32;407711;5307743;31.55;40.02;23.05;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cornus mas;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);32.41;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18428;;GERMANY;32;407711;5307743;32.41;40.98;23.46;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sorbus aria;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);32.58;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30087;;GERMANY;32;407711;5307743;32.58;32.58;32.58;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sorbus aria;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.68;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30087;;GERMANY;32;407711;5307743;33.68;33.68;33.68;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Parietaria officinalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);58.88;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35137;;GERMANY;32;407894;5307945;59.9;81.75;43.11;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Parietaria officinalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);62.7;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35137;;GERMANY;32;407894;5307945;63.13;85.92;45.18;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Polypodium interjectum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.3;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;86;;GERMANY;32;;;14.3;17.31;12.1;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. one frond per plant;adult; Polypodium interjectum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.07;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;86;;GERMANY;32;;;16.07;19.08;14.19;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. one frond per plant;adult; Allium sphaerocephalon;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);5.7;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39232;;GERMANY;32;395157;5328511;5.69;6.2;5.05;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alyssum montanum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.27;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14366;;GERMANY;32;395157;5328511;12.4;14.4;10.5;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Camelina microcarpa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.99;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13713;;GERMANY;32;395157;5328511;19.99;23.77;16.72;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Falcaria vulgaris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.89;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2255;;GERMANY;32;395157;5328511;11.89;12.9;10.88;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ground leaf (spathaceous bract see UOL-LF-1-871);adult; Falcaria vulgaris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.23;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2255;;GERMANY;32;395157;5328511;17.58;19.28;16.59;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ground leaf (spathaceous bract see UOL-LF-1-871);adult; Teucrium botrys;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);39.34;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23469;;GERMANY;32;395240;5305679;39.6;42.81;34.91;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Myosotis stricta;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.97;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11964;;GERMANY;;;;26.98;29.37;23.55;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Filago pyramidata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.4;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3396;;GERMANY;32;392758;5303335;34.9;41.1;31.71;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Erucastrum nasturtiifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.71;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;12804;;GERMANY;32;392758;5303335;11.25;13.73;9.86;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Erucastrum nasturtiifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.61;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;12804;;GERMANY;32;392758;5303335;13.18;15.68;11.84;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex alba;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.94;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37462;;GERMANY;32;392883;5303777;23.94;34.01;14.15;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Staphylea pinnata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34660;;GERMANY;32;389536;5282872;27.66;32.9;22.59;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Staphylea pinnata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);35.31;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34660;;GERMANY;32;389536;5282872;35.02;40.73;28.46;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Orchis morio;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);41.69;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39762;;GERMANY;32;420610;5317112;40.68;52.08;27.22;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potentilla rupestris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.78;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29693;;FRANCE;32;387073;5321569;19.16;21.49;17.95;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potentilla rupestris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.76;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29693;;FRANCE;32;387073;5321569;21.94;24.63;20.37;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Linum austriacum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.39;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25949;;FRANCE;32;388222;5320875;17.54;21.68;15.15;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trinia glauca;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.39;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;966;;FRANCE;32;370995;5313962;12.11;13.95;9.26;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trinia glauca;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.68;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;966;;FRANCE;32;370995;5313962;15.25;17.39;11.49;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Filago pyramidata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.14;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3396;;FRANCE;32;370995;5313962;28.14;28.14;28.14;4;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Poa bulbosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.09;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;42340;;FRANCE;32;370995;5313962;21.09;25.56;16.55;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Laserpitium latifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.75;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1705;;FRANCE;32;370995;5313962;14.68;22.19;10.8;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica austriaca;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.03;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32781;;FRANCE;32;370995;5313962;23.45;26.64;21.75;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Euphorbia brittingeri;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.27;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20281;;FRANCE;32;370995;5313962;26.42;30.64;21.47;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Polygonatum odoratum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.71;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;38076;;FRANCE;32;370995;5313962;28.2;34.02;25.51;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Orchis militaris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.51;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40042;;GERMANY;32;404784;5349351;21.53;26.24;16.86;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Euphorbia seguierana;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.4;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20085;;GERMANY;32;404784;5349351;18.4;22.57;15.39;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Brassica rapa;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;29.03;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13695;;GERMANY;;;;28.93;32.46;25.19;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Brassica rapa;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;29.68;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13695;;GERMANY;;;;29.68;32.71;26.65;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bromus racemosus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;29.04;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40951;;GERMANY;;;;28.81;32.62;24.21;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Plantago coronopus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;20.61;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27899;;GERMANY;;;;20.58;25.54;14.98;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Plantago coronopus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;20.38;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27899;;GERMANY;;;;20.27;24.68;15.24;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Parthenocissus inserta;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.21;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34510;;GERMANY;32;352280;5941596;18.21;20.29;15.99;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Parthenocissus inserta;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.46;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34510;;GERMANY;32;352280;5941596;21.37;23.6;17.82;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hierochloe odorata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);41.51;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;42519;;GERMANY;32;352486;5941614;41.51;47.3;37.5;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Eleocharis quinqueflora;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.89;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37539;;GERMANY;32;352666;5942122;8.79;9.6;7.22;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Parnassia palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.02;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25636;;GERMANY;32;352666;5942122;22.09;25.46;16.15;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Parnassia palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.35;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25636;;GERMANY;32;352666;5942122;24.5;29.07;17.14;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scirpus maritimus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.36;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37054;;GERMANY;32;352768;5941967;12.42;13.53;11.37;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Limonium vulgare;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.08;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28293;;GERMANY;32;353073;5941494;10.94;14.21;8.88;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Limonium vulgare;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.89;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28293;;GERMANY;32;353073;5941494;11.86;15.2;9.57;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex trinervis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.19;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37174;;GERMANY;32;348111;5938927;24.19;27.74;20.51;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salsola kali;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.1;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18036;;GERMANY;32;347731;5937923;9.03;10.66;7.69;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Erodium lebelii;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.69;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;50011;;GERMANY;32;347731;5937923;19.79;23.37;16.17;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Asparagus officinalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.57;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;38660;;GERMANY;32;345758;5939106;14.57;21.04;11.07;5;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaves;adult; Silene otites;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.45;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15749;;GERMANY;32;345758;5939106;12.47;15.08;11.25;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Silene otites;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.43;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15749;;GERMANY;32;345758;5939106;13.55;17.95;11.71;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Leontodon taraxacoides subsp. taraxacoides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.62;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;7423;;GERMANY;32;345591;5939513;18.62;23.83;16.14;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hippuris vulgaris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.43;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24425;;GERMANY;32;401699;5916785;27.39;29.28;24.09;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex aquatilis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.61;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;38015;;GERMANY;32;401756;5916757;14.61;16.18;13.08;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Menyanthes trifoliata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.26;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26352;;GERMANY;32;399155;5915297;19.26;21.41;15.87;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Menyanthes trifoliata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.9;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26352;;GERMANY;32;399155;5915297;23.9;27.78;19.02;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cirsium dissectum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.2;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;5048;;GERMANY;32;396014;5912488;17.67;22.34;15.91;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Gentiana pneumonanthe;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.61;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22875;;GERMANY;32;396014;5912488;16.44;19.56;13.13;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hieracium sabaudum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);45.57;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;44218;;GERMANY;32;619971;5892741;45.57;52.49;38.56;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hieracium murorum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.87;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14443;;GERMANY;32;619971;5892741;36.18;44.88;31.55;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hieracium murorum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);43.72;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14443;;GERMANY;32;619971;5892741;44.42;53.35;38.46;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Arnoseris minima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);31.6;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3666;;GERMANY;32;652773;5884491;32.68;41.11;27.1;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Corrigiola litoralis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.91;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15658;;GERMANY;32;663955;5883654;26.19;34.52;21.41;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Melampyrum cristatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.09;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33028;;GERMANY;32;;;25.57;31.99;17.12;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex vulpina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.96;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37185;;GERMANY;32;;;18.74;21.59;14.74;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alisma lanceolatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.4;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35630;;GERMANY;32;;;23.4;23.4;23.4;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alisma lanceolatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.93;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35630;;GERMANY;32;;;29.93;29.93;29.93;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus aquatilis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.82;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27005;;GERMANY;32;;;29.55;31.83;26.74;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus aquatilis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.72;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27005;;GERMANY;32;;;30.68;33.67;27.6;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus atratus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.71;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35939;;GERMANY;;;;10.71;12.4;9.14;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alisma lanceolatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.89;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35630;;GERMANY;;;;23.8;26.11;21.29;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alisma lanceolatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.23;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35630;;GERMANY;;;;29.25;31.16;27.36;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sagina nodosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.45;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;16644;;GERMANY;33;314450;5846124;23.19;29.81;18.65;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Gratiola officinalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.46;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33117;;GERMANY;33;312022;5846408;29.48;47.42;23.94;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Festuca brevipila;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);5.55;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;41305;;GERMANY;33;312023;5846225;5.65;6.93;4.8;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scutellaria hastifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);36.22;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23966;;GERMANY;33;323783;5838731;36.12;38.49;34.15;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Elymus repens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.01;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40238;;GERMANY;33;;;25.4;28.77;22.82;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. big form of species ;adult; Silene dichotoma;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;24.42;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15776;;GERMANY;;;;25.28;34.29;20.08;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Stratiotes aloides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.73;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36308;;GERMANY;32;463618;5896094;23.51;34.1;18.79;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Littorella uniflora;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.12;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27852;;GERMANY;32;436870;5876414;11.15;15.3;9.36;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Equisetum hyemale;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);2.88;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;170;;GERMANY;32;437168;5898312;2.97;3.67;2.74;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. stem was measured;adult; Anthemis arvensis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;50.56;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3024;;GERMANY;;;;49.63;60.49;37.62;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica anagalloides;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;20.14;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34184;;GERMANY;;;;19.58;21.1;16.02;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hypericum humifusum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;25.79;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23252;;GERMANY;;;;25.72;36.49;18.06;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hordeum distichon;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;30.12;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43701;;GERMANY;;;;30.12;33.05;27.5;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lupinus albus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;23.88;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21901;;GERMANY;;;;23.91;25.92;21.68;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lupinus albus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;29.28;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21901;;GERMANY;;;;29.28;31.29;26.95;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Avena sterilis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;33.18;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;41440;;GERMANY;;;;33.18;35.89;30.46;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex magellanica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.85;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37333;;GERMANY;;;;25.85;27.67;23.66;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex pauciflora;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.07;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37251;;GERMANY;;;;18.07;21.05;14.99;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cicerbita alpina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);41.66;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2692;;GERMANY;;;;41.87;47.18;37.9;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Calamagrostis villosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.93;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40268;;GERMANY;;;;24.91;27.55;22.31;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ajuga genevensis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.15;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24142;;GERMANY;;;;23.25;29.31;19.03;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Arenaria serpyllifolia s. leptoclados;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.84;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;44912;;GERMANY;;;;26.84;30.25;23.55;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bromus commutatus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;34.36;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40941;;GERMANY;;;;34.27;42.93;26.75;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hordeum murinum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;32.59;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;42447;;GERMANY;;;;32.59;46.47;20.08;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carthamus tinctorius;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;14.15;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3822;;GERMANY;;;;14.15;14.15;14.15;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vicia articulata;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;25.51;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22076;;GERMANY;;;;25.51;38.7;16.21;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Petasites albus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11005;;GERMANY;32;431028;5307908;28;32.8;21.95;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Petasites albus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);38.77;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11005;;GERMANY;32;431028;5307908;38.77;43.29;34.46;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Polystichum aculeatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.87;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;337;;GERMANY;32;430878;5307517;12.87;15.38;8.36;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Polystichum aculeatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.59;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;337;;GERMANY;32;430878;5307517;16.59;20.23;11.68;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Phegopteris connectilis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.91;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;44452;;GERMANY;32;430823;5307557;34.72;43.94;28.63;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Phegopteris connectilis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);42.59;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;44452;;GERMANY;32;430823;5307557;42.63;53.97;31.49;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Dryopteris expansa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.86;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;44546;;GERMANY;32;430823;5307557;17.86;17.86;17.86;1;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Dryopteris expansa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.67;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;44546;;GERMANY;32;430823;5307557;23.67;23.67;23.67;1;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Silene rupestris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.36;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17622;;GERMANY;32;413813;5307897;30.36;38.93;24.34;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Aethusa cynapium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);34.84;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1502;;GERMANY;32;401207;5327428;35.09;38.71;31.95;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Pulsatilla vulgaris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.7;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27065;;GERMANY;32;401334;5327521;10.7;11.93;8.7;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium alpestre;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.12;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21116;;GERMANY;32;401475;5327784;11.22;13;9.99;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium alpestre;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.52;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21116;;GERMANY;32;401475;5327784;11.66;13.55;10.33;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Colutea arborescens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.95;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21799;;GERMANY;32;399564;5326108;14.95;16.33;13.36;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Valeriana tripteris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.6;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34810;;GERMANY;32;426823;5309802;26.06;30.1;22.95;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Valeriana tripteris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.37;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34810;;GERMANY;32;426823;5309802;35.1;45.77;30.31;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium spadiceum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.57;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20366;;GERMANY;;;;35.44;51.04;31.48;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rumex alpestris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);34.85;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;44762;;GERMANY;32;426936;5303951;34.91;45.97;28.12;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. four leaf pairs without any petioles, others with only one leaf bearing a petiole;adult; Rumex alpestris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);38.61;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;44762;;GERMANY;32;426936;5303951;38.61;47.25;28.95;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. four leaf pairs without any petioles, others with only one leaf bearing a petiole;adult; Ranunculus serpens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.38;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26706;;GERMANY;32;426814;8303722;23.38;25.6;20.54;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus serpens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.03;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26706;;GERMANY;32;426814;8303722;28.03;31.73;25.09;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potentilla aurea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.03;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29716;;GERMANY;32;426794;5303639;16.8;17.61;15.38;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Pseudorchis albida;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.96;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39803;;GERMANY;32;426365;5303435;21.77;25.41;17.26;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salix appendiculata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.48;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32649;;GERMANY;32;426444;5303165;16.96;19.97;13.45;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salix appendiculata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.07;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32649;;GERMANY;32;426444;5303165;18.3;21.46;14.32;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cicerbita alpina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);34.42;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2692;;GERMANY;32;426444;5303165;34.42;40.24;31.22;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Calamagrostis arundinacea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.78;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40633;;GERMANY;32;426444;5303165;22.78;27.07;17.94;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rosa pendulina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.18;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30578;;GERMANY;32;426444;5303165;22.24;25.52;18.27;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex frigida;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.95;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37406;;GERMANY;32;;;27.9;33.84;20.49;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. #1: ground leaves, rest stem leaves;adult; Cephalanthera longifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);45.94;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39466;;GERMANY;;;;45.94;45.94;45.94;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scirpus setaceus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.41;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37063;;GERMANY;;;;20.41;24.17;16.88;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. infructescence leaves;adult; Mimulus guttatus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);66.4;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34136;;GERMANY;;;;67.41;80.44;59.77;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Mimulus guttatus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);70.8;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34136;;GERMANY;;;;72.79;88.82;62.95;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Coronilla coronata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.05;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21803;;GERMANY;32;503813;5354495;16.05;19.6;11.78;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Coronilla coronata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.17;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21803;;GERMANY;32;503813;5354495;17.15;21.2;12.35;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Epipactis atrorubens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.74;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39603;;GERMANY;32;503813;5354495;23.03;26.67;19.33;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Thesium bavarum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.99;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32443;;GERMANY;32;503813;5354495;16.41;20.16;10.89;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bupleurum rotundifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);36.9;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1894;;GERMANY;32;507273;5354485;35.37;43.67;16.18;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. stem leaves, ground leaf see UOL-886;adult; Astrantia major;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.79;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1925;;GERMANY;32;507273;5354485;20.8;24.56;15.37;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Astrantia major;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.22;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1925;;GERMANY;32;507273;5354485;27.97;35.31;23.77;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Adonis aestivalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);42.07;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27328;;GERMANY;32;507089;5354408;42.07;42.07;42.07;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Conium maculatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.06;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1410;;GERMANY;32;518254;5352515;22.59;28.73;20.7;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carum carvi;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.78;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2331;;GERMANY;32;518254;5352515;24.78;31.04;20.91;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Allium senescens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.12;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39230;;GERMANY;32;517995;5352469;13.35;16.55;9.7;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Thlaspi montanum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.99;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14668;;GERMANY;32;517995;5352469;22.99;26.19;21.35;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Leontodon hispidus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.62;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6638;;GERMANY;32;517995;5352469;21.62;22.94;20.23;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scorzonera humilis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.26;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9541;;GERMANY;32;504761;5343207;18.26;21.2;16.15;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scorzonera humilis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.68;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9541;;GERMANY;32;504761;5343207;22.04;26.01;19.12;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sisymbrium altissimum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;21.98;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13034;;GERMANY;;;;21.98;22.98;20.99;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Anethum graveolens;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;17.89;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1512;;GERMANY;;;;17.89;21.52;13.55;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Anethum graveolens;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;19.04;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1512;;GERMANY;;;;19.04;22.15;14.94;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scabiosa atropurpurea;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;15.14;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19064;;GERMANY;;;;15.14;21.65;10.1;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hordeum vulgare;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;21.75;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;42448;;GERMANY;;;;21.96;23.45;20.9;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Setaria italica;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;23.91;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;42741;;GERMANY;;;;23.91;25.59;22.32;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Silene gallica;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;34.5;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;16298;;GERMANY;;;;34.5;45.33;24.39;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chenopodium ambrosioides;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;27.79;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17719;;GERMANY;;;;30.08;37.9;24.03;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vaccaria hispanica;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;18.73;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;45231;;GERMANY;;;;18.97;28.31;13.37;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Coriandrum sativum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;51.39;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2310;;GERMANY;;;;51.28;55.73;43.13;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ground leaves;adult; Atriplex glabriuscula;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;14.73;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17760;;GERMANY;;;;15.12;18.23;13.78;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Atriplex glabriuscula;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;15.21;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17760;;GERMANY;;;;15.63;18.81;14.24;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Digitaria sanguinalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);35.25;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40683;;GERMANY;32;450153;5426634;35.25;38.61;30.83;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Najas marina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);36.52;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39411;;GERMANY;32;450270;5423284;36.52;51.8;20.08;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Peucedanum officinale;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);7.67;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1112;;GERMANY;32;455686;5449370;7.89;9.59;6.39;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Peucedanum officinale;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.78;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1112;;GERMANY;32;455686;5449370;11.78;15.69;9.34;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Dipsacus pilosus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);55.05;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19256;;GERMANY;;;;55.63;68.87;46.26;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Dipsacus pilosus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);64.16;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19256;;GERMANY;;;;64.43;83.98;50.48;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potamogeton lucens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);68.59;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43923;;GERMANY;32;455962;5452418;66.51;79.67;45.93;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trapa natans;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.5;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34689;;GERMANY;32;455804;5451446;18.46;21.49;14.82;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trapa natans;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.03;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34689;;GERMANY;32;455804;5451446;11.4;14.25;9.52;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scabiosa canescens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.84;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19427;;GERMANY;32;475305;5464410;10.2;13.61;7.95;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Nonea pulla;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.97;13;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11903;;GERMANY;32;476513;5493475;22.97;30.78;16.32;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chondrilla juncea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);2.59;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;5390;;GERMANY;32;476188;5490931;2.59;2.96;2.01;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. SLA only, two stem parts measured per plant;adult; Oenothera parviflora;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;18.61;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26459;;GERMANY;;;;18.42;19.77;16.41;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Avena strigosa;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;28.67;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40565;;GERMANY;;;;29.14;34.64;25.94;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Legousia speculum-veneris;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;65.13;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14838;;GERMANY;;;;65.57;86.11;48.18;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ambrosia trifida;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;25.37;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6319;;GERMANY;;;;26.11;31.07;23.56;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ambrosia trifida;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;27.94;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6319;;GERMANY;;;;28.21;33.38;25.18;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Legousia hybrida;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;76.33;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14896;;GERMANY;;;;75.96;81.65;67.21;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Centaurea solstitialis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;27.77;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3444;;GERMANY;;;;27.77;31.03;22.18;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Amaranthus caudatus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;19.67;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;894;;GERMANY;;;;19.67;22.56;16.55;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Corrigiola litoralis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;34.65;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15658;;GERMANY;;;;36.21;52.03;26.85;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Herniaria hirsuta;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;31.22;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17001;;GERMANY;;;;31.22;35.23;23.28;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Turgenia latifolia;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;26.13;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1998;;GERMANY;;;;26.13;28.79;22.74;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Nigella arvensis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;26.63;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27106;;GERMANY;;;;26.23;30.69;21.35;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Iva xanthifolia;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;20.7;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;8135;;GERMANY;;;;21.15;26.33;17.23;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Iva xanthifolia;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;26.85;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;8135;;GERMANY;;;;27.73;34.08;22.94;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium hybridum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;27.86;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21107;;GERMANY;;;;27.86;30.08;25.86;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium hybridum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;32.32;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21107;;GERMANY;;;;32.32;35.64;30.46;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lappula deflexa;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;22.77;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;12048;;GERMANY;;;;22.32;27.37;16.32;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. one ground leaf and one spataceous bract measured per plant;adult; Lappula deflexa;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;24.44;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;12048;;GERMANY;;;;24.44;29.97;17.56;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. one ground leaf and one spataceous bract measured per plant;adult; Campanula rapunculoides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);75.6;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15082;;GERMANY;32;683877;5646075;74.15;93.58;50.06;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Campanula rapunculoides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);78.55;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15082;;GERMANY;32;683877;5646075;76.07;93.64;57.44;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Aster amellus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.79;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3537;;GERMANY;32;684050;5646141;17.44;21.51;14.56;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Aster amellus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.82;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3537;;GERMANY;32;684050;5646141;18.48;23.28;16.29;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cotoneaster integerrimus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.37;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30932;;GERMANY;32;684002;5646183;9.49;12.26;8.19;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cotoneaster integerrimus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.68;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30932;;GERMANY;32;684002;5646183;9.8;12.66;8.47;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hieracium maculatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.04;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;16770;;GERMANY;32;684186;5646244;18.15;21.47;14.73;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hieracium maculatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.06;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;16770;;GERMANY;32;684186;5646244;20.2;24.69;15.56;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Achillea pannonica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);5.8;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;5321;;GERMANY;32;684186;5646244;5.88;6.88;4.93;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ground leaves;adult; Achillea pannonica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.35;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;5321;;GERMANY;32;684138;5646239;10.35;12.25;8.32;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. stem leaves;adult; Viola mirabilis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);35.37;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35297;;GERMANY;32;684457;5646509;35.07;37.85;30.94;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Viola mirabilis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);45.06;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35297;;GERMANY;32;684457;5646509;45.06;47.91;38.76;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cephalanthera damasonium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.8;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39459;;GERMANY;;;;29.66;30.26;28.76;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scorzonera hispanica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.88;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9619;;GERMANY;;;;14;16.2;12.59;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Stipa capillata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);7.56;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;42956;;GERMANY;;;;7.78;9.69;6.13;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alchemilla mollis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.75;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30970;;GERMANY;32;614236;5725252;15.75;17.1;14.4;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Euphrasia nemorosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.11;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33614;;GERMANY;32;610222;5728729;27.83;32.53;17.81;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Gypsophila repens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.84;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17131;;GERMANY;32;609650;5715895;15.35;18.12;11.01;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cardaminopsis petraea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);31.59;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13735;;GERMANY;32;609650;5715895;31.59;44.22;21.29;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rosette leaves;adult; Satureja hortensis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;27.05;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25007;;GERMANY;;;;27.05;29.65;24.04;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ground leaves;adult; Cotula coronopifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);36.23;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;5009;;GERMANY;32;384877;5910484;37;45.59;31.31;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Triglochin maritima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.26;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36323;;GERMANY;32;384877;5910484;10.69;12.19;8.57;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Osmunda regalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.89;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;295;;GERMANY;32;394187;5918667;10.89;12.91;8.76;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Osmunda regalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.77;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;295;;GERMANY;32;394187;5918667;16.77;21.16;14.19;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Orlaya grandiflora;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;22.46;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2113;;GERMANY;;;;22.64;26.01;19.15;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Halimione pedunculata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.74;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17799;;GERMANY;32;625944;5794830;14.15;19.87;10.41;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Diphasiastrum alpinum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);5.33;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;44384;;GERMANY;32;604788;5734997;5.5;9;3.53;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. two samples of upper 2 cm of stem measured per plant;adult; Lactuca virosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.62;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;7940;;GERMANY;32;608809;5750271;32.46;49.35;19.88;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Pulsatilla pratensis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.61;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27054;;GERMANY;33;418407;5891984;9.03;11.06;7.57;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica spicata s. spicata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.76;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33276;;GERMANY;33;437398;5852165;12.6;16.84;8.65;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica spicata s. spicata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.87;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33276;;GERMANY;33;437398;5852165;13.98;17.28;10.93;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chondrilla juncea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.47;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;5390;;GERMANY;33;437398;5852165;12.65;15.31;11.1;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Anchusa officinalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.42;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;12527;;GERMANY;;;;17.52;21.56;14.58;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rosa rubiginosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.29;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29291;;GERMANY;;;;10.57;12.17;9.53;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rosa rubiginosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.81;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29291;;GERMANY;;;;11.22;13.14;10.12;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Festuca psammophila;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);3.25;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;42306;;GERMANY;;;;3.25;4.22;2.72;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Achillea cartilaginea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.25;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;4689;;GERMANY;33;448569;5873522;22.42;28.99;18.81;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Asperula tinctoria;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.54;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32329;;GERMANY;;;;20.23;23.77;16.67;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hieracium echioides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.67;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6543;;GERMANY;33;431665;5862718;17.67;23.86;11.6;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Elatine hexandra;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);66.57;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19033;;GERMANY;;;;66.57;99.7;36.29;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Callitriche hamulata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);117.41;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15444;;GERMANY;;;;118.51;127.8;111.44;10;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. submersed leaves;adult; Cicendia filiformis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);36.97;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22974;;GERMANY;;;;37.67;41.88;32.92;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. stem leaves;adult; Gnaphalium luteo-album;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);46.63;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;7695;;GERMANY;32;442467;5865057;46.63;59.4;37.04;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hypochaeris glabra;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;48.78;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;7007;;GERMANY;;;;48.78;48.78;48.78;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hypochaeris glabra;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;51.72;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;7007;;GERMANY;;;;51.72;51.72;51.72;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Althaea officinalis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;22.8;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25782;;GERMANY;;;;22.8;26.48;20.3;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Althaea officinalis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;24.29;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25782;;GERMANY;;;;24.29;27.95;21.52;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Apera interrupta;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;38.72;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;41910;;GERMANY;;;;41.4;60.78;30.88;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Euphorbia segetalis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;26.3;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20079;;GERMANY;;;;26.3;32.18;18.99;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Valerianella rimosa;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;53.23;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34795;;GERMANY;;;;53.23;56.69;49.78;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Oenothera rosea;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;28.88;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26462;;GERMANY;;;;31.19;41.53;22.63;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. collection date #1-3: 2005-06-14;adult; Oenothera rosea;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;36.61;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26462;;GERMANY;;;;37.61;50.16;28.69;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sisymbrium loeselii;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;13.2;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13930;;GERMANY;;;;13.2;13.2;13.2;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ground leaves;adult; Sisymbrium loeselii;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;21.5;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13930;;GERMANY;;;;21.5;21.5;21.5;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ground leaves;adult; Falcaria vulgaris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.77;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2255;;GERMANY;32;395157;5328511;8.84;11.08;4.73;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. spathaceous bracts (ground leaves see UOL-LF-1-273);adult; Falcaria vulgaris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.26;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2255;;GERMANY;32;395157;5328511;12.03;16.35;5.25;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. spathaceous bracts (ground leaves see UOL-LF-1-273);adult; Agrostis gigantea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.38;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40852;;GERMANY;;;;30.67;36.59;26.04;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Arctium lappa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.94;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6084;;GERMANY;32;807405;5831754;17;22.12;10.64;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Arctium lappa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.75;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6084;;GERMANY;32;807405;5831754;21.03;27.18;14.26;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bupleurum rotundifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.06;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1894;;GERMANY;32;507273;5354485;22.81;24.45;20.64;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ground leaves;adult; Bupleurum rotundifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.04;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1894;;GERMANY;32;507273;5354485;26.53;27.76;24.32;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ground leaves;adult; Satureja hortensis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;27.67;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25007;;GERMANY;;;;26.86;27.78;24.26;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. spataceous bracts;adult; Pulmonaria obscura;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.87;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11795;;GERMANY;;;;33.87;39.71;29.06;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Pulmonaria obscura;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);41.7;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11795;;GERMANY;;;;41.76;48.89;34.64;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salix viminalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.26;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32486;;GERMANY;;;;11.43;14.55;8.85;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salix viminalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.3;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32486;;GERMANY;;;;11.51;14.69;8.91;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bromus commutatus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.53;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40941;;GERMANY;32;393182;5316232;22.17;25.77;16.44;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Coriandrum sativum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);43.37;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2310;;GERMANY;;;;44.41;49.52;40.68;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. spataceous bracts;adult; Myosotis discolor;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);45.92;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11975;;GERMANY;32;417434;5311710;44.3;47.62;37.75;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica prostrata s. prostrata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.55;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34100;;GERMANY;32;370995;5313962;20.55;20.55;20.55;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Asparagus officinalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);7.34;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;38660;;GERMANY;32;345758;5939106;6.89;8.3;4.65;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. twigs;adult; Rosa jundzillii;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.86;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31124;;GERMANY;;;;22.86;24.94;19.74;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potentilla anglica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.36;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31198;;GERMANY;32;409027;5912192;25.79;31.85;19.53;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Saxifraga aizoides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.42;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;31321;;NORWAY;32;608427;6951859;10.99;13.63;5.58;5;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 5 leaves per individual;adult; Saxifraga hypnoides;actual measurement;23.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31390;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Saxifraga hypnoides;actual measurement;17.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31390;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Saxifraga hypnoides;actual measurement;15.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31390;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Populus nigra;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.85;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32673;;GERMANY;;;;11.85;15.37;8.13;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Populus nigra;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.9;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32673;;GERMANY;;;;10.9;13.85;7.64;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Kickxia elatine;actual measurement;59.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33123;;ITALY;;;;59.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Kickxia elatine;actual measurement;21.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33123;;ITALY;;;;21.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica filiformis;actual measurement;42.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33807;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;42.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica filiformis;actual measurement;22.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33807;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Veronica filiformis;actual measurement;46.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33807;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;46.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica filiformis;actual measurement;32.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33807;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potentilla sterilis;actual measurement;24.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30583;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potentilla reptans;actual measurement;23;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30622;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23;;;1;;;;;;adult; Potentilla reptans;actual measurement;21.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30622;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potentilla reptans;actual measurement;29.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30622;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.7;;;2;;;;;;adult; Potentilla reptans;actual measurement;31.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30622;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.2;;;2;;;;;;adult; Butomus umbellatus;actual measurement;10;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35620;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galanthus nivalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.45;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;35672;;NETHERLANDS;;;;28.31;35.41;22.43;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Narcissus poeticus;actual measurement;19.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35706;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Arum maculatum;actual measurement;39.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35847;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;39.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Arum maculatum;actual measurement;30.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35847;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Arum maculatum;actual measurement;34.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35847;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Arum maculatum;actual measurement;33.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35847;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Arum maculatum;actual measurement;29.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35847;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Juncus alpinus s. alpinus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.16;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Wilmann), E-Mail: (;35907;;NORWAY;32;517722;6995572;13.43;17.11;8.17;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus castaneus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.38;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;35925;;NORWAY;32;608426;6951823;12.11;21.75;8.62;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus conglomeratus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);4.9;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36007;;GERMANY;32;449848.0688;5893436.682;4.92;5.91;4.29;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus ranarius;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.12;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36052;;GERMANY;32;646162.8498;5888614.18;26.51;34.57;20.98;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus bufonius;actual measurement;15.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36128;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Juncus bufonius;actual measurement;20.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36128;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Juncus bufonius;actual measurement;13.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36128;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Juncus sphaerocarpus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;29.44;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36141;;GERMANY;;;;29.44;29.44;29.44;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus subnodulosus;actual measurement;6.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36148;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;6.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Juncus subnodulosus;actual measurement;5.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36148;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;5.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Luzula sudetica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);36.33;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36244;;GERMANY;;;;36.12;40.7;29.18;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rubia peregrina;actual measurement;13.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31737;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Rubia peregrina;actual measurement;17.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31737;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.3;;;3;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rubia peregrina;actual measurement;11.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31737;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium palustre;actual measurement;27;11;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;31813;;GERMANY;;;;27;;;6;;2.4;;;;adult; Galium boreale;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.01;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;31917;;NORWAY;32;561700;7020500;23.8;32.84;18.33;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galium album;actual measurement;24.09;19;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;31949;;GERMANY;;;;24.09;;;6;;1.23;;;;adult; Cruciata laevipes;actual measurement;23.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32133;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cruciata laevipes;actual measurement;26.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32133;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cruciata laevipes;actual measurement;35.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32133;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cruciata laevipes;actual measurement;23.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32133;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cruciata laevipes;actual measurement;32.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32133;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sanguisorba officinalis;actual measurement;15.06;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;30139;;GERMANY;;;;15.43;18.93;11.02;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potentilla tabernaemontani;actual measurement;11.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30295;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potentilla tabernaemontani;actual measurement;10.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30295;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potentilla tabernaemontani;actual measurement;13.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30295;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potentilla tabernaemontani;actual measurement;11.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30295;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Mespilus germanica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.27;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30357;;GERMANY;32;409555;5312993;22.27;22.27;22.27;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Valerianella carinata;actual measurement;33.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34818;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Valerianella carinata;actual measurement;33.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34818;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Valerianella carinata;actual measurement;31.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34818;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Valeriana officinalis;actual measurement;22.24;12;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;34832;;GERMANY;;;;22.81;30.71;14.05;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Centranthus ruber;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.46;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34865;;GERMANY;32;;;22.43;25.77;18.32;2;;;0;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Solanum tuberosum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.56;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;34915;;NETHERLANDS;;;;24.41;25.74;22.67;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Urtica dioica;actual measurement;26;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35149;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26;;;1;;;;;;adult; Urtica dioica;actual measurement;25.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35149;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Urtica dioica;actual measurement;16.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35149;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Urtica dioica;actual measurement;42.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35149;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;42.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Urtica dioica;actual measurement;30.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35149;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Urtica dioica;actual measurement;22.99;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;35149;;GERMANY;;;;25.22;36.95;18.66;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Urtica dioica;actual measurement;40.17;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;35149;;GERMANY;;;;35.52;46.06;20.34;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ulmus minor;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.47;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35187;;GERMANY;32;399327;5318128;27.26;34.85;23.33;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ulmus minor;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.67;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35187;;GERMANY;32;399327;5318128;26.28;33.96;22.6;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Pedicularis lapponica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.2;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;33481;;NORWAY;32;608356;6952096;23.14;28.09;19.42;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Limosella aquatica;actual measurement;27.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33604;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Linaria purpurea;actual measurement;17.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33748;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Linaria purpurea;actual measurement;15.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33748;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Linaria purpurea;actual measurement;20.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33748;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Linaria purpurea;actual measurement;13.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33748;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Linaria purpurea;actual measurement;14.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33748;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Pedicularis palustris;actual measurement;11.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33771;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Digitalis lutea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.5;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33173;;GERMANY;32;423681;5308925;24.41;29.95;17.85;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Digitalis purpurea;actual measurement;22.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33178;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Digitalis purpurea;actual measurement;17.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33178;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Digitalis purpurea;actual measurement;10.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33178;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Scrophularia auriculata;actual measurement;18;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33429;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18;;;1;;;;;;adult; Scrophularia auriculata;actual measurement;35.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33429;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Scrophularia auriculata;actual measurement;19.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33429;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Scrophularia auriculata;actual measurement;18.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33429;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rhinanthus alectorolophus;actual measurement;21.18;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;33445;;GERMANY;;;;21.03;22.72;19.4;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Iris x lurida;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.27;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36640;;GERMANY;32;472553;5515507;11.28;12.92;9.4;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lemna gibba;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.47;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;36873;;GERMANY;;;;15.47;15.47;15.47;40;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lemna gibba;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36873;;GERMANY;32;449848.0688;5893436.682;33.43;54;25.81;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Wolffia arrhiza;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.29;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36885;;GERMANY;32;457848;5894399;19.7;33.77;6.96;10;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaf size calculated with slide rule;adult; Valeriana pratensis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.93;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34760;;GERMANY;32;389290;5284787;26.44;36.49;19.93;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Valerianella locusta;actual measurement;31.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34776;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Valerianella coronata;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;47.81;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34784;;GERMANY;;;;47.81;62.25;34.32;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Festuca ovina;actual measurement;18.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40171;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Festuca ovina;actual measurement;10.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40171;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Calamagrostis purpurea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.88;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Wilmann), E-Mail: (;40263;;NORWAY;32;517686;6995565;23.96;27.35;22.05;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Deschampsia cespitosa;actual measurement;23.