please feel free to set links to this text or copy it to your own server or cache, or even print and distribute it, the proper citation is E. R. Hilf, Integrated Information Management in Physics; Conf. EP-ARCHIVE, ed.: R. A. Kelly; Los Alamos LANL, Octobre 1994

If you happen to read a printed copy of this text, you miss the main part of the work. You should turn to the full hypertext, available at http://eptalk@aps.org/EPRINT/papers.html. After expiration of that link the more permanent address will be http://www.physik.uni-oldenburg.de/ hilf/vortraege/ep-archive/ep-archive.html . Be patient, our University is connected by a 64kByte line at present..

with its ELFIKOM Arbeitsgruppe elektronische Fachinformation und Kommunikation
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft DPG

The German Government, in spring 1994, - in the middle of the heated phase of the transition, had an at first sight brilliant idea: a full- flegded set of hearings was organized to get the opinions and views of all institutions and bodies, who would in the future be part of the new system. Since almost none of the attending persons had any extended experience in electronic printing or archiving the result was a bunch of precautions, hesitations, and warnings, which effected into a one-year stall.

A perfect example is the young Elsevier, who, with seeking and taking the advice of the then top physicists started the first international scientific journal,- with ELSEVIER Publ. Comp. now having some 15.000.

Sun Sep 18 19:55:15 DFT 1994