IuK99: Dynamic Documents
Jena, 22.-24.3.1999
IuK99 Annual Meeting of the
IuK Initiative for Information and Communication of the
Learned Societies in Germany
Welcome to the invited guests from abroad, the scientists from all
learned fields, the librarians, the provider agents.
Each year another society is the host of this annual conference of the
last year: DGfE (Society for Education Science), chairman: Peter Diepold;
organized at Hamburg by Ingrid Lohmann.
This year: hosted by DPG (German Physical Society).
The style of the meeting is always somewhat reflecting that of the
respective field.
We hope for a
Physics workshop style, even with this large audience
Language has been always broken english once a single person is in the
audience, not speaking German fluently.
Please respect the cramped programme: use the virtual ongoing conference
to distribute further material and stimulate and continue discussions.
Orgaanization by Wolfgang Ziegler, Kerstin Huettenrauch,
Heike Goebel, Heike Hotzel, Ina Weiss, Bernd Nestler, Guenter Weissenburger,
(Jena) and Kerstin Zimmermann (Oldenburg).
Praise the funding sources:
- The German Physical Society DPG.
The National Science Ministery, BMBF, Referat 524, Dr. Czermak, has in
former years funded participants and some speakers.
This year the funding of the many international guest speakers is
National and international Publishers have in former years substantially
funded and been strongly present and active.
This year they are still present. Not a single penny is funded, probably due,
according to a newspaper, that it is seen that we, the readers/authors
are not contributing too much to the share holder values.
New commercial providers, companies with new services are present for the
first time this year, and may be gotten strength next year for funding as well....
The Meeting is to bring together
scientists from different fields,
scientists from different countries worldwide
scientists and librarians,
readers/authors and providers
The meeting is planned to act as start of an ongoing virtual meeting place
consisting of
a discussion list,
an archive of refereed documents,
a searchable database of services, projects, programmes; of your work.
A database of experts in the field.
None of the information will be stored centrally but at the home of
the authors, providers.
We will serve the linking of Dynamic Documents.
Due to your coming it will be an active meeting, we hope.
Feel at home at Jena.
started: 11.3.1999;
E.R.Hilf, Chairman of the IuK99 Dynamic Documents;
22.-24.3.1999, Jena, Germany