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40299;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Deschampsia cespitosa;actual measurement;11.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40299;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Deschampsia cespitosa;actual measurement;19.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40299;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Deschampsia cespitosa;actual measurement;18.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40299;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.5;;;2;;;;;;adult; Deschampsia cespitosa;actual measurement;12.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40299;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Deschampsia cespitosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.67;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;40299;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;8.68;9.28;8.09;5;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 5-7 leaves per sample;adult; Deschampsia cespitosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.61;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;40299;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;11.12;18.4;8.9;4;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 4-5 leaves per sample;adult; Bromus carinatus;actual measurement;20.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40352;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus erectus;actual measurement;19.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40358;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus erectus;actual measurement;16.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40358;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus erectus;actual measurement;11.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40358;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus squarrosus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;29.06;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40372;;GERMANY;;;;29.06;32.43;24.23;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bromus sterilis;actual measurement;36.16;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;40373;;GERMANY;;;;35.7;43.46;27.84;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Arrhenatherum elatius;actual measurement;26.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40414;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Arrhenatherum elatius;actual measurement;37.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40414;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Arrhenatherum elatius;actual measurement;33.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40414;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Arrhenatherum elatius;actual measurement;28.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40414;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Arrhenatherum elatius;actual measurement;24.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40414;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Arrhenatherum elatius;actual measurement;30.97;9;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40414;;GERMANY;;;;30.97;36.74;27.9;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Arrhenatherum elatius;actual measurement;29.37;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;40414;;GERMANY;;;;29.11;31.01;26.78;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Arrhenatherum elatius;actual measurement;31.9;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;40414;;GERMANY;;;;32.52;42.24;22.85;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Arrhenatherum elatius;actual measurement;20.89830183;16;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;40414;;GERMANY;;;;20.89830183;;;6;;0.96;;;;adult; Avena fatua;actual measurement;16.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40425;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Avena fatua;actual measurement;16.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40425;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Avena fatua;actual measurement;16.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40425;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Agrostis curtisii;actual measurement;22;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40483;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Agrostis curtisii;actual measurement;22;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40483;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Agrostis canina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.44;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;40532;;GERMANY;;;;22.6;23.54;22.02;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Agrostis canina;actual measurement;33.07;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;40532;;GERMANY;;;;33.77;42.22;26.35;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Agrostis canina;actual measurement;16.62736315;13;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;40532;;GERMANY;;;;16.62736315;;;6;;1.74;;;;adult; Agrostis stolonifera;actual measurement;36.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40861;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Agrostis stolonifera;actual measurement;35.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40861;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Agrostis stolonifera;actual measurement;34.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40861;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Agrostis stolonifera;actual measurement;19.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40861;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Agrostis stolonifera;actual measurement;41.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40861;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;41.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Agrostis stolonifera;actual measurement;29.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40861;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Avenula pubescens;actual measurement;22.37;20;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kühner), Corresponding address:;40923;;GERMANY;;;;22.98;29.13;18.48;1;;;0;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaves scanned with hand scanner, single leaves measured, not linked to individual plants;adult; Avenula pubescens;actual measurement;20.24;15;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;40923;;GERMANY;;;;19.4;24.85;12.89;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alopecurus myosuroides;actual measurement;23.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41138;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Alopecurus myosuroides;actual measurement;25.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41138;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Thesium linophyllon;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.52;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32439;;FRANCE;32;370995;5313962;17.67;23.04;14;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salix starkeana;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.93;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32511;;GERMANY;32;504761;5343207;15.58;19.05;13.41;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salix starkeana;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.96;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32511;;GERMANY;32;504761;5343207;14.6;17.62;12.71;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salix reticulata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.13;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;32535;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;10.02;10.8;9.01;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salix reticulata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.71;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;32535;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;9.9;12.2;8.23;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salix pentandra;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.49;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;32567;;NETHERLANDS;;;;22.49;25.62;18.88;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Leucojum aestivum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.09;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;35586;;NETHERLANDS;;;;25.15;28.9;21.91;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex strigosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);46.99;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37674;;GERMANY;32;406952;5269960;47.18;54.35;41.93;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex sylvatica;actual measurement;39;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37678;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;39;;;1;;;;;;adult; Carex sylvatica;actual measurement;22.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37678;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex umbrosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.31;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37688;;GERMANY;32;399160;5317299;21.32;21.56;21.1;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. three samples of each tussock;adult; Carex praecox;actual measurement;16.05;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;37742;;GERMANY;;;;16.05;;;6;;2.43;;;agg.;adult; Carex lepidocarpa;actual measurement;17.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37871;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex lepidocarpa;actual measurement;15.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37871;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex capillaris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.8;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;37936;;NORWAY;32;608437;6951855;13.23;15.94;12.04;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex davalliana;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.97;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37956;;GERMANY;32;500828;5289577;11.02;13.14;8.62;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex disticha;actual measurement;14.37;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37982;;GERMANY;33;350321;5923935;14.54;16.93;12.09;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Schoenus nigricans;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);6.06;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;37577;;NETHERLANDS;;;;6.06;6.67;5.24;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Gagea spathacea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.78;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;38650;;GERMANY;;;;25.78;28.15;23.03;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. spathaceous bract (ground leaf see UOL-LF-1-204);adult; Gagea spathacea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.33;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;38650;;GERMANY;;;;20.9;23.54;15.49;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ground leaf (spathaceous bract see UOL-LF-1-848);adult; Lilium martagon;actual measurement;27.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39063;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Deschampsia flexuosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.15;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;41982;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;18.4;23.3;14;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Deschampsia flexuosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.85;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;41982;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;12.7;14;11.1;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Deschampsia cespitosa subsp. paludosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.76;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;41235;;GERMANY;32;574586;5919706;15.72;17.91;11.06;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Festuca pratensis;actual measurement;23.29;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;41343;;GERMANY;33;350131;5924046;22.99;29.46;12.93;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Festuca pratensis;actual measurement;33.71;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;41343;;GERMANY;;;;33.71;39.59;27.83;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Viola persicifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);32.9;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35285;;GERMANY;32;;;32.9;37.67;26.89;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Viola persicifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.25;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35285;;GERMANY;32;;;29.57;34.67;24.58;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex spicata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.26;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;37285;;NETHERLANDS;;;;23.31;32.57;17.09;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex spicata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.55;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;37285;;SWEDEN;;;;26.87;29.59;23.87;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex hirta;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.01;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;37296;;GERMANY;;;;15.03;16.21;14.29;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex hirta;actual measurement;21.16;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37296;;GERMANY;33;350038;5924197;20.56;22.29;17.55;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Carex hirta;actual measurement;13.95;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;37296;;GERMANY;;;;14.18;16.01;13.28;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex hirta;actual measurement;20.08;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;37296;;GERMANY;;;;19.45;23.08;16.09;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex hirta;actual measurement;17.53434266;9;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;37296;;GERMANY;;;;17.53434266;;;6;;3.19;;;;adult; Carex hostiana;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37300;;GERMANY;32;500828;5289577;16.27;19.24;15.14;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex brizoides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.84;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37356;;GERMANY;32;;;27.48;32.88;24.32;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex brizoides;actual measurement;22.81;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;37356;;GERMANY;;;;25.22;32.03;19.5;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex caryophyllea;actual measurement;23.21;12;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;37362;;GERMANY;;;;24.15;37.94;16.86;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Poa angustifolia;actual measurement;18.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42678;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Poa angustifolia;actual measurement;12.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42678;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Setaria viridis;actual measurement;19.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42743;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hordeum secalinum;actual measurement;32.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43182;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hordeum secalinum;actual measurement;37.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43182;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hordeum secalinum;actual measurement;30.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43182;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Phleum phleoides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.52;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43239;;GERMANY;32;395157;5328511;17.4;20.96;12.87;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Festuca altissima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);36.8;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;41544;;GERMANY;32;430823;5307557;37.51;44.06;31.04;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Fritillaria meleagris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.96;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39121;;GERMANY;32;572388;5918571;25.81;30.28;20.94;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Allium triquetrum;actual measurement;23.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39242;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Najas minor;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);43.34;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39413;;GERMANY;32;455675;5452412;43.34;52.37;35.08;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Anacamptis pyramidalis;actual measurement;31.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39443;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Echinochloa crus-galli;actual measurement;26;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42222;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26;;;1;;;;;;adult; Echinochloa crus-galli;actual measurement;30.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42222;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Poa alpina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.7;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;42327;;NORWAY;32;608905;6951947;18.65;26.78;13.04;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Phragmites australis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.9;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;42412;;GERMANY;;;;15.82;16.4;15.29;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Phragmites australis;actual measurement;12.38;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;42412;;GERMANY;33;348640;5924311;12.31;13.62;10.56;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Phragmites australis;actual measurement;12.24;17;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;42412;;GERMANY;;;;12.13;15.71;8.33;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lolium remotum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;29.38;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;42844;;GERMANY;;;;30.07;37.25;25.28;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Parapholis strigosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.21;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;42872;;NETHERLANDS;32;;;28.01;29.52;26.09;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Parapholis strigosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.77;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;42872;;NETHERLANDS;;;;15.84;20;10.51;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Puccinellia rupestris;actual measurement;13.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42933;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Senecio germanicus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);40.96;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;60251;;GERMANY;32;462220;5305664;41.08;47.5;34.9;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. determinated as S. germanicus ssp. g.;adult; Rosa dumalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.71;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;60797;;GERMANY;;;;10.62;12.65;9.51;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Platanthera chlorantha;actual measurement;20.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39789;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Listera cordata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.32;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Wilmann), E-Mail: (;39947;;NORWAY;32;517706;6995547;27.23;29.49;24.9;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Listera ovata;actual measurement;23.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39948;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Listera ovata;actual measurement;20.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39948;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Atriplex prostrata;actual measurement;26.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;44815;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Atriplex prostrata;actual measurement;23;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;44815;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Atriplex prostrata;actual measurement;18.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;44815;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Atriplex prostrata;actual measurement;15.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;44815;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Blechnum spicant;actual measurement;10.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;160;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cirsium helenioides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.4;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Wilmann), E-Mail:;3067;;NORWAY;32;517650;6995550;27.03;37;21.8;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Only base leaves;adult; Cirsium helenioides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.4;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Wilmann), E-Mail: (;3067;;NORWAY;32;517650;6995550;27.03;37;21.8;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Only base leaves;adult; Crepis capillaris;actual measurement;23.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3071;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Crepis capillaris;actual measurement;21.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3071;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Crepis capillaris;actual measurement;31.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3071;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Crepis capillaris;actual measurement;28.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3071;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Crepis capillaris;actual measurement;33.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3071;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Crepis capillaris;actual measurement;29.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3071;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Crepis capillaris;actual measurement;27.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3071;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Eupatorium cannabinum;actual measurement;26.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3585;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Eupatorium cannabinum;actual measurement;37;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3585;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Eupatorium cannabinum;actual measurement;17.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3585;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Eupatorium cannabinum;actual measurement;36.83;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;3585;;GERMANY;;;;36.42;50.64;24.47;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bidens cernua;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;22.88;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3807;;GERMANY;;;;22.88;25.23;20.28;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bidens cernua;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.89;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;3807;;GERMANY;;;;28.96;31.63;27.15;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Crepis biennis;actual measurement;35.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;4230;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Crepis biennis;actual measurement;28.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;4230;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Crepis biennis;actual measurement;29.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;4230;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Puccinellia maritima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.54;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;43436;;DENMARK;;;;21.71;30.67;17.65;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hordeum jubatum;actual measurement;27.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43702;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Triticum aestivum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;22.23;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43825;;GERMANY;;;;22.29;27.06;18.54;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Typha latifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.37;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;44041;;GERMANY;;;;9.58;12.38;8.35;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Pontederia cordata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.21;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;44064;;NETHERLANDS;;;;11.02;12.05;9.83;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Diphasiastrum complanatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);7.07;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;44372;;GERMANY;32;604788;5734997;6.84;7.65;5.1;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. two samples of upper 2 cm of stem measured per plant;adult; Potamogeton obtusifolius;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);68.37;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43936;;GERMANY;32;453798.488;5891054.635;67.86;79.72;56.24;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potamogeton perfoliatus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);85.75;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43943;;GERMANY;32;583214.7008;5916354.511;86.18;100.82;72.06;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potamogeton gramineus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);35.97;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43975;;GERMANY;;;;36.41;40.85;32.93;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. floating leaves;adult; Potamogeton gramineus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);49.11;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43975;;GERMANY;;;;49.39;54.51;40.2;4;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. submersed leaves with petioles;adult; Potamogeton gramineus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);56.83;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43975;;GERMANY;;;;58.69;75.1;46.92;4;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. submersed leaves without petioles;adult; Dryopteris affinis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.19;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;44528;;GERMANY;32;430823;5307557;29.94;38.39;22.14;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Dryopteris affinis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.88;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;44528;;GERMANY;32;430823;5307557;20.75;25.53;16.26;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Apium inundatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.42;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1920;;GERMANY;32;436870;5876414;31.81;40.65;27.58;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. land form;adult; Apium inundatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.59;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1920;;GERMANY;;;;30.13;39.42;26.24;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. land form;adult; Apium inundatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);52.73;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1920;;GERMANY;32;436870;5876414;52.73;59.99;44.88;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. water form;adult; Apium inundatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);49.3;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1920;;GERMANY;32;436870;5876414;49.61;54.91;44.23;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. water form;adult; Aegopodium podagraria;actual measurement;25.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2007;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Aegopodium podagraria;actual measurement;37.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2007;;ITALY;;;;37.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aegopodium podagraria;actual measurement;23.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2007;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aegopodium podagraria;actual measurement;21.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2007;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Gymnocarpium robertianum;actual measurement;34.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;359;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Gymnocarpium robertianum;actual measurement;26.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;359;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Gymnocarpium robertianum;actual measurement;14.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;359;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lycopodium clavatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.79;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;479;;GERMANY;32;604788;5734997;21.59;24.85;18.09;10;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaves were measured;adult; Abies alba;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.04;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;697;;GERMANY;32;431028;5307908;8.04;10.95;4.94;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Daucus carota;actual measurement;22.19;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1358;;GERMANY;;;;22.73;29.02;16.88;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Daucus carota;actual measurement;19.45;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;1358;;GERMANY;;;;18.28;21.47;12.74;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Daucus carota;actual measurement;23.9549102;12;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;1358;;GERMANY;;;;23.9549102;;;6;;1.2;;;;adult; Achillea ptarmica;actual measurement;19.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;4799;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Achillea ptarmica;actual measurement;21.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;4799;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Erigeron annuus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;21.93;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;5070;;GERMANY;;;;21.26;23.74;17.88;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ammi majus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.42;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1508;;GERMANY;;;;30.42;30.42;30.42;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. spataceous bracts;adult; Ammi majus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);34.31;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1508;;GERMANY;;;;34.31;34.31;34.31;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ecotonal (transient) leaves;adult; Ammi majus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;38.6;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1508;;GERMANY;;;;38.6;38.6;38.6;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ground leaves;adult; Pentaglottis sempervirens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.15;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;11832;;NETHERLANDS;;;;25.07;30.15;20.99;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Omphalodes verna;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.77;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;11923;;NETHERLANDS;;;;22.8;25.36;19.19;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Myosotis sylvatica;actual measurement;23.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11966;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Myosotis sylvatica;actual measurement;35.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11966;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Myosotis sylvatica;actual measurement;33.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11966;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Myosotis sylvatica;actual measurement;23.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11966;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Myosotis sylvatica;actual measurement;31.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11966;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Echium vulgare;actual measurement;12.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12105;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Echium vulgare;actual measurement;16;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12105;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lithospermum officinale;actual measurement;23.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12411;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lithospermum officinale;actual measurement;20;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12411;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anchusa officinalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.12;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;12527;;SWEDEN;;;;28.33;31.64;24.31;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Capsella bursa-pastoris;actual measurement;25.9;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;12848;;GERMANY;;;;26.03;35.77;19.9;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Sisymbrium altissimum;actual measurement;24.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13034;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sisymbrium altissimum;actual measurement;17.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13034;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Asplenium septentrionale;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.39;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;116;;GERMANY;32;432178;5329852;14.42;19.37;10.9;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Senecio vulgaris;actual measurement;31.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10456;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Senecio vulgaris;actual measurement;27.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10456;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Senecio vulgaris;actual measurement;30.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10456;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Senecio vulgaris;actual measurement;20.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10456;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hypochaeris maculata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.73;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;8386;;SWEDEN;;;;22.48;27.56;19.48;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Inula conyza;actual measurement;16.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;8404;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Inula conyza;actual measurement;13.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;8404;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hieracium x floribundum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.14;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;8859;;GERMANY;;;;24.88;28.21;22.36;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. determinated as Hieracium floribundum;adult; Taraxacum Sec. Erythrosperma;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.41;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9235;;GERMANY;32;392790;5303571;20.22;24.33;17.66;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Matricaria maritima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.38;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9565;;GERMANY;32;482811;5883875;23.12;28.57;20.06;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Matricaria maritima;actual measurement;17.09759735;15;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;9565;;GERMANY;;;;17.09759735;;;6;;1.98;;;;adult; Tussilago farfara;actual measurement;21.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9608;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Tussilago farfara;actual measurement;20;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9608;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Tussilago farfara;actual measurement;23.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9608;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Tussilago farfara;actual measurement;13.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9608;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Leontodon incanus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.36;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6757;;GERMANY;32;499419;5322615;21.47;24.42;19.81;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lactuca tatarica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.9;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;7416;;GERMANY;;;;18.43;22.68;15.64;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hieracium acuminatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.86;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;7467;;GERMANY;32;507273;5354485;19.92;22.89;18.17;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hieracium acuminatum;actual measurement;32.33;9;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;7467;;GERMANY;;;;31.23;37.54;22.32;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Solidago virgaurea;actual measurement;14.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9820;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Solidago virgaurea;actual measurement;32;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9820;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Solidago virgaurea;actual measurement;13.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9820;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Tanacetum corymbosum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.14;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9823;;GERMANY;32;507273;5354485;18.26;20.87;15.94;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Tanacetum corymbosum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.7;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9823;;GERMANY;32;507273;5354485;16.77;18.88;15.08;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chenopodium album;actual measurement;15.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17842;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Chenopodium album;actual measurement;19.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17842;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chenopodium album;actual measurement;19;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17842;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19;;;1;;;;;;adult; Chenopodium album;actual measurement;15;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17842;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chenopodium album;actual measurement;14.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17842;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chenopodium album;actual measurement;20.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17842;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Fagus sylvatica;actual measurement;11.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22485;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.3;;;5;0.78;;;00:00.0;;adult; Fagus sylvatica;actual measurement;11.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22485;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.8;;;5;1.26;;;00:00.0;;adult; Fagus sylvatica;actual measurement;14.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22485;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.3;;;5;1.42;;;00:00.0;;adult; Fagus sylvatica;actual measurement;11.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22485;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.7;;;5;0.6;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chenopodium polyspermum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);38.55;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17882;;GERMANY;;;;35.62;43.04;25.11;1;;;0;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chenopodium polyspermum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);37.21;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17882;;GERMANY;;;;34.82;42.54;24.45;1;;;0;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chenopodium polyspermum;actual measurement;29.12216296;12;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;17882;;GERMANY;;;;29.12216296;;;6;;3.49;;;;adult; Suaeda maritima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.89;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17972;;GERMANY;32;625944;5794830;10.92;13.87;8.31;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Limonium binervosum;actual measurement;12.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28471;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sisymbrium orientale;actual measurement;21;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13042;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21;;;1;;;;;;adult; Sisymbrium orientale;actual measurement;19.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13042;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sisymbrium orientale;actual measurement;27;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13042;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sisymbrium orientale;actual measurement;22.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13042;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Oenanthe lachenalii;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.44;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2104;;GERMANY;32;353073;5941494;15.75;20.67;11.95;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Asarum europaeum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.62;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2429;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;29.8;35.33;22.18;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Asarum europaeum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.63;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2429;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;25.23;29.49;19.25;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lactuca serriola;actual measurement;18.07146099;17;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;6360;;GERMANY;;;;18.07146099;;;6;;0.58;;;;adult; Jurinea cyanoides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.13;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6414;;GERMANY;32;475305;5464410;9.41;11.75;7.41;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lapsana communis;actual measurement;43;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;6629;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;43;;;1;;;;;;adult; Lapsana communis;actual measurement;60.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;6629;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;60.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lapsana communis;actual measurement;45;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;6629;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;45;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rorippa amphibia;actual measurement;14.08115857;13;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;13138;;GERMANY;;;;14.08115857;;;6;;1.33;;;;adult; Coronopus didymus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);42.77;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13200;;GERMANY;32;450153;5426634;42.77;49.47;36.94;4;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rumex stenophyllus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.29;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27453;;GERMANY;32;645939.1681;5889271.272;20.55;22.12;19.25;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rumex stenophyllus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.73;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27453;;GERMANY;32;645939.1681;5889271.272;19.62;21.48;17.65;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rumex stenophyllus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.71;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27453;;GERMANY;32;646162.8498;5888614.18;27.71;29.63;25.79;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rumex stenophyllus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.66;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27453;;GERMANY;32;646162.8498;5888614.18;26.66;28.99;24.34;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rumex thyrsiflorus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.4;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27457;;GERMANY;32;583214.7008;5916354.511;23.72;32.1;18.24;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rumex thyrsiflorus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.46;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27457;;GERMANY;32;583214.7008;5916354.511;18.69;24.74;14.71;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rumex maritimus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);44.58;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;27537;;GERMANY;;;;44.37;47.15;41.54;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rumex maritimus;actual measurement;38.13838189;15;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;27537;;GERMANY;;;;38.13838189;;;6;;2.8;;;;adult; Rumex obtusifolius;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);45.51;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;27542;;GERMANY;;;;45.25;49.84;40.39;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rumex obtusifolius;actual measurement;21.94;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;27542;;GERMANY;;;;22.43;28.19;18.56;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rumex palustris;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;25.33;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27549;;GERMANY;;;;25.02;30.97;18.16;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rumex palustris;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;21.74;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27549;;GERMANY;;;;22.12;26.54;18.3;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Reynoutria japonica;actual measurement;24.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27574;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Reynoutria japonica;actual measurement;16.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27574;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Reynoutria japonica;actual measurement;20.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27574;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Reynoutria japonica;actual measurement;15.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27574;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Reynoutria japonica;actual measurement;18.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27574;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rumex acetosella;actual measurement;17.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27601;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rumex acetosella;actual measurement;26.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27601;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rumex acetosella;actual measurement;21.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27601;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rumex acetosella;actual measurement;16.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27601;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Umbilicus rupestris;actual measurement;29;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18389;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Umbilicus rupestris;actual measurement;18.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18389;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Umbilicus rupestris;actual measurement;51;1;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18389;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;51;;;4;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hypericum tetrapterum;actual measurement;27.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23203;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hypericum tetrapterum;actual measurement;44.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23203;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;44.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium pyrenaicum;actual measurement;30.26;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;22631;;GERMANY;;;;29.73;33.06;23.74;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Sedum acre;actual measurement;11.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18178;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Sedum acre;actual measurement;15.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18178;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Helianthemum nummularium;actual measurement;16.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18594;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Helianthemum nummularium;actual measurement;19.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18594;;SPAIN;;;;19.2;;;2;;;;;;adult; Helianthemum nummularium;actual measurement;13.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18594;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.7;;;5;1.87;;;00:00.0;;adult; Helianthemum nummularium;actual measurement;11.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18594;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.7;;;5;0.9;;;00:00.0;;adult; Helianthemum nummularium;actual measurement;14;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18594;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14;;;5;1.73;;;00:00.0;;adult; Helianthemum nummularium;actual measurement;17.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18594;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hypericum elodes;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.36;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23279;;GERMANY;32;436870;5876414;28.12;38.98;22.86;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sonchus oleraceus;actual measurement;37.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10587;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Sonchus oleraceus;actual measurement;28.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10587;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Sonchus oleraceus;actual measurement;28;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10587;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sonchus oleraceus;actual measurement;80.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10587;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;80.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Sonchus oleraceus;actual measurement;40.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10587;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;40.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sonchus oleraceus;actual measurement;29.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10587;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Minuartia hybrida;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.98;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;16496;;GERMANY;32;397565;5316827;20.84;24.56;14.42;10;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Honkenya peploides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.44;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;16523;;GERMANY;32;622547.8761;5975957.297;17.17;48.56;9.22;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Reseda alba;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;20.48;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27957;;GERMANY;;;;20.48;24.02;18.21;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Pinguicula alpina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);48.84;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;26120;;NORWAY;32;608349;6951814;50.65;64.11;36.66;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sinapis alba;actual measurement;14.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13450;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Teesdalia nudicaulis;actual measurement;36.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13470;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Teesdalia nudicaulis;actual measurement;21.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13470;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polygonum amphibium;actual measurement;16.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27725;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polygonum amphibium;actual measurement;14.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27725;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polygonum amphibium;actual measurement;19.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27725;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polygonum aviculare;actual measurement;24.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27740;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Polygonum aviculare;actual measurement;33.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27740;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polygonum aviculare;actual measurement;32.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27740;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polygonum aviculare;actual measurement;27.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27740;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Polygonum aviculare;actual measurement;29.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27740;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polygonum aviculare;actual measurement;26.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27740;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Plantago media;actual measurement;20.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27756;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Plantago media;actual measurement;18.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27756;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Plantago media;actual measurement;12.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27756;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hippocrepis comosa;actual measurement;14.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21868;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hippocrepis comosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.84;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21868;;FRANCE;32;370995;5313962;16.88;19.71;13.7;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hippocrepis comosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.03;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21868;;FRANCE;32;370995;5313962;15.23;17.08;12.86;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hippocrepis comosa;actual measurement;14.66;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;21868;;GERMANY;;;;13.95;16.38;11.06;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Onobrychis viciifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.72;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21874;;GERMANY;32;547000;5380000;20.61;23.54;19.08;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Onobrychis viciifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.01;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21874;;GERMANY;32;547000;5380000;18.33;21.08;16.9;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lotus corniculatus;actual measurement;23.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21886;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Lotus corniculatus;actual measurement;22.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21886;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lotus corniculatus;actual measurement;13.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21886;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Lotus corniculatus;actual measurement;19.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21886;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Lotus corniculatus;actual measurement;28.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21886;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lotus corniculatus;actual measurement;31;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21886;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31;;;2;;;;;;adult; Lotus corniculatus;actual measurement;28;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21886;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Omalotheca norvegica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;11511;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;18.97;21.2;17.7;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Omalotheca norvegica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.9;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;11511;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;20.83;21.8;19.9;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Mahonia aquifolium;actual measurement;10;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11687;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10;;;1;;;;;;adult; Mahonia aquifolium;actual measurement;9.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11687;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Mahonia aquifolium;actual measurement;8.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11687;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;8.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Mahonia aquifolium;actual measurement;8.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11687;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;8.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Oenothera erythrosepala;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;24.41;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26448;;GERMANY;;;;24.49;30.1;19.45;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Oenothera erythrosepala;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;23.69;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26448;;GERMANY;;;;23.92;29.48;18.89;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ludwigia palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.16;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26480;;GERMANY;32;450153;5426634;25.22;30.16;21.3;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ludwigia palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.43;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26480;;GERMANY;32;450153;5426634;24.45;29.02;20.65;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ludwigia palustris;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;39.19;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26480;;GERMANY;;;;39.19;44.1;34.76;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ludwigia palustris;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;38.24;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26480;;GERMANY;;;;38.24;41.94;34.67;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Epilobium dodonaei;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.53;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26526;;GERMANY;;;;11.53;14.06;9.33;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Minuartia verna;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.7;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17060;;GERMANY;32;595451;5754355;23.7;26.94;20.2;10;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium aureum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);45.25;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21992;;GERMANY;32;613911;5720594;45.25;55.79;34.78;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium aureum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);47.22;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21992;;GERMANY;32;613911;5720594;45.68;54.92;34.52;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium aureum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;30.73;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21992;;GERMANY;;;;30.73;33.02;28.44;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium aureum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;30.12;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21992;;GERMANY;;;;30.12;32.26;27.98;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Phaseolus vulgaris;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;18.1;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22039;;GERMANY;;;;18.19;25.65;11.85;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Phaseolus vulgaris;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;15.96;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22039;;GERMANY;;;;16.3;23.04;10.63;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lotus pedunculatus;actual measurement;24.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21444;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lotus pedunculatus;actual measurement;24.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21444;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Tetragonolobus maritimus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.15;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21564;;GERMANY;32;503813;5354495;21.99;24.78;18.87;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Tetragonolobus maritimus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.89;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21564;;GERMANY;32;392850;5303646;16.89;16.89;16.89;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Tetragonolobus maritimus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.65;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21564;;GERMANY;32;392850;5303646;16.65;16.65;16.65;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Senecio erucifolius;actual measurement;13.1;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;11230;;GERMANY;;;;13.4;14.78;12.61;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Logfia minima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.36;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11400;;GERMANY;32;449215.322;5882857.915;32.86;33.52;31.71;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Logfia minima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);31.53;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11400;;GERMANY;32;449141.3516;5883035.844;32.23;49.41;11.79;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ligustrum vulgare;actual measurement;11.2;1;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Copenhagen, Department of Ecology, Section of Botany, DK (Kollmann), E-Mail:;26363;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.2;11.2;11.2;3;;;50;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lychnis viscaria;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.84;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;16593;;GERMANY;33;534386.24;6251855.257;14.29;17.9;11.81;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Stellaria neglecta;actual measurement;75.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16759;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;75.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Stellaria neglecta;actual measurement;53.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16759;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;53.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Astragalus frigidus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.73;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;21746;;NORWAY;32;609331;6951972;28.03;37.74;22.78;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Coronilla emerus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);38.72;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21806;;GERMANY;32;389536;5282872;40.13;46.53;35.13;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Illecebrum verticillatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);57.96;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17139;;GERMANY;32;655402;5881580;57.96;76.77;44.13;9;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salvia pratensis;actual measurement;32.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24299;;ITALY;;;;32.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Prunella vulgaris;actual measurement;34.82;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24350;;GERMANY;33;348957;5924696;35.99;46.11;31.11;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Prunella vulgaris;actual measurement;31.2;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24350;;GERMANY;33;348957;5924696;32.4;41.38;27.77;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Prunella vulgaris;actual measurement;24.06;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;24350;;GERMANY;;;;24.14;28.47;19.84;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Prunella vulgaris;actual measurement;21.72;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;24350;;GERMANY;;;;22.59;26.57;19.69;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scutellaria galericulata;actual measurement;42.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24386;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;42.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Scutellaria galericulata;actual measurement;31.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24386;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galeopsis tetrahit;actual measurement;34.7;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;24648;;GERMANY;;;;35.95;41.53;31.61;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Galeopsis tetrahit;actual measurement;32.96;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;24648;;GERMANY;;;;34.77;39.65;31.69;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bunias orientalis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;27.5;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14415;;GERMANY;;;;27.5;30.61;24.4;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bunias orientalis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;19.34;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14415;;GERMANY;;;;19.34;22.45;16.23;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vaccinium uliginosum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.41;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19479;;GERMANY;32;426519;5302837;18.63;22.87;15.87;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vaccinium uliginosum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.56;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19479;;GERMANY;32;426519;5302837;18.08;22.13;15.56;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Stachys officinalis;actual measurement;16.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24916;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Stachys officinalis;actual measurement;21.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24916;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Stachys officinalis;actual measurement;14.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24916;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lysimachia nummularia;actual measurement;35.49;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;28922;;GERMANY;;;;38.65;50.96;32.73;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lysimachia nummularia;actual measurement;26.21799486;19;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;28922;;GERMANY;;;;26.21799486;;;6;;0.97;;;;adult; Anagallis minima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);60.1;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28953;;GERMANY;;;;60.13;79.01;48.8;10;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vaccinium vitis-idaea;actual measurement;6.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19439;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;6.9;;;5;1.11;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Vaccinium vitis-idaea;actual measurement;12.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19439;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.8;;;5;3.63;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Vaccinium vitis-idaea;actual measurement;6.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19439;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;6.2;;;5;0.89;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Vaccinium vitis-idaea;actual measurement;9.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19439;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.3;;;5;1.65;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Empetrum nigrum;actual measurement;10.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19449;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.7;;;15;1.43;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Empetrum nigrum;actual measurement;6.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19449;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;6.7;;;15;0.44;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Empetrum nigrum;actual measurement;9.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19449;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.5;;;15;1.49;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Empetrum nigrum;actual measurement;5.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19449;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;5.4;;;15;0.33;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Cardamine pratensis;actual measurement;16.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14249;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cardamine pratensis;actual measurement;27;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14249;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cardamine pratensis;actual measurement;15;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14249;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cardamine pratensis;actual measurement;18.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14249;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus repens;actual measurement;20.42;19;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26770;;GERMANY;33;349779;5924010;20.42;27.09;8.83;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Ranunculus repens;actual measurement;22.73;19;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26770;;GERMANY;33;349779;5924010;23.79;38.11;16.44;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Ranunculus repens;actual measurement;19.21;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;26770;;GERMANY;;;;19.13;22.94;14.24;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Ranunculus repens;actual measurement;16.71;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;26770;;GERMANY;;;;17.48;24.75;13.79;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Ranunculus repens;actual measurement;19.73549477;17;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;26770;;GERMANY;;;;19.73549477;;;6;;0.88;;;;adult; Ranunculus platanifolius;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.04;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;26778;;NORWAY;32;611612;6965329;20.38;27.42;16.06;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus polyanthemos;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.77;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26780;;GERMANY;32;613911;5720594;28.77;28.77;28.77;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. determinated as Ranunculus polyanthemophyllos;adult; Ranunculus polyanthemos;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.08;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26780;;GERMANY;32;613911;5720594;19.08;19.08;19.08;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. determinated as Ranunculus polyanthemophyllos;adult; Potentilla norvegica;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;26.33;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29685;;GERMANY;;;;27;36.42;21.07;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potentilla norvegica;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;23.27;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29685;;GERMANY;;;;23.27;33.67;17.06;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Medicago lupulina;actual measurement;32.81;20;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kühner), Corresponding address:;20595;;GERMANY;;;;35.54;78.68;22.92;1;;;0;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaves scanned with hand scanner, single leaves measured, not linked to individual plants;adult; Medicago lupulina;actual measurement;25.28;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;20595;;GERMANY;;;;27.27;34.9;23.24;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Medicago lupulina;actual measurement;25.54;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;20595;;GERMANY;;;;24.81;30.32;21.14;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ononis repens;actual measurement;27.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20645;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ononis repens;actual measurement;25.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20645;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ononis repens;actual measurement;21.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20645;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ononis repens;actual measurement;20.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20645;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium resupinatum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;35.55;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20696;;GERMANY;;;;36.43;42.2;32.03;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium resupinatum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;32.39;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20696;;GERMANY;;;;32.78;38.74;29.14;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Caragana arborescens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.53;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20788;;GERMANY;32;399564;5326108;23.53;23.53;23.53;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Linum catharticum;actual measurement;27.82;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;25925;;GERMANY;;;;34.56;78.23;12.73;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Linum catharticum;actual measurement;33.79;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;25925;;GERMANY;;;;32.32;37.86;26.39;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lythrum salicaria;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.13;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;26038;;GERMANY;;;;22.97;23.67;21.06;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Epilobium alpestre;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);32.53;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26069;;GERMANY;32;426814;8303722;33.45;42.87;29.32;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Epilobium angustifolium;actual measurement;21;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26075;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21;;;1;;;;;;adult; Epilobium angustifolium;actual measurement;20.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26075;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Epilobium angustifolium;actual measurement;28.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26075;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Epilobium angustifolium;actual measurement;18.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26075;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.9;;;2;;;;;;adult; Thymus serpyllum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.02;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24928;;GERMANY;32;;;17.56;20.88;13.81;5;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sambucus nigra;actual measurement;19.5;1;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Copenhagen, Department of Ecology, Section of Botany, DK (Kollmann), E-Mail:;15363;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.5;19.5;19.5;3;;;50;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sambucus racemosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);34.41;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15364;;GERMANY;32;426823;5309802;34.41;42.67;23.75;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sambucus racemosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);31.01;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15364;;GERMANY;32;426823;5309802;31.01;38.08;21.57;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lonicera caprifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.8;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15368;;GERMANY;;;;19.55;23.85;16.72;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lonicera caprifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.73;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15368;;GERMANY;;;;19.22;23.49;16.51;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lonicera etrusca;actual measurement;13.