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The Future of Mathematical Communication 1999
[a_thefutureofmathematicalcommunication1999 graphic]

Wed., Dec. 1, 1999 to Sun, Dec 5, 1999
at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, in Berkeley California.

Organizers: Francois Bergeron, Jonathan Borwein (co-chair), Joe Buhler (co-chair), Bradd Hart, Martin Groetschel, Peter Michor, Andrew Odlyzko

This is the third announcement for a workshop on the probable evolution of mathematical communication in coming years. It is presently sponsored by

o the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI)
o the Centre de Recherches Math[integral]matiques (CRM)
o the Fields Institute (FI)
o the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS), and
o the International Mathematical Union (IMU)

with secondary sponsorship from the American Mathematics Society (AMS), the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS), Cambridge University Press, Springer-Verlag, Wolfram Research, Inc. , and Waterloo-Maple, Inc.

The workshop will take place almost exactly five years after the 1994 MSRI meeting on "The Future of Mathematical Communication" and is intended to provide a snapshot at the start of the millennium of the present state of mathematical communication and a provocative look at the future --- from various perspectives and engaging diverse stake-holder groups. It is hoped that this will provide a useful precursor to world-wide mathematical activities in the World Mathematical Year, WMY 2000, as the IMU has designated the year 2000.

The conference will have several disparate associated events: a half-day training workshop on on the use of streaming video, a one-day symposium on electronic publishing in the sciences, aimed at attracting a broader audience, and a session of talks and discussion sponsored by the IMU's Committee on Electronic Information and Communication (CEIC). The schedule will be:

December 1 (Wednesday morning):

A half-day training workshop, run by David Hoffman at MSRI, on setting up and maintaining streaming video.

December 1-3 (Wednesday afternoon, Thursday, Friday):

The workshop itself, with talks on "publishing" and "tools."

Both will be broadly construed and will address issues such as: preprint servers, journals, books, subscription models, intellectual property, copyright, protocols and languages for scientific communication, metadata and search mechanisms, multi-media, interactive tools, computational packages, etc. Confirmed speakers so far include:

Thorsten Bahne
Olga Caprotti
Rob Corless
Jim Crowley
Michael Doob
John Ewing
Martin Groetschel
Jeremy Gunawardena
Eberhard Hilf
Loki Jorgenson
Ulli Kortenkamp
Ursula Martin
Peter Michor
Andrew Odlyzko
Ulf Rehmann
Robby Robson
Nathalie Sinclair
Mark Steinberger
Paul Wang
Bernd Wegner

December 4 (Saturday):

A one-day symposium entitled:

The Future of Electronic Publishing in the Sciences

in the Anderson Auditorium on the UC Berkeley campus. There will be two talks in the morning and two in the afternoon, with a buffet lunch in between. The speakers will be
Phil Agre
Pamela Samuelson
Hal Varian
Will Hearst

December 5 (Sunday):

The IMU's Committee on Electronic Information and Communication (CEIC) will have public talks and discussions.

The Scientific Committee of the conference is:

This event is now over, however, the abstracts from the conference are now available, and the conference was recorded and is now available online on streaming video.


Registration: Please register on-line if possible. Registration forms can also be printed and mailed to the address given below.

Funding: Some funding is available to support workshop attendance. Students, recent Ph.D.'s, women, and minorities are particularly encouraged to apply. Funding application information can be found at the bottom of the application forms. You will be asked to send a letter explaining your interest in the workshop along with your registration form. If you are a student, solicit a letter from a faculty advisor. Otherwise, send a current vita or bibliography. For fullest consideration, applications should be received one month before the workshop

o Lodging
o Transportation from local airports
o Directions to MSRI
o Visa information for foreign visitors

For more information:
Questions about this workshop should be sent either by email to or by regular mail to:

The Future of Mathematical Communication 1999
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
1000 Centennial Drive Berkeley, CA 94720-5070.

The Institute is committed to the principles of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action.



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