Some Conferences organized
- Fürstenlager
- Wangerooge Cluster
- 1993:
Theory of Atomic and Molecular Clusters
TAMC; Leer, Germany; 13-18.June 1993; Org: Eberhard R. Hilf mit Peter Borrmann;
Proceedings: Computational Material Science; ed.: U. Landmann, R. Nieminen;
with D. Tomanek (Mich.State University; M. Manninen
This was initiating the series of TAMC-Conferences, notably 1999
(J.Jellinek, Argonne Natl. Laboratory, USA);
Theory of Atomic and Molecular Clusters
With a Glimpse at Experiments
2004 TAMC-IV
Computational Materials Science
Volume 35, Issue 3, March 2006, ed. G.M. Pastor and F. Spiegelman;
Toulouse, France; 24-28.April 2004
TAMC-V Virginia Commonwealth University
1993: PDMS'93 Particle Induced Desorption Mass Spectrometry
19.-26.June 1993; Hirschegg, Kleinwalsertal, Austria
Organizing Committee: E. Hilf (U.Oldenburg), H. Jungclas (U. Marburg),
E.R.Schmid (U. Wien), H.Voit (U.Erlangen), K. Wien (TU Darmstadt)
some participants: K. Standing (U.Manitoba), Thomas (U. Lyon), McNeal, R.
MacFarlane (Texa A+M Univ.), Hoppiliard (Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau),
Reimann (U. Uppsala).
Int. Workshop on 252-Cf Plasma Desorption Mass Spectrometry
Organizing Committee
; at Gaspe, Quebec, Canada 15.-19.June 1992
Chairman: Y. LeBeyec, Orsay, France
1989: Mass Spectrometry of Large Non-Volatile Molecules for Marine Organic Chemistry;
Spiekeroog Island, Germany, 15.-20.September 1989; Organizers: Eberhard R. Hilf and Wilfried Tuszynski; published by World Scientific; 1990; ISBN 981-02-0250-4;
guests from USA (R. Bieri, J.E. Hunt,
R.D.Macfarlane, Catherine Macfarlane,
C. McNeal, L.K.Pannell),
Denmark (P. Roepstorf),
Canada (K.G.Standing),
Netherlands (P. van Veelen, H.J.Vorst),
France (Y. Lebeyec),
Sweden (D. Fenyoe),
UK (A. Gough),
and Germany (R. Angermann, D. Doernemann, H.W.Fritsch, Th.Hoepner, F. Hillmann, H.Jungclas, D. Karas,Th. Klenke, J. Metzger, F. Kaammer, K. Koehl, Per F. Nielsen, B. Nitzschmann, K.. Schneider, K.R. Sperling, K. Wien)
1988: Second International Workshop on MeV and keV Ion and Cluster Interactions
with Surfaces and Materials
Orsay, 5.-8.September 1988; Member of Organizing Committee
Variational Calculations in Quantum Field Theory;
1.-4.Sept.1987, Wangerooge Island, Germany
with star-guest Richard P. Feynman (Fotos and remarks );
: ebooK: ISBN 978-981-4507-67-7
editors of the proceedings: L. Polley, D. E. L. Pottinger
PDMS and Clusters
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on the Physics of Small Systems, Held on the Island of Wangerooge, Germany, September 8-12, 1986
(with Nobel Laureate Walter D. Knight)
Editors: Eberhard R. Hilf, Friedrich Kammer, Karl Wien
Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Physics (LNP, volume 269)
, see bibliographic information
International Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations;
Jan 1973,
Hirschegg, Austria
organized by F. Beck, E.R. Hilf, W.D. Myers
Proceedings published by Institut fuer Kernphysik, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt
This workshop initiated an annual series till today
2023 will be the 49th!: Hirschegg 2023 - Effective field theories for nuclei and nuclear matter; still organized by the Darmstadt colleagues.