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15370;;SPAIN;;;;13.2;;;2;;;;;;adult; Callitriche hamulata;actual measurement;35.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15444;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Arctostaphylos uva-ursi;actual measurement;6.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19582;;SPAIN;;;;6.4;;;2;;;;;;adult; Arctostaphylos uva-ursi;actual measurement;6.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19582;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;6.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Knautia arvensis;actual measurement;16.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19058;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Knautia arvensis;actual measurement;14.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19058;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Knautia arvensis;actual measurement;22.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19058;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Knautia arvensis;actual measurement;20.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19058;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.8;;;2;;;;;;adult; Knautia arvensis;actual measurement;18.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19058;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.7;;;2;;;;;;adult; Ranunculus acris;actual measurement;19.22;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26865;;GERMANY;33;349633;5924167;19.27;24.97;14.17;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Ranunculus acris;actual measurement;21.99;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26865;;GERMANY;33;349633;5924167;21.54;27.82;15.49;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Ranunculus acris;actual measurement;20.69;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;26865;;GERMANY;;;;20.81;26.19;15.69;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Ranunculus acris;actual measurement;18.67;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;26865;;GERMANY;;;;20.28;24.24;16.07;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Ranunculus acris;actual measurement;16.4216532;14;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;26865;;GERMANY;;;;16.4216532;;;6;;0.85;;;;adult; Ranunculus fluitans;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.01;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26881;;GERMANY;32;402549;5340690;21.67;39.06;13.35;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus arvensis;actual measurement;27.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27014;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Spergularia rubra;actual measurement;21.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17650;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Spergularia rubra;actual measurement;21.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17650;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Atriplex oblongifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.82;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17673;;GERMANY;33;448115;5873828;17.12;19.66;14.07;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Atriplex oblongifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.55;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17673;;GERMANY;33;448115;5873828;16.86;19.38;13.92;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Atriplex calotheca;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;17.74;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17758;;GERMANY;;;;17.92;19.3;16.74;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Atriplex calotheca;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;16.57;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17758;;GERMANY;;;;16.75;18;15.66;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Atriplex laciniata;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;16.76;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17773;;GERMANY;;;;16.7;21.48;13.35;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Atriplex laciniata;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;16.14;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17773;;GERMANY;;;;16.06;20.81;13.01;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Atriplex littoralis;actual measurement;21.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17778;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Atriplex littoralis;actual measurement;17;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17778;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Atriplex littoralis;actual measurement;12.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17778;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rorippa palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);37.61;18;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;14626;;NETHERLANDS;;;;34.85;50.86;22.74;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Armeria maritima s. maritima;actual measurement;10.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28229;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Armeria maritima s. maritima;actual measurement;7.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28229;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Armeria maritima s. maritima;actual measurement;11;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28229;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11;;;5;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vicia sativa;actual measurement;22.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22143;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Vicia sativa;actual measurement;15.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22143;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vicia sativa;actual measurement;20.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22143;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vicia sativa;actual measurement;20.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22143;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Vicia sativa;actual measurement;24.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22143;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vicia sativa;actual measurement;21.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22143;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lupinus polyphyllus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.48;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;22241;;NETHERLANDS;;;;19.01;21.24;13.83;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lupinus polyphyllus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.41;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;22241;;SWEDEN;;;;16.84;18.36;14.63;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Phacelia tanacetifolia;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;28.86;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25220;;GERMANY;;;;29.31;34.74;26.31;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Laurus nobilis;actual measurement;10.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25247;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Laurus nobilis;actual measurement;6.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25247;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;6.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Nuphar lutea;actual measurement;18.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25253;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Alchemilla subglobosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.68;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29864;;GERMANY;32;611745;5729944;21.03;23.41;19.34;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rubus saxatilis;actual measurement;17.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29888;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Rubus saxatilis;actual measurement;23.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29888;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Agrimonia procera;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.95;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29916;;GERMANY;32;613911;5720594;20.95;24.73;17.35;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Agrimonia procera;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.22;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29916;;GERMANY;32;613911;5720594;18.22;21.07;16.38;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lathyrus latifolius;actual measurement;25.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21002;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Lathyrus latifolius;actual measurement;17.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21002;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Lathyrus latifolius;actual measurement;14.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21002;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Lathyrus latifolius;actual measurement;16.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21002;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ulex europaeus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);4.01;12;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21090;;GERMANY;;;;3.99;4.47;3.39;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Myrica gale;actual measurement;12.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25316;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Campanula rapunculoides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.34;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;15082;;NETHERLANDS;;;;25.51;29.88;20.97;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Campanula rapunculoides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.87;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;15082;;NETHERLANDS;;;;34.54;39.25;31.46;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Campanula rapunculus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.03;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;15083;;NETHERLANDS;;;;31.98;39.05;26.87;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Prunus laurocerasus;actual measurement;6.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29962;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;6.1;;;5;0.65;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Prunus laurocerasus;actual measurement;10;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29962;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10;;;5;1.18;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Prunus laurocerasus;actual measurement;4.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29962;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;4.8;;;5;0.27;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Prunus laurocerasus;actual measurement;6.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29962;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;6.8;;;5;0.44;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Crataegus monogyna;actual measurement;11.42;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;29980;;GERMANY;;;;11.4;14.32;9.2;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Crataegus monogyna;actual measurement;16.01;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;29980;;GERMANY;;;;15.94;17.57;14.16;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Fumaria officinalis;actual measurement;15.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25549;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Fumaria officinalis;actual measurement;20.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25549;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Fumaria officinalis;actual measurement;26.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25549;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Fumaria officinalis;actual measurement;37.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25549;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Euphorbia serrulata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);51.04;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20055;;GERMANY;32;401207;5327428;52.12;58.97;46.32;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Thlaspi arvense;actual measurement;16.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13825;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Thlaspi arvense;actual measurement;37.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13825;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Thlaspi arvense;actual measurement;30.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13825;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Thlaspi arvense;actual measurement;20;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13825;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Thlaspi arvense;actual measurement;17.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13825;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Fragaria viridis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.51;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29358;;GERMANY;;;;17.51;19.18;14.98;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Fragaria viridis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.73;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29358;;GERMANY;;;;15.85;17.6;13.74;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Fragaria viridis;actual measurement;13.08;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;29358;;GERMANY;;;;13.08;13.08;13.08;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Aphanes arvensis;actual measurement;17;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29391;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17;;;1;;;;;;adult; Aphanes arvensis;actual measurement;19.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29391;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Aphanes arvensis;actual measurement;16.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29391;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Prunella grandiflora;actual measurement;20.11;16;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;23985;;GERMANY;;;;20.16;25.03;16.02;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lamium hybridum;actual measurement;25.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24187;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Euphorbia dulcis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.27;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20247;;GERMANY;32;;;33.27;35.76;29.73;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vicia sepium;actual measurement;38.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20357;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;38.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vicia sepium;actual measurement;30;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20357;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30;;;1;;;;;;adult; Vicia sepium;actual measurement;50.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20357;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;50.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Mentha arvensis;actual measurement;46.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23905;;ITALY;;;;46.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Mentha arvensis;actual measurement;28.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23905;;ITALY;;;;28.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Mentha arvensis;actual measurement;29.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23905;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Mentha arvensis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);57.33;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23905;;GERMANY;32;398972.4272;5835245.967;56.22;63.78;47.55;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Mentha arvensis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);57.69;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23905;;GERMANY;32;398972.4272;5835245.967;55.35;61.16;47.2;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salvia officinalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.12;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23945;;GERMANY;;;;11.12;13.49;6.15;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salvia officinalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.82;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23945;;GERMANY;;;;11.43;13.73;9.81;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hesperis matronalis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;42.8;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14004;;GERMANY;;;;42.8;42.8;42.8;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hesperis matronalis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;40.92;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14004;;GERMANY;;;;40.92;40.92;40.92;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Silene dioica;actual measurement;24.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17578;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Silene dioica;actual measurement;33.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17578;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Silene dioica;actual measurement;31.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17578;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Silene linicola;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;28.13;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17593;;GERMANY;;;;28.18;35.25;23.21;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Calystegia sepium;actual measurement;40.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18945;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;40.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Calystegia sepium;actual measurement;37.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18945;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Calystegia sepium;actual measurement;33.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18945;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Calystegia sepium;actual measurement;37.17;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;18945;;GERMANY;;;;35.46;41.21;28.85;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rosa arvensis;actual measurement;21.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31158;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rosa arvensis;actual measurement;21.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31158;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.9;;;5;1.82;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rosa arvensis;actual measurement;22.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31158;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.7;;;5;2.48;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rosa arvensis;actual measurement;22.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31158;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.2;;;5;2.86;;;00:00.0;;adult; Populus tremula;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.58;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32680;;GERMANY;;;;13.45;14.87;11.78;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Populus tremula;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.03;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32680;;GERMANY;;;;12.07;13.45;10.97;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Populus tremula;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.64;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32680;;GERMANY;32;571308;5918300;19.26;23.52;17.19;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Populus tremula;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.09;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32680;;GERMANY;32;571308;5918300;17.42;21.23;15.79;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Verbascum phlomoides;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;18.08;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32841;;GERMANY;;;;18.39;20.82;16.48;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Odontites verna;actual measurement;22.22;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;33007;;GERMANY;;;;23.09;30.73;18.17;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Odontites verna subsp. litoralis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.92;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33008;;DENMARK;;;;15.66;20.88;12.24;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Euphrasia officinalis;actual measurement;14.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33149;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Euphrasia officinalis;actual measurement;11.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33149;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Euphrasia officinalis;actual measurement;12.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33149;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Euphrasia officinalis;actual measurement;30.57;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;33149;;GERMANY;;;;30.55;35.22;25.25;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Digitalis grandiflora;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.17;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33169;;GERMANY;32;426444;5303165;22.42;29.36;18.88;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Verbascum densiflorum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;26.23;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33851;;GERMANY;;;;26.23;26.23;26.23;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Verbascum densiflorum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;21.2;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33851;;GERMANY;;;;20.89;25.27;15.88;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Verbascum densiflorum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.69;3;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33851;;GERMANY;32;449150.348;5883129.806;13.89;18.02;10.96;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Verbascum densiflorum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.45;5;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33851;;GERMANY;32;449101.3676;5883235.764;9.67;13.4;7.6;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hieracium amplexicaule;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.19;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;33881;;NETHERLANDS;;;;27.82;31.64;20.06;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Geum urbanum;actual measurement;48.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30638;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;48.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Geum urbanum;actual measurement;40.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30638;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;40.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Geum urbanum;actual measurement;34.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30638;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geum urbanum;actual measurement;22.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30638;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Juncus filiformis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.83;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36023;;SWEDEN;33;534337.2596;6251697.32;10.11;12.22;8.03;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Tamus communis;actual measurement;35.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36357;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Tamus communis;actual measurement;28;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36357;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28;;;1;;;;;;adult; Tamus communis;actual measurement;27.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36357;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Saxifraga paniculata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.61;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31528;;GERMANY;32;499419;5322615;8.47;12.95;5.41;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Saxifraga tridactylites;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);34.44;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31616;;GERMANY;;;;34.44;50.67;24;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galium saxatile;actual measurement;22.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31769;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Galium saxatile;actual measurement;19;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31769;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19;;;1;;;;;;adult; Galium saxatile;actual measurement;26.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31769;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium saxatile;actual measurement;24.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31769;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium odoratum;actual measurement;26.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31805;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium rotundifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);55.73;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32103;;GERMANY;32;413683;5307838;55.28;58.2;51.46;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galium rotundifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);36.18936482;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Römermann), E-Mail:;32103;;GERMANY;;;;36.18936482;;;2;4.411601424;;;;;adult; Galium album subsp. pycnotrichum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.76;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32314;;FRANCE;32;370995;5313962;21.17;24.17;16.57;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Thesium pyrenaicum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.41;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32417;;GERMANY;32;507273;5354485;19.35;23.44;14.6;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Thesium pyrenaicum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);53;13;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32417;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;56.63;81.1;34.86;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Thesium pyrenaicum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);54.18;2;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32417;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;54.18;55.46;52.9;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rubus caesius;actual measurement;29.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30108;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rubus caesius;actual measurement;15.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30108;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rubus caesius;actual measurement;13.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30108;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potentilla tabernaemontani;actual measurement;16.75;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;30295;;GERMANY;;;;17.28;20.24;14.99;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Alchemilla subcrenata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.95;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;30359;;NORWAY;32;572830;7033302;16.62;21.58;13.72;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Nicotiana rustica;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;18.02;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34935;;GERMANY;;;;17.92;19.39;16.01;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Soleirolia soleirolii;actual measurement;17.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35142;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Soleirolia soleirolii;actual measurement;33.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35142;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bartsia alpina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.86;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34451;;GERMANY;32;426444;5303165;25.44;30.55;21.66;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Daphne mezereum;actual measurement;26.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34610;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Daphne mezereum;actual measurement;22.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34610;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.6;;;5;1.99;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica officinalis;actual measurement;17.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33764;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chaenorhinum minus;actual measurement;23.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33202;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chaenorhinum minus;actual measurement;20.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33202;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chaenorhinum minus;actual measurement;16.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33202;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chaenorhinum minus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);50.26;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33202;;GERMANY;32;507089;5354408;53.2;67.18;46.15;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cymbalaria pallida;actual measurement;40.8;2;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33229;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;40.8;;;5;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anarrhinum bellidifolium;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;15.58;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33247;;GERMANY;;;;16.36;21.1;12.65;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ground leaves;adult; Anarrhinum bellidifolium;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;14.6;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33247;;GERMANY;;;;14.43;15.86;12.35;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. stem leaves;adult; Antirrhinum majus;actual measurement;14.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33261;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Antirrhinum majus;actual measurement;14;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33261;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14;;;1;;;;;;adult; Antirrhinum majus;actual measurement;27.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33261;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Antirrhinum majus;actual measurement;18.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33261;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Antirrhinum majus;actual measurement;11.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33261;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex scandinavica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.75;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37016;;GERMANY;;;;16.38;19.33;14.45;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Eleocharis uniglumis;actual measurement;15.05;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37127;;GERMANY;;;;14.62;17.71;9.43;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Carex pilosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.46;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37256;;GERMANY;32;399913;5318138;25.41;30.34;23.22;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex pseudocyperus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.73;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;37263;;GERMANY;;;;22.91;24.18;22;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Festuca ovina;actual measurement;12.06;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40171;;GERMANY;;;;12;21.87;2.8;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Festuca ovina;actual measurement;9.08;13;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;40171;;GERMANY;;;;8.84;11.42;5.66;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Festuca ovina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.06;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;40171;;NETHERLANDS;;;;25.19;33.33;21.05;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Calamagrostis stricta;actual measurement;18.76;20;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kühner), Corresponding address:;40265;;GERMANY;;;;18;21.92;13.49;1;;;0;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaves scanned with hand scanner, single leaves measured, not linked to individual plants;adult; Ammophila arenaria;actual measurement;5.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40398;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;5.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ammophila arenaria;actual measurement;4.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40398;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;4.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Ammophila arenaria;actual measurement;8.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40398;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;8.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus arvensis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;25.61;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40609;;GERMANY;;;;25.6;29.51;20.52;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. collection date of #1 is 2004-10-13;adult; Glyceria fluitans;actual measurement;41;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40814;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;41;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Glyceria fluitans;actual measurement;45.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40814;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;45.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Brachypodium pinnatum;actual measurement;20.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40931;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Brachypodium pinnatum;actual measurement;27.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40931;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Brachypodium pinnatum;actual measurement;24.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40931;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Brachypodium pinnatum;actual measurement;21.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40931;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Calamagrostis epigejos;actual measurement;14.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41199;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Calamagrostis epigejos;actual measurement;12.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41199;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Verbascum lychnitis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;13.78;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33779;;GERMANY;;;;14.7;19.27;11.52;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Viola arvensis;actual measurement;28.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35403;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Viola arvensis;actual measurement;19.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35403;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Viola arvensis;actual measurement;26.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35403;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Viola arvensis;actual measurement;25.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35403;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Viola arvensis;actual measurement;20.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35403;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sagittaria sagittifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);72.2;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35605;;GERMANY;32;451051.5872;5892735.962;77.31;102.85;53.21;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. f. vallisneriifolia, submerged leaves /rosette leaves;adult; Sagittaria sagittifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.18;7;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35605;;GERMANY;32;453798.488;5891054.635;22.19;35.43;17.11;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. airborne leaves without petiole;adult; Sagittaria sagittifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.41;7;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35605;;GERMANY;32;453798.488;5891054.635;15.32;23.72;12.44;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. airborne leaves with;adult; Sagittaria sagittifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.13;7;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35605;;GERMANY;32;453798.488;5891054.635;28.09;51.2;18.35;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. swim leaves without petiole;adult; Sagittaria sagittifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.21;7;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35605;;GERMANY;32;453798.488;5891054.635;24.28;44.79;15.62;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. swim leaves with;adult; Carex flacca;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.35;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;37912;;GERMANY;;;;14.19;15.35;12.61;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex flacca;actual measurement;20.62;11;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37912;;GERMANY;33;348715;5924952;21.8;37.93;15.55;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Carex flacca;actual measurement;11.99;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;37912;;GERMANY;;;;11.92;13.71;10.1;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex flacca;actual measurement;12.98;16;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;37912;;GERMANY;;;;13.58;21.6;10.32;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex cespitosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.51;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37943;;GERMANY;32;492188;5328282;25.75;33.84;18.97;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex acuta;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.15;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;38000;;GERMANY;;;;16.17;18.44;14.78;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex acuta;actual measurement;15.07;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;38000;;GERMANY;;;;15.27;20.24;10.75;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex acuta;actual measurement;10.11583582;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;38000;;GERMANY;;;;10.11583582;;;6;;0.52;;;;adult; Carex binervis;actual measurement;10.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;38036;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Blysmus rufus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.49;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37423;;GERMANY;32;352666;5942122;10;12.91;7.73;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex acutiformis;actual measurement;14;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37460;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex acutiformis;actual measurement;16.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37460;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Eriophorum latifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.64;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37555;;GERMANY;;;;14.54;16.97;12.79;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. only small upper stem leaves measured;adult; Schoenus ferrugineus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.25;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37576;;GERMANY;32;500828;5289577;8.01;9.08;6.77;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. stem was measured;adult; Schoenus ferrugineus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.45;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37576;;GERMANY;32;500828;5289577;10.97;11.98;10.05;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ground leaves;adult; Colchicum autumnale;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.91;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;38684;;GERMANY;32;417664;5311667;21.91;23.13;19.3;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Allium oleraceum;actual measurement;11.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;38816;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Allium paradoxum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);42.89;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;38827;;GERMANY;32;446903;5893978;42.73;44.01;41.14;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Tofieldia calyculata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.45;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;38841;;GERMANY;32;503124;5288687;17.07;23.95;11.44;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Tofieldia pusilla;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.7;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;38843;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;19.28;21.3;16.3;4;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 4-5 leaves per sample;adult; Tofieldia pusilla;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;38843;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;15.33;16.7;13.3;3;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 3-7 leaves per sample;adult; Scilla bifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);41.45;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;38937;;GERMANY;32;398325;5316161;41.45;45.57;37.85;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Gagea lutea;actual measurement;23.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39025;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lilium bulbiferum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.43;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39057;;GERMANY;32;605129;5731360;18.71;20.91;16.95;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Anthoxanthum alpinum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.3;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;41906;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;17.37;27.6;8.82;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Tripleurospermum perforatum;actual measurement;21.69;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;61747;;GERMANY;;;;22.2;30.37;16.49;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Carex lasiocarpa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.43;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;37319;;GERMANY;;;;10.6;11.71;9.89;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex lasiocarpa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.04;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37319;;GERMANY;32;502926;5289147;10.8;12.78;8.12;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex lasiocarpa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.85;7;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37319;;GERMANY;;;;9.84;11.1;8.42;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex demissa;actual measurement;13;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37374;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex demissa;actual measurement;19;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37374;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex demissa;actual measurement;16.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37374;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex demissa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.16;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37374;;GERMANY;32;352666;5942122;20.16;23.84;17.63;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex dioica;actual measurement;11.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37381;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex dioica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.62;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;37381;;NORWAY;32;608416;6951840;11.14;20.28;6.9;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Holcus mollis;actual measurement;32.82;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;42614;;GERMANY;;;;32.98;38.95;28.53;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hordelymus europaeus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);46.63;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;42617;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;46.01;54.79;39.81;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vulpia bromoides;actual measurement;23.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42790;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Vulpia bromoides;actual measurement;27.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42790;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Vulpia bromoides;actual measurement;9.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42790;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vulpia bromoides;actual measurement;32.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42790;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vulpia bromoides;actual measurement;11.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42790;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lolium temulentum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;24.65;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43200;;GERMANY;;;;24.65;30.57;18.64;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Aira praecox;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;16.15;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;41629;;GERMANY;;;;16.15;19.92;13.11;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alopecurus geniculatus;actual measurement;28.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41635;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Alopecurus geniculatus;actual measurement;19.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41635;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Alopecurus geniculatus;actual measurement;33.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41635;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Eragrostis minor;actual measurement;38.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41786;;ITALY;;;;38.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Eragrostis minor;actual measurement;37.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41786;;ITALY;;;;37.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Eragrostis minor;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);31.6;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;41786;;GERMANY;32;450153;5426634;32.5;49.93;22.32;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Allium ursinum;actual measurement;47;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39243;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;47;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Allium ursinum;actual measurement;38.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39243;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;38.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Allium ursinum;actual measurement;28.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39243;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Allium ursinum;actual measurement;27.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39243;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Allium ursinum;actual measurement;51.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39243;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;51.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Allium ursinum;actual measurement;31.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39243;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Allium vineale;actual measurement;19.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39246;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Allium vineale;actual measurement;18.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39246;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Allium scorodoprasum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);4.65;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39339;;SWEDEN;33;534337.2596;6251697.32;4.75;5.74;4.34;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Dactylorhiza fuchsii;actual measurement;24.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39508;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Dactylorhiza fuchsii;actual measurement;22.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39508;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Dactylorhiza fuchsii;actual measurement;25.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39508;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Dactylorhiza fuchsii;actual measurement;20.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39508;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Danthonia decumbens;actual measurement;18.18;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;42203;;GERMANY;33;348644;5924405;18.52;21.27;16.13;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Danthonia decumbens;actual measurement;16.39;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;42203;;GERMANY;;;;16.33;18.52;14.77;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Festuca vivipara;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;42318;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;11.06;13.6;9.42;3;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 3-6 leaves per sample;adult; Koeleria macrantha;actual measurement;16.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42831;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Koeleria macrantha;actual measurement;15.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42831;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Koeleria macrantha;actual measurement;9.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42831;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Poa chaixii;actual measurement;20.66;12;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;42902;;GERMANY;;;;20.73;25.79;15.51;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Poa annua;actual measurement;44.89;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43060;;GERMANY;;;;42.81;56.41;24.26;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Poa annua;actual measurement;33.03240063;11;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;43060;;GERMANY;;;;33.03240063;;;6;;3.31;;;;adult; Poa trivialis;actual measurement;24.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43077;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Poa trivialis;actual measurement;37;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43077;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37;;;1;;;;;;adult; Poa trivialis;actual measurement;23;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43077;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Poa trivialis;actual measurement;49.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43077;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;49.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Poa trivialis;actual measurement;32.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43077;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.2;;;2;;;;;;adult; Spartina x townsendii;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.93;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;43118;;NETHERLANDS;;;;9.01;11.69;7.05;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Stipa pulcherrima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);6.84;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;42556;;;;;;6.98;7.54;6.38;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Stipa pulcherrima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.92;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;42556;;GERMANY;32;395157;5328511;10.09;11.56;9.49;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rubus fruticosus ag. L.;actual measurement;16.75;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;58698;;GERMANY;;;;18.5;29.82;12.21;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rubus fruticosus ag. L.;actual measurement;15.45;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;58698;;GERMANY;;;;16.48;20.66;14.34;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Centaurea stoebe;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.44;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;60957;;GERMANY;;;;25.94;31.66;16.78;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Centaurea stoebe;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.09;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;60957;;GERMANY;;;;24.58;29.43;14.78;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Centaurea stoebe;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.64;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;60957;;GERMANY;33;437398;5852165;13.5;15.5;11.61;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rosette leaves of new rosettes;adult; Sesleria albicans;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.72;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43301;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;19.29;24.1;8.77;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alchemilla vulgaris;actual measurement;19.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;60849;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.1;;;2;;;;;;adult; Alchemilla vulgaris;actual measurement;18.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;60849;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.2;;;2;;;;;;adult; Ophrys sphegodes;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.8;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39719;;GERMANY;32;404784;5349351;30.38;36.99;22.76;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Orchis ustulata;actual measurement;17.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39783;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Platanthera bifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.05;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;39786;;SWEDEN;;;;22.67;26.62;18.9;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Listera ovata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);40.19;9;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39948;;GERMANY;32;547000;5380000;43.12;56.8;33.38;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Festuca rubra;actual measurement;17.09;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40103;;GERMANY;;;;18.6;25.43;12.67;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Festuca rubra;actual measurement;19.27;12;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;40103;;GERMANY;;;;19.35;27.31;13.35;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Festuca rubra;actual measurement;13.18;16;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;40103;;GERMANY;;;;16.3;49.32;3.59;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Equisetum sylvaticum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.75;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;179;;GERMANY;32;427451;5304210;24.75;26.91;21.04;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cryptogramma crispa;actual measurement;22.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;188;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Cryptogramma crispa;actual measurement;18.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;188;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Anthemis cotula;actual measurement;22.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2778;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Centaurea jacea;actual measurement;16.1;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3112;;GERMANY;33;348644;5924405;16.18;18.02;13.91;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Centaurea jacea;actual measurement;18.31;14;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;3112;;GERMANY;;;;19.12;27.22;13.04;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Centaurea cyanus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;21.06;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3132;;GERMANY;;;;21.06;26.41;15.83;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Achillea collina;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;17.4;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3512;;GERMANY;;;;19.12;27.77;15;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Aster tripolium;actual measurement;16.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3539;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aster tripolium;actual measurement;10.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3539;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bidens cernua;actual measurement;35.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3807;;ITALY;;;;35.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anthemis ruthenica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.55;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3848;;GERMANY;33;312023;5846225;30.71;43.23;20.74;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bidens tripartita;actual measurement;33.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3990;;ITALY;;;;33.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bidens tripartita;actual measurement;31.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3990;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Bidens tripartita;actual measurement;39.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3990;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;39.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bidens tripartita;actual measurement;25.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3990;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Triticum aestivum;actual measurement;17.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43825;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Sparganium minimum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.5;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43999;;GERMANY;32;610222;5728729;34.97;49.09;25.51;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. water form;adult; Sparganium minimum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);44.13;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43999;;GERMANY;32;610222;5728729;44.78;53.34;35.03;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. land form;adult; Diphasiastrum complanatum s. issleri;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);6;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;44374;;GERMANY;32;604788;5734997;6.25;7.48;5.06;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. two samples of upper 2 cm of stem measured per plant;adult; Ruppia cirrhosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);42.69;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43915;;GERMANY;32;622547.8761;5975957.297;46.73;70.4;29.18;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potamogeton natans;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.29;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;43926;;GERMANY;;;;25.58;27.57;23.94;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potamogeton compressus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);88.47;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43962;;GERMANY;32;457848;5894399;88.47;108.7;78.13;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Dryopteris remota;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);34.92;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;44547;;GERMANY;;;;31.03;41.61;18.02;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Torilis nodosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.13;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;1554;;NETHERLANDS;;;;14.63;17.02;12.81;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Oenanthe fistulosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.27;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1660;;GERMANY;33;311636;584610;23.94;25.73;20.86;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Oenanthe fistulosa;actual measurement;14.62848721;13;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;1660;;GERMANY;;;;14.62848721;;;6;;1.7;;;;adult; Bifora radians;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;43.87;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1939;;GERMANY;;;;43.87;52.01;35.55;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Aegopodium podagraria;actual measurement;23.17;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;2007;;GERMANY;;;;23.48;28.17;17.37;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Gymnocarpium dryopteris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);86.78;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;355;;SWEDEN;33;535065.968;6251154.537;77.88;134.74;14.67;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Gymnocarpium dryopteris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);72.28;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;355;;SWEDEN;33;535065.968;6251154.537;67.67;132.49;11.96;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Dryopteris carthusiana;actual measurement;25.4;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;377;;GERMANY;;;;24.87;28.39;15.27;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Lycopodium annotinum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;476;;SWEDEN;33;535065.968;6251154.537;24.82;25.59;23.88;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scandix pecten-veneris;actual measurement;16.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1087;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Scandix pecten-veneris;actual measurement;12.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1087;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Selinum carvifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.42;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1092;;GERMANY;32;608745;5717002;19.59;22.94;14.31;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Selinum carvifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.7;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1092;;GERMANY;32;608745;5717002;14.55;17.67;10.06;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Selinum carvifolia;actual measurement;21.26;15;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;1092;;GERMANY;;;;21.97;37.35;13.86;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Myrrhis odorata;actual measurement;43.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1152;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;43.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Myrrhis odorata;actual measurement;42.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1152;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;42.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Myrrhis odorata;actual measurement;37.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1152;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Myrrhis odorata;actual measurement;33.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1152;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Heracleum sphondylium;actual measurement;16.27573125;12;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;1232;;GERMANY;;;;16.27573125;;;6;;0.69;;;;adult; Foeniculum vulgare;actual measurement;9.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1281;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Foeniculum vulgare;actual measurement;7.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1281;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Eryngium campestre;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.15;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1324;;GERMANY;32;395157;5328511;10.26;10.87;9.86;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Eryngium campestre;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.47;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1324;;GERMANY;32;395157;5328511;8.49;8.58;8.44;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Conopodium majus;actual measurement;18.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1346;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Conopodium majus;actual measurement;29.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1346;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Conopodium majus;actual measurement;22.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1346;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Conopodium majus;actual measurement;19.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1346;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Daucus carota;actual measurement;16.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1358;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Daucus carota;actual measurement;29.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1358;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Acer campestre;actual measurement;16.29;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;811;;GERMANY;;;;17.07;21.97;13.75;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Amaranthus retroflexus;actual measurement;12.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;931;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Achillea ptarmica;actual measurement;18.53;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;4799;;GERMANY;;;;19.28;22.48;18.17;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Achillea ptarmica;actual measurement;6.253229953;19;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;4799;;GERMANY;;;;6.253229953;;;6;;0.19;;;;adult; Chamomilla recutita;actual measurement;31.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5994;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chamomilla recutita;actual measurement;45.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5994;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;45.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chamomilla recutita;actual measurement;45.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5994;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;45.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Symphytum tuberosum;actual measurement;32.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11764;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Pulmonaria officinalis;actual measurement;33;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11796;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33;;;1;;;;;;adult; Pulmonaria officinalis;actual measurement;31.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11796;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Pulmonaria officinalis;actual measurement;28;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11796;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28;;;1;;;;;;adult; Myosotis scorpioides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);79.45;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;11951;;GERMANY;;;;78.14;82.96;68.74;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Myosotis scorpioides;actual measurement;41.11911159;14;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;11951;;GERMANY;;;;41.11911159;;;6;;1.89;;;;adult; Borago officinalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.24;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;12546;;NETHERLANDS;;;;30.24;34.54;25.94;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Borago officinalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.25;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;12546;;NETHERLANDS;;;;20.01;28.47;14.3;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cochlearia danica;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;27.97;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;12875;;GERMANY;;;;28.59;38.99;24.14;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cochlearia danica;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;28.06;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;12875;;GERMANY;;;;28.55;38.97;24.22;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cochlearia danica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.38;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;12875;;GERMANY;;;;33.53;45.17;26.24;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cochlearia danica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.76;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;12875;;GERMANY;;;;31.09;41.36;24.59;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sisymbrium officinale;actual measurement;24.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13041;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sisymbrium officinale;actual measurement;23.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13041;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Sisymbrium officinale;actual measurement;33.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13041;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Sisymbrium officinale;actual measurement;28.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13041;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sisymbrium officinale;actual measurement;26.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13041;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sisymbrium officinale;actual measurement;23.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13041;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aethusa cynapium;actual measurement;29.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1502;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Aethusa cynapium;actual measurement;28.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1502;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aethusa cynapium;actual measurement;47.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1502;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;47.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aethusa cynapium;actual measurement;24;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1502;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Azolla filiculoides;actual measurement;15.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Athyrium distentifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.62;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35;;GERMANY;;;;30.93;36.21;28.28;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Athyrium filix-femina;actual measurement;12.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cystopteris fragilis;actual measurement;21.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Serratula tinctoria;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.59;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;10123;;GERMANY;;;;26.38;29.96;20.7;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Serratula tinctoria;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.65;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;10123;;GERMANY;;;;22.28;25.54;16.81;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hypochaeris maculata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.01;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Wilmann), E-Mail: (;8386;;SWEDEN;34;351780;6412500;18.81;22.79;16.32;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Senecio squalidus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;27.08;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9306;;GERMANY;;;;27.08;32.65;20.38;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Prenanthes purpurea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);65.86;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9532;;GERMANY;32;431028;5307908;65.86;85.77;50.96;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Saussurea alpina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.6;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;9535;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;16.41;18.3;14.7;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Saussurea alpina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.6;12;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;9535;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;17.96;33;10.5;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scorzonera humilis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.44;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;9541;;SWEDEN;;;;17.48;18.84;16.27;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Senecio aquaticus;actual measurement;33.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9544;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Senecio aquaticus;actual measurement;26;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9544;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Senecio aquaticus;actual measurement;16.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9544;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galinsoga ciliata;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;34.34;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6801;;GERMANY;;;;34.68;38.29;31.76;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galinsoga ciliata;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;33.8;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6801;;GERMANY;;;;34.22;37.99;31.3;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Leontodon taraxacoides;actual measurement;17.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;6861;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Hieracium aurantiacum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);47.7;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;7024;;NETHERLANDS;;;;49.69;69.56;31.66;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Pulicaria dysenterica;actual measurement;28.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9613;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Pulicaria dysenterica;actual measurement;32.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9613;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Senecio inaequidens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.22;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9629;;GERMANY;32;449141.3516;5883035.844;25.41;32.18;21.94;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaf mass not measured oven dry but at room temperature;adult; Senecio inaequidens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.67;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9629;;GERMANY;32;482811;5883875;18.12;22.11;12.87;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Picris hieracioides;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;24.1;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9660;;GERMANY;;;;24.7;33.74;22.09;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Picris hieracioides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.77;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9660;;GERMANY;;;;16.82;20.99;11.62;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Picris hieracioides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.16;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9660;;GERMANY;;;;26.32;32.31;20.7;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Picris hieracioides;actual measurement;25.54;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;9660;;GERMANY;;;;25.54;28.23;22.84;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sonchus palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.2;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9894;;GERMANY;32;621038.8111;5974188.366;25.76;42.44;18.58;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chenopodium ficifolium;actual measurement;16.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17866;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Chenopodium ficifolium;actual measurement;14.