
Kleyer, M. (in press): Wie gut unterscheiden sich städtebauliche Nutzungstypen bezüglich ihrer Vegetation? - Frankfurter Geobotanische Kolloquien


To date, many German cities have been mapped with respect to their biotope distribution. For the built-up part of the city, urban land uses are usually classified and labelled as biotopes by expert decision. This study tests the hypothesis that urban land use classes as frequently proposed for urban biotope mapping are different from each other with respect to their vegetation. A vegetation map (scale 1 : 500) of a transect through the city of Stuttgart (Southwest-Germany) served as basis for the analysis. Seven land use classes were tested within the framework of a General Linear Model. Patch number and relative patch area of 23 aggregated vegetation types served as dependent variables. There was no significant difference except between residential areas and detached houses on the one hand and all other land use classes on the other. This questions the suitability of urban land use classes as representatives for urban biotope types in the city of Stuttgart.