Information Management
Organizing Collaborators
Julika Mimkes, Thomas Severiens, Heinrich Stamerjohanns,
Michael Hohlfeld as members of the ISN
2003: Worldwide Coherent Workforce, satisfied Users;
New Services for Scientific Information;
with guests from
UK (Brody, Southampton),
USA (Fox, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University),
and Krichel, NY State Univ),
Canada (Harnad, U.Quebec and Montreal),
Hungary (Kadlesik, KFKI; Szalay, CNC Budapest),
Netherlands (Lingemann, Amsterdam; Roosendaal, U. Twente),
France (Ouarab, EPS),
Switzerland (Wilde,ETH Zürich),
Austria (Zimmermann, government)
and Germany (Griesbaum, U. Konstanz),
Kuhlen (U.Konstanz), Lee (arco), Müller, (HU.Berlin),
Neun (ZIB Berlin), Neuroth (SUB Göttingen), Plümer and Rolf and Mertens (U. Osnabrück),
Schottmüller (U.Bremen), Tobschall (TIB Hannover), Velden (Garching),
Wätjen (U. Oldenburg), and ISN: Hilf,, Hohlfeld, Mimkes, Schlenker,
Seveiens, Stamerjohanns
Open Distributed Science Information Managemewnt;
2nd International Technical Workshop of the project SINN
6.-7.Nov 2002; Oldenburg;
hosted by ISN, umbrella: EPS; SINN is supported by BMBF and La
and Niedersachsen.
with guests from
Poland (Adjuk, Mlynik),
Lithuania (Bernotas),
Russland (Malashevich, Krashakov),
Netherlands (Lingemann),
France (Ouarab),
India (Ranjan),
Hungary (Szlalay),
Italy (Bernotas),
Austria (Zimmermann)
and Germany (Biehs, Dalitz, Foest, Görlitz, Hilf, Hohlfeld, Meier, Mimkes, Müller, Schumann,
Severiens, Siberski, Sperber,Stamerjohanns, Tobschall, Urbas).
SINN1 First International Workshop of the project SINN Searchengine Network in the International Natural Science Network
; dec. 5-7th 2001; with guests from
Poland (Adjuk), Ukraine (Blank), Italy (Bonora), France (Lee, Ouarab, Stearn), Finland (Montonen), Hungary (Szlalay),
and Germany (Arendt, Biehs, Diekmann, Foest, Goerlitz, Groetschel, Hohlfeld, Oberhage, Severiens, Stamerjohanns, Waetjen)
21.-24.March 1999
IuK 99 - Dynamic Documents
Annual Conference of the IuK Initiative information and communication of the Learned Societies in Germany
at Jena, Germany
; local Organization head: Wolfgang Ziegler with Kerstin Huettenrauch, W. Weissenburger:
IuK99-Secretary: Kerstin Zimmermann
CRISP II; Technical workshop on Information Management in Sciences
11-13. Octobre 1999; at Department of Physics, Carl-von-Ossietzky-Universty Oldenburg
with guests from USA (Chegireddy), Italy (Canessa, Giambertone, Hungary (Hock),
Ukraine (Kobryn), Russia (Shchur, Kovaleva, Nikonov), Netherlands (Lingemann), India (Ranjan),
Ireland (Walsh), Germany
Management wissenschaftlicher Information in der Physik
Workshop der
IuK Initiative Information und Kommunikation
der wissenschaftlichen Fachgesellschaften in Deutschland
Physik Zentrum, Bad Honnef
Neue Wege der wissenschaftlichen Information und Kommunikation
TU Berlin
Programm und Verantwortliche;
Workshop von vier wissenschaftlichen Fachgesellschaften.
1991: 1. Anwendertreffen Elektronische Fachinformation an Universitaeten auf dem Gebiet der Physik;
5.12.1991; Bad Honnef, Physik-Zentrum der DPG; Teilnehmer aus allen Fachbereichen der Physik in Deutschland.
International Interdisciplinary Open Archives and Subject Specific Services in Mathematics and Physics,
editors: G. Toerner, E.R. Hilf,
Workshop at Duisburg, Germany,