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17866;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Pyrola minor;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.8;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;28775;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;21.83;25.8;17.9;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Pyrola minor;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.4;14;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;28775;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;18.88;23.1;14.9;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chenopodium hybridum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);35.22;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17875;;GERMANY;;;;35.22;50.56;22.54;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chenopodium hybridum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);31.85;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17875;;GERMANY;;;;32.04;45.01;20.88;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carpinus betulus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);35.53;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17990;;GERMANY;32;437393;5898075;38.84;54.92;31.97;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carpinus betulus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);35.11;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17990;;GERMANY;32;437393;5898075;38.27;53.66;31.51;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carpinus betulus;actual measurement;11.63;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;17990;;GERMANY;;;;11.63;11.63;11.62;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hydrocotyle vulgaris;actual measurement;33.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2206;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hydrocotyle vulgaris;actual measurement;39.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2206;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;39.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hydrocotyle vulgaris;actual measurement;26;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2206;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cicuta virosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.98;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;2295;;NETHERLANDS;;;;14.42;16.07;12.25;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hedera helix;actual measurement;12.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2449;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Hedera helix;actual measurement;7.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2449;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7.7;;;5;1.17;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS VEGETATIVE GROWTH;adult; Hedera helix;actual measurement;13;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2449;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13;;;5;1.33;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS VEGETATIVE GROWTH;adult; Hedera helix;actual measurement;8.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2449;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;8.6;;;5;1.9;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS REPRODUCTIVE GROWTH;adult; Hedera helix;actual measurement;9.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2449;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.5;;;2;1.23;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS VEGETATIVE GROWTH;adult; Hedera helix;actual measurement;14.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2449;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.6;;;5;2.03;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS VEGETATIVE GROWTH;adult; Hedera helix;actual measurement;10.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2449;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.9;;;5;1.56;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS REPRODUCTIVE GROWTH;adult; Hedera helix;actual measurement;9.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2449;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.7;;;4;1.53;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS VEGETATIVE GROWTH;adult; Hedera helix;actual measurement;14.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2449;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.8;;;3;4.64;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS VEGETATIVE GROWTH;adult; Hedera helix;actual measurement;12;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2449;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12;;;5;2.09;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS REPRODUCTIVE GROWTH;adult; Vinca major;actual measurement;13.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2533;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Claytonia perfoliata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);50.52;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27495;;GERMANY;;;;54.05;84.04;33.88;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. spathaceous bracts (ground leaves see UOL-LF-1-201);adult; Claytonia perfoliata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.84;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27495;;GERMANY;;;;29.71;49.47;21.12;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. spathaceous bracts (ground leaves see UOL-LF-1-201);adult; Claytonia perfoliata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);56.11;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27495;;GERMANY;;;;55.8;81.13;39.55;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ground leaf (spathaceous bract see UOL-LF-1-870);adult; Claytonia perfoliata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);41.51;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27495;;GERMANY;;;;41.23;55.61;33.3;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ground leaf (spathaceous bract see UOL-LF-1-870);adult; Portulaca oleracea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.45;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27501;;GERMANY;32;645939.1681;5889271.272;19.68;22.25;18.33;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Portulaca oleracea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.56;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27501;;GERMANY;32;645939.1681;5889271.272;19.25;21.72;17.47;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rumex acetosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);35.2;14;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;27593;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;36.96;49.4;28.4;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rumex aquaticus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);32.04;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27607;;GERMANY;32;594006;5738282;32.33;38.81;25.95;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rumex aquaticus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.59;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27607;;GERMANY;32;594006;5738282;17.54;25.17;13.88;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sempervivum tectorum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);7.01;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18351;;GERMANY;;;;6.9;8.19;5.92;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bryonia alba;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);31.76;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18474;;GERMANY;32;;;31.76;37.65;25.37;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bryonia alba;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.26;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18474;;GERMANY;32;;;30.26;35.45;24.13;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ribes rubrum;actual measurement;11.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23126;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Hypericum pulchrum;actual measurement;14.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23219;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Hypericum pulchrum;actual measurement;20.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23219;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Actaea spicata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);41.09;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27324;;GERMANY;32;684457;5646509;41.64;49.56;37.75;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Actaea spicata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.57;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27324;;GERMANY;32;684457;5646509;35.19;43.33;32.06;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Anemone nemorosa;actual measurement;30;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;27355;;GERMANY;;;;31.25;36;25.66;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Sedum rupestre;actual measurement;10.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18224;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Sedum rupestre;actual measurement;7.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18224;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sedum sexangulare;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.98;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18275;;GERMANY;32;397565;5316827;13.67;14.76;11.82;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potentilla intermedia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.6;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30887;;GERMANY;32;449135.354;5883496.659;18.2;20.18;16.45;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potentilla intermedia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.66;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30887;;GERMANY;32;449135.354;5883496.659;16.82;19.16;13.74;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potentilla intermedia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.86;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30887;;GERMANY;32;449141.3516;5883035.844;22.78;26.29;21.13;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potentilla intermedia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30887;;GERMANY;32;449141.3516;5883035.844;21.2;23.48;19.3;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cotoneaster integerrimus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.61;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;30932;;SWEDEN;;;;14.68;18.77;12.04;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Erodium cicutarium;actual measurement;46.79;20;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kühner), Corresponding address:;22675;;GERMANY;;;;45.03;56.94;29.29;1;;;0;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaves scanned with hand scanner, single leaves measured, not linked to individual plants;adult; Erodium cicutarium;actual measurement;26.49;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22675;;GERMANY;;;;29.09;45.38;21.78;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Gentiana lutea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.77;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22882;;GERMANY;32;426794;5303639;16.77;20.15;14.23;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Gentiana lutea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.01;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22882;;GERMANY;32;426794;5303639;15.01;17.44;12.89;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Helianthemum apenninum;actual measurement;13.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18679;;SPAIN;;;;13.4;;;2;;;;;;adult; Hypericum montanum;actual measurement;24.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23241;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hypericum elodes;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);49.59;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;23279;;NETHERLANDS;;;;50.11;62.82;41.15;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hypericum calycinum;actual measurement;11.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23310;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Astragalus cicer;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.99;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21198;;GERMANY;32;683877;5646075;25.99;34.07;19.21;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Plantago major subsp. intermedia;actual measurement;27.42;18;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;27835;;GERMANY;;;;27.42;;;6;;2.4;;;;adult; Plantago maritima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.62;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27843;;GERMANY;32;622547.8761;5975957.297;12.6;15.24;9.93;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cerastium tomentosum;actual measurement;27.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16387;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Herniaria glabra;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.76;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;16521;;GERMANY;32;449141.3516;5883035.844;31.26;46.8;18.76;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galega officinalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);51.78;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21307;;GERMANY;;;;51.78;71.79;42.47;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galega officinalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);34.17;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21307;;GERMANY;;;;34.17;44.05;27.15;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lathyrus nissolia;actual measurement;19.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21360;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rhamnus catharticus;actual measurement;16.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28012;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.1;;;5;1.18;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rhamnus catharticus;actual measurement;20.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28012;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.5;;;5;1.85;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polygala serpyllifolia;actual measurement;22.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28082;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polygala serpyllifolia;actual measurement;22;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28082;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Silene cretica;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;23.13;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;16289;;GERMANY;;;;23.13;27.96;19.54;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Agrostemma githago;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;17.73;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;16318;;GERMANY;;;;17.75;20.04;15.84;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hypericum maculatum;actual measurement;22.73;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;23226;;GERMANY;;;;24.16;29.52;20.22;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lepidium campestre;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;28.01;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13495;;GERMANY;;;;29.24;42.29;24.82;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cochlearia officinalis subsp. officinalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.95;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13621;;GERMANY;;;;24.48;31.16;17.61;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Conringia orientalis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;30.35;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13624;;GERMANY;;;;30.35;34.14;22.07;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Polygonum minus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);40.4;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27653;;GERMANY;32;442302;5864940;40.4;57.68;22.63;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Polygonum minus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.04;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;27653;;GERMANY;;;;27.17;29.71;24.82;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Polygonum aviculare;actual measurement;16.53;13;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;27740;;GERMANY;;;;16.53;;;6;;1.2;;;agg.;adult; Polygonum bistorta;actual measurement;25.85;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;27743;;GERMANY;;;;26.54;32.31;21.43;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alnus glutinosa;actual measurement;15.69;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;11694;;GERMANY;;;;16.55;24.79;12.35;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alnus glutinosa;actual measurement;17.14;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;11694;;GERMANY;;;;17.15;22.13;12.6;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alnus viridis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.59;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11702;;GERMANY;32;426823;5309802;25.35;34.56;16.58;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alnus viridis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.85;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11702;;GERMANY;32;426823;5309802;24.4;33.84;16.16;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Epilobium montanum;actual measurement;34.73;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;26496;;GERMANY;;;;42.41;70.73;29.74;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Epilobium montanum;actual measurement;29.3;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;26496;;GERMANY;;;;29.06;37.84;22.23;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Epilobium nutans;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.4;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26501;;GERMANY;;;;22.87;29.56;18.23;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Epilobium palustre;actual measurement;23.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26504;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Epilobium palustre;actual measurement;30.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26504;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Epilobium palustre;actual measurement;37.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26504;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Epilobium palustre;actual measurement;34.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26504;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Epilobium palustre;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);41.77;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;26504;;GERMANY;;;;41.47;44.98;37.16;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus trichophyllus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.63;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26588;;GERMANY;32;617740.5081;5975590.635;27.5;28.71;26.17;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus trichophyllus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.92;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26588;;GERMANY;32;617740.5081;5975590.635;24.86;25.07;24.59;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cerastium arvense;actual measurement;17.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16782;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Cerastium arvense;actual measurement;27.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16782;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Dianthus carthusianorum;actual measurement;18.12;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;16880;;GERMANY;;;;17.89;30;10.67;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ligustrum vulgare;actual measurement;9.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26363;;SPAIN;;;;9.3;;;2;;;;;;adult; Ligustrum vulgare;actual measurement;10;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26363;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10;;;5;0.92;;;00:00.0;;adult; Fraxinus excelsior;actual measurement;16.76;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;26381;;GERMANY;;;;17.32;21.64;12.98;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Fraxinus excelsior;actual measurement;18.4;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;26381;;GERMANY;;;;18.63;26.57;12.3;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sagina nodosa;actual measurement;10.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16644;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Sagina nodosa;actual measurement;12.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16644;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Silene vulgaris;actual measurement;23.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16657;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Silene vulgaris;actual measurement;17;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16657;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Spergula arvensis;actual measurement;45.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16731;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;45.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Spergula arvensis;actual measurement;12.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16731;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Spergula arvensis;actual measurement;17.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16731;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Spergula arvensis;actual measurement;7.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16731;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Stellaria holostea;actual measurement;36.8;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;16753;;GERMANY;;;;38.01;53.94;27.34;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Stellaria holostea;actual measurement;35.05;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;16753;;GERMANY;;;;37.49;55.02;25.1;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Stellaria holostea;actual measurement;20.01700233;13;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;16753;;GERMANY;;;;20.01700233;;;6;;0.6;;;;adult; Stellaria media;actual measurement;51.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16755;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;51.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Stellaria media;actual measurement;43.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16755;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;43.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Stellaria media;actual measurement;93.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16755;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;93.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Stellaria media;actual measurement;64.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16755;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;64.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Stellaria media;actual measurement;43.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16755;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;43.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vicia grandiflora;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.64;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21610;;GERMANY;;;;27.95;39.33;21.81;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Silene armeria;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);31.75;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;17110;;NETHERLANDS;;;;32.65;41.7;23.9;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Succisa pratensis;actual measurement;17.02;20;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kühner), Corresponding address:;19186;;GERMANY;;;;17.81;28.56;11.29;1;;;0;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaves scanned with hand scanner, single leaves measured, not linked to individual plants;adult; Succisa pratensis;actual measurement;14.21;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;19186;;GERMANY;;;;14.83;19.15;12.6;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Acinos arvensis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.47;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24493;;GERMANY;32;395157;5328511;17.47;20.86;14.55;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Acinos arvensis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.58;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24493;;GERMANY;32;395157;5328511;17.58;21.05;14.6;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ajuga chamaepitys;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.48;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24497;;GERMANY;32;392758;5303335;22.48;25.33;19.44;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ballota nigra;actual measurement;23.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24563;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.8;;;3;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ballota nigra;actual measurement;18.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24563;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lycopus europaeus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);63.35;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;24606;;GERMANY;;;;63.18;65.33;60.17;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Marrubium vulgare;actual measurement;14.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24614;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Mentha aquatica;actual measurement;31.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24622;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Mentha aquatica;actual measurement;28.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24622;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Mentha aquatica;actual measurement;43.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24622;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;43.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Mentha aquatica;actual measurement;30.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24622;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Mentha aquatica;actual measurement;22.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24622;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Berteroa incana;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.28;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14292;;GERMANY;32;449215.322;5882857.915;20.91;22.9;18.2;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Berteroa incana;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.95;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14292;;GERMANY;32;449177.3372;5883805.536;21.18;25.41;18.51;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Crambe maritima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.4;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Wilmann), E-Mail: (;14463;;SWEDEN;34;352158;6412128;10;11.97;8.55;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Diplotaxis tenuifolia;actual measurement;26;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14468;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Diplotaxis tenuifolia;actual measurement;18.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14468;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hieracium glaucinum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.88;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14515;;GERMANY;32;684002;5646183;18.68;23.06;10.16;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hieracium glaucinum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.48;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14515;;GERMANY;32;684002;5646183;18.62;21.1;15.81;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Erica tetralix;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.1;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;19489;;NETHERLANDS;;;;9.39;14.12;5.17;10;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Androsace septentrionalis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;23.58;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28905;;GERMANY;;;;24.53;28.3;20.42;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Primula auricula;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);31.35;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28913;;GERMANY;32;426823;5309802;32.25;41.24;25.05;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lysimachia nummularia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);32.67;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;28922;;NETHERLANDS;;;;32.35;37.43;26.3;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lysimachia punctata;actual measurement;23.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28929;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Lysimachia punctata;actual measurement;27.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28929;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Lysimachia punctata;actual measurement;22;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28929;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anagallis tenella;actual measurement;29.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28935;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.6;;;4;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anagallis tenella;actual measurement;40.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28935;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;40.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Scabiosa columbaria;actual measurement;23.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19381;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Scabiosa columbaria;actual measurement;20.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19381;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Scabiosa columbaria;actual measurement;14.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19381;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rhododendron ponticum;actual measurement;8.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19459;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;8.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Rhododendron ponticum;actual measurement;6.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19459;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;6.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Rhododendron ponticum;actual measurement;4.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19459;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;4.9;;;5;0.28;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Rhododendron ponticum;actual measurement;7.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19459;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7.1;;;5;1.07;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Rhododendron ponticum;actual measurement;4.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19459;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;4.4;;;5;0.5;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Rhododendron ponticum;actual measurement;9.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19459;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.9;;;5;0.56;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Vaccinium myrtillus;actual measurement;36.39;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;19475;;GERMANY;;;;37.35;45.07;28.62;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Vaccinium myrtillus;actual measurement;19.8;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;19475;;GERMANY;;;;20.42;26.51;15;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galeopsis segetum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);39.84;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24230;;GERMANY;32;423681;5308925;39.84;59.34;23.27;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galeopsis segetum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);38.31;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24230;;GERMANY;32;423681;5308925;38.31;57.18;22.75;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Erysimum cheiranthoides;actual measurement;29;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14097;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Erysimum cheiranthoides;actual measurement;22.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14097;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cakile maritima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.18;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14226;;GERMANY;32;347731;5937923;14.35;16.94;11.81;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cakile maritima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.5;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14226;;GERMANY;32;347731;5937923;13.67;16.21;11.05;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus reptans;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.6;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26623;;GERMANY;32;507195;5283391;14.54;18.93;11.18;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus lingua;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.81;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;26743;;NETHERLANDS;;;;13.76;18.19;10.37;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus platanifolius;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.11;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26778;;GERMANY;;;;20.75;27.53;16.53;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Myosoton aquaticum;actual measurement;49.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15865;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;49.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Myosoton aquaticum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);83.95;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;15865;;NETHERLANDS;;;;94.98;142.14;61.48;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Prunus mahaleb;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.65;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29650;;GERMANY;32;395240;5305679;23.63;26.88;20.59;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Prunus mahaleb;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.76;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29650;;GERMANY;32;395240;5305679;22.71;25.85;19.92;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Genista pilosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.13;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20915;;GERMANY;32;605129;5731360;13.13;17.32;9.61;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Genista pilosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.95;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20915;;GERMANY;32;432720;5330279;12.22;12.98;11.72;5;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lythrum salicaria;actual measurement;41.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26038;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;41.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Epilobium angustifolium;actual measurement;31.84;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;26075;;GERMANY;;;;34.56;47.06;27.95;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Malva verticillata;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;27.12;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25681;;GERMANY;;;;27.12;36.57;13.42;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Viburnum lantana;actual measurement;12.3;1;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Copenhagen, Department of Ecology, Section of Botany, DK (Kollmann), E-Mail:;15334;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.3;12.3;12.3;3;;;50;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lonicera xylosteum;actual measurement;16.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15356;;SPAIN;;;;16.5;;;2;;;;;;adult; Sambucus ebulus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.49;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15361;;GERMANY;32;402960;5329543;17.84;19.46;16.55;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lonicera alpigena;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.86;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15395;;GERMANY;32;499419;5322615;29.01;29.91;28.4;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Callitriche platycarpa;actual measurement;81.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15423;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;81.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Callitriche stagnalis;actual measurement;61;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15424;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;61;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Callitriche stagnalis;actual measurement;24.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15424;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anagallis minima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);82.43;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;28953;;NETHERLANDS;;;;81.61;88.57;73;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sanguisorba minor;actual measurement;34.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29153;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sanguisorba minor;actual measurement;23.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29153;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sanguisorba minor;actual measurement;24.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29153;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sanguisorba minor;actual measurement;19.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29153;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.1;;;2;;;;;;adult; Sanguisorba minor;actual measurement;16.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29153;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sanguisorba minor;actual measurement;15.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29153;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Arbutus unedo;actual measurement;7.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19577;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7.7;;;5;0.73;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Arbutus unedo;actual measurement;10.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19577;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.8;;;5;0.9;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Calluna vulgaris;actual measurement;10.92;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;19587;;GERMANY;;;;11.37;13.93;9.69;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Genista anglica;actual measurement;12.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19775;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Genista anglica;actual measurement;8.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19775;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;8.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Genista anglica;actual measurement;14;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19775;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Malva neglecta;actual measurement;23.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25718;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Drosera rotundifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);46.57;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18999;;GERMANY;32;449169.3404;5883945.48;43.61;50.52;29.72;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Drosera rotundifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);39.27;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18999;;GERMANY;32;449169.3404;5883945.48;36.97;43.86;25.29;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Elatine hydropiper;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);44.19;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19010;;GERMANY;32;442302;5864940;44.19;65.28;26.63;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Knautia arvensis;actual measurement;15.57;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;19058;;GERMANY;;;;17.89;27.32;12.55;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Knautia arvensis;actual measurement;24.69;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;19058;;GERMANY;;;;23.94;27.76;18.83;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Knautia arvensis;actual measurement;18.72;12;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;19058;;GERMANY;;;;20.27;32.3;16.55;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vicia tenuifolia;actual measurement;28.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22123;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vicia tenuifolia;actual measurement;34.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22123;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vicia tenuifolia;actual measurement;24;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22123;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus acris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.5;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;26865;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;23.12;26.7;19.4;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus acris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.5;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;26865;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;23.1;29.3;20;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Pulsatilla vernalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.82;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;27063;;NORWAY;32;531207;6907736;10.03;11.54;8.4;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Helleborus foetidus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.58;4;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27081;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;26.93;35.94;20.63;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Helleborus foetidus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.15;4;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27081;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;22.03;28.22;17.57;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Myosurus minimus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;19.1;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27104;;GERMANY;32;;;21.19;36.36;16.43;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Myosurus minimus;actual measurement;22.09466552;11;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;27104;;GERMANY;;;;22.09466552;;;6;;1.83;;;;adult; Chenopodium rubrum;actual measurement;29.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17729;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chenopodium rubrum;actual measurement;23.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17729;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chenopodium rubrum;actual measurement;10.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17729;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sorbus torminalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);37.41;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29551;;GERMANY;32;389536;5282872;35.56;41.47;26.77;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sorbus torminalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);34.06;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29551;;GERMANY;32;389536;5282872;32.8;37.97;25.09;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Humulus lupulus;actual measurement;19.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14697;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Humulus lupulus;actual measurement;16.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14697;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Filipendula ulmaria;actual measurement;19.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29764;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Filipendula ulmaria;actual measurement;19.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29764;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Filipendula ulmaria;actual measurement;53.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29764;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;53.9;;;2;;;;;;adult; Filipendula ulmaria;actual measurement;15.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29764;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Filipendula ulmaria;actual measurement;14.66;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;29764;;GERMANY;;;;14.9;18.13;12.09;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lupinus polyphyllus;actual measurement;23.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22241;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vicia lathyroides;actual measurement;25.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21160;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lathyrus tuberosus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.35;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19845;;GERMANY;32;507089;5354408;29.35;29.35;29.35;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lathyrus tuberosus;actual measurement;27.96;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;19845;;GERMANY;;;;28.46;39.43;21.87;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Myriophyllum spicatum;actual measurement;32.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25232;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Myriophyllum spicatum;actual measurement;26.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25232;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Myriophyllum spicatum;actual measurement;15.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25232;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Quercus ilex;actual measurement;5.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22435;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;5.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Quercus ilex;actual measurement;5.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22435;;SPAIN;;;;5.6;;;2;;;;;;adult; Quercus ilex;actual measurement;5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22435;;SPAIN;;;;5;;;2;;;;;;adult; Quercus ilex;actual measurement;5.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22435;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;5.8;;;5;0.5;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Quercus ilex;actual measurement;6.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22435;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;6.3;;;5;0.4;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Quercus robur;actual measurement;13.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22457;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.4;;;5;1.46;;;00:00.0;;adult; Quercus robur;actual measurement;13;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22457;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13;;;5;2.76;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium dubium;actual measurement;30.23;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;21100;;GERMANY;;;;36.08;64.32;23.9;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium dubium;actual measurement;20.61709133;15;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;21100;;GERMANY;;;;20.61709133;;;6;;1.44;;;;adult; Phyteuma nigrum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);50.7;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14815;;GERMANY;32;437116;5898398;52.72;64.23;40.45;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ground and stem leaves;adult; Phyteuma nigrum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);48.52;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14815;;GERMANY;32;437116;5898398;45.45;50.64;36.99;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ground and stem leaves;adult; Campanula sibirica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.14;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15030;;GERMANY;33;431665;5862718;18.16;24.93;13.57;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Campanula rotundifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.9;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;15045;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;17.36;26.2;11.3;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. stem;adult; Campanula rotundifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.7;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;15045;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;23.96;32.4;18.3;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rosette;adult; Campanula persicifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);36.04;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15103;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;37.34;46.2;29.68;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. stem leaves;adult; Campanula persicifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.26;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15103;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;30.79;37.52;24.18;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rosette leaves;adult; Papaver argemone;actual measurement;18.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25500;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Papaver argemone;actual measurement;29;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25500;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Fumaria muralis;actual measurement;28.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25544;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Mercurialis perennis;actual measurement;25;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19987;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Mercurialis perennis;actual measurement;21.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19987;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Mercurialis perennis;actual measurement;29.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19987;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Mercurialis perennis;actual measurement;27.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19987;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Mercurialis perennis;actual measurement;33.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19987;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Mercurialis perennis;actual measurement;16.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19987;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Euphorbia serrulata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);45.34;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;20055;;NETHERLANDS;;;;45.9;47.66;44.61;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Euphorbia lathyris;actual measurement;19.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20168;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galeopsis speciosa;actual measurement;35.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23861;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Brassica nigra;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;26.08;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13691;;GERMANY;;;;26.62;29.56;23.63;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sisymbrium loeselii;actual measurement;20.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13930;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Prunus serotina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.58;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29315;;GERMANY;32;571308;5918300;18.29;24.44;13.69;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Prunus serotina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29315;;GERMANY;32;571308;5918300;16.6;22.23;12.54;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Prunus spinosa;actual measurement;12;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29316;;SPAIN;;;;12;;;2;;;;;;adult; Prunus spinosa;actual measurement;14.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29316;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.5;;;5;1.87;;;00:00.0;;adult; Prunus spinosa;actual measurement;14.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29316;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.3;;;5;1.35;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potentilla recta;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.36;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29349;;GERMANY;32;449141.3516;5883035.844;14.97;16.13;13.51;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potentilla recta;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.43;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29349;;GERMANY;32;449141.3516;5883035.844;13.33;14.1;12.34;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potentilla recta;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.51;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29349;;GERMANY;32;449141.3516;5883035.844;15.56;16.61;14.56;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potentilla recta;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.4;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29349;;GERMANY;32;449141.3516;5883035.844;14.33;14.86;13.72;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Euphorbia cyparissias;actual measurement;22.57;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;20238;;GERMANY;;;;25.66;47.02;13.57;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salvia verticillata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.47;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23952;;GERMANY;32;684186;5646244;16.08;19.51;13.87;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salvia verticillata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.47;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23952;;GERMANY;32;684186;5646244;15.39;19.49;13.14;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scutellaria minor;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);37.17;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;23967;;NETHERLANDS;;;;37.31;45.64;24.1;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lamium album;actual measurement;51.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24182;;ITALY;;;;51.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lamium album;actual measurement;39.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24182;;ITALY;;;;39.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lamium album;actual measurement;32.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24182;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lamium album;actual measurement;30.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24182;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Lamium album;actual measurement;28;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24182;;ITALY;;;;28;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lamium album;actual measurement;35.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24182;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lamium album;actual measurement;26.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24182;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vicia hirsuta;actual measurement;17.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20346;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Vicia hirsuta;actual measurement;17.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20346;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Vicia hirsuta;actual measurement;21.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20346;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Vicia hirsuta;actual measurement;18.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20346;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Vicia hirsuta;actual measurement;35.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20346;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vicia hirsuta;actual measurement;24.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20346;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vicia hirsuta;actual measurement;19.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20346;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lunaria rediviva;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);60.09;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13960;;GERMANY;32;426823;5309802;57.09;70.7;43.25;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lunaria rediviva;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);48.12;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13960;;GERMANY;32;426823;5309802;48.12;60.14;38.47;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hesperis matronalis;actual measurement;30.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14004;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hesperis matronalis;actual measurement;18.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14004;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Saponaria officinalis;actual measurement;30.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17539;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Saponaria officinalis;actual measurement;16.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17539;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Silene uniflora;actual measurement;19.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17634;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Spergula morisonii;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.68;14;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17638;;GERMANY;32;;;11.44;16.1;5.16;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Filipendula vulgaris;actual measurement;14.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29429;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Filipendula vulgaris;actual measurement;13;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29429;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Filipendula vulgaris;actual measurement;24.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29429;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Alchemilla monticola;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.8;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29465;;GERMANY;32;613911;5720594;18.61;20.53;16.45;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alchemilla monticola;actual measurement;15.79;17;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;29465;;GERMANY;;;;16.07;21.84;12.6;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alchemilla glaucescens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.18;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29479;;GERMANY;32;615089;5726707;19.18;24.86;14.37;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alchemilla glaucescens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.33;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29479;;SWEDEN;33;534999.9944;6251346.461;21.25;25.08;17.62;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. determination of Alchemilla-aggregate is sometimes difficult;adult; Alchemilla glaucescens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.37;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29479;;SWEDEN;33;534999.9944;6251346.461;15.12;17.02;13.09;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. determination of Alchemilla-aggregate is sometimes difficult;adult; Alchemilla alpina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.6;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;29517;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;12.97;15.3;9.7;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alchemilla alpina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.05;12;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;29517;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;13.27;16.1;11;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Drosera anglica;actual measurement;17.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18994;;IRELAND;;;;17.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aruncus dioicus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);54.52;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31209;;GERMANY;32;430823;5307557;53.23;59.82;43.59;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Aruncus dioicus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);32.76;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31209;;GERMANY;32;430823;5307557;32.76;37.94;27.46;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Dryas octopetala;actual measurement;8.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31232;;IRELAND;;;;8.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Dryas octopetala;actual measurement;16;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31232;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16;;;5;2.4;;;00:00.0;;adult; Salix alba;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.28;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32638;;GERMANY;;;;12.28;12.34;12.21;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salix alba;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.3;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32638;;GERMANY;;;;13.3;15.5;11.95;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica spicata;actual measurement;7.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32745;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica longifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.09;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32803;;GERMANY;32;655454;5881919;19.72;21.39;16.9;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica longifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.49;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32803;;GERMANY;32;655454;5881919;18.1;19.86;15.86;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Verbascum thapsus;actual measurement;12.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32859;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Verbascum thapsus;actual measurement;15.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32859;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Verbascum thapsus;actual measurement;13.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32859;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Verbascum thapsus;actual measurement;12.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32859;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Scrophularia canina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.35;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32910;;GERMANY;32;395240;5305679;17.35;18.33;16.51;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scrophularia canina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.94;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32910;;GERMANY;32;395240;5305679;16.94;17.96;16.04;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Odontites lutea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.64;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33000;;GERMANY;32;475305;5464410;21.64;25.43;18.86;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Odontites verna;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.49;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;33007;;NETHERLANDS;;;;24.75;55.43;14.14;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Odontites verna;actual measurement;22.22;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;33007;;GERMANY;;;;23.09;30.73;18.17;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica catenata;actual measurement;22.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33875;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Veronica catenata;actual measurement;30.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33875;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica catenata;actual measurement;27.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33875;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica catenata;actual measurement;53.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33875;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;53.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hieracium humile;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.07;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34141;;GERMANY;32;486567;5290308;20.3;22.97;18.85;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Butomus umbellatus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.94;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35620;;GERMANY;32;;;10.99;12.21;10.01;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Luronium natans;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);79.15;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35649;;GERMANY;32;398725.526;5835629.814;80.98;101.1;61.33;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. dyleaves;adult; Luronium natans;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);62.38;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35649;;GERMANY;32;398725.526;5835629.814;64.08;75.51;55.33;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Luronium natans;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);66.36;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35649;;GERMANY;32;398725.526;5835629.814;66.29;83.24;47.43;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. swimleaves;adult; Luronium natans;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);35.34;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35649;;GERMANY;32;398434.5233;5835077.409;35.36;37.87;32.86;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Luronium natans;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);31.47;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35649;;GERMANY;32;398434.5233;5835077.409;32.31;36.73;28.71;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. swimleaves;adult; Luronium natans;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);35.93;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35649;;GERMANY;32;398434.5233;5835077.409;34.98;48.1;21.52;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. land form;adult; Luronium natans;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.57;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35649;;GERMANY;32;398434.5233;5835077.409;29.28;39.71;19.8;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. land form;adult; Calla palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);39.98;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35879;;GERMANY;32;452825.8772;5892344.119;39.63;44.02;34.53;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Calla palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.66;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35879;;GERMANY;32;452825.8772;5892344.119;25.76;28.4;23.32;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus maritimus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);2.65;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;36160;;NETHERLANDS;;;;2.56;3.11;2;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Luzula spicata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.34;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;36240;;NORWAY;32;608372;6951804;13.65;18.74;9.92;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Dictamnus albus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.08;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31688;;FRANCE;32;370995;5313962;23.04;32.3;15.44;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Dictamnus albus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.83;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31688;;FRANCE;32;370995;5313962;18.83;25.66;13.19;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galium odoratum;actual measurement;79.91;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;31805;;GERMANY;;;;75.59;88.02;54.18;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Sanguisorba officinalis;actual measurement;20.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30139;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Sanguisorba officinalis;actual measurement;14;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30139;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14;;;1;;;;;;adult; Sanguisorba officinalis;actual measurement;28.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30139;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.5;;;2;;;;;;adult; Sanguisorba officinalis;actual measurement;21.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30139;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.9;;;2;;;;;;adult; Sanguisorba officinalis;actual measurement;21.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30139;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.4;;;2;;;;;;adult; Prunus padus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.3;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;30306;;NORWAY;32;572830;7033302;26.95;34.96;22.06;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alchemilla xanthochlora;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.77;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30366;;GERMANY;32;408650;5658997;22.2;25.21;14.72;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alchemilla propinqua;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.86;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30381;;GERMANY;32;606600;5730895;19.86;25.28;14.53;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Valerianella dentata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);41.44;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34825;;GERMANY;;;;41.13;44.59;37.07;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Valerianella dentata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.95;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34825;;GERMANY;32;507089;5354408;19.43;27.65;14.48;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Solanum dulcamara;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.43;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;35041;;GERMANY;;;;25.56;27.49;23.81;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Solanum luteum s. alatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.91;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35070;;GERMANY;32;622705.9856;5975649.8;24.31;53.42;7.98;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Solanum luteum s. alatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.17;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35070;;GERMANY;32;622705.9856;5975649.8;23.38;51.38;7.8;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lycium barbarum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.79;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35086;;GERMANY;33;437432;5852154;17.1;19.36;15.12;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Atropa bella-donna;actual measurement;22.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35087;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Urtica kioviensis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;50.45;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35156;;GERMANY;;;;50.45;60.69;39.53;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Urtica kioviensis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;47.22;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35156;;GERMANY;;;;46.62;58.05;38.4;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Urtica kioviensis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);43.77;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35156;;GERMANY;33;312609;5847138;41.49;54.3;30.83;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Urtica kioviensis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);40.8;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35156;;GERMANY;33;312609;5847138;38.5;48.25;29.01;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Urtica urens;actual measurement;21;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35160;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ulmus glabra;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);37.41;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35180;;GERMANY;32;437164;5898308;36.89;37.82;34.67;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ulmus glabra;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);35.24;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35180;;GERMANY;32;437164;5898308;34.77;36.93;32.03;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Viola tricolor s. curtisii;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);31.74;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35223;;GERMANY;32;352188;5941821;30.79;36.84;23;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica scutellata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.37;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34347;;GERMANY;;;;21.93;30.9;17.12;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica scutellata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.04;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34347;;GERMANY;32;398434.5233;5835077.409;37.21;47.1;31.49;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica scutellata;actual measurement;31.58888899;6;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;34347;;GERMANY;;;;31.58888899;;;6;;4.93;;;;adult; Scrophularia umbrosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);35.42;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34372;;GERMANY;32;606131;5967320;38.33;49.69;30.67;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Melampyrum arvense;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.36;17;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34460;;GERMANY;;;;28.26;36.21;20.88;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Euphrasia frigida;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.66;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;34486;;NORWAY;32;608338;6951820;14.67;28.85;9.37;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Pedicularis oederi;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.9;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;33763;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;20.72;26.9;13.7;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica hederifolia;actual measurement;20;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33317;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20;;;1;;;;;;adult; Veronica hederifolia;actual measurement;28.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33317;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica hederifolia;actual measurement;22.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33317;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica hederifolia;actual measurement;17.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33317;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rhinanthus angustifolius;actual measurement;21.84;20;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kühner), Corresponding address:;33452;;GERMANY;;;;22.96;33.58;15.28;1;;;0;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaves scanned with hand scanner, single leaves measured, not linked to individual plants;adult; Rhinanthus angustifolius;actual measurement;17.95;14;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;33452;;GERMANY;;;;18.33;27.72;12.39;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Iris pseudacorus;actual measurement;19.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36664;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Iris pseudacorus;actual measurement;17.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36664;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Iris pseudacorus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.61;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;36664;;GERMANY;;;;12.77;14.7;11.25;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Iris pseudacorus;actual measurement;14.7;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;36664;;GERMANY;;;;14.32;16.42;11.05;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex rostrata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.63;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37274;;GERMANY;32;401756;5916757;14.52;15.69;12.64;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex rostrata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.28;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;37274;;GERMANY;;;;16.89;18.12;15.19;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Briza media;actual measurement;25.85;12;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40342;;GERMANY;;;;25.93;30.28;20.65;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Briza media;actual measurement;26.12;12;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;40342;;GERMANY;;;;27.02;35.71;21.5;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bromus hordeaceus;actual measurement;27.28;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40361;;GERMANY;33;350231;5924041;26.98;29.97;23.36;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Bromus hordeaceus;actual measurement;25.63;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;40361;;GERMANY;;;;26.06;30.98;22.87;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Bromus hordeaceus;actual measurement;35.29;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;40361;;GERMANY;;;;34.52;38.84;29.03;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Cynosurus cristatus;actual measurement;22.52;20;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kühner), Corresponding address:;40659;;GERMANY;;;;23.16;29.47;19.4;1;;;0;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaves scanned with hand scanner, single leaves measured, not linked to individual plants;adult; Cynosurus cristatus;actual measurement;21.67;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40659;;GERMANY;33;349731;5924063;21.93;25.68;16.84;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Eragrostis pilosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);42.4;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;40736;;NETHERLANDS;;;;42.06;48.19;35.53;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Glyceria fluitans;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.86;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;40814;;GERMANY;;;;31.03;34.57;28.2;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Glyceria fluitans;actual measurement;24.35335685;14;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;40814;;GERMANY;;;;24.35335685;;;6;;1.53;;;;adult; Aira caryophyllea;actual measurement;17.