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The physicsist's dream as a daily user and producer of information can
now with the new electronic possibilities be addressed:
Information to be accessed and distributed
(almost) free of charge for him (not for the Government, University,..)
fully world-wide from and to all physicists, interested,
easy to use tools, even for the almost ep-archive illiterate,
get and distribute full SGML manuscripts if necessary,
serving and distributing is guaranteed even over 'historic' time-scales,
a sensitive set of layers of authorization, access rights,
a refereeing on demand and on different levels,
tools, organization, standards, surfaces,- all worldwide
the same so that the international and mobile web of physicists is not
hampered by national or local, or for adjacent fields different
working means in ep-archiving.
Especially the primary aim that the future system of ep-archiving has to be
stable, worldwide, interdisciplinary sets a high level to the
responsibility of organizing the experiments.