Highlights in Small Systems Online Open Access Zeitschrift mit Online Forum; (Mitherausgeber)
JSS Journal of Small Systems; (Co-editor with D. Tomanek, MSU, USA))
Entry Point of the IuK activities and its past Workgroup on Networking.
Dissertationen Online. (early DFG project, see now DissOnline DDB)
EPS Service: PhysNet Physics Network Worldwide
eLearning Platform and Retrieval of eLearning sources worldwide: (see Physik Multimedial)
NSF-DFG project on connecting PhysNet with Virginia Tech to run NDLDT
DFN project partner EPRINT.
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Scholarly Research and Communication CCSP Press, Simon Fraser Univ, CA.
Member of the Programme Committee of 7th International Conference on Mathematical Knowledge Management MKM 2008 Birmingham, UK, 28-30 July 2008.
coopted to the Executive Board of Coalition for Action 'Copyright for Education and Research (Aktionsbündnis Urheberrecht für Bildung und Wissenschaft.
Editor of the Blog (mostly in German) Zugang zum Wissen
EPS (European Physical Society) Action Committee on Publications and Scientific Communications (member till 2006),
ACIS Academic Contributor Information System Steering Committee
IuK Initiative Information und Kommunikation der wissenschaftlichen Fachgesellschaften in Deutschland: (Initiative for Information and Communication of the Learned Societies in Germany) : Sprecher 1999, sowie AG Vernetzung
DINI Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerk-Information (Initiative for NetworkInformation e.V.); member of the Executive Board (2004-2006), activities in the workgroups UrhG (copyright), Metadata, Scientific Publishing;
Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe FIZ: Wissenschaftlicher Beirat (Mitglied bis 2006)
Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Physik ViFaPhys (wiss. Beirat)