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40866;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Aira caryophyllea;actual measurement;15;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40866;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15;;;1;;;;;;adult; Aira caryophyllea;actual measurement;29.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40866;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aira caryophyllea;actual measurement;32.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40866;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aira caryophyllea;actual measurement;11.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40866;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Avenula pratensis;actual measurement;10.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40921;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Avenula pratensis;actual measurement;9.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40921;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Avenula pratensis;actual measurement;11.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40921;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Avenula pratensis;actual measurement;10.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40921;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Avenula pratensis;actual measurement;9.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40921;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus commutatus;actual measurement;20;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40941;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Brachypodium pinnatum s. pinnatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.24;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;41177;;GERMANY;;;;21.89;23.75;18.61;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Brachypodium pinnatum s. pinnatum;actual measurement;32.42;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;41177;;GERMANY;;;;33.91;47.51;24.96;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Brachypodium pinnatum s. pinnatum;actual measurement;23.06;15;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;41177;;GERMANY;;;;23.22;28.92;12.61;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Brachypodium pinnatum s. pinnatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.32191846;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Römermann), E-Mail:;41177;;GERMANY;;;;27.32191846;;;2;2.379871326;;;;;adult; Brachypodium pinnatum s. pinnatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.259767;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Römermann), E-Mail:;41177;;GERMANY;;;;21.259767;;;2;1.292126764;;;;;adult; Pedicularis palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.36;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Wilmann), E-Mail: (;33771;;NORWAY;32;517928;6995268;19.9;35.34;14.01;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salix herbacea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.15;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;32589;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;13.32;14.5;12.7;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 2-4 leaves per sample;adult; Salix herbacea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.6;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;32589;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;14.79;20.9;11.1;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 2-5 leaves per sample;adult; Salix caprea;actual measurement;12.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32596;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.9;;;5;1.02;;;00:00.0;;adult; Salix caprea;actual measurement;18.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32596;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.1;;;5;1.75;;;00:00.0;;adult; Salix caprea;actual measurement;12.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32596;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.2;;;5;0.85;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex laevigata;actual measurement;21.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37865;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex laevigata;actual measurement;16.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37865;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polygonatum multiflorum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;43.84;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;38075;;GERMANY;;;;43.84;48.17;39.91;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex tomentosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.02;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37173;;GERMANY;32;494600;5286922;18.82;24.28;15.72;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cyperus longus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;21.96;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37214;;GERMANY;;;;23.53;31;19.3;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex nigra;actual measurement;20.73;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37228;;GERMANY;33;349147;5924593;20.9;23.87;18.7;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Carex nigra;actual measurement;18.02;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;37228;;GERMANY;;;;19.35;23.6;16.47;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex nigra;actual measurement;22.07;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;37228;;GERMANY;;;;22.07;22.82;21.33;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex nigra;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.7;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;37228;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;20.2;22.8;18.1;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex ovalis;actual measurement;24.98;19;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;37242;;GERMANY;;;;25.37;30.86;20.57;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex flava;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.98;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37404;;GERMANY;;;;21.42;29.98;14.64;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scirpus lacustris;actual measurement;16;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37486;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16;;;1;;;;;;adult; Scirpus lacustris;actual measurement;25;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37486;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Scirpus lacustris;actual measurement;16.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37486;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Eriophorum latifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.44;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Wilmann), E-Mail: (;37555;;NORWAY;32;517928;6995268;13.22;17.64;10.32;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Schoenus nigricans;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);3.87;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37577;;GERMANY;32;352486;5941614;3.88;4.83;3.35;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cyperus fuscus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);41.61;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37606;;GERMANY;32;646162.8498;5888614.18;44.13;57.29;36.67;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Narthecium ossifragum;actual measurement;21.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;38170;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Narthecium ossifragum;actual measurement;27;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;38170;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hyacinthoides non-scripta;actual measurement;18.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;38541;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Hyacinthoides non-scripta;actual measurement;25.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;38541;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hyacinthoides non-scripta;actual measurement;20.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;38541;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Agrostis vinealis;actual measurement;18.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41896;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Agrostis vinealis;actual measurement;25.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41896;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anthoxanthum odoratum;actual measurement;23.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41907;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Apera interrupta;actual measurement;37.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41910;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Apera interrupta;actual measurement;16;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41910;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cynodon dactylon;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);39.05;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;41221;;NETHERLANDS;;;;39.27;48.05;33.69;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex montana;actual measurement;16.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37346;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Carex montana;actual measurement;19.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37346;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex bigelowii;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.7;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;37350;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;14.52;20.1;9.27;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Puccinellia distans;actual measurement;24.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42706;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Puccinellia distans;actual measurement;36.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42706;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Puccinellia distans;actual measurement;25.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42706;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Milium effusum;actual measurement;35.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43212;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Milium effusum;actual measurement;31.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43212;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Corynephorus canescens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.4;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;41702;;GERMANY;32;449210.324;5882979.866;15.58;20.42;10.99;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Corynephorus canescens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.77;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;41702;;GERMANY;32;482811;5883875;11.84;20.32;6.92;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cephalanthera longifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);34.31;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Wilmann), E-Mail: (;39466;;SWEDEN;34;366205;6388369;34.74;38.57;32.16;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Coeloglossum viride;actual measurement;24.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39475;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Coeloglossum viride;actual measurement;18.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39475;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Dactylorhiza sambucina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.33;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39567;;GERMANY;32;433296;5330362;28.04;31.37;23.15;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Dactylorhiza traunsteineri s. lapponica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.83;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Wilmann), E-Mail: (;39600;;NORWAY;32;519714;6990533;23.67;25.43;20.69;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Epipactis helleborine;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.37;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;39609;;NETHERLANDS;;;;28.46;31.82;25.59;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Epipactis helleborine;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.91;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;39609;;NETHERLANDS;;;;22.68;25.06;18.84;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Gymnadenia conopsea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.73;8;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39638;;GERMANY;32;547000;5380000;21.21;25.18;19.02;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Gymnadenia odoratissima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.17;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39639;;GERMANY;32;507273;5354485;23.36;31.21;19.95;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Danthonia decumbens;actual measurement;12.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42203;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Danthonia decumbens;actual measurement;20.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42203;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Elymus caninus;actual measurement;31;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42231;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Elymus caninus;actual measurement;24.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42231;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sesleria caerulea;actual measurement;19.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42378;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Phalaris arundinacea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.77;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;42396;;GERMANY;;;;19.69;24.27;17.02;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Phalaris arundinacea;actual measurement;20.54;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;42396;;GERMANY;;;;20.6;23.47;17.37;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Phalaris arundinacea;actual measurement;16.99584904;15;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;42396;;GERMANY;;;;16.99584904;;;6;;0.79;;;;adult; Phleum pratense;actual measurement;25.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42408;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Phleum pratense;actual measurement;25.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42408;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Phleum pratense;actual measurement;24.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42408;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Phleum pratense;actual measurement;20.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42408;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Phleum pratense;actual measurement;36.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42408;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.2;;;2;;;;;;adult; Phleum pratense;actual measurement;35.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42408;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Phleum pratense;actual measurement;28.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42408;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Phleum pratense;actual measurement;19.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42408;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Phalaris canariensis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;21.84;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;42881;;GERMANY;;;;21.84;25.79;18.15;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Koeleria glauca;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.7;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43022;;GERMANY;32;345758;5939106;12.79;14.26;10.82;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Leymus arenarius;actual measurement;7.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43033;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cerastium fontanum s. vulgare;actual measurement;21.2;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;44993;;GERMANY;;;;22.5;28.23;15.44;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Cerastium fontanum s. vulgare;actual measurement;33.76;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;44993;;GERMANY;;;;32.95;41.7;22.63;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Cerastium fontanum s. vulgare;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);45;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;44993;;GERMANY;32;482811;5883875;40.17;50;25.5;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cerastium fontanum s. vulgare;actual measurement;48.52316276;8;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;44993;;GERMANY;;;;48.52316276;;;6;;24.95;;;;adult; Ranunculus peltatus s. baudotii;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);48.49;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;45465;;SWEDEN;;;;49.79;60.07;44.56;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus peltatus s. baudotii;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.47;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;45465;;GERMANY;32;498738;6020444;23.47;26.19;20.75;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. land form;adult; Ranunculus peltatus s. baudotii;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);44.21;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;45465;;GERMANY;32;498738;6020444;44.21;44.21;44.21;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. submersed leaf;adult; Dactylorhiza sphagnicola;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.97;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;50029;;GERMANY;32;487256;5926815;23.73;36.4;18.68;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rubus fruticosus ag. L.;actual measurement;15.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;58698;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Rubus fruticosus ag. L.;actual measurement;13.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;58698;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Rubus corylifolius ag.;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.48;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;58723;;GERMANY;32;449173.3388;5883028.847;30.39;34.67;26.02;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rubus corylifolius ag.;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.1;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;58723;;GERMANY;32;449173.3388;5883028.847;26.45;30.76;22.48;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rubus corylifolius ag.;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.66;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;58723;;GERMANY;32;449141.3516;5883035.844;14.66;18.37;10.95;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rubus corylifolius ag.;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.36;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;58723;;GERMANY;32;449141.3516;5883035.844;13.36;16.67;10.06;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Taraxacum Sec. Ruderalia;actual measurement;29.08123027;8;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;59373;;GERMANY;;;;29.08123027;;;6;;1.91;;;;adult; Baldellia repens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.02;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;59543;;NETHERLANDS;;;;28.38;37.06;23.83;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ophrys fuciflora;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.13;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39685;;GERMANY;32;389290;5284787;27.53;32.61;23.88;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Orchis ustulata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.69;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39783;;GERMANY;32;404784;5349351;22.14;25.08;16.04;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Platanthera bifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.51;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39786;;GERMANY;32;409555;5312993;28.51;28.55;28.46;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Dactylorhiza incarnata subsp. ochroleuca;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.14;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39839;;GERMANY;32;502926;5289147;18.97;19.46;18.32;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Orchis simia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.77;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40058;;GERMANY;32;402856;5328967;24.96;27.14;23.4;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Fallopia dumetorum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.85;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;44738;;GERMANY;32;645969.3347;5888981.332;25.79;32.01;21.51;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Fallopia dumetorum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.27;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;44738;;GERMANY;32;645969.3347;5888981.332;24.96;30.64;20.96;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Asplenium ruta-muraria;actual measurement;14.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;156;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Asplenium ruta-muraria;actual measurement;14.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;156;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Asplenium ruta-muraria;actual measurement;8.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;156;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;8.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Equisetum palustre;actual measurement;8.62;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;174;;GERMANY;33;348358;5924824;8;9.35;4.38;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Anthemis tinctoria;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.43;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2787;;GERMANY;;;;16.4;18.42;13.58;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Achillea millefolium;actual measurement;19.61;11;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3013;;GERMANY;33;349929;5924056;19.84;22.82;16.27;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Achillea millefolium;actual measurement;15.29;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;3013;;GERMANY;;;;16.72;21.95;11.53;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Achillea millefolium;actual measurement;19.34;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;3013;;GERMANY;;;;20.75;27.42;15.28;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Achillea millefolium;actual measurement;19.89;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;3013;;GERMANY;;;;21.22;30.36;14.73;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Achillea millefolium;actual measurement;14.04397345;15;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;3013;;GERMANY;;;;14.04397345;;;6;;0.7;;;agg.;adult; Cirsium tuberosum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.7;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3068;;GERMANY;32;507273;5354485;11.7;12.65;10.74;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bidens connata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);54.19;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;3153;;NETHERLANDS;;;;55.64;72.47;39.27;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Adenostyles alliariae;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.49;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3188;;GERMANY;32;426814;8303722;30.04;40.02;15.49;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Adenostyles alliariae;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.92;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3188;;GERMANY;32;426814;8303722;19.89;24.99;10.44;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cirsium acaule;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.62;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3252;;GERMANY;32;684457;5646509;13.62;15.56;12.24;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cirsium acaule;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.88;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3252;;GERMANY;32;684457;5646509;13.09;15.37;11.81;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cirsium acaule;actual measurement;12.67;12;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;3252;;GERMANY;;;;12.59;15.32;8.63;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Arnica montana;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.69;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3665;;GERMANY;32;426365;5303435;16.69;20.39;14.12;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Arnica montana;actual measurement;22.08;18;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;3665;;GERMANY;;;;22.39;30.33;13.12;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Doronicum pardalianches;actual measurement;22.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3685;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Doronicum pardalianches;actual measurement;40.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3685;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;40.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Centaurea nigra;actual measurement;25.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3754;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Centaurea nigra;actual measurement;24.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3754;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Centaurea nigra;actual measurement;16.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3754;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Centaurea nigra;actual measurement;15.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3754;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Centaurea nigra;actual measurement;27.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3754;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Centaurea nigra;actual measurement;28.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3754;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.3;;;2;;;;;;adult; Centaurea nigra;actual measurement;25.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3754;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Centaurea nigra;actual measurement;25.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3754;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.2;;;2;;;;;;adult; Achillea macrophylla;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.82;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;4009;;GERMANY;32;401207;5327428;24.82;32.96;16.69;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Achillea macrophylla;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;15.44;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;4009;;GERMANY;;;;16.49;24.84;12.58;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ambrosia artemisiifolia;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;32.14;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;4198;;GERMANY;;;;31.5;36.72;26.44;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Setaria pumila;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;25.46;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43456;;GERMANY;;;;25.46;26.51;24.41;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sparganium minimum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);32.4;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43999;;GERMANY;32;610222;5728729;34.97;49.09;25.51;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. water form;adult; Sparganium minimum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);43.82;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43999;;GERMANY;32;610222;5728729;44.78;53.34;35.03;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. land form;adult; Typha angustifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);7.7;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;44027;;GERMANY;;;;7.63;7.93;7.17;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Typha angustifolia;actual measurement;6.30768108;12;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;44027;;GERMANY;;;;6.30768108;;;6;;0.23;;;;adult; Potamogeton pusillus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);63.89;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43890;;GERMANY;32;452517.0008;5892134.203;63.89;63.89;63.89;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potamogeton pusillus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);84.43;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43890;;GERMANY;32;617740.5081;5975590.635;89.37;100;83.7;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Parietaria judaica;actual measurement;28.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;44662;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Parietaria judaica;actual measurement;36.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;44662;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Parietaria judaica;actual measurement;34.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;44662;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anthriscus cerefolium;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;54.03;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1526;;GERMANY;;;;52.68;62.44;41.52;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Oenanthe crocata;actual measurement;41.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1659;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;41.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Apium nodiflorum;actual measurement;67.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1922;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;67.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Apium nodiflorum;actual measurement;56.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1922;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;56.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Apium nodiflorum;actual measurement;89.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1922;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;89.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Apium nodiflorum;actual measurement;34.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1922;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anthriscus caucalis;actual measurement;29.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1975;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Anthriscus caucalis;actual measurement;46.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1975;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;46.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anthriscus caucalis;actual measurement;22.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1975;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anthriscus caucalis;actual measurement;17.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1975;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Smyrnium perfoliatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);31.01;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2032;;GERMANY;32;;;31.26;41.2;24.62;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Botrychium lunaria;actual measurement;21.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;270;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Oreopteris limbosperma;actual measurement;13.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;315;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polystichum lonchitis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);7.37;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Wilmann), E-Mail: (;326;;NORWAY;32;518307;6993761;7.8;10.1;6.3;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Picea sitchensis;actual measurement;6.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;691;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;6.1;;;5;0.27;;;00:00.0;PREVIOUS YEARS GROWTH;adult; Picea sitchensis;actual measurement;6.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;691;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;6.5;;;5;0.34;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Meum athamanticum;actual measurement;13.18;15;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;1148;;GERMANY;;;;13.22;18.26;8.29;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Pastinaca sativa;actual measurement;18.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1183;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Pastinaca sativa;actual measurement;60.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1183;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;60.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Pastinaca sativa;actual measurement;19.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1183;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Acer opalus;actual measurement;13.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;791;;SPAIN;;;;13.5;;;2;;;;;;adult; Cirsium arvense;actual measurement;11.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5024;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cirsium arvense;actual measurement;26.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5024;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Cirsium arvense;actual measurement;18.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5024;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Cirsium arvense;actual measurement;13.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5024;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cirsium arvense;actual measurement;18.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5024;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cirsium arvense;actual measurement;9.37;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;5024;;GERMANY;33;348957;5924696;11.96;28.54;6;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Cirsium arvense;actual measurement;13.27;13;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;5024;;GERMANY;;;;14.41;22.82;8.14;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cirsium arvense;actual measurement;6.869615505;16;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;5024;;GERMANY;;;;6.869615505;;;6;;0.44;;;;adult; Conyza canadensis;actual measurement;21.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5194;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Conyza canadensis;actual measurement;18.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5194;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Conyza canadensis;actual measurement;33;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5194;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Conyza canadensis;actual measurement;19.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5194;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Artemisia annua;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.54;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;5487;;GERMANY;32;645939.1681;5889271.272;30.65;38.54;23;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Artemisia annua;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.59;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;5487;;GERMANY;32;645939.1681;5889271.272;23.99;33.84;12.93;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Artemisia annua;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);31.09;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;5487;;GERMANY;32;584170.3184;5919082.419;35.25;44.68;29.97;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Artemisia annua;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.48;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;5487;;GERMANY;32;584170.3184;5919082.419;29.78;40.01;19.84;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ambrosia coronopifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.34;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;5955;;GERMANY;32;449145.35;5883358.715;19.03;20.78;16.12;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lappula squarrosa;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;30.41;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;12063;;GERMANY;;;;30.88;35.97;25.86;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Buglossoides purpurocaerulea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);37.01;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;12486;;GERMANY;32;389536;5282872;37.01;45.73;30.65;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cynoglossum officinale;actual measurement;18.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12519;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cynoglossum officinale;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.7;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;12519;;FRANCE;32;386658;5321747;25.5;32.38;19.77;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cynoglossum officinale;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.89;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;12519;;FRANCE;32;386658;5321747;22.89;30.21;17.42;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Amsinckia menziesii;actual measurement;20.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12586;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Amsinckia menziesii;actual measurement;27.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12586;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Erysimum hieracifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.08;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;12817;;GERMANY;;;;15.05;20.18;9.02;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Erysimum hieracifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.89;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;12817;;GERMANY;33;311645;5845815;23.04;28.15;17.37;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Anthriscus nitida;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.55;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1447;;GERMANY;32;518254;5352515;23.17;30.49;16.08;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Anthriscus nitida;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.01;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1447;;GERMANY;32;518254;5352515;20.48;26.19;14.88;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Azolla filiculoides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.43;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22;;GERMANY;32;404333;5349911;20.57;25.4;16.8;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. whole plant treated as one leaf;adult; Matteuccia struthiopteris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);35.43;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;57;;GERMANY;32;600543;5723740;36.05;42.64;32.25;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Matteuccia struthiopteris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.16;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;57;;GERMANY;32;600543;5723740;22.43;27.15;18.85;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Tragopogon pratensis s. pratensis;actual measurement;28.08;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;10265;;GERMANY;;;;27.58;36.38;22.29;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Taraxacum species;actual measurement;48.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9261;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;48.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Taraxacum species;actual measurement;47.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9261;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;47.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Taraxacum species;actual measurement;24.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9261;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Taraxacum species;actual measurement;23.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9261;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Taraxacum species;actual measurement;27.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9261;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.3;;;2;;;;;;adult; Taraxacum species;actual measurement;24.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9261;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Taraxacum species;actual measurement;21.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9261;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hieracium cymosum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.33;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6921;;GERMANY;32;486567;5290308;21.13;23.52;18.85;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hieracium umbellatum;actual measurement;18.58;12;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;7093;;GERMANY;;;;19.08;27.16;14.44;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hieracium umbellatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.01;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;7093;;SWEDEN;33;534337.2596;6251697.32;22.42;26.72;19.03;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Leontodon autumnalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.2;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;7298;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;22.78;31.9;18.3;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Leontodon autumnalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.7;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;7298;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;25.9;34.8;19.4;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Helianthus annuus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.94;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;7986;;NETHERLANDS;;;;21.32;24.35;19.19;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Senecio bicolor;actual measurement;12.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9624;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Leucanthemum vulgare;actual measurement;17.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9651;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Leucanthemum vulgare;actual measurement;15.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9651;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Leucanthemum vulgare;actual measurement;14.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9651;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Leucanthemum vulgare;actual measurement;25.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9651;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.4;;;2;;;;;;adult; Leucanthemum vulgare;actual measurement;22.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9651;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Leucanthemum vulgare;actual measurement;18.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9651;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.4;;;2;;;;;;adult; Petasites spurius;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.62;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9658;;GERMANY;32;;;11.88;14.58;10.72;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Petasites spurius;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.71;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9658;;GERMANY;32;;;9.85;11.83;8.71;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Pyrola minor;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.55;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28775;;GERMANY;32;;;17.55;21.51;14.02;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Anagallis arvensis;actual measurement;17.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28783;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Anagallis arvensis;actual measurement;22.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28783;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Anagallis arvensis;actual measurement;37.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28783;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium dissectum;actual measurement;24.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22583;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium dissectum;actual measurement;21.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22583;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Geranium dissectum;actual measurement;28.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22583;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium dissectum;actual measurement;22.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22583;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium dissectum;actual measurement;18.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22583;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chenopodium polyspermum;actual measurement;43.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17882;;ITALY;;;;43.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chenopodium polyspermum;actual measurement;41.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17882;;ITALY;;;;41.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chenopodium polyspermum;actual measurement;24.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17882;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chenopodium polyspermum;actual measurement;36.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17882;;ITALY;;;;36.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Halimione portulacoides;actual measurement;13.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17931;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Salicornia europaea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);3.1;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18012;;GERMANY;;;;3.07;3.37;2.73;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ssp. brachystachya;adult; Salicornia europaea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);3.33;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18012;;GERMANY;;;;3.29;3.46;3.07;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ssp. brachystachya;adult; Hydrocotyle vulgaris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);34.49;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;2206;;GERMANY;;;;34.34;35.77;31.73;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hydrocotyle vulgaris;actual measurement;26.85;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2206;;GERMANY;33;348764;5924907;26.41;28.3;22.87;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Hydrocotyle vulgaris;actual measurement;32.97;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2206;;GERMANY;33;348764;5924907;33.47;39.13;27.61;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Hydrocotyle vulgaris;actual measurement;25.58;14;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;2206;;GERMANY;;;;26.22;40.35;21.76;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cicuta virosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);31.31;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2295;;GERMANY;32;450289;5427948;33.59;45.42;28.17;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cicuta virosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.59;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2295;;GERMANY;32;450289;5427948;19.43;25.4;16.61;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bunium bulbocastanum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.01;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2366;;GERMANY;32;476188;5490931;17.71;23.27;15.69;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vinca minor;actual measurement;16.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2536;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Vinca minor;actual measurement;32.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2536;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vinca minor;actual measurement;25.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2536;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Filago lutescens;actual measurement;16.81;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2658;;GERMANY;;;;17.38;23.66;14.04;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Lactuca serriola;actual measurement;15.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;6360;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hypochoeris radicata;actual measurement;22.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;6499;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Hypochoeris radicata;actual measurement;20.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;6499;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hypochoeris radicata;actual measurement;20.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;6499;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Hypochoeris radicata;actual measurement;26.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;6499;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.2;;;2;;;;;;adult; Hypochoeris radicata;actual measurement;19.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;6499;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hypochoeris radicata;actual measurement;24.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;6499;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.1;;;2;;;;;;adult; Leontodon hispidus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.37;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6638;;GERMANY;32;503813;5354495;17.43;22.53;14.03;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. determinated as Leontodon hispidus ssp. hyoseroides;adult; Leontodon hispidus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.43;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6638;;GERMANY;32;503813;5354495;17.36;28.83;12.87;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. determinated as Leontodon hispidus ssp. hyoseroides;adult; Centaurium erythraea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.54;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22963;;GERMANY;;;;24.11;28.74;21.24;1;;;0;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alliaria petiolata;actual measurement;25.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13080;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Alliaria petiolata;actual measurement;31.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13080;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Alliaria petiolata;actual measurement;38.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13080;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;38.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Alliaria petiolata;actual measurement;34;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13080;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Alliaria petiolata;actual measurement;33;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13080;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Alyssum alyssoides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.64;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13424;;GERMANY;32;395157;5328511;18.84;21.99;16.83;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alyssum alyssoides;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;24.32;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13424;;GERMANY;;;;23.93;26.09;21.17;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Montia fontana;actual measurement;20.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27478;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rumex acetosa;actual measurement;55.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27593;;ITALY;;;;55.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rumex acetosa;actual measurement;25.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27593;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rumex acetosa;actual measurement;30.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27593;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rumex acetosa;actual measurement;27.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27593;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rumex acetosa;actual measurement;25.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27593;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.4;;;2;;;;;;adult; Rumex acetosa;actual measurement;23.08;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;27593;;GERMANY;;;;22.68;27.43;15.58;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Rumex acetosa;actual measurement;25.94;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;27593;;GERMANY;;;;26.05;33;19.37;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Rumex acetosa;actual measurement;19.05489731;14;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;27593;;GERMANY;;;;19.05489731;;;6;;0.82;;;;adult; Euonymus europaeus;actual measurement;13.7;1;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Copenhagen, Department of Ecology, Section of Botany, DK (Kollmann), E-Mail:;18402;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.7;13.7;13.7;3;;;50;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bryonia cretica s. cretica;actual measurement;41.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18476;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;41.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bryonia cretica s. cretica;actual measurement;29.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18476;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bryonia cretica s. cretica;actual measurement;31.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18476;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Gentiana asclepiadea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.08;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23062;;GERMANY;32;503124;5288687;23.64;24.91;22.93;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Gentianella amarella;actual measurement;28;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23102;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hypericum perforatum;actual measurement;46.93;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;23212;;GERMANY;;;;50.31;76.78;34.26;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Hypericum perforatum;actual measurement;30.57;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;23212;;GERMANY;;;;30.09;37.2;22.56;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Hypericum perforatum;actual measurement;26.46;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;23212;;GERMANY;;;;27.54;39.65;18.44;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hypericum perforatum;actual measurement;23.24077553;7;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;23212;;GERMANY;;;;23.24077553;;;6;;1.48;;;;adult; Aquilegia vulgaris;actual measurement;22.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27156;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Caltha palustris;actual measurement;27.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27293;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Caltha palustris;actual measurement;19.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27293;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Salicornia stricta;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);3.45;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18033;;GERMANY;;;;3.45;3.45;3.45;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salicornia stricta;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);3.6;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18033;;GERMANY;;;;3.6;3.6;3.6;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rhodiola rosea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.2;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;18168;;NORWAY;32;609381;6951960;18.59;20.17;16.41;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sedum rubens;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;33.72;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18260;;GERMANY;;;;32.86;45.4;17.17;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alchemilla glabra;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.46;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30979;;GERMANY;32;605129;5731360;23.46;25.6;21.32;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Erodium cicutarium;actual measurement;15.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22675;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Erodium cicutarium;actual measurement;25.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22675;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Erodium cicutarium;actual measurement;16.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22675;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Erodium cicutarium;actual measurement;21.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22675;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Erodium cicutarium;actual measurement;18.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22675;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Erodium cicutarium;actual measurement;16.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22675;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Erodium cicutarium;actual measurement;15.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22675;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Erodium moschatum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;34.61;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22680;;GERMANY;;;;34.61;38.96;25.9;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Erodium moschatum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;22.68;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22680;;GERMANY;;;;22.7;27.28;17.62;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Helianthemum oelandicum;actual measurement;10.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18580;;SPAIN;;;;10.5;;;2;;;;;;adult; Fumana procumbens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.22;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18723;;FRANCE;32;370995;5313962;8.22;9.03;7.57;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Teucrium montanum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.93;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23362;;GERMANY;32;401334;5327521;18.36;21.43;15.24;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galeopsis angustifolia;actual measurement;19.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23489;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lamium amplexicaule;actual measurement;19.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23573;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sonchus arvensis;actual measurement;22.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10586;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sonchus arvensis;actual measurement;22.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10586;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sonchus arvensis;actual measurement;21.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10586;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Dianthus superbus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.07;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;16439;;NETHERLANDS;;;;23.59;27.86;20.23;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cerastium diffusum;actual measurement;20.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16473;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cerastium diffusum;actual measurement;25.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16473;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lathyrus pratensis;actual measurement;17.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21355;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Lathyrus pratensis;actual measurement;21.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21355;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Lathyrus pratensis;actual measurement;20.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21355;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Lathyrus pratensis;actual measurement;26.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21355;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.5;;;2;;;;;;adult; Lathyrus pratensis;actual measurement;25.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21355;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.7;;;2;;;;;;adult; Lathyrus pratensis;actual measurement;18.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21355;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Plantago arenaria;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.99;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27863;;GERMANY;;;;17.06;18.46;15.56;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Plantago arenaria;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;16.42;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27863;;GERMANY;;;;15.34;16.77;12.83;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Plantago coronopus;actual measurement;10.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27899;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Plantago coronopus;actual measurement;9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27899;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Plantago coronopus;actual measurement;15.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27899;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rhamnus catharticus;actual measurement;19.8;1;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Copenhagen, Department of Ecology, Section of Botany, DK (Kollmann), E-Mail:;28012;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.8;19.8;19.8;3;;;50;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Polygala vulgaris;actual measurement;21.1;20;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kühner), Corresponding address:;28062;;GERMANY;;;;22.28;31.86;17.31;1;;;0;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaves scanned with hand scanner, single leaves measured, not linked to individual plants;adult; Polygala vulgaris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.97;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28062;;GERMANY;32;352188;5941821;21.83;26.07;17.14;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. determinated as Polygala vulgaris ssp. collina;adult; Polygala vulgaris;actual measurement;15.29;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;28062;;GERMANY;;;;14.99;18.71;10.01;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Polygala vulgaris;actual measurement;30.21;13;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;28062;;GERMANY;;;;29.7;45.31;21.84;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Raphanus raphanistrum;actual measurement;37.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13549;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Raphanus raphanistrum;actual measurement;21.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13549;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Raphanus raphanistrum;actual measurement;18.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13549;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Petasites hybridus;actual measurement;17.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10476;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Petasites hybridus;actual measurement;34.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10476;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Petasites hybridus;actual measurement;22;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10476;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Petasites hybridus;actual measurement;18.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10476;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Petasites hybridus;actual measurement;17.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10476;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lathyrus palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);34.01;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21816;;GERMANY;32;;;34.43;45.26;30.18;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lembotropis nigricans;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.93;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21830;;GERMANY;32;517995;5352469;16.93;25.39;14.03;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lembotropis nigricans;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.69;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21830;;GERMANY;32;517995;5352469;16.72;24.78;14;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lotus corniculatus;actual measurement;34.08;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;21886;;GERMANY;;;;33.23;46.36;22.97;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Lotus corniculatus;actual measurement;28.02;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;21886;;GERMANY;;;;28.51;33.45;24.55;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Lotus corniculatus;actual measurement;27.14;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;21886;;GERMANY;;;;27.04;33.46;20.44;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lotus corniculatus;actual measurement;17.99485553;11;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;21886;;GERMANY;;;;17.99485553;;;6;;0.77;;;;adult; Petasites fragrans;actual measurement;19.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11574;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Petasites fragrans;actual measurement;28.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11574;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Iberis umbellata;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;34.32;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14042;;GERMANY;;;;32.38;36.92;23.62;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Epilobium tetragonum;actual measurement;15.9;27;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;26469;;GERMANY;;;;15.9;;;6;;1.41;;;;adult; Thalictrum minus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.79;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26547;;GERMANY;32;345758;5939106;15.79;17.05;13.99;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Thalictrum minus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.13;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26547;;GERMANY;32;345758;5939106;9.44;11.43;7.6;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Thalictrum minus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.83;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26547;;FRANCE;32;370995;5313962;19.61;26.68;14.88;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Thalictrum minus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.75;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26547;;FRANCE;32;370995;5313962;16.36;21.69;12.79;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cerastium pumilum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.13;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;16863;;GERMANY;;;;30.94;41.33;24;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Holosteum umbellatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);35.75;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17010;;GERMANY;;;;34.29;38.03;26.25;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium fragiferum;actual measurement;22.93;2;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22005;;GERMANY;;;;22.93;27.5;18.37;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Trifolium fragiferum;actual measurement;31.12;8;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22005;;GERMANY;;;;32.08;43.28;19.17;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Trifolium repens;actual measurement;25.78;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22101;;GERMANY;33;350131;5924046;25.02;29.4;17.38;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Trifolium repens;actual measurement;28.93;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22101;;GERMANY;33;350131;5924046;28.18;34.24;23.04;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Trifolium repens;actual measurement;33.38;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;22101;;GERMANY;;;;33.38;33.38;33.38;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium repens;actual measurement;20.00236857;17;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;22101;;GERMANY;;;;20.00236857;;;6;;0.61;;;;adult; Lupinus angustifolius;actual measurement;22.51;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;21449;;GERMANY;;;;25.08;33.77;20.76;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trigonella foenum-graecum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;21.95;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21525;;GERMANY;;;;21.92;27.36;16.76;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trigonella foenum-graecum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;21.67;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21525;;GERMANY;;;;21.36;26.04;16.29;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium incarnatum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;22.7;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21571;;GERMANY;;;;24.49;36.76;19.89;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium incarnatum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;31.27;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21571;;GERMANY;;;;33.73;47.87;26.31;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Senecio aquaticus s. barbareifolius;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.99;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11409;;GERMANY;33;449254;5873799;28.94;33.81;23.05;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Senecio aquaticus s. barbareifolius;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.24;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11409;;GERMANY;33;449254;5873799;23.24;28.12;18.14;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Senecio paludosus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.54;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11419;;GERMANY;33;323783;5838731;19.38;26.06;15.19;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Senecio paludosus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.98;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11419;;GERMANY;32;499964;5285800;19.22;21.21;16.46;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Syringa vulgaris;actual measurement;15.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26377;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Syringa vulgaris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.81;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26377;;GERMANY;32;684186;5646244;12.81;17.25;9.97;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Syringa vulgaris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.22;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26377;;GERMANY;32;684186;5646244;12.23;16.46;9.72;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sagina apetala subsp. erecta;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.62;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;16642;;GERMANY;32;617740.5081;5975590.635;20.62;20.62;20.62;6;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. apetala ag.;adult; Spergularia media;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.39;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;16741;;GERMANY;;;;20.33;25.1;16.51;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Spergularia media;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);39.39;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;16741;;GERMANY;32;622346.0808;5975382.406;38.38;46.24;31.01;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Anthyllis vulneraria;actual measurement;18.85;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;21660;;GERMANY;;;;18.33;21.24;15.55;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Cytisus scoparius;actual measurement;15.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21757;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.5;;;5;2.56;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Cytisus scoparius;actual measurement;16.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21757;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.9;;;5;1.03;;;00:00.0;CURRENT YEARS GROWTH;adult; Coronilla varia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);37.31;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;21810;;NETHERLANDS;;;;37.14;42.41;29.05;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scleranthus perennis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.93;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17092;;GERMANY;;;;18.93;22.01;15.26;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scabiosa ochroleuca;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.63;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19228;;GERMANY;;;;11.71;13.75;9.05;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Knautia dipsacifolia;actual measurement;22.07;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;19339;;GERMANY;;;;24.54;35.18;18.56;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Dipsacus fullonum;actual measurement;13.40686666;11;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;19359;;GERMANY;;;;13.40686666;;;6;;0.6;;;;adult; Scutellaria galericulata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);43.82;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;24386;;GERMANY;;;;43.95;47.28;41.02;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hippuris vulgaris;actual measurement;35.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24425;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hippuris vulgaris;actual measurement;35;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24425;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Teucrium scorodonia;actual measurement;11.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24460;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Teucrium scorodonia;actual measurement;14;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24460;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Teucrium scorodonia;actual measurement;9.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24460;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galeopsis ladanum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.8;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24587;;GERMANY;32;518254;5352515;19.52;22.25;13.8;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galeopsis ladanum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.51;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24587;;GERMANY;32;518254;5352515;19.2;21.75;13.61;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Mentha longifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.17;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24632;;GERMANY;32;621038.8111;5974188.366;30.67;42.77;20.8;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Mentha longifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.1;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24632;;GERMANY;32;621038.8111;5974188.366;28.36;38.23;20.56;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Glechoma hederacea;actual measurement;33.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24650;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Glechoma hederacea;actual measurement;32.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24650;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Glechoma hederacea;actual measurement;29.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24650;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Glechoma hederacea;actual measurement;27.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24650;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Glechoma hederacea;actual measurement;43.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24650;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;43.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Glechoma hederacea;actual measurement;35.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24650;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Arabis sagittata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.53;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14273;;GERMANY;32;395157;5328511;17.11;29.06;8.97;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ground leaves;adult; Arabis sagittata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.1;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14273;;GERMANY;32;395157;5328511;21.14;22.02;20.22;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. sample consists of 5 rosette leaves and 5 stem leaves (morphologically very similar);adult; Barbarea stricta;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;43.97;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14378;;GERMANY;;;;43.36;47.84;36.54;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salvia nemorosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.14;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;24767;;NETHERLANDS;;;;23.22;29.17;16.3;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Satureja montana;actual measurement;17.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24782;;SPAIN;;;;17.6;;;2;;;;;;adult; Teucrium chamaedrys;actual measurement;18.3;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;24813;;GERMANY;;;;17.4;21.51;12.66;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Teucrium chamaedrys;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.08;11;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24813;;GERMANY;32;545000;5375900;18.52;22.04;15.15;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Teucrium chamaedrys;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.93845715;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Römermann), E-Mail:;24813;;GERMANY;;;;24.93845715;;;2;6.374535323;;;;;adult; Teucrium chamaedrys;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.25099344;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Römermann), E-Mail:;24813;;GERMANY;;;;13.25099344;;;2;0.836770461;;;;;adult; Hottonia palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);89.66;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;28918;;GERMANY;;;;89.72;91.36;86.15;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vaccinium myrtillus;actual measurement;17.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19475;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vaccinium myrtillus;actual measurement;15.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19475;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Vaccinium myrtillus;actual measurement;20;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19475;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20;;;5;1.62;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vaccinium myrtillus;actual measurement;16.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19475;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.5;;;5;1.73;;;00:00.0;;adult; Erysimum cheiranthoides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.23;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14097;;GERMANY;32;645939.1681;5889271.272;28.73;39.75;22.68;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Erysimum cheiranthoides;actual measurement;22.07699129;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;14097;;GERMANY;;;;22.07699129;;;6;;1.08;;;;adult; Coronopus squamatus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);31.48;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14154;;GERMANY;;;;31.83;39.52;26.67;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Draba aizoides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.5;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14170;;GERMANY;32;718789;5435697;20.48;23.73;17.21;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Draba aizoides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.32;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14170;;GERMANY;32;499419;5322615;14.11;16.44;12.58;6;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Thalictrum flavum;actual measurement;29.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26674;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Thalictrum flavum;actual measurement;22.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26674;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Myosoton aquaticum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);48.27;12;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15865;;GERMANY;33;312609;5847138;47.34;58.43;35.92;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Spergularia echinosperma;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.5;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15958;;GERMANY;32;645939.1681;5889271.272;27.06;31.29;23.33;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vicia faba;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.03;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;20755;;NETHERLANDS;;;;29.3;30.93;28.21;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Utricularia australis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);75;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26089;;GERMANY;32;456758.3036;5897142.199;75.33;87.69;67.41;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hornungia petraea;actual measurement;19;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14530;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lepidium densiflorum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;63.1;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14562;;GERMANY;;;;63.1;63.1;63.1;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. plants of seed bank analysis experiment;adult; Lepidium densiflorum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;57.07;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14562;;GERMANY;;;;57.07;57.07;57.07;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. plants of seed bank analysis experiment;adult; Thymus praecox;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.82;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24924;;GERMANY;32;609650;5715895;14.82;18.03;11.85;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sambucus nigra;actual measurement;23.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15363;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.4;;;5;2.12;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sambucus nigra;actual measurement;15.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15363;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.8;;;5;1.25;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sambucus nigra;actual measurement;19.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15363;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.8;;;5;2.01;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sambucus nigra;actual measurement;18;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15363;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18;;;5;1.6;;;00:00.0;;adult; Samolus valerandi;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.06;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28974;;GERMANY;32;352666;5942122;25.06;29.99;20.55;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Samolus valerandi;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.4;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28974;;GERMANY;32;352666;5942122;25.4;30.39;20.78;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sanguisorba minor;actual measurement;21.77;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;29153;;GERMANY;;;;21.89;25.9;18.76;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sanguisorba minor;actual measurement;16.97;15;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;29153;;GERMANY;;;;16.87;24.47;9.12;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Arctostaphylos alpinus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.13;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;19579;;NORWAY;32;609331;6951972;15.03;22.56;10.84;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium micranthum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);37.29;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;19621;;SWEDEN;;;;38.15;61.11;27.27;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Medicago arabica;actual measurement;20.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19824;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Linum perenne;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.88;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25878;;GERMANY;32;476188;5490931;26.94;31.18;22.28;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Pulsatilla vulgaris;actual measurement;7.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27065;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Nigella damascena;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;29.74;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27114;;GERMANY;;;;30.91;38.56;27.44;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Spergularia marina;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;17.58;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17645;;GERMANY;;;;17.58;19.3;15.78;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Atriplex tatarica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.73;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17681;;GERMANY;32;625944;5794830;21.92;25.9;18.06;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Atriplex tatarica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.86;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17681;;GERMANY;32;625944;5794830;20.89;24.39;17.52;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Atriplex tatarica;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;19.55;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17681;;GERMANY;;;;19.34;20.97;17.3;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Atriplex tatarica;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;19.1;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17681;;GERMANY;;;;18.84;20.6;16.56;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ceratophyllum demersum;actual measurement;25;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17691;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ceratophyllum demersum;actual measurement;21.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17691;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Atriplex littoralis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;14.55;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17778;;GERMANY;;;;14.93;18.94;9.12;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Atriplex littoralis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;13.57;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17778;;GERMANY;;;;13.93;17.63;8.74;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Nasturtium officinale;actual measurement;42.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14602;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;42.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Nasturtium officinale;actual measurement;37.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14602;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Nasturtium officinale;actual measurement;54.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14602;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;54.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Nasturtium officinale;actual measurement;34.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14602;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Crataegus laevigata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.23;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29749;;GERMANY;32;437361;5897992;21.56;25.22;18.31;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Crataegus laevigata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.2;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29749;;GERMANY;32;437361;5897992;20.2;24.04;17.71;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vicia cracca;actual measurement;25.21;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22128;;GERMANY;33;349147;5924593;25.61;30.36;22.95;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Vicia cracca;actual measurement;28.02;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22128;;GERMANY;33;349147;5924593;28.49;32.77;25.81;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Vicia cracca;actual measurement;18.87;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;22128;;GERMANY;;;;19;21.69;16.57;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vicia cracca;actual measurement;18.26215556;15;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;22128;;GERMANY;;;;18.26215556;;;6;;6.47;;;;adult; Melilotus altissima;actual measurement;14.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22213;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Melilotus altissima;actual measurement;17.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22213;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Viscum album;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);4.18;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25275;;GERMANY;32;456544;5450820;4.33;6.56;3.01;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Astragalus glycyphyllos;actual measurement;28.34;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;22427;;GERMANY;;;;28.08;31.45;24.45;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Quercus pubescens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.55;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22449;;FRANCE;32;370995;5313962;13.37;17.32;11.11;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Quercus pubescens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.1;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22449;;FRANCE;32;370995;5313962;12.88;16.86;10.75;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium campestre;actual measurement;22.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21008;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Trifolium campestre;actual measurement;20.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21008;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Trifolium campestre;actual measurement;28.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21008;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium campestre;actual measurement;30.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21008;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium campestre;actual measurement;28.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21008;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium campestre;actual measurement;31.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21008;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium striatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.19;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21076;;GERMANY;;;;22.49;28.42;19.41;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium striatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.02;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21076;;GERMANY;;;;20.17;24.16;17.39;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chelidonium majus;actual measurement;47.03;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;25435;;GERMANY;;;;49.88;58.09;44.91;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Phyteuma spicatum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);49.55;11;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14784;;GERMANY;32;547000;5380000;51.9;62;42.71;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Campanula rapunculus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);49.79;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15083;;GERMANY;32;401410;5327650;52.14;84.95;33.78;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Campanula latifolia;actual measurement;46.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15145;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;46.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Crataegus monogyna;actual measurement;11.5;1;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Copenhagen, Department of Ecology, Section of Botany, DK (Kollmann), E-Mail:;29980;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.5;11.5;11.5;3;;;50;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rubus chamaemorus;actual measurement;16;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30071;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rubus chamaemorus;actual measurement;9.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30071;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Campanula cervicaria;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;20.08;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15224;;GERMANY;;;;20.13;22.07;18.27;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Arabidopsis suecica;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;31.21;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13762;;GERMANY;;;;31.57;44.87;20.94;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rosa rubiginosa;actual measurement;13.1;1;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Copenhagen, Department of Ecology, Section of Botany, DK (Kollmann), E-Mail:;29291;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.1;13.1;13.1;3;;;50;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rosa canina;actual measurement;12.6;1;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Copenhagen, Department of Ecology, Section of Botany, DK (Kollmann), E-Mail:;29295;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.6;12.6;12.6;3;;;50;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Prunus cerasus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.21;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29305;;GERMANY;32;399869;5325963;15.08;25.09;11.29;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Prunus cerasus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.21;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29305;;GERMANY;32;399869;5325963;13.58;22.13;10.37;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Geum rivale;actual measurement;22.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29366;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Amelanchier ovalis;actual measurement;11.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29390;;SPAIN;;;;11.3;;;2;;;;;;adult; Stachys sylvatica;actual measurement;55.13;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;24023;;GERMANY;;;;55.13;73.25;37.01;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Stachys sylvatica;actual measurement;50.88;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;24023;;GERMANY;;;;52.46;65.72;42.35;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Leonurus marrubiastrum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.84;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24198;;GERMANY;;;;25.84;32.65;18.02;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Leonurus marrubiastrum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24198;;GERMANY;;;;23;28.27;16.07;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lepidium virginicum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;22.78;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13952;;GERMANY;;;;25.72;37.82;20.5;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vicia sylvatica;actual measurement;25.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20360;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lathyrus odoratus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;32.92;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20506;;GERMANY;;;;32.69;41.35;23.65;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lathyrus odoratus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;23.55;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20506;;GERMANY;;;;23.86;30.35;17.2;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lunaria rediviva;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.71;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;13960;;NETHERLANDS;;;;28.77;32.55;23.05;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chrysosplenium alternifolium;actual measurement;29.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31308;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chrysosplenium alternifolium;actual measurement;27.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31308;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chrysosplenium oppositifolium;actual measurement;25.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31313;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chrysosplenium oppositifolium;actual measurement;21.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31313;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Saxifraga stellaris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.72;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;31429;;NORWAY;32;608905;6951947;23.32;31.51;16.95;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica austriaca;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.57;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;32781;;NETHERLANDS;;;;21.86;24.95;18.46;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Melampyrum sylvaticum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);49.45;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33044;;SWEDEN;33;535065.968;6251154.537;51.02;67.99;40.38;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Euphrasia stricta;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.2;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;33166;;NETHERLANDS;;;;29.33;33.71;25.61;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica prostrata s. prostrata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.55;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34100;;GERMANY;32;370995;5313962;20.55;20.55;20.55;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica agrestis;actual measurement;55.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;34127;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;55.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Misopates orontium;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;18.44;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34219;;GERMANY;;;;18.44;18.44;18.44;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Misopates orontium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);43.27;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34219;;GERMANY;;;;43.27;51.52;32.79;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potentilla cinerea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.64;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30603;;GERMANY;32;395157;5328511;13.64;14.65;12.24;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potentilla cinerea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.86;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30603;;GERMANY;32;395157;5328511;12.84;13.98;11.31;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus effusus;actual measurement;28.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36014;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Juncus effusus;actual measurement;5.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36014;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;5.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Juncus effusus;actual measurement;5.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36014;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;5.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Juncus effusus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);6.76;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;36014;;GERMANY;;;;6.71;7.28;6.03;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus effusus;actual measurement;8.82;13;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;36014;;GERMANY;;;;8.51;10.29;5.78;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus inflexus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);4.25;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;36061;;GERMANY;;;;4.44;6.11;4.01;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus inflexus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);3.04;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36061;;GERMANY;;;;3.13;3.72;2.64;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus gerardi;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.36;13;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;36081;;DENMARK;;;;14.54;19.36;12.28;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus trifidus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.9;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;36209;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;11.96;13.3;9.68;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Luzula pilosa;actual measurement;25.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36230;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Luzula sudetica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);32.78;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;36244;;NORWAY;32;610647;6956751;32.48;35.75;27.63;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Luzula sylvatica;actual measurement;14.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36284;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Luzula sylvatica;actual measurement;18.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36284;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Triglochin maritima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.83;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;36323;;NETHERLANDS;;;;9.05;11.88;7.68;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Triglochin maritima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.35;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;36323;;NETHERLANDS;;;;14.42;18.18;11.4;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Elodea nuttallii;actual measurement;27.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36344;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Elodea nuttallii;actual measurement;25;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36344;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Saxifraga tridactylites;actual measurement;11.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31616;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium verum;actual measurement;22.25;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;31730;;GERMANY;;;;27.03;38.32;20.52;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Galium verum;actual measurement;18.39;12;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;31730;;GERMANY;;;;19.41;27.93;13.77;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galium verum;actual measurement;11.52642275;17;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;31730;;GERMANY;;;;11.52642275;;;6;;0.71;;;;adult; Galium parisiense;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.06;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31817;;GERMANY;;;;25.6;36.18;13.96;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galium parisiense;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;23.34;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31817;;GERMANY;;;;23.34;28.83;17.09;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galium glaucum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.04;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31858;;GERMANY;32;395157;5328511;13.85;18.49;9.33;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rubia tinctorium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.92;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;32061;;NETHERLANDS;;;;17.57;19.31;14.46;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galium verrucosum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;19.47;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32204;;GERMANY;;;;20.01;23.23;18.26;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rubus chamaemorus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.35;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;30071;;NORWAY;32;608507;6951670;11.64;13.98;9.68;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potentilla alba;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.91;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30128;;GERMANY;32;504761;5343207;16.77;18.03;14.91;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potentilla alba;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.65;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30128;;GERMANY;32;504761;5343207;12.65;13.67;11.18;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Prunus padus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.28;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30306;;GERMANY;32;440514;5897734;17.67;19.76;14.88;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Prunus padus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.85;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30306;;GERMANY;32;440514;5897734;17.24;19.31;14.46;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Mespilus germanica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.03;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;30357;;NETHERLANDS;;;;14.03;14.03;14.03;14;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alchemilla filicaulis;actual measurement;20.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30404;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Alchemilla filicaulis;actual measurement;20;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30404;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Alchemilla filicaulis;actual measurement;17.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30404;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Datura stramonium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.6;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34907;;GERMANY;32;456173;5450824;23.6;26.24;20.08;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Datura stramonium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34907;;GERMANY;32;456173;5450824;21;22.72;18.74;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hyoscyamus niger;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;36.55;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34956;;GERMANY;;;;36.55;36.86;36.25;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hyoscyamus niger;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;34.55;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34956;;GERMANY;;;;34.55;34.82;34.28;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Physalis alkekengi;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.99;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;35072;;NETHERLANDS;;;;32.73;41.88;23.91;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lycium barbarum;actual measurement;11.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35086;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Verbena officinalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.2;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35092;;GERMANY;32;401207;5327428;14.26;17.28;11.61;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ulmus glabra;actual measurement;13.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35180;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.9;;;5;1.28;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ulmus glabra;actual measurement;9.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35180;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.4;;;5;1.09;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ulmus glabra;actual measurement;16.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35180;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.3;;;5;2.45;;;00:00.0;;adult; Viola tricolor;actual measurement;30.97;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35219;;GERMANY;;;;30.97;37.6;26.52;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Tropaeolum majus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;25.99;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34544;;GERMANY;;;;25.99;34.8;20.84;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Tropaeolum majus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;21.67;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34544;;GERMANY;;;;21.67;27.12;16.42;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Melampyrum pratense;actual measurement;32;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33526;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Tilia platyphyllos;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);39.93;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34634;;GERMANY;;;;39.31;46.64;31.37;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Tilia platyphyllos;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);36.74;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34634;;GERMANY;;;;36.39;43.15;29.33;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica hederifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);52.81;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;33317;;SWEDEN;;;;55.68;72.61;41.53;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica alpina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.5;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;33325;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;28.9;39.3;24.2;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 2-5 leaves per sample;adult; Iris foetidissima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.54;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;36612;;NETHERLANDS;;;;10.54;10.54;10.54;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Iris sibirica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.55;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36687;;GERMANY;32;494600;5286922;15.51;19.98;12.21;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scirpus cespitosus subsp. cespitosus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);6.48;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37034;;GERMANY;32;432992;5287560;6.67;8.4;6.15;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scirpus sylvaticus;actual measurement;22;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37067;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22;;;1;;;;;;adult; Scirpus sylvaticus;actual measurement;29.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37067;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Eleocharis palustris;actual measurement;10.31;23;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;37120;;GERMANY;;;;10.31;;;6;;0.54;;;;adult; Carex panicea;actual measurement;25.2;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37248;;GERMANY;33;348259;5924828;24.35;28.13;18.29;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Carex panicea;actual measurement;22.43;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;37248;;GERMANY;;;;21.25;26.8;15.12;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex pendula;actual measurement;10;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37253;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex pendula;actual measurement;16.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37253;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex rupestris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.99;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;37277;;NORWAY;32;609857;6951926;11.05;13.19;7.37;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex spicata;actual measurement;15.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37285;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Festuca arundinacea;actual measurement;15.11850462;15;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;40254;;GERMANY;;;;15.11850462;;;6;;1.41;;;;adult; Briza media;actual measurement;21.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40342;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Briza media;actual measurement;18.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40342;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Briza media;actual measurement;21.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40342;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Briza media;actual measurement;20.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40342;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Briza media;actual measurement;17.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40342;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus erectus;actual measurement;21.45;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;40358;;GERMANY;;;;21.43;26.79;17.14;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Bromus erectus;actual measurement;13.31;15;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;40358;;GERMANY;;;;13.04;21.67;5.99;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bromus erectus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.95744622;3;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Römermann), E-Mail:;40358;;GERMANY;;;;11.95744622;;;2;0.988675068;;;;;adult; Bromus hordeaceus;actual measurement;18;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40361;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18;;;1;;;;;;adult; Bromus hordeaceus;actual measurement;25.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40361;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus hordeaceus;actual measurement;22.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40361;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus japonicus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;27.91;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40365;;GERMANY;;;;27.45;32.14;21.91;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Anthoxanthum aristatum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;31.22;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40551;;GERMANY;;;;29.97;38.18;23.17;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bromus inermis;actual measurement;24.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40620;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Eleusine indica;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;24.2;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40688;;GERMANY;;;;24.2;26.5;21.25;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Agrostis stolonifera;actual measurement;30.08;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40861;;GERMANY;;;;30.62;39.23;25.9;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Agrostis stolonifera;actual measurement;22.75588599;15;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;40861;;GERMANY;;;;22.75588599;;;6;;1.37;;;;adult; Avenula pratensis;actual measurement;9.28;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;40921;;GERMANY;;;;9.28;9.28;9.28;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Avenula pubescens;actual measurement;14.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40923;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Avenula pubescens;actual measurement;23.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40923;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Avenula pubescens;actual measurement;23.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40923;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.2;;;2;;;;;;adult; Calamagrostis canescens;actual measurement;22.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40960;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Calamagrostis canescens;actual measurement;20.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40960;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cynodon dactylon;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.21;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;41221;;GERMANY;32;401334;5327521;22.21;24.22;19.32;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salix repens;actual measurement;10.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32533;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Salix repens;actual measurement;10.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32533;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex pulicaris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.26;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37751;;GERMANY;32;503124;5288687;10.66;13.16;8.68;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex remota;actual measurement;28.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37756;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex remota;actual measurement;23.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37756;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex buxbaumii;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.74;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;37932;;NETHERLANDS;;;;11.41;14.49;10.01;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex curta;actual measurement;20.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37950;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex curta;actual measurement;27;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37950;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex distans;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.66;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37979;;GERMANY;32;352486;5941614;19.03;23.72;14.8;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex distans;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.28;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37979;;GERMANY;32;494600;5286922;21.01;24.91;18.08;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex trinervis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.75;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;37174;;NETHERLANDS;;;;12.58;14.52;11;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex nigra;actual measurement;11.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37228;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Carex ovalis;actual measurement;22.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37242;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex ovalis;actual measurement;21.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37242;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex pallescens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);35.98;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37247;;GERMANY;32;;;35.92;40.62;29.37;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex pallescens;actual measurement;24.38;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;37247;;GERMANY;;;;24.32;29.69;17.24;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex extensa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.09;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37399;;GERMANY;32;352666;5942122;9.09;10.72;7.69;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex appropinquata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.22;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37464;;GERMANY;32;403985;5917782;19.3;22.89;16.77;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Anthericum liliago;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.82;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;38767;;GERMANY;32;395157;5328511;18.05;20.63;15.58;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Maianthemum bifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);32.41;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39069;;GERMANY;32;;;32.41;34.61;30.38;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Maianthemum bifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.51;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39069;;GERMANY;32;;;28.55;31.02;26.31;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Agrostis vinealis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.64;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;41896;;GERMANY;;;;15.42;19.79;8.09;4;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bromus grossus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;30.96;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;42156;;GERMANY;;;;32.16;39.98;27.37;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Viola hirta;actual measurement;13.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35355;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Viola hirta;actual measurement;22.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35355;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Viola hirta;actual measurement;18.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35355;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex hostiana;actual measurement;15.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37300;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Carex dioica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.04;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;37381;;SWEDEN;;;;15.14;19.63;9.9;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Setaria viridis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;27.74;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;42743;;GERMANY;;;;28.34;35.63;26.17;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Nardus stricta;actual measurement;12.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43217;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Nardus stricta;actual measurement;11.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43217;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Nardus stricta;actual measurement;9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43217;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Nardus stricta;actual measurement;8.85;20;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;43217;;GERMANY;;;;8.42;14.2;4.06;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Festuca altissima;actual measurement;21.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;41544;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Bromus tectorum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;35.03;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;41688;;GERMANY;;;;34.77;39.01;29.23;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Fritillaria meleagris;actual measurement;18.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39121;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aceras anthropophorum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.04;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39442;;GERMANY;32;409555;5312993;32.01;37.45;28.53;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cephalanthera longifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.46;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;39466;;SWEDEN;;;;27.01;32.36;23.79;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Phleum alpinum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.3;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;42401;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;13;17.3;9.48;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Phleum pratense;actual measurement;22.01;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;42408;;GERMANY;;;;21.36;22.2;19.23;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Phleum pratense;actual measurement;27.96;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;42408;;GERMANY;;;;27.44;36.36;20.77;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Phleum pratense;actual measurement;23.21;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;42408;;GERMANY;;;;23.21;23.3;23.12;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Phleum pratense;actual measurement;18.68787465;10;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;42408;;GERMANY;;;;18.68787465;;;6;;0.49;;;;adult; Spartina anglica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.4;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43117;;GERMANY;;;;9.4;9.97;8.48;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Aconitum lycoctonum subsp. vulparia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.42;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;45330;;GERMANY;32;462220;5305664;30.04;44.58;20.72;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Aconitum lycoctonum subsp. vulparia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.76;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;45330;;GERMANY;32;462220;5305664;21.7;30.05;16.81;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Coincya monensis;actual measurement;16.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;46061;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Crassula helmsii;actual measurement;41.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;46103;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;41.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chaerophyllum temulum;actual measurement;25.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;59605;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Chaerophyllum temulum;actual measurement;30.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;59605;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chaerophyllum temulum;actual measurement;26;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;59605;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Zannichellia palustris subsp. pedicellata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);89;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;60685;;GERMANY;32;498738;6020444;81.13;105.05;53.83;12;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Himantoglossum hircinum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.84;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39644;;FRANCE;32;370995;5313962;20.02;20.64;19.6;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Dactylorhiza majalis s. praetermissa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.91;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;39843;;NETHERLANDS;;;;24.7;31.95;20.28;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bassia scoparia;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;24.7;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;44831;;GERMANY;;;;25.75;32.95;21.72;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Fallopia dumetorum;actual measurement;53;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;44738;;ITALY;;;;53;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Equisetum fluviatile;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.45;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;167;;GERMANY;32;463618;5896094;9.35;10.34;8.03;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Equisetum telmateia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.33;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;180;;GERMANY;32;406734;5269966;16.26;17.9;14.06;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaves measured;adult; Bellis perennis;actual measurement;18.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2808;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bellis perennis;actual measurement;28.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2808;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bellis perennis;actual measurement;32.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2808;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bellis perennis;actual measurement;29;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2808;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29;;;2;;;;;;adult; Carduus defloratus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.19;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3164;;GERMANY;32;503813;5354495;15.04;16.07;13.44;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carlina acaulis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.69;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3171;;GERMANY;32;507273;5354485;11.94;14.78;9.37;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carlina acaulis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.22;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3171;;GERMANY;32;507273;5354485;10.48;13.01;8.14;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Crepis vesicaria;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.78;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3710;;GERMANY;32;517995;5352469;20.39;22.2;17.8;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Antennaria carpatica;actual measurement;15.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;4017;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Arctium minus;actual measurement;30.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;4154;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Arctium minus;actual measurement;27.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;4154;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Arctium minus;actual measurement;14.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;4154;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Puccinellia maritima;actual measurement;11.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43436;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Poa glauca;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.94;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;43601;;NORWAY;32;570500;7034500;34.84;41.93;31.66;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Typha angustifolia;actual measurement;6.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;44027;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;6.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Typha angustifolia;actual measurement;5.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;44027;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;5.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potamogeton polygonifolius;actual measurement;22.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43944;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potamogeton polygonifolius;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);56.88;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43944;;GERMANY;32;455832.674;5867526.05;57.3;63.6;51.86;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potamogeton polygonifolius;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);51.02;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43944;;GERMANY;32;455832.674;5867526.05;50.73;56.15;44.75;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sium latifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);50.54;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;1536;;GERMANY;;;;49.96;54.76;43.86;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sium latifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);53.49;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1536;;GERMANY;;;;53.49;53.49;53.49;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sium latifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);43.93;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1536;;GERMANY;;;;43.93;43.93;43.93;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sium latifolium;actual measurement;22.26719644;7;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;1536;;GERMANY;;;;22.26719644;;;6;;0.68;;;;adult; Peucedanum cervaria;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.56;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1621;;FRANCE;32;370995;5313962;10.46;11.29;9.34;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Pimpinella saxifraga;actual measurement;21.25;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;1643;;GERMANY;;;;22.52;27.95;18.6;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Pimpinella saxifraga;actual measurement;12.83;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;1643;;GERMANY;;;;13.42;19.1;11.84;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Anthriscus sylvestris;actual measurement;38.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1916;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;38.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anthriscus sylvestris;actual measurement;23.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1916;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anthriscus sylvestris;actual measurement;27.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1916;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anthriscus sylvestris;actual measurement;20.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1916;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Berula erecta;actual measurement;55.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1938;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;55.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ophioglossum vulgatum;actual measurement;25.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;283;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ophioglossum vulgatum;actual measurement;23.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;283;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Pinus sylvestris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);2.59;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;624;;GERMANY;32;432992;5287560;2.61;3.08;2.32;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Pinus sylvestris;actual measurement;4.97;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;624;;GERMANY;;;;4.99;6.94;4.18;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Picea abies;actual measurement;17.2;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;670;;GERMANY;;;;17.2;20.12;14.27;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Oenanthe aquatica;actual measurement;36.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1156;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Laserpitium prutenicum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;12.81;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1215;;GERMANY;;;;15.21;27.47;9.76;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. # 1+2: ground leaves, #3: ground and stem leaf;adult; Heracleum mantegazzianum;actual measurement;38.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1295;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;38.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Amaranthus retroflexus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.85;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;931;;GERMANY;;;;17.03;19.46;12.76;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Amaranthus retroflexus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.09;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;931;;GERMANY;;;;15.52;18.03;11.65;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Amaranthus retroflexus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;16.52;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;931;;GERMANY;;;;17.77;23.53;14.32;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cirsium dissectum;actual measurement;21.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5048;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cirsium dissectum;actual measurement;20.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5048;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Buphthalmum salicifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.72;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;5238;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;27.29;36.99;21.52;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bidens frondosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);35.84;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6191;;GERMANY;32;645939.1681;5889271.272;35.72;44.33;28.16;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bidens frondosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);32.19;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6191;;GERMANY;32;645939.1681;5889271.272;32.28;40.46;25.92;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bidens frondosa;actual measurement;26.33185693;18;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;6191;;GERMANY;;;;26.33185693;;;6;;0.74;;;;adult; Symphytum officinale;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.15;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11757;;GERMANY;32;572383;5918439;30.48;38.92;20.88;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. data are variable, as some leaves had petioles and others did not;adult; Symphytum officinale;actual measurement;27.57;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;11757;;GERMANY;;;;26.78;30.31;21.67;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Symphytum tuberosum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.19;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11764;;GERMANY;32;5451273;714571;30.26;30.89;29.78;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Symphytum tuberosum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.44;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11764;;GERMANY;32;5451273;714571;29;31.29;27.83;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Myosotis discolor;actual measurement;27.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11975;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Myosotis discolor;actual measurement;15.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11975;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Myosotis discolor;actual measurement;13.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11975;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Barbarea intermedia;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;25.38;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13016;;GERMANY;;;;25.38;25.38;25.38;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Barbarea intermedia;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;23.32;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13016;;GERMANY;;;;23.32;23.32;23.32;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Apium graveolens;actual measurement;15.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1456;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Apium graveolens;actual measurement;20.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1456;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Pilularia globulifera;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);43.23;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;12;;GERMANY;;;;45.97;71.65;27.59;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Asplenium trichomanes;actual measurement;10.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;117;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Asplenium ceterach;actual measurement;18.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;125;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Asplenium scolopendrium;actual measurement;33.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;133;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Asplenium scolopendrium;actual measurement;12.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;133;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Asplenium scolopendrium;actual measurement;7.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;133;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;7.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Xanthium strumarium;actual measurement;19.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10168;;ITALY;;;;19.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Homogyne alpina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.64;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9177;;GERMANY;;;;17.5;25.46;13.75;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Onopordum acanthium;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;14.25;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;9350;;GERMANY;;;;14.25;14.25;14.25;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Helichrysum arenarium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.07;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;7066;;DENMARK;;;;19.11;24.14;15.19;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galinsoga parviflora;actual measurement;37.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;7147;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Galinsoga parviflora;actual measurement;36.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;7147;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Tragopogon pratensis;actual measurement;17.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9791;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Tragopogon pratensis;actual measurement;22.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9791;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Tragopogon pratensis;actual measurement;18.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9791;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Tragopogon pratensis;actual measurement;17.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9791;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Scorzonera laciniata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.85;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;10007;;GERMANY;32;625944;5794830;18.85;20.42;17.05;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scorzonera laciniata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.84;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;10007;;GERMANY;32;625944;5794830;19.39;29.72;16.11;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chenopodium ficifolium;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;23.86;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17866;;GERMANY;;;;23.86;28.88;18.84;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chenopodium ficifolium;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;22.23;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17866;;GERMANY;;;;22.23;27.34;17.13;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chenopodium ficifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.3;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17866;;GERMANY;32;646162.8498;5888614.18;18.17;21.16;15.06;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chenopodium ficifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.53;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17866;;GERMANY;32;646162.8498;5888614.18;18.13;21.06;14.82;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chenopodium glaucum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.09;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17874;;GERMANY;32;646162.8498;5888614.18;24.32;29.79;19.87;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chenopodium glaucum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.03;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17874;;GERMANY;32;646162.8498;5888614.18;23.38;28.65;19.28;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Pyrola minor;actual measurement;21.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28775;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Quercus cerris;actual measurement;9.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22497;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.9;;;5;1.2;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium sylvaticum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.4;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;22559;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;19.18;23.8;15.3;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Geranium sylvaticum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.6;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;22559;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;22.23;26.7;18.1;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chenopodium urbicum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;13.75;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17891;;GERMANY;;;;13.75;14.16;13.34;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chenopodium urbicum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;13.47;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17891;;GERMANY;;;;13.47;13.73;13.21;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Suaeda maritima;actual measurement;11.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17972;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Suaeda maritima;actual measurement;8.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17972;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;8.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Adoxa moschatellina;actual measurement;39.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2407;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;39.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Adoxa moschatellina;actual measurement;43;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2407;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;43;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Adoxa moschatellina;actual measurement;37.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2407;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Adoxa moschatellina;actual measurement;33.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2407;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aristolochia clematitis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.43;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2411;;GERMANY;33;312391;5845463;17.43;20.61;14.58;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Aristolochia clematitis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.34;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2411;;GERMANY;33;312391;5845463;16.34;19.21;13.63;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Leontodon hispidus;actual measurement;36.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;6638;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Leontodon hispidus;actual measurement;21.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;6638;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Leontodon hispidus;actual measurement;26.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;6638;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Leontodon hispidus;actual measurement;37.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;6638;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Leontodon hispidus;actual measurement;33;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;6638;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33;;;2;;;;;;adult; Centaurium littorale;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.24;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22951;;GERMANY;32;435715.724;5951029.635;17.4;48.13;4.51;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Centaurium erythraea;actual measurement;29.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22963;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Centaurium erythraea;actual measurement;12;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22963;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Erysimum odoratum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.83;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13255;;GERMANY;32;716066;5450634;17.96;20.83;16.27;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cardamine impatiens;actual measurement;33.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13298;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rumex sanguineus;actual measurement;25;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27450;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Montia fontana subsp. chondrosperma;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.89;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27489;;GERMANY;32;;;34.63;45.6;26.91;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rumex hydrolapathum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.52;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27528;;GERMANY;;;;11.47;14.24;8.71;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rumex acetosella;actual measurement;26.68;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27601;;GERMANY;33;350137;5924294;26.68;38.74;19.44;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Rumex acetosella;actual measurement;27.27;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27601;;GERMANY;33;350137;5924294;28.95;41.82;23.27;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Rumex acetosella;actual measurement;42.3;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;27601;;GERMANY;;;;44.63;60.39;29.63;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rumex acetosella;actual measurement;33.73;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;27601;;GERMANY;;;;36.07;53.91;25.59;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cornus suecica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);47.06;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;18440;;NORWAY;32;562150;7020700;48.28;58.26;37.01;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cornus suecica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);37;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;18440;;NETHERLANDS;;;;35.62;42.14;26.8;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bryonia cretica s. dioica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);47.62;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;18478;;NETHERLANDS;;;;47.62;47.62;47.62;10;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bryonia cretica s. dioica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.61;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;18478;;NETHERLANDS;;;;9.61;9.61;9.61;10;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ribes rubrum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);35.31;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23126;;GERMANY;32;437361;5897992;35.31;51.08;23.66;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ribes rubrum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);32.39;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23126;;GERMANY;32;437361;5897992;32.39;46.38;22;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ribes uva-crispa;actual measurement;17.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23138;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Ribes uva-crispa;actual measurement;17;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23138;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17;;;1;;;;;;adult; Ribes uva-crispa;actual measurement;19.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23138;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ribes uva-crispa;actual measurement;15.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23138;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.4;;;5;1.25;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ribes uva-crispa;actual measurement;17.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23138;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.6;;;5;2.72;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium phaeum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);35.87;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;22588;;NETHERLANDS;;;;35.24;39.44;30.64;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Geranium phaeum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);32.87;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;22588;;NETHERLANDS;;;;35.22;53.24;25.83;1;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Geranium robertianum;actual measurement;19.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22592;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Geranium robertianum;actual measurement;18.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22592;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium robertianum;actual measurement;31.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22592;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium robertianum;actual measurement;31.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22592;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium robertianum;actual measurement;27.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22592;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Consolida regalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.84;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27229;;GERMANY;32;570767;5706686;24.67;38.04;14.99;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Consolida regalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.92;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27229;;GERMANY;32;570767;5706686;23.77;34.76;14.81;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Caltha palustris;actual measurement;19.39;12;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;27293;;GERMANY;;;;19.34;25.42;15.05;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Caltha palustris;actual measurement;18.61;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;27293;;GERMANY;;;;17.27;18.85;14.36;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alchemilla glabra;actual measurement;23.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30979;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Alchemilla glabra;actual measurement;18.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30979;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Alchemilla glabra;actual measurement;19;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30979;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19;;;2;;;;;;adult; Alchemilla glabra;actual measurement;22.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30979;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.2;;;2;;;;;;adult; Alchemilla glabra;actual measurement;22.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30979;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Alchemilla glabra;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.6;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;30979;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;20.15;24.9;16.9;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alchemilla glabra;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.5;13;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;30979;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;21.03;25.5;15.9;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Erodium moschatum;actual measurement;31.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22680;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Blackstonia perfoliata s. serotina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.97;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;22779;;NETHERLANDS;;;;30.04;64.14;13.24;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Blackstonia perfoliata;actual measurement;19.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22864;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Blackstonia perfoliata;actual measurement;15.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22864;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Moehringia trinervia;actual measurement;34.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16247;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Moehringia trinervia;actual measurement;28.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16247;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Moehringia trinervia;actual measurement;45.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16247;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;45.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hypericum hirsutum;actual measurement;30;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23250;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hypericum hirsutum;actual measurement;24.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;23250;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Mentha suaveolens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.28;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23642;;GERMANY;32;612888;5715609;33.28;45.22;24.63;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Picris echioides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);41.48;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;10896;;GERMANY;32;456626;5449077;41.48;41.48;41.48;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Plantago major;actual measurement;23.31;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;27829;;GERMANY;;;;26.94;38.22;17.28;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Plantago major;actual measurement;20.49;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;27829;;GERMANY;;;;20.49;22.96;18.02;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Plantago major;actual measurement;23.48;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;27829;;GERMANY;;;;23.55;28.51;19.1;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Gypsophila perfoliata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.22;13;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;16510;;GERMANY;32;625944;5794830;16.22;24.88;9.54;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lathyrus nissolia;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;21.21;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21360;;GERMANY;;;;21.21;21.21;21.21;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lathyrus nissolia;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;17.46;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21360;;GERMANY;;;;17.46;17.46;17.46;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Genista tinctoria;actual measurement;20.07;20;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kühner), Corresponding address:;21390;;GERMANY;;;;19.66;23.39;13.88;1;;;0;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaves scanned with hand scanner, single leaves measured, not linked to individual plants;adult; Genista tinctoria;actual measurement;15.67;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;21390;;GERMANY;;;;16.02;23.86;10.21;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Genista tinctoria;actual measurement;20.9;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;21390;;GERMANY;;;;18.97;24.76;14.52;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Phytolacca esculenta;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);55.64;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27873;;GERMANY;32;411265.508;5842255.163;55.64;55.64;55.64;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Phytolacca esculenta;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);46.86;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27873;;GERMANY;32;411265.508;5842255.163;46.86;46.86;46.86;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Polygala vulgaris;actual measurement;17.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28062;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Polygala vulgaris;actual measurement;14.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28062;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Polygala vulgaris;actual measurement;14.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28062;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polygala vulgaris;actual measurement;14;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28062;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14;;;1;;;;;;adult; Polygala vulgaris;actual measurement;20.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28062;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polygala serpyllifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.68;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28082;;GERMANY;32;425825;5918639;30.75;36.59;26.42;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Polygala serpyllifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.92;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28082;;GERMANY;32;433296;5330362;30.12;33.01;27.64;5;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sinapis alba;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;27.36;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13450;;GERMANY;;;;26.09;28.16;22.95;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Thlaspi alliaceum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;51.56;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13472;;GERMANY;;;;56.82;82.94;45.27;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Thlaspi alliaceum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;45.77;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13472;;GERMANY;;;;47.31;68.74;36.04;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rumex conglomeratus;actual measurement;22;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27623;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polygonum minus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);68.79;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;27653;;NETHERLANDS;;;;69.37;84.13;59.52;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Polygonum polystachyum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);36.34;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;27675;;NETHERLANDS;;;;37.84;47.82;30.4;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Polygonum amphibium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.39;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;27725;;GERMANY;;;;15.25;15.95;13.67;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Polygonum amphibium;actual measurement;18.38119726;14;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;27725;;GERMANY;;;;18.38119726;;;6;;0.6;;;;adult; Omalotheca norvegica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.62;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11511;;GERMANY;32;426444;5303165;23.72;27.99;20.07;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Berberis vulgaris;actual measurement;10.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11672;;SPAIN;;;;10.3;;;2;;;;;;adult; Berberis vulgaris;actual measurement;13;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11672;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13;;;5;1.05;;;00:00.0;;adult; Berberis vulgaris;actual measurement;13.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11672;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.3;;;5;0.79;;;00:00.0;;adult; Betula pubescens;actual measurement;14.39;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;11725;;GERMANY;;;;14.39;14.39;14.39;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Kernera saxatilis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.54;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14059;;GERMANY;32;499419;5322615;26.54;26.54;26.54;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Fuchsia magellanica;actual measurement;23.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26476;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Fuchsia magellanica;actual measurement;21.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26476;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Fuchsia magellanica;actual measurement;21;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26476;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21;;;1;;;;;;adult; Fuchsia magellanica;actual measurement;15.5;1;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26476;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.5;;;3;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Epilobium roseum;actual measurement;48.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26508;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;48.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus trichophyllus;actual measurement;30;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26588;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cerastium fontanum;actual measurement;40.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16798;;ITALY;;;;40.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cerastium fontanum;actual measurement;25.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16798;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cerastium fontanum;actual measurement;15.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16798;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cerastium fontanum;actual measurement;32.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16798;;ITALY;;;;32.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cerastium fontanum;actual measurement;20;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16798;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20;;;1;;;;;;adult; Cerastium fontanum;actual measurement;29.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16798;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cerastium fontanum;actual measurement;28.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16798;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.9;;;2;;;;;;adult; Arenaria serpyllifolia;actual measurement;24.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16833;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Arenaria serpyllifolia;actual measurement;17.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16833;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Arenaria serpyllifolia;actual measurement;16.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16833;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Arenaria serpyllifolia;actual measurement;15.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16833;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Arenaria serpyllifolia;actual measurement;21.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16833;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Arenaria serpyllifolia;actual measurement;23.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16833;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Arenaria serpyllifolia;actual measurement;22.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16833;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Arenaria serpyllifolia;actual measurement;18.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16833;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Arenaria serpyllifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.73;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;16833;;NETHERLANDS;;;;17.82;36.25;9.63;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Arenaria serpyllifolia;actual measurement;19.36;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;16833;;GERMANY;;;;21.18;27.78;16.41;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cerastium alpinum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.07;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;16895;;NORWAY;32;608420;6951863;23.7;28.31;17.45;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sagina apetala;actual measurement;33.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17028;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Sagina apetala;actual measurement;26.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17028;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Sagina apetala;actual measurement;13.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17028;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sagina apetala;actual measurement;13.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17028;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sagina apetala;actual measurement;20;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17028;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Minuartia verna;actual measurement;19.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17060;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ononis spinosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.41;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;21958;;NETHERLANDS;;;;29.75;37.66;25.7;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium fragiferum;actual measurement;17.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22005;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Trifolium fragiferum;actual measurement;26.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22005;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium medium;actual measurement;21.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22081;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lychnis flos-cuculi;actual measurement;21.17;15;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;16589;;GERMANY;;;;21.17;;;6;;1.12;;;;adult; Lychnis flos-cuculi;actual measurement;25;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16589;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25;;;1;;;;;;adult; Lychnis flos-cuculi;actual measurement;23.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16589;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lychnis flos-cuculi;actual measurement;29.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16589;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lychnis flos-cuculi;actual measurement;18.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16589;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anthyllis vulneraria;actual measurement;13.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21660;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Anthyllis vulneraria;actual measurement;18.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21660;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Anthyllis vulneraria;actual measurement;14.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21660;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anthyllis vulneraria;actual measurement;15.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21660;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Colutea arborescens;actual measurement;17.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21799;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Colutea arborescens;actual measurement;12;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21799;;SPAIN;;;;12;;;2;;;;;;adult; Coronilla varia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.49;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21810;;GERMANY;;;;28.39;38.42;19.72;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Coronilla varia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.12;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;21810;;GERMANY;;;;25.52;32.62;18.08;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scleranthus annuus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;18.92;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17086;;GERMANY;;;;19.18;23.36;14.47;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scleranthus annuus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);37.19;3;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17086;;GERMANY;;;;36.03;41.82;29.09;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Gypsophila scorzonerifolia Ser.;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.8;12;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17132;;GERMANY;32;625944;5794830;9.81;10.97;8.55;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cephalaria gigantea;actual measurement;17.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19362;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Stachys arvensis;actual measurement;29.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24369;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Stachys arvensis;actual measurement;30.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24369;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Acinos arvensis;actual measurement;25.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24493;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Acinos arvensis;actual measurement;16.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24493;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Melittis melissophyllum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);54.58;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24619;;GERMANY;32;407785;5307850;54.58;64.68;43.63;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Melittis melissophyllum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);52.42;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24619;;GERMANY;32;407785;5307850;52.42;62.09;41.62;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Mentha aquatica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);44.12;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;24622;;GERMANY;;;;44.57;48.93;40.98;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Mentha aquatica;actual measurement;20.56;8;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24622;;GERMANY;33;348640;5924311;20;23.36;17.25;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Mentha aquatica;actual measurement;19.03;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24622;;GERMANY;33;348640;5924311;19.62;23.74;16.96;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Galeopsis tetrahit;actual measurement;40.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24648;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;40.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Galeopsis tetrahit;actual measurement;26.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24648;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Galeopsis tetrahit;actual measurement;29;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24648;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vaccinium myrtillus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.1;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;19475;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;18.03;20.3;16.2;3;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 3-4 leaves per sample;adult; Vaccinium oxycoccos;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.36;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19476;;GERMANY;32;455279.8952;5895592.819;12.87;15.2;10.62;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vaccinium uliginosum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.55;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;19479;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;12;13.9;11;2;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 2-5 leaves per sample;adult; Vaccinium uliginosum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.4;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;19479;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;11.46;13;9.6;3;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 3-4 leaves per sample;adult; Lavandula angustifolia;actual measurement;20.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24725;;SPAIN;;;;20.8;;;2;;;;;;adult; Stachys germanica;actual measurement;22.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24844;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Teucrium scordium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);38.04;18;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24902;;GERMANY;33;314450;5846124;38.71;57.13;30.93;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trientalis europaea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);56.91;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28871;;GERMANY;32;437374;5898525;56.09;65.23;47.58;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cardaminopsis halleri;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);39.54;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14132;;GERMANY;32;603654;5724094;39.65;55.29;24.38;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cardaminopsis halleri;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);35.88;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14132;;GERMANY;32;603654;5724094;36.46;52.09;22.94;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cakile maritima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.83;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;14226;;NETHERLANDS;;;;23.02;29.11;18.52;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cardamine amara;actual measurement;27;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14239;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27;;;1;;;;;;adult; Cardamine amara;actual measurement;60.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14239;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;60.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cardamine amara;actual measurement;43.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14239;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;43.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cardamine amara;actual measurement;45.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14239;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;45.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus sardous;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);34.41;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26637;;GERMANY;;;;34.36;44.02;26.47;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Silene chlorantha;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.92;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15554;;GERMANY;;;;12;13.29;10.81;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cerastium semidecandrum;actual measurement;19.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15651;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Cerastium semidecandrum;actual measurement;23.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15651;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cerastium semidecandrum;actual measurement;18.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15651;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cerastium semidecandrum;actual measurement;14.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15651;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potentilla anserina;actual measurement;29.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29712;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potentilla anserina;actual measurement;25.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29712;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potentilla anserina;actual measurement;23.15;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29712;;GERMANY;33;349631;5924067;23.04;29.29;18.52;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Potentilla anserina;actual measurement;20.98;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29712;;GERMANY;33;349631;5924067;22.72;30.87;17.45;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Potentilla anserina;actual measurement;21.61;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;29712;;GERMANY;;;;21.93;25.22;17.62;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potentilla anserina;actual measurement;18.6735372;20;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;29712;;GERMANY;;;;18.6735372;;;6;;0.85;;;;adult; Medicago polymorpha;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;20.72;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20650;;GERMANY;;;;20.72;20.72;20.72;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Medicago polymorpha;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;19.53;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20650;;GERMANY;;;;19.53;19.53;19.53;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Linum catharticum;actual measurement;32.7;20;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kühner), Corresponding address:;25925;;GERMANY;;;;35.46;60.83;21.48;1;;;0;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaves scanned with hand scanner, single leaves measured, not linked to individual plants;adult; Lythrum hyssopifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.03;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26029;;GERMANY;32;644382.5933;5888089.245;24.21;25.51;23.08;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lythrum portula;actual measurement;24;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26036;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Circaea alpina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);44.16;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;26057;;NETHERLANDS;;;;43.08;51.98;32.37;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Circaea lutetiana;actual measurement;40.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26061;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;40.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Circaea lutetiana;actual measurement;32.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26061;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Dianthus armeria;actual measurement;13.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16115;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Myagrum perfoliatum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;29.2;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14601;;GERMANY;;;;29.06;34.66;23.2;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Aesculus hippocastanum;actual measurement;10.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24982;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.8;;;5;1.64;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aesculus hippocastanum;actual measurement;16.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24982;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.6;;;5;2.34;;;00:00.0;;adult; Malva sylvestris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.72;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;25674;;NETHERLANDS;;;;22.72;26;19.65;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Viburnum opulus;actual measurement;18.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15336;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.5;;;5;1.57;;;00:00.0;;adult; Viburnum opulus;actual measurement;13.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15336;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.1;;;5;0.88;;;00:00.0;;adult; Anagallis foemina;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;28.35;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29031;;GERMANY;;;;27.41;32.37;18.73;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Androsace lactea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.22;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29061;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;25.82;41.08;18.9;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Adonis vernalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.02;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;29095;;NETHERLANDS;;;;14.02;14.02;14.02;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Adonis vernalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.46;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;29095;;SWEDEN;;;;17.47;20.17;14.1;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sorbus domestica;actual measurement;9.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29168;;SPAIN;;;;9.9;;;2;;;;;;adult; Andromeda polifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.31;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19573;;GERMANY;32;455279.8952;5895592.819;9.03;12.29;5.86;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium rubens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.84;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19602;;GERMANY;32;517995;5352469;16.89;19.35;15.46;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium rubens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.34;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19602;;GERMANY;32;517995;5352469;16.39;18.69;14.98;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vicia cassubica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.74;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19692;;GERMANY;32;599560;5902138;22.11;26.69;18.61;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. collected by Jürgen Dengler;adult; Medicago arabica;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;36.64;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19824;;GERMANY;;;;36.64;42.33;30.39;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Medicago arabica;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;34.27;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19824;;GERMANY;;;;34.27;39.53;27.94;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lathyrus heterophyllus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.38;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19830;;GERMANY;32;503813;5354495;24.38;34;18.8;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lathyrus heterophyllus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.49;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19830;;GERMANY;32;503813;5354495;19.09;22.79;15.11;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Malva moschata;actual measurement;22.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25717;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Malva moschata;actual measurement;22.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25717;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Malva moschata;actual measurement;15.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25717;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Oxalis corniculata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);41.51;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25840;;GERMANY;;;;41.34;49.69;35.73;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus ficaria;actual measurement;22.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26860;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus ficaria;actual measurement;27.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26860;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus ficaria;actual measurement;45.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26860;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;45.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus aconitifolius;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);44.23;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26864;;GERMANY;;;;43.87;46.42;40.6;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus aconitifolius;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.33;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26864;;GERMANY;;;;28.5;31.53;25.81;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Pulsatilla vulgaris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.23;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;27065;;NETHERLANDS;;;;12.88;14.55;11.21;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Pulsatilla vulgaris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.74;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;27065;;SWEDEN;;;;9.72;10.51;8.92;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Helleborus foetidus;actual measurement;13.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27081;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Stellaria graminea;actual measurement;33.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17658;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Stellaria graminea;actual measurement;25.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17658;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Stellaria graminea;actual measurement;23.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17658;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Atriplex patula;actual measurement;17.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17675;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Atriplex patula;actual measurement;22.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17675;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Atriplex patula;actual measurement;15.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17675;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Atriplex patula;actual measurement;15;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17675;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Potentilla heptaphylla;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.93;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29728;;GERMANY;32;402856;5328967;13.76;14.03;13.31;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potentilla heptaphylla;actual measurement;17.78;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;29728;;GERMANY;;;;17.43;23.48;10.77;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potentilla heptaphylla;actual measurement;16.43;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;29728;;GERMANY;;;;16.42;20.16;12.66;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lupinus polyphyllus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.32;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Wilmann), E-Mail: (;22241;;NORWAY;32;484855;6985510;23.59;27.89;20.39;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Leaflets;adult; Nymphaea alba;actual measurement;14.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25260;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Viscum album;actual measurement;4.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25275;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;4.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium dubium;actual measurement;25.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21100;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium dubium;actual measurement;23;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21100;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23;;;1;;;;;;adult; Trifolium dubium;actual measurement;20.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21100;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Trifolium dubium;actual measurement;28.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21100;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium dubium;actual measurement;19.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21100;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Trifolium dubium;actual measurement;34;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21100;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium dubium;actual measurement;31.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21100;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Fumaria vaillantii;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);40.94;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25522;;GERMANY;32;507089;5354408;43.72;63.59;26.62;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium arvense;actual measurement;18.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19943;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium arvense;actual measurement;14.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19943;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium arvense;actual measurement;17.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19943;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Mercurialis annua;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);50.15;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20019;;GERMANY;;;;49.23;60.58;36.12;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Mercurialis annua;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);46.79;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20019;;GERMANY;;;;46.79;58.99;35.04;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Campanula latifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);61.91;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15145;;GERMANY;32;614139;5724245;61.67;68.24;54.64;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Campanula latifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);58.49;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15145;;GERMANY;32;614139;5724245;58.56;64.19;52.21;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cardamine heptaphylla;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);38.38;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13726;;GERMANY;32;406577;5269780;38.7;43.69;33.01;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Stachys sylvatica;actual measurement;36.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24023;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Stachys sylvatica;actual measurement;44.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24023;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;44.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Stachys sylvatica;actual measurement;22.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24023;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lepidium ruderale;actual measurement;27.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13947;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lepidium ruderale;actual measurement;19.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13947;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lepidium ruderale;actual measurement;16.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13947;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vicia ervilia;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;19.18;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;20343;;GERMANY;;;;18.93;27.2;13.6;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vicia sepium;actual measurement;36.39;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;20357;;GERMANY;;;;36.62;45.74;25.13;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Vicia sepium;actual measurement;41.58;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;20357;;GERMANY;;;;41.12;45.64;34.1;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Stellaria pallida;actual measurement;55.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17302;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;55.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Stellaria pallida;actual measurement;30.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17302;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Scleranthus annuus subsp. polycarpos;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);44.56;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17542;;GERMANY;32;;;44.56;44.56;44.56;31;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scleranthus annuus subsp. polycarpos;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);44.56;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17542;;GERMANY;32;;;44.56;44.56;44.56;31;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Spiraea hypericifolia;actual measurement;14.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29504;;SPAIN;;;;14.3;;;2;;;;;;adult; Alchemilla alpina;actual measurement;18.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29517;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Drosera anglica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);35.03;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Wilmann), E-Mail: (;18994;;NORWAY;32;518220;6995267;34.49;50.67;17.75;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Saxifraga cotyledon;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.18;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;31403;;NORWAY;32;610954;6975579;8.11;9.32;6.06;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica serpyllifolia;actual measurement;22.38565222;8;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;32740;;GERMANY;;;;22.38565222;;;6;;1.9;;;;adult; Veronica chamaedrys;actual measurement;32.21;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32792;;GERMANY;;;;30.84;36.29;21.86;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Veronica chamaedrys;actual measurement;26.73;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;32792;;GERMANY;;;;26.67;36.2;18.84;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Veronica chamaedrys;actual measurement;29.76;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;32792;;GERMANY;;;;30.73;40.22;26.34;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Veronica chamaedrys;actual measurement;28.73;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;32792;;GERMANY;;;;28.48;34.59;23.16;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rhinanthus minor;actual measurement;22.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32892;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Rhinanthus minor;actual measurement;21.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32892;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rhinanthus minor;actual measurement;14.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32892;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rhinanthus minor;actual measurement;17.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;32892;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Linaria vulgaris;actual measurement;18;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33091;;ITALY;;;;18;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Linaria vulgaris;actual measurement;16.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33091;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Linaria vulgaris;actual measurement;15.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33091;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Linaria vulgaris;actual measurement;27.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33091;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Linaria vulgaris;actual measurement;23.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33091;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Linaria vulgaris;actual measurement;19.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33091;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica fruticans;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.12;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;34175;;NORWAY;32;609372;6951951;16.7;22.83;9.69;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Fragaria vesca;actual measurement;24.4;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;30633;;GERMANY;;;;24.73;28.07;22.05;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Fragaria vesca;actual measurement;17.99;14;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;30633;;GERMANY;;;;18.46;23.45;15.49;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Baldellia ranunculoides;actual measurement;21.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35614;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Juncus anceps;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);3.48;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35959;;GERMANY;32;435715.724;5951029.635;3.43;3.99;2.68;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Juncus acutiflorus;actual measurement;8.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35974;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;8.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Juncus tenageia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.68;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;36111;;GERMANY;;;;29.88;36.08;25.86;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. stem leaves, #4+5: one ground leaf and one stem leaf;adult; Luzula multiflora;actual measurement;22.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36245;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Luzula multiflora;actual measurement;20.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36245;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Luzula multiflora;actual measurement;22.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36245;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vallisneria spiralis;actual measurement;44.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;36310;;ITALY;;;;44.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Elodea canadensis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);47.69;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;36340;;GERMANY;;;;48.71;58;38.33;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galium sylvaticum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;55.83;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31699;;GERMANY;;;;57.38;72.13;50.63;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galium tricornutum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;22.42;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;31719;;GERMANY;;;;23.15;28.57;18.45;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galium uliginosum;actual measurement;28.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31724;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium uliginosum;actual measurement;23.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31724;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium sterneri;actual measurement;22.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31777;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Galium sterneri;actual measurement;26.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31777;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium sterneri;actual measurement;22;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31777;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium aparine;actual measurement;25.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31956;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium aparine;actual measurement;24.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31956;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Galium aparine;actual measurement;36.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31956;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Galium aparine;actual measurement;23.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31956;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium aparine;actual measurement;18.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31956;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium aparine;actual measurement;32.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31956;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium aparine;actual measurement;29.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31956;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galium aparine;actual measurement;21.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;31956;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sorbus aria;actual measurement;11.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;30087;;SPAIN;;;;11.6;;;2;;;;;;adult; Potentilla palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.06;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;30328;;GERMANY;;;;18.99;19.96;18.14;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alchemilla subcrenata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.12;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30359;;GERMANY;32;613621;5720827;22.38;27.71;17.76;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Nicandra physalodes;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;26.66;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34982;;GERMANY;;;;26.72;32.82;22.85;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Nicandra physalodes;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;24.57;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;34982;;GERMANY;;;;24.97;31.15;21.28;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ulmus laevis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);46.86;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35184;;GERMANY;32;440514;5897734;48.44;58.76;43.75;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ulmus laevis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);43.42;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;35184;;GERMANY;32;440514;5897734;43.73;52.14;38.66;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Viola riviniana;actual measurement;25.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35267;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Viola riviniana;actual measurement;30.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35267;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Viola riviniana;actual measurement;18.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;35267;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Scrophularia umbrosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.41;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;34372;;NETHERLANDS;;;;25.32;31.06;21.51;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Odontites verna s. serotina;actual measurement;26.1;20;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kühner), Corresponding address:;33736;;GERMANY;;;;25.41;36.25;14.29;1;;;0;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaves scanned with hand scanner, single leaves measured, not linked to individual plants;adult; Veronica persica;actual measurement;44.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33737;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;44.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Veronica persica;actual measurement;42.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33737;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;42.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Veronica persica;actual measurement;27.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33737;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Veronica persica;actual measurement;62.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33737;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;62.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica persica;actual measurement;31.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33737;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica persica;actual measurement;26.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33737;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica arvensis;actual measurement;26;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33302;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica arvensis;actual measurement;17.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33302;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Veronica arvensis;actual measurement;17.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33302;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Veronica arvensis;actual measurement;20.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33302;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Veronica arvensis;actual measurement;32.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33302;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica arvensis;actual measurement;22.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33302;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica arvensis;actual measurement;32.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33302;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Veronica austriaca s. teucrium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.61;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33306;;GERMANY;32;517995;5352469;27.61;34.13;20.47;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica austriaca s. teucrium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.47;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33306;;GERMANY;32;507273;5354485;22.29;23.2;20.78;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Veronica austriaca s. teucrium;actual measurement;19.83;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;33306;;GERMANY;;;;20.26;24.34;15.71;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Verbascum virgatum;actual measurement;13.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;33376;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Spirodela polyrhiza;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.81;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;36882;;GERMANY;;;;29.81;29.81;29.81;31;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scirpus sylvaticus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.74;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;37067;;GERMANY;;;;18.33;19.17;16.62;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scirpus sylvaticus;actual measurement;19.3;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;37067;;GERMANY;;;;20.05;29.47;11.85;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Eleocharis multicaulis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);7.79;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37116;;GERMANY;;;;7.79;8.96;6.66;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Valeriana officinalis s. sambucifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);50.06;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;34746;;NORWAY;32;572845;7033276;49.89;55.37;43.88;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Dactylis glomerata;actual measurement;27.8;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;40290;;GERMANY;;;;29.64;37.31;23.27;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Dactylis glomerata;actual measurement;27.76;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;40290;;GERMANY;;;;29.59;40.6;23.6;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Dactylis glomerata;actual measurement;18.49271171;16;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;40290;;GERMANY;;;;18.49271171;;;6;;0.68;;;;adult; Agrostis canina;actual measurement;17.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40532;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Agrostis canina;actual measurement;36;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40532;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36;;;1;;;;;;adult; Agrostis canina;actual measurement;37.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40532;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Digitaria ischaemum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);46.88;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40681;;GERMANY;;;;46.5;50.77;39.83;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Digitaria ischaemum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);34.35;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40681;;GERMANY;32;449141.3516;5883035.844;34.73;66.13;18.18;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Festuca pallens;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);5.82;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40789;;GERMANY;32;609650;5715895;5.55;6.8;4.04;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Apera spica-venti;actual measurement;17.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40884;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Apera spica-venti;actual measurement;15.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40884;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Apera spica-venti;actual measurement;25;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;40884;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Bromus madritensis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;40.71;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;40949;;GERMANY;;;;40.71;45.06;33.68;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Avena sativa;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;25.63;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;41151;;GERMANY;;;;25.76;30.2;21.91;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Brachypodium sylvaticum;actual measurement;44.74;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;41179;;GERMANY;;;;44.8;52.56;31.42;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Pedicularis palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.34;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;33771;;NETHERLANDS;32;;;20.43;22.56;17.97;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salix cinerea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.53;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32565;;GERMANY;;;;10.1;10.87;8.91;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salix cinerea;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.08;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;32565;;GERMANY;;;;9.65;10.39;8.47;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex punctata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.34;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;37752;;NETHERLANDS;;;;30.47;46.69;21.6;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex echinata;actual measurement;15;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37888;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex echinata;actual measurement;12;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37888;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex digitata;actual measurement;27.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37970;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex digitata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.02;5;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37970;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;33.16;35.11;30.64;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex arenaria;actual measurement;15.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;38017;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex arenaria;actual measurement;9.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;38017;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex arenaria;actual measurement;13.33;20;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kühner), Corresponding address:;38017;;GERMANY;;;;13.55;15.86;11.9;1;;;0;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaves scanned with hand scanner, single leaves measured, not linked to individual plants;adult; Scilla autumnalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.03;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;38085;;GERMANY;32;370995;5313962;16.03;16.41;15.66;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex vesicaria;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.39;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;37183;;GERMANY;;;;18.35;20.2;16.67;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex muricata;actual measurement;13.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37224;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex muricata;actual measurement;18.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37224;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Carex muricata;actual measurement;19.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37224;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Blysmus compressus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.01;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37421;;GERMANY;32;577387;6029345;13.99;16.34;11.99;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex appropinquata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.69;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;37464;;NETHERLANDS;;;;12.4;15.89;9.75;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scirpus fluitans;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);43.95;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37478;;GERMANY;32;436870;5876414;45.45;53.93;36.26;5;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scirpus hudsonianus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.51;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Wilmann), E-Mail: (;37482;;NORWAY;32;517928;6995268;9.43;11.6;5.14;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Scirpus lacustris s. tabernaemontani;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);6.29;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;37488;;NETHERLANDS;;;;6.17;7.36;4.8;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Eriophorum latifolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.2;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;37555;;SWEDEN;;;;19.49;25.18;15.73;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rhynchospora fusca;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.92;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;37574;;NETHERLANDS;;;;14.42;17.67;12.52;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Schoenus ferrugineus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);5.47;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37576;;GERMANY;32;500828;5289577;5.47;5.99;4.95;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. stem was measured, determined as Schoenus x intermedius (Schoenus ferrugineus x S. nigricans) ;adult; Schoenus ferrugineus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.58;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37576;;GERMANY;32;500828;5289577;10.58;11.33;9.83;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ground leaves, determined as Schoenus x intermedius (Schoenus ferrugineus x S. nigricans) ;adult; Cyperus flavescens;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;34.21;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37602;;GERMANY;;;;34.21;38.45;27.73;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Muscari botryoides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.82;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;38961;;GERMANY;32;398325;5316161;28.94;32.93;25.99;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Deschampsia cespitosa subsp. paludosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);43.44;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;41235;;GERMANY;32;584170.3184;5919082.419;43.44;43.44;43.44;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Deschampsia cespitosa subsp. paludosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.86;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;41235;;GERMANY;32;574586;5919706;15.72;17.91;11.06;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. determinated as D. wibeliana;adult; x Ammocalamagrostis baltica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.34;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;41412;;NETHERLANDS;;;;10.48;11.98;9.73;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bromus benekenii;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.92;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;41454;;GERMANY;32;406577;5269780;22.08;24.87;19.57;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex hirta;actual measurement;15.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37296;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Carex hirta;actual measurement;24.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37296;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex hirta;actual measurement;19.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37296;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex hirta;actual measurement;17.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37296;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex magellanica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.89;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;37333;;GERMANY;;;;25.85;27.67;23.66;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carex caryophyllea;actual measurement;17.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37362;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Carex caryophyllea;actual measurement;15.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37362;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex caryophyllea;actual measurement;20.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37362;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carex caryophyllea;actual measurement;23.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37362;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.9;;;2;;;;;;adult; Carex caryophyllea;actual measurement;22;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;37362;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22;;;2;;;;;;adult; Holcus lanatus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);44.58;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;42613;;GERMANY;;;;43.87;46.32;40.94;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Holcus lanatus;actual measurement;28.81;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;42613;;GERMANY;33;349631;5924067;29.78;36.89;19.63;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Holcus lanatus;actual measurement;25.63;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;42613;;GERMANY;;;;26.23;31.89;21.03;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Holcus lanatus;actual measurement;25.03;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;42613;;GERMANY;;;;26.69;34.23;22.45;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Holcus lanatus;actual measurement;20.37608456;19;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;42613;;GERMANY;;;;20.37608456;;;6;;0.94;;;;adult; Poa pratensis;actual measurement;24.58;11;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;42677;;GERMANY;33;348358;5924824;23.3;27.01;8.11;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Poa pratensis;actual measurement;24.57;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;42677;;GERMANY;;;;24.57;24.97;24.18;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Poa pratensis;actual measurement;27.16;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;42677;;GERMANY;;;;26.93;29.13;24.46;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Poa pratensis;actual measurement;31.48;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;42677;;GERMANY;;;;30.54;33.75;25.45;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Poa pratensis;actual measurement;14.85729945;17;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;42677;;GERMANY;;;;14.85729945;;;6;;0.92;;;;adult; Vulpia myuros;actual measurement;17.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42798;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Vulpia myuros;actual measurement;29.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42798;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Vulpia myuros;actual measurement;20.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42798;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vulpia myuros;actual measurement;26.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42798;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Vulpia myuros;actual measurement;27;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42798;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vulpia myuros;actual measurement;13.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42798;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hordeum marinum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;48.97;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43180;;GERMANY;;;;45.54;53.28;35.39;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Melica nutans;actual measurement;25.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43206;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Melica nutans;actual measurement;27.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43206;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Melica nutans;actual measurement;29.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43206;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Melica nutans;actual measurement;32.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43206;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Alopecurus geniculatus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.14;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;41635;;GERMANY;;;;33.37;37;30.21;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alopecurus geniculatus;actual measurement;23.234296;16;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;41635;;GERMANY;;;;23.234296;;;6;;1.04;;;;adult; Allium schoenoprasum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.7;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;39221;;NETHERLANDS;;;;11.54;13.54;9.95;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Allium schoenoprasum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);4.29;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39221;;GERMANY;32;494600;5286922;4.29;4.57;4;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Allium schoenoprasum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;10.56;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39221;;GERMANY;;;;10.43;11.71;8.79;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Dactylorhiza maculata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.79;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39506;;GERMANY;;;;26.85;31.04;22.44;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Epipactis atrorubens;actual measurement;29.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39603;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Epipactis helleborine;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.11;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39609;;GERMANY;;;;29.11;38.9;22.78;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Epipactis palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.64;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39624;;GERMANY;32;352666;5942122;21.77;23.1;20.74;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Phragmites australis;actual measurement;15.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;42412;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Melica ciliata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.59;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;42479;;GERMANY;32;684138;5646239;17.58;20.09;14.63;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Amelanchier lamarckii;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.12;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;50025;;NETHERLANDS;;;;11.34;13.37;9.51;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Xanthium orientale;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;12.71;1;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;60681;;GERMANY;;;;12.71;12.71;12.71;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Orchis mascula;actual measurement;17.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39755;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Orchis mascula;actual measurement;19.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39755;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Orchis mascula;actual measurement;16.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;39755;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Orchis mascula;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.4;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39755;;GERMANY;32;433296;5330362;19.11;20.03;16.72;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Dactylorhiza traunsteineri subsp. traunsteineri;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.03;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;39923;;GERMANY;32;503124;5288687;27.42;30.88;23.37;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Liparis loeselii;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);47.8;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;39943;;NETHERLANDS;;;;47.2;58.2;36.41;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Liparis loeselii;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.3;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;39943;;NETHERLANDS;;;;28.77;32.86;24.41;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Fallopia convolvulus;actual measurement;29.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;44736;;ITALY;;;;29.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Fallopia convolvulus;actual measurement;20.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;44736;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Fallopia convolvulus;actual measurement;11.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;44736;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Fallopia convolvulus;actual measurement;25.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;44736;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Fallopia convolvulus;actual measurement;20.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;44736;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Atriplex micrantha;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;18.76;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;44812;;GERMANY;;;;18.76;20.17;17.35;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Atriplex micrantha;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;17.43;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;44812;;GERMANY;;;;17.43;18.87;15.99;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Bassia scoparia;actual measurement;18.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;44831;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Artemisia maritima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.82;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;2981;;GERMANY;32;353073;5941494;15.58;18.16;11.92;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cnicus benedictus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;30.07;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3260;;GERMANY;;;;31.55;38.57;26.72;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carduus acanthoides;actual measurement;15;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3326;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carduus acanthoides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);23.03;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3326;;GERMANY;;;;21.94;28.08;15.47;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Carlina vulgaris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.17;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;3338;;SWEDEN;;;;33.1;41.13;25.73;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Erigeron acer;actual measurement;19.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3429;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Erigeron acer;actual measurement;21.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3429;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Erigeron acer;actual measurement;17;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3429;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carduus nutans;actual measurement;19.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3493;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Carduus nutans;actual measurement;15.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3493;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carduus nutans;actual measurement;15.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3493;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Carduus nutans;actual measurement;18.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3493;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aster tripolium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.67;19;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;3539;;NETHERLANDS;;;;20.82;37.66;13.56;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Calendula arvensis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);29.33;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;3677;;NETHERLANDS;;;;31.05;55.8;18.4;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Centaurea phrygia subsp. pseudophrygia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);32.73;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3702;;GERMANY;32;614236;5725252;32.6;38.53;26.35;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Centaurea phrygia subsp. pseudophrygia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.75;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;3702;;GERMANY;32;614236;5725252;28.31;33.54;20.71;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Crepis vesicaria;actual measurement;14.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3710;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cirsium vulgare;actual measurement;25.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3737;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Cirsium vulgare;actual measurement;14.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3737;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cirsium vulgare;actual measurement;13.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3737;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cirsium vulgare;actual measurement;13.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;3737;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Centaurea nigra;actual measurement;31.54;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;3754;;GERMANY;;;;33.49;50.28;26.19;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Puccinellia distans s. borealis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.51;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;43427;;NETHERLANDS;;;;13.93;17.21;10.2;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Zea mays;actual measurement;24.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43844;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sparganium emersum;actual measurement;28.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;43992;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sparganium erectum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.66;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;43993;;GERMANY;;;;15.73;17.27;14.48;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Diphasiastrum alpinum;actual measurement;14.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;44384;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ruppia maritima;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);50.52;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;43869;;NETHERLANDS;;;;51.81;68.49;31.51;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Zostera noltii;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);30.05;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;43880;;DENMARK;;;;30.08;33.98;27.23;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potamogeton trichoides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);75.8;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43903;;GERMANY;32;451161.5432;5892748.957;76.72;110.53;42.56;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potamogeton nodosus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);41.09;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43933;;GERMANY;;;;41.86;47.06;37.31;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potamogeton nodosus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);36.42;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43933;;GERMANY;;;;37.08;42.24;32.3;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potamogeton nodosus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);31.48;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43933;;GERMANY;32;450270;5423284;30.59;38.85;21.85;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potamogeton nodosus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.68;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;43933;;GERMANY;32;450270;5423284;26.81;36.3;18.2;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Asplenium trichomanes-ramosum;actual measurement;19.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;44469;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Asplenium trichomanes-ramosum;actual measurement;20.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;44469;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Angelica archangelica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.93;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Wilmann), E-Mail: (;1514;;NORWAY;32;496467;6984796;21.29;23.77;17.51;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 3. order leaflet;adult; Angelica archangelica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);20.45;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Wilmann), E-Mail: (;1514;;NORWAY;32;496467;6984796;22.2;27.29;18.86;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 2. order leaflet;adult; Tordylium maximum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;27.68;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1545;;GERMANY;;;;27.68;28.14;27.22;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Tordylium maximum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;21.96;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1545;;GERMANY;;;;21.96;24.04;19.87;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. collection date of #1+2 is 2004-10-13;adult; Pimpinella saxifraga;actual measurement;14.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1643;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Pimpinella saxifraga;actual measurement;13.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1643;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Pimpinella saxifraga;actual measurement;18.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1643;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Pimpinella saxifraga;actual measurement;17.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1643;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.2;;;2;;;;;;adult; Pimpinella saxifraga;actual measurement;13;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1643;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Pteridium aquilinum;actual measurement;15.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;250;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Pteridium aquilinum;actual measurement;28.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;250;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Pteridium aquilinum;actual measurement;25;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;250;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Pteridium aquilinum;actual measurement;14.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;250;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polystichum setiferum;actual measurement;24.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;332;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polystichum setiferum;actual measurement;15.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;332;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Huperzia selago;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.85;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;464;;GERMANY;32;;;14.04;16.79;11.98;10;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaves were measured;adult; Pimpinella major;actual measurement;13.25;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;1134;;GERMANY;;;;17.53;27.44;11.89;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ligusticum mutellina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.11;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1224;;GERMANY;;;;33.4;35.87;31.97;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Heracleum sphondylium;actual measurement;25.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1232;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Heracleum sphondylium;actual measurement;22.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1232;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Heracleum sphondylium;actual measurement;27;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1232;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Heracleum sphondylium;actual measurement;22;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1232;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22;;;2;;;;;;adult; Heracleum sphondylium;actual measurement;20.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1232;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.9;;;2;;;;;;adult; Heracleum sphondylium;actual measurement;20;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;1232;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Eryngium maritimum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.5;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1328;;GERMANY;32;345758;5939106;9.55;10.49;9.11;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Eryngium maritimum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);8.85;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1328;;GERMANY;32;345758;5939106;8.86;9.38;8.44;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Acer monspessulanum;actual measurement;11.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;783;;SPAIN;;;;11.9;;;2;;;;;;adult; Acer pseudoplatanus;actual measurement;16.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;803;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.4;;;5;4.85;;;00:00.0;;adult; Acer pseudoplatanus;actual measurement;11.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;803;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.4;;;5;1.29;;;00:00.0;;adult; Acer pseudoplatanus;actual measurement;12.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;803;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.5;;;5;1.16;;;00:00.0;;adult; Acer pseudoplatanus;actual measurement;13;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;803;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13;;;5;1.67;;;00:00.0;;adult; Acer campestre;actual measurement;15.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;811;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Acer campestre;actual measurement;11.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;811;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Silaum silaus;actual measurement;17.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;993;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Silaum silaus;actual measurement;15.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;993;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Silaum silaus;actual measurement;19.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;993;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sison amomum;actual measurement;24.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;995;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sison amomum;actual measurement;20.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;995;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Torilis arvensis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.08;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1012;;GERMANY;32;401207;5327428;27.68;32.79;23.59;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Centaurea jacea;actual measurement;7.43;26;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;4270;;GERMANY;;;;7.43;;;6;;0.3;;;;adult; Aster novi-belgii;actual measurement;17.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;4901;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Aster novi-belgii;actual measurement;20.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;4901;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Aster novi-belgii;actual measurement;29.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;4901;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aster novi-belgii;actual measurement;16.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;4901;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aster novi-belgii;actual measurement;14.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;4901;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aster linosyris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.44;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;5330;;GERMANY;32;395157;5328511;11.44;13.81;8.88;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Crepis paludosa;actual measurement;37;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;5882;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cirsium palustre;actual measurement;15.61;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;5896;;GERMANY;;;;15.66;24.26;7.88;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Centaurea diffusa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.53;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6142;;GERMANY;;;;15.6;17.29;14.24;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ground leaves;adult; Centaurea diffusa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.77;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6142;;GERMANY;;;;16.77;18.58;14.59;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. stem leaves;adult; Impatiens noli-tangere;actual measurement;32.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11751;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Impatiens noli-tangere;actual measurement;34.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11751;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Impatiens parviflora;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);150.55;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11752;;GERMANY;32;437398;5897188;148.08;161.1;124.59;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Impatiens parviflora;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);145.47;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11752;;GERMANY;32;437398;5897188;141.47;153.37;120.24;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Myosotis ramosissima;actual measurement;35.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11938;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Myosotis ramosissima;actual measurement;15.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11938;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Myosotis ramosissima;actual measurement;19.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11938;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Myosotis ramosissima;actual measurement;52.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11938;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;52.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Myosotis ramosissima;actual measurement;15;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11938;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Myosotis ramosissima;actual measurement;13.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11938;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Myosotis scorpioides;actual measurement;49.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11951;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;49.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Myosotis scorpioides;actual measurement;41.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11951;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;41.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Myosotis scorpioides;actual measurement;34.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11951;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Myosotis scorpioides;actual measurement;36.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11951;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Myosotis scorpioides;actual measurement;33.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11951;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Myosotis scorpioides;actual measurement;31.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11951;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Myosotis laxa;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;43.04;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11988;;GERMANY;;;;41;49.52;28.42;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Myosotis laxa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);45.63;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11988;;GERMANY;32;;;45.63;57.08;31.79;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Myosotis nemorosa;actual measurement;33.58;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;11994;;GERMANY;;;;38.61;53.36;28.5;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Arabidopsis thaliana;actual measurement;37.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12652;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;37.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Arabidopsis thaliana;actual measurement;32.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12652;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Arabidopsis thaliana;actual measurement;28.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12652;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Erophila verna s. verna;actual measurement;29.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12790;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Erophila verna s. verna;actual measurement;25.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12790;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Capsella bursa-pastoris;actual measurement;32.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12848;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Capsella bursa-pastoris;actual measurement;30.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12848;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Capsella bursa-pastoris;actual measurement;29.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12848;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Capsella bursa-pastoris;actual measurement;27.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12848;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Capsella bursa-pastoris;actual measurement;25.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12848;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Capsella bursa-pastoris;actual measurement;20.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;12848;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chaerophyllum hirsutum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);34.32;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1398;;GERMANY;32;;;31.46;40.29;18.32;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chaerophyllum hirsutum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.49;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1398;;GERMANY;32;;;21.61;26.91;13.73;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cnidium dubium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.74;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1405;;GERMANY;32;;;27.21;33.98;20.53;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cnidium dubium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.66;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;1405;;GERMANY;32;;;19.55;22.2;14.05;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salvinia natans;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);113.38;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17;;GERMANY;32;456544;5450820;106.36;116.51;71;4;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Serratula tinctoria;actual measurement;14.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10123;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Serratula tinctoria;actual measurement;13.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10123;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Serratula tinctoria;actual measurement;21;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10123;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Tanacetum vulgare;actual measurement;21.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10128;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Tanacetum vulgare;actual measurement;22.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10128;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Tanacetum vulgare;actual measurement;16;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10128;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Pulicaria vulgaris;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;39.04;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;10384;;GERMANY;;;;39.04;44.16;32.51;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Pulicaria vulgaris;actual measurement;18.64975942;15;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;10384;;GERMANY;;;;18.64975942;;;6;;1.07;;;;adult; Senecio jacobaea;actual measurement;22.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10452;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Senecio jacobaea;actual measurement;32.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10452;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Senecio jacobaea;actual measurement;19.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10452;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Senecio jacobaea;actual measurement;32.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10452;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.9;;;2;;;;;;adult; Senecio jacobaea;actual measurement;27.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10452;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Senecio jacobaea;actual measurement;22.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10452;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Senecio jacobaea;actual measurement;20.8;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;10452;;GERMANY;;;;21.07;24.07;18.76;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Senecio abrotanifolius;actual measurement;19.82;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;9234;;GERMANY;;;;19.9;25.47;16.76;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Taraxacum Sec. Palustria;actual measurement;18.5;20;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kühner), Corresponding address:;9256;;GERMANY;;;;19.13;24.93;15.3;1;;;0;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. leaves scanned with hand scanner, single leaves measured, not linked to individual plants;adult; Hieracium pilosella;actual measurement;21.11;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;6658;;GERMANY;;;;21.11;21.76;20.46;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Hieracium pilosella;actual measurement;24.29;15;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;6658;;GERMANY;;;;23.35;30.55;17.92;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galinsoga parviflora;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;42.1;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;7147;;GERMANY;;;;41.73;52.35;32.66;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Galinsoga parviflora;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;41.18;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;7147;;GERMANY;;;;41.18;51.13;31.99;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hieracium lactucella;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);47.59;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;7271;;NETHERLANDS;;;;46.29;52.66;33.55;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Leontodon autumnalis;actual measurement;20.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;7298;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Leontodon autumnalis;actual measurement;31.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;7298;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Leontodon autumnalis;actual measurement;28;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;7298;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Leontodon autumnalis;actual measurement;19;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;7298;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Leontodon autumnalis;actual measurement;25.8;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;7298;;GERMANY;33;349537;5924270;27.17;45.1;18.29;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER), rosette leaves;adult; Leontodon autumnalis;actual measurement;36.72;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;7298;;GERMANY;;;;35.37;48.24;22.65;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Leontodon autumnalis;actual measurement;18.42;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;7298;;GERMANY;;;;19.96;26.79;16.22;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Leontodon autumnalis;actual measurement;33.17268334;12;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;7298;;GERMANY;;;;33.17268334;;;6;;2.06;;;;adult; Helianthus tuberosus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);31.05;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;7788;;NETHERLANDS;;;;32.81;45.55;27.19;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Inula helenium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.82;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;7875;;NETHERLANDS;;;;12.78;17.45;10.04;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Senecio sylvaticus;actual measurement;29.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;9889;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Solidago gigantea;actual measurement;22.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10023;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Solidago gigantea;actual measurement;18.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;10023;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium columbinum;actual measurement;27.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22581;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Geranium columbinum;actual measurement;27.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22581;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chenopodium hybridum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);40.64;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;17875;;NETHERLANDS;;;;39.58;46.16;28.19;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cichorium intybus;actual measurement;31.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;2694;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Inula salicina;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.95;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6502;;GERMANY;33;323783;5838731;20.51;25.67;17.68;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Leontodon pyrenaicus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.38;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;6519;;GERMANY;32;426365;5303435;27.62;39.75;21.58;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hieracium pilosella;actual measurement;17.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;6658;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Hieracium pilosella;actual measurement;15.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;6658;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Hieracium pilosella;actual measurement;15.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;6658;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Hieracium pilosella;actual measurement;15.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;6658;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Hieracium pilosella;actual measurement;20.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;6658;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rorippa amphibia;actual measurement;40.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13138;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;40.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rorippa amphibia;actual measurement;36.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13138;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Coronopus didymus;actual measurement;34.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13200;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Coronopus didymus;actual measurement;28.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13200;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Arabis glabra;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);27.12;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13349;;GERMANY;32;389290;5284787;28.28;34.28;22.44;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. stem leaves;adult; Arabis glabra;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;25.77;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13349;;GERMANY;;;;25.08;29.63;21.01;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rumex crispus;actual measurement;13.28130485;8;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;27506;;GERMANY;;;;13.28130485;;;6;;0.49;;;;adult; Rumex alpinus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.94;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27602;;GERMANY;32;427038;5304017;23.83;30.03;19.45;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rumex alpinus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27602;;GERMANY;32;427038;5304017;16.34;20.72;13.82;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sedum telephium s. maximum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.2;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18293;;GERMANY;32;620059.5441;5973920.772;16.85;20.99;12.39;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Euonymus europaeus;actual measurement;8.97;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;18402;;GERMANY;;;;8.97;9.13;8.82;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cornus sanguinea;actual measurement;11.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18429;;SPAIN;;;;11.3;;;2;;;;;;adult; Cornus sanguinea;actual measurement;16.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18429;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.2;;;5;1.72;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cornus sanguinea;actual measurement;16.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18429;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.1;;;5;1.66;;;00:00.0;;adult; Aconitum napellus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.25;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27279;;GERMANY;32;462220;5305664;21.25;23.09;16.73;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Aconitum napellus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.97;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27279;;GERMANY;32;462220;5305664;19.31;21.01;15.06;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Anemone sylvestris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.41;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27363;;GERMANY;;;;19.41;21.74;16.26;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Anemone sylvestris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.94;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27363;;GERMANY;;;;15.85;18;13.13;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salicornia procumbens;actual measurement;20.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18022;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Corylus avellana;actual measurement;17.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18083;;SPAIN;;;;17.3;;;2;;;;;;adult; Corylus avellana;actual measurement;16.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18083;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.5;;;5;3.56;;;00:00.0;;adult; Corylus avellana;actual measurement;17.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18083;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.5;;;5;3.48;;;00:00.0;;adult; Corylus avellana;actual measurement;11.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18083;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;11.1;;;5;1.55;;;00:00.0;;adult; Corylus avellana;actual measurement;15.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18083;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.2;;;5;1.29;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sedum album;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.08;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18182;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;15.12;15.9;14.42;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sedum cepaea;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;21.81;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18212;;GERMANY;;;;20.98;24.23;15.79;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sedum dasyphyllum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.2;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18216;;GERMANY;32;486567;5290308;24.2;26.36;22.04;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sedum rupestre;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.61;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18224;;GERMANY;32;;;17.61;22.31;14.18;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sedum spurium;actual measurement;12.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18278;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Sedum spurium;actual measurement;5.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18278;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;5.9;;;1;;;;;;adult; Sedum spurium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.97;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;18278;;GERMANY;32;430693;5307522;21.48;31.49;17.1;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rosa rugosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);10.1;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30857;;GERMANY;;;;10.25;13.18;8.39;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rosa rugosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.13;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30857;;GERMANY;;;;9.25;11.82;7.7;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rosa rugosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);13.21;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;30857;;NETHERLANDS;;;;13.38;15.2;11.91;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Potentilla erecta;actual measurement;23.02;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30927;;GERMANY;33;349623;5923964;22.48;26;16.43;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Potentilla erecta;actual measurement;37.56;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;30927;;GERMANY;;;;38.44;45.75;34.09;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Potentilla erecta;actual measurement;24.93;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;30927;;GERMANY;;;;26.47;33.23;22.22;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Centaurium pulchellum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);43.2;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22823;;GERMANY;32;644382.5933;5888089.245;47.01;66.45;38.18;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Blackstonia perfoliata;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);44.65;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22864;;GERMANY;32;450153;5426634;44.28;51.85;36.7;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Plantago major;actual measurement;24.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27829;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Plantago major;actual measurement;16.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27829;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Plantago major;actual measurement;20.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27829;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Plantago major;actual measurement;30.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27829;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cucurbita pepo;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.62;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;18484;;NETHERLANDS;;;;17.52;18.2;16.46;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Helianthemum nummularium s. nummularium;actual measurement;17.14;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;18632;;GERMANY;;;;18.24;25.18;14.02;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Helianthemum nummularium s. nummularium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.56364516;5;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Römermann), E-Mail:;18632;;GERMANY;;;;14.56364516;;;2;1.811768581;;;;;adult; Sagina procumbens;actual measurement;18.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16230;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sagina procumbens;actual measurement;20;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16230;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Galeopsis angustifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.49;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;23489;;GERMANY;32;603654;5724094;17.49;17.49;17.49;3;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Dianthus superbus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;21.79;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;16439;;GERMANY;;;;21.62;25.09;18.94;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Dianthus gratianopolitanus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.74;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;16472;;GERMANY;32;499419;5322615;15.74;17.53;14.12;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lathyrus pratensis;actual measurement;32.98;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;21355;;GERMANY;;;;33.78;39.65;29.52;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lathyrus pratensis;actual measurement;26.21;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;21355;;GERMANY;;;;24.4;29.92;16.59;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lathyrus pratensis;actual measurement;22.22885043;11;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;21355;;GERMANY;;;;22.22885043;;;6;;0.78;;;;adult; Plantago lanceolata;actual measurement;24.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27860;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Plantago lanceolata;actual measurement;15.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27860;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.5;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Plantago lanceolata;actual measurement;18.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27860;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Plantago lanceolata;actual measurement;24.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27860;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.8;;;2;;;;;;adult; Plantago lanceolata;actual measurement;22.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27860;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Reseda luteola;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;21.57;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;27977;;GERMANY;;;;21.64;25.13;17.52;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lepidium campestre;actual measurement;22.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13495;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Matthiola incana;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;22.52;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13527;;GERMANY;;;;23.15;30.75;18.42;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Diplotaxis muralis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;21.88;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13634;;GERMANY;;;;21.88;26.39;18.38;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Diplotaxis muralis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;20.04;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;13634;;GERMANY;;;;20.22;26.74;17.15;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Polygonum mite;actual measurement;32.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27654;;ITALY;;;;32.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Polygonum lapathifolium;actual measurement;39.06444061;13;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;27747;;GERMANY;;;;39.06444061;;;6;;2.14;;;;adult; Logfia arvensis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);39.06;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11506;;GERMANY;32;652773;5884491;39.06;45.75;32.88;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sigesbeckia orientalis;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;30.58;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11602;;GERMANY;;;;30.24;33.46;25.64;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Alnus glutinosa;actual measurement;13.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11694;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.3;;;5;1.63;;;00:00.0;;adult; Alnus glutinosa;actual measurement;13.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11694;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.5;;;5;1.35;;;00:00.0;;adult; Alnus glutinosa;actual measurement;14.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11694;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.2;;;5;1.38;;;00:00.0;;adult; Alnus glutinosa;actual measurement;17.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11694;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.3;;;5;2.48;;;00:00.0;;adult; Betula nana;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.96;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11715;;GERMANY;32;606790;5740051;12.96;17.45;10.24;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Betula nana;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.62;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;11715;;GERMANY;32;606790;5740051;12.01;15.13;10.11;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hirschfeldia incana;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;21.76;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14011;;GERMANY;;;;21.24;24.2;17.06;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Epilobium obscurum;actual measurement;28.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26502;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Epilobium obscurum;actual measurement;31.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26502;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Thalictrum minus;actual measurement;13.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26547;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Thalictrum minus;actual measurement;27.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26547;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Medicago sativa;actual measurement;32.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21975;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Medicago sativa;actual measurement;18.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21975;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Medicago sativa;actual measurement;19.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;21975;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium pratense;actual measurement;17.4;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22096;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.4;;;1;;;;;;adult; Trifolium pratense;actual measurement;24.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22096;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Trifolium pratense;actual measurement;28.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22096;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.9;;;2;;;;;;adult; Trifolium pratense;actual measurement;26.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22096;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Senecio erucifolius;actual measurement;16.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11230;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Senecio erucifolius;actual measurement;14.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;11230;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Nymphoides peltata;actual measurement;25.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26354;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Phillyrea latifolia;actual measurement;6.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26370;;SPAIN;;;;6.5;;;2;;;;;;adult; Fraxinus excelsior;actual measurement;13.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26381;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.8;;;5;1.41;;;00:00.0;;adult; Fraxinus excelsior;actual measurement;12.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26381;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.3;;;5;1.88;;;00:00.0;;adult; Fraxinus excelsior;actual measurement;13.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26381;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.1;;;5;1.36;;;00:00.0;;adult; Fraxinus excelsior;actual measurement;12;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26381;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12;;;5;1.64;;;00:00.0;;adult; Petrorhagia prolifera;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);17.63;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;16636;;GERMANY;32;401461;5327607;17.63;20.69;14.32;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Silene nutans;actual measurement;18.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16673;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.7;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Silene nutans;actual measurement;21.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;16673;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Silene nutans;actual measurement;26.66;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;16673;;GERMANY;;;;25.87;33.58;20;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Androsace maxima;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;24.26;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28785;;GERMANY;;;;24.26;28.17;20.1;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Silene acaulis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);18.7;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;17102;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;22.26;35.3;17.2;7;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 7-15 leaves per sample;adult; Mentha pulegium;actual measurement;20.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24284;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Mentha pulegium;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);42.06;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24284;;GERMANY;;;;42.02;54.3;24.41;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cardamine parviflora;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);36.46;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14444;;GERMANY;33;311982;5846039;36.46;47.69;26.16;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Cardamine parviflora;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.41;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14444;;GERMANY;33;311982;5846039;32.85;37.21;24.94;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hyssopus officinalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.55;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;24658;;NETHERLANDS;;;;20.89;23.2;15.9;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Stachys recta;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.47;4;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24800;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;28.53;30.08;27.11;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Stachys recta;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);28.6;11;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;24800;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;28.42;31.53;21.55;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Primula veris;actual measurement;18.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28858;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;18.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Primula veris;actual measurement;21;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28858;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;21;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Primula veris;actual measurement;16.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28858;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16.1;;;2;;;;;;adult; Primula veris;actual measurement;16;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28858;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;16;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Primula veris;actual measurement;25.42;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;28858;;GERMANY;;;;25.42;26.74;24.11;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Primula veris;actual measurement;14.76;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;28858;;GERMANY;;;;14.68;17.88;11.65;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Empetrum nigrum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);7.6;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;19449;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;7.6;7.81;7.4;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 24-35 leaves per sample;adult; Empetrum nigrum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);9.2;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Rusch), E-Mail:;19449;;NORWAY;32;604700;6958700;9.25;14.6;6.85;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. 23-29 leaves per sample;adult; Vaccinium macrocarpon;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.4;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;19470;;NETHERLANDS;;;;12.59;15.28;10.5;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Draba muralis;actual measurement;27.9;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14065;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;27.9;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Draba muralis;actual measurement;28.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14065;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Draba muralis;actual measurement;22.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14065;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cardaminopsis arenosa;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);35.15;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14130;;GERMANY;32;;;37.01;44.57;29.56;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. determinated as Cardaminopsis arenosa ssp. borbasii;adult; Cardamine hirsuta;actual measurement;24.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14245;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cardamine hirsuta;actual measurement;32;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14245;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32;;;1;;;;;;adult; Cardamine hirsuta;actual measurement;20.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14245;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cardamine hirsuta;actual measurement;29.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14245;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cardamine hirsuta;actual measurement;29.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14245;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Cardamine hirsuta;actual measurement;31.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14245;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus peltatus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);39.16;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26695;;GERMANY;32;398836;5915489;39.81;54.29;22.74;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus peltatus;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);37.55;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26695;;GERMANY;32;398836;5915489;38.04;51.29;22.98;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus repens;actual measurement;25.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26770;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus repens;actual measurement;39.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26770;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;39.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus repens;actual measurement;15.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26770;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.6;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus repens;actual measurement;32.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26770;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.8;;;1;;;;;;adult; Ranunculus repens;actual measurement;34.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26770;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;34.3;;;2;;;;;;adult; Ranunculus repens;actual measurement;28.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26770;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.8;;;2;;;;;;adult; Ranunculus repens;actual measurement;26.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;26770;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.8;;;2;;;;;;adult; Utricularia vulgaris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);58.33;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;26103;;GERMANY;;;;57.63;61.94;49.47;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Utricularia vulgaris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);53.13;4;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;26103;;GERMANY;32;453852.4664;5891016.65;54.34;59.32;51.75;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lamium purpureum;actual measurement;59.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25103;;ITALY;;;;59.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lamium purpureum;actual measurement;45.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25103;;ITALY;;;;45.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lamium purpureum;actual measurement;32.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25103;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32.3;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lamium purpureum;actual measurement;33.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25103;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;33.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lamium purpureum;actual measurement;28.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25103;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lamium purpureum;actual measurement;31.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25103;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Dianthus armeria;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);16.46;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;16115;;NETHERLANDS;;;;17.22;21.74;13.39;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Malva pusilla;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;23.73;9;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25668;;GERMANY;;;;23.73;26.38;20.32;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Malva sylvestris;actual measurement;22.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25674;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Sambucus nigra;actual measurement;21.37;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;15363;;GERMANY;;;;25.73;45.63;16.9;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Buddleja davidii;actual measurement;10.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15414;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.1;;;5;0.69;;;00:00.0;;adult; Buddleja davidii;actual measurement;14.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15414;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.5;;;5;1.07;;;00:00.0;;adult; Buddleja davidii;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);21.31;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15414;;GERMANY;;;;21.31;27.22;15.29;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Callitriche palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);93.61;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15420;;GERMANY;32;453798.488;5891054.635;90.97;119.19;61.28;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. swim leaves;adult; Callitriche palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);117.98;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;15420;;GERMANY;32;453798.488;5891054.635;123.28;170;83.7;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. subaqueous leaves;adult; Callitriche stagnalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.47;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;15424;;GERMANY;;;;11.49;13.33;10.09;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lysimachia vulgaris;actual measurement;25.5;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28980;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;25.5;;;1;;;;;;adult; Lysimachia vulgaris;actual measurement;36.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28980;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;36.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lysimachia vulgaris;actual measurement;24.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;28980;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;24.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lysimachia vulgaris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);15.62;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;28980;;GERMANY;;;;15.9;17.97;14.82;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lysimachia vulgaris;actual measurement;18.98;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;28980;;GERMANY;;;;19.05;21.03;17.31;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sorbus aucuparia;actual measurement;12.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29162;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.6;;;5;0.61;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sorbus aucuparia;actual measurement;12.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29162;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.9;;;5;0.71;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sorbus aucuparia;actual measurement;17.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29162;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.8;;;5;2.24;;;00:00.0;;adult; Sorbus aucuparia;actual measurement;12.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29162;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.3;;;5;2.21;;;00:00.0;;adult; Alcea rosea;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;13.66;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25760;;GERMANY;;;;14.45;16.28;13.41;2;;;10;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. this is Alcea rosea var. alba;adult; Radiola linoides;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;21.86;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25873;;GERMANY;;;;21.49;23.39;17.38;4;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Radiola linoides;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);43.47;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25873;;GERMANY;32;449141.3516;5883035.844;43.08;61.23;27.27;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hippophae rhamnoides;actual measurement;12.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;19002;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.5;;;5;0.8;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vicia villosa s. varia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.64;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;22113;;NETHERLANDS;;;;24.16;27.26;20.79;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Ranunculus auricomus;actual measurement;29;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27000;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29;;;1;;;;;;adult; Ranunculus auricomus;actual measurement;35.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27000;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Ranunculus auricomus;actual measurement;31.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;27000;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Stellaria uliginosa;actual measurement;39.8;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17654;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;39.8;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Stellaria uliginosa;actual measurement;35.2;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17654;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.2;;;1;;;;;;adult; Stellaria uliginosa;actual measurement;29;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17654;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29;;;1;;;;;;adult; Stellaria uliginosa;actual measurement;29;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17654;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Stellaria uliginosa;actual measurement;44.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17654;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;44.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Stellaria uliginosa;actual measurement;32;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17654;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;32;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Atriplex rosea;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;18.79;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17679;;GERMANY;;;;18.87;20.13;17.99;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Atriplex rosea;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;18.49;11;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;17679;;GERMANY;;;;18.52;19.67;17.58;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Chenopodium bonus-henricus;actual measurement;28.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17724;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.4;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rorippa palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);65.77;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Krüger), Correspondig address:;14626;;GERMANY;;;;65.07;67.8;60.41;2;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rorippa palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);25.56;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14626;;GERMANY;;;;26.29;30.93;22.91;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. stem leaves;adult; Rorippa palustris;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);40.82;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14626;;GERMANY;;;;38.53;49.91;23.97;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rosette leaves;adult; Hieracium bifidum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);26.59;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14677;;GERMANY;32;609650;5715895;27.96;41.61;19.75;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hieracium bifidum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.35;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14677;;GERMANY;32;609650;5715895;22.57;27.68;17.82;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hieracium bifidum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.62;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14677;;GERMANY;32;684457;5646509;24.56;25.56;23.45;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Hieracium bifidum;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.05;4;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14677;;GERMANY;32;684457;5646509;22.16;23.68;20.87;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Polygala amarella;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);22.72;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;28146;;GERMANY;32;503813;5354495;22.72;28.8;16.2;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Vicia cracca;actual measurement;28.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22128;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Vicia cracca;actual measurement;23.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22128;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Lupinus luteus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;28;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22239;;GERMANY;;;;27.95;29.81;25.74;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Lupinus luteus;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;22.74;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;22239;;GERMANY;;;;22.76;25.28;21.06;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Quercus petraea;actual measurement;10.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22445;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;10.7;;;5;1.06;;;00:00.0;;adult; Quercus petraea;actual measurement;17.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22445;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17.3;;;5;2.35;;;00:00.0;;adult; Quercus petraea;actual measurement;13.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22445;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.9;;;5;1.77;;;00:00.0;;adult; Quercus petraea;actual measurement;12.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;22445;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.3;;;5;1.07;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chelidonium majus;actual measurement;48;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25435;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;48;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chelidonium majus;actual measurement;28.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25435;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;28.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Chelidonium majus;actual measurement;46.7;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25435;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;46.7;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Legousia hybrida;actual measurement;40.3;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;14896;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;40.3;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Campanula trachelium;actual measurement;39;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15002;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;39;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Campanula rotundifolia;actual measurement;45.64;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;15045;;GERMANY;;;;45.64;62.1;29.19;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Campanula rotundifolia;actual measurement;27.75;16;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;15045;;GERMANY;;;;28.94;52.79;17.11;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Sorbus intermedia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.44;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Aarnes), corresponding adress:;30014;;NORWAY;32;573177;7033567;19.35;22.38;17;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Rosa elliptica;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);12.06;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;30050;;GERMANY;32;684002;5646183;11.94;12.46;11.17;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Glaucium flavum;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;16.98;7;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25533;;GERMANY;;;;17.36;18.39;16.75;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Meconopsis cambrica;actual measurement;46.3;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25542;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;46.3;;;1;;;;;;adult; Meconopsis cambrica;actual measurement;35.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25542;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Meconopsis cambrica;actual measurement;20.1;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25542;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.1;;;1;;;;;;adult; Meconopsis cambrica;actual measurement;29.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25542;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;29.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Meconopsis cambrica;actual measurement;46.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;25542;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;46.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Fumaria parviflora;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;27.8;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25553;;GERMANY;;;;27.8;27.8;27.8;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Fumaria parviflora;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;24.01;2;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;25553;;GERMANY;;;;24.01;24.01;24.01;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Medicago sativa s. falcata;actual measurement;18.1;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;19911;;GERMANY;;;;18.4;20.73;16.47;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Trifolium arvense;actual measurement;19.8;10;-2;leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;19943;;GERMANY;;;;18.98;21.75;11.52;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. rehydration (GARNIER);adult; Trifolium arvense;actual measurement;20.32823287;16;1;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Gesing), corresponding adress:;19943;;GERMANY;;;;20.32823287;;;6;;0.57;;;;adult; Euphorbia peplus;actual measurement;30.7;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20109;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;30.7;;;1;;;;;;adult; Euphorbia peplus;actual measurement;44.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;20109;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;44.8;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Campanula glomerata;actual measurement;22.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15158;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.2;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Campanula glomerata;actual measurement;22.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15158;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22.1;;;1;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Campanula glomerata;actual measurement;26.2;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;15158;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;26.2;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rorippa sylvestris;actual measurement;41.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13910;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;41.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rorippa sylvestris;actual measurement;38.5;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;13910;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;38.5;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Rosa pimpinellifolia;actual measurement;17;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29288;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;17;;;1;;;;;;adult; Rosa pimpinellifolia;actual measurement;15.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29288;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;15.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Fragaria viridis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);19.55;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Norwegian Institute for Nature Resaerch, NINA-Trondheim, NO (Wilmann), E-Mail: (;29358;;SWEDEN;34;351780;6412500;19.8;24.32;17.19;1;;;;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Malus sylvestris;actual measurement;13.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29369;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;13.1;;;5;1.14;;;00:00.0;;adult; Malus sylvestris;actual measurement;12.8;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29369;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;12.8;;;5;2.57;;;00:00.0;;adult; Malus sylvestris;actual measurement;9.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29369;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;9.4;;;5;1.27;;;00:00.0;;adult; Malus sylvestris;actual measurement;35.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29369;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;35.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Malus sylvestris;actual measurement;22;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;29369;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;22;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Amelanchier ovalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.37;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29390;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;11.48;11.98;11.1;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Amelanchier ovalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);11.16;3;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29390;;GERMANY;32;544300;5379100;11.19;11.62;10.79;1;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Salvia officinalis;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);33.87;5;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;23945;;NETHERLANDS;;;;35.26;45.92;25.04;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Clinopodium vulgare;actual measurement;23.6;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;24218;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.6;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Silene latifolia;actual measurement;14.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17283;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;14.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Silene latifolia;actual measurement;20.6;5;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17283;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;20.6;;;1;;;;;;adult; Silene latifolia;actual measurement;31.4;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17283;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;31.4;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Silene latifolia;actual measurement;19.9;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;17283;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;19.9;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Spiraea salicifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);24.32;6;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology Group, NL (Steendam), Corresponding address:;29508;;NETHERLANDS;;;;24.78;33.98;18.99;2;;;1;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Spiraea salicifolia;actual measurement (following LEDA data standards);14.74;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;29508;;GERMANY;;;;15.22;18.46;13.28;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. determinated as S. billardii;adult; Agrimonia eupatoria;actual measurement;21.45;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;29512;;GERMANY;;;;21.43;28.84;15.67;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. Values may be higher than those from other data sets because a hand scanner has been used for measurements according to O. Tackenberg, University of Regensburg, Germany;adult; Agrimonia eupatoria;actual measurement;17.85;8;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Regensburg, Chair of Botany, DE (Kahmen), E-Mail:;29512;;GERMANY;;;;19.34;29.91;15.87;1;;;;;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;adult; Calystegia silvatica;actual measurement;23.1;3;1;leaf rehydration;Source data from University of Sheffield, Dept. of Animal and Plant Sciences, UK (Thompson), E-Mail:;18953;;UNITED KINGDOM;;;;23.1;;;2;;;;00:00.0;;adult; Brassica oleracea;laboratory/greenhouse/garden experiment;13.69;10;-2;no leaf rehydration;Source data from Carl von Ossietzky university of Oldenburg, Landscape Ecology Group, DE (Kunzmann), E-Mail:;14208;;GERMANY;;;;13.75;16.97;10.25;2;;;0;00:00.0;Preaggregated data obtained from single record. ;juvenile;