Philippe Ben-Abdallah Heat Superdiffusion in Plasmonic Nanostructure Networks
- Author(s):
Philippe Ben-Abdallah, Riccardo Messina, Svend-Age Biehs, Maria Tschikin, Karl Joulain, Carsten Henkel
- Title:
Heat Superdiffusion in Plasmonic Nanostructure Networks
- Date of Upload:
- Article:
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 174301 (2013), American Physical Society
- Keywords:
superdiffusive regime, plasmonic networks, Levy flight
44.05.+e, 12.20.-m, 44.40.+a, 78.67.-n
- Abstract:
- The heat transport mediated by near-field interactions in networks of plasmonic nanostructures is shown
to be analogous to a generalized random walk process. The existence of superdiffusive regimes is
demonstrated both in linear ordered chains and in three-dimensional random networks by analyzing the
asymptotic behavior of the corresponding probability distribution function. We show that the spread of
heat in these networks is described by a type of Levy flight. The presence of such anomalous heattransport
regimes in plasmonic networks opens the way to the design of a new generation of composite
materials able to transport heat faster than the normal diffusion process in solids.
- URL: (text/plain)
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