Habilitationsschrift von Daniel Grieser
Titel: Probleme der singulären Analysis
Ausführliche Einleitung (deutsch,
Folgende (inzwischen veröffentlichte) Arbeiten sind Teil
der Habilitation:
of the first nodal line of a convex domain, Inventiones Math. 125 (1996),
197-219 (with D. Jerison).
- The size of the first eigenfunction
of a convex planar domain, Journal of the AMS 11 (1998), 41-72 (with
D. Jerison).
breaking and other phenomena in the optimization of eigenvalues for composite
membranes, Comm. Math. Physics 214 (2000), 315-337 (with S. Chanillo
and K. Kurata - on the theory, and M. Imai and I. Ohnishi - on the numerics).
The free boundary problem in the optimization
of composite membranes, in: Differential Geometric Methods in the Control
of Partial Differential Equations, R. Gulliver et al. (eds), Cont.
Math. 268 (2000), 61-81 (with S. Chanillo and K. Kurata).
Basics of the b-calculus, in J.B.Gil et al.
(eds.), Approaches to Singular Analysis, 30-84, Operator Theory: Advances
and Applications, 125. Advances in Partial Differential Equations, Birkhäuser,
Basel, 2001.
Singular asymptotics lemma and Push-forward
theorem, in J.B.Gil et al. (eds.), Approaches to Singular Analysis,
117-130, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, 125. Advances in Partial
Differential Equations, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2001 (with M. Gruber).
Quasiisometry of singular metrics, Houston J.
Math 28 (2002), 741-752.
Local geometry of singular real analytic surfaces,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 355 (2003), 1559-1577. (http://www.ams.org/tran/2003-355-04/)
Der Titel meines Habilitationsvortrages lautete: 'Der 4-Farben-Satz:
Geschichte und neue Zugänge'
Hier sind die Folien
(die von Hand nachgetragenen Bilder fehlen leider)