Eberhard R. Hilf et.al.: Zu einem verlustfreien Publizieren und Archivieren

Eberhard R. Hilf, Julika Mimkes
Zu einem verlustfreien Publizieren und Archivieren: - Mathematische Aussagen in Physik und Chemie.
Towards lossless publication - mathematical content in physics and chemistry
[read, Slides, and for Print]

in Workshop an der Staats- und Universitäts-Bibliothek (SUB) Göttingen: MathDiss International
In analogy to the chemical markup language CML which carries the molecule-name as primary object and attaches attributes to it, a physical markup language is proposed, which has the