Learning and Research Success:
the role of libraries in the IT age

Eberhard R. Hilf and Julika Mimkes
ISN Institute for Science Networking Oldenburg, GmbH


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Learning and Research Success:
the role of libraries in the IT age

Eberhard R. Hilf and Julika Mimkes
ISN Institute for Science Networking Oldenburg, GmbH

A personal view at the recent past of everyday-learning and teaching at German Universities, contrasted with a future scenario.

Requirements for some services are compared with present realizations

--thrown in is: what I learned at this conference..


The past age of frustrations: the students view

Suspicion, when teaching methods, content, and books stay the same in 50 years in contrast to the rapid progress in the sciences.


The past age of frustrations: the teaching staff's view

Same suspicion....


The past age of frustrations: the librarian's view

The suspicion, when for 100 years the methods, the distribution, the means, and the business model for information services stay the same in a time of rapid change.

The past age of frustrations: the government's view?

The future scenario: Student's imagination

I am the future of a competitive industrial country and want to be optimally served to get prepared.

The future Scenario: teaching staff's imagination

We lead the nation in research and most professional teaching

The future Scenario: the information center personnell

The IT service personnell at the University, distributed across campus at all research and teaching units, forms one virtual center.

The future Scenario: The voters imagination

Government should ensure the international industrial competitiveness and cultural and scientific front- running.

What we learned here.. (a personal collection) [Tuesday]

Active politicians: -.-

Maurer: Don't think, this is done by the external supercomputer.

Prime: Don't manage change, stay ahead of it.

Petry-Eberle: carving as a way to reach personalization..

Büttner: the Bielefeld-tuesday law: the intranet traffic grows exponentially with company size. Thus the development in the world is the more underestimated, the bigger the company,
-- just as the dinosaur body's interior did not mind the climate change..

Requirements for eLearning organizing the classes [Platforms]

eLearning platform realizations

Management platforms, which try to fulfill the requirements are e.g.

Requirements for creating eLearning modules

eLearning Modules

A multitude of collections

Multitude of Categories

texts, pictures, animation, interwoven with other distributed modules
[see e.g. physics of the inner human ear by C. Ecke with an applet of Univ. Wuppertal.],
interactive: Mathematics-Module 'waves' [C. Ecke], angular momentum [ online, offline].

Requirements for Retrieval of eLearning modules

To assure the fullest, instant, worldwide content retrieval one needs:

The North-German Physik Multimedial project

addresses basic physics for non-physics students

tasks of Oldenburg

The techniques chosen, allow for worldwide distributed databases, editors, entrypoints - to be organized regionally by the respective IC of the Universities.

A realization of Retrieval: Lili

What we learned here.. (a personal collection) [Wednesday morning I]

Thorhaug: Our Danish heroes hope to fight the prices down by the market of small libraries and countries

Bode (BMBF): Mehr Geld in alte Dienste bremst die Entwicklung.
New money for new services.

Scientific Information: Requirements for Portals

Entry-Points and Portals of Science

Requirements for Long Term Archiving of Distributed Documents

Realizations of Long Term Archiving

There is no realization yet.

Scientific documents: how to distribute and publish them

The eDocuments "Publish first, evaluate then" needs a new concept for professional distribution instead of the traditional 'journals', and the department servers.

The German Academic Publishers Network Concept GAP

The local ICs form a distributed network of local publishers, with a joint concept, quality control levels scheme, software, topical collections, integration into international retrieval.

Scientific documents: Retrieval

Recommendations by the Open Archive initiative.

Scientific documents retrieval: a realization

Open Archive Distributed OAD for Physics [joint NSF and DFG project]

What we learned here.. (a personal collection) [Wednesday morning II]

Stones: Google puts now paid ads at top of ranking.

Vogts, Wegener, Bolk, Gutbier: very professional new services are ready to use

What we learned here.. (a personal collection) [Wednesday afternoon]

Androvic: Global players but individuals out in the dark!

Dyer: Open Access will lead to World Wide Wisdom.


What we learned here.. (a personal collection) [Thursday]

Hilf: bother about costs at Libraries? I am on pension..

The End

Sincere thanks of us all go to Dr. Neubauer for his professional lifelong smooth and audacious frontrunning in transforming IT at Universities.

I remember many of the earlier respectable workshops of this series, many meeting where he showed to be open minded and open to new developments. New services came out from here.- and new views.

Thank you and your crew for this professional, international and fruitful workshop.

The Beginning

I welcome him at the club of active observers of the future developments
- - which is the responsibility of you all.

Some Tasks for the Information Centers at Universities

Professional information services at Universities in the future need new structure and profession.