Geochemistry of Turbidites from the Ionian Basin, Eastern Mediterranean
Besides the famous sapropels I found further remarkable intervals in the sediments from ODP Site 964 (Pisano Plateau, Ionian Basin) which were identified as turbidites. They are characterized by a gradual bedding with higher silt and heavy mineral contents in the basal part. The upper and lower contacts of these deposits can be defined after their elemental signatures. Most of the investigated elements display depth profiles in the turbidites which can be explained by the sedimentation-related grain size sorting process. The Mn/Al profile can be explained by remobilization and diffusion of Mn(II) under suboxic conditions.
Those of you who are more interested in the geochemistry of Mediterranean turbidites are referred to chapter 4.3 of my PhD thesis:
Anorganische Geochemie zyklischer Sedimente aus dem östlichen Mittelmeer: Rekonstruktion der Paläoumweltbedingungen (Rolf Wehausen, Dr. rer. nat. - Dissertation, Carl-von-Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg, 1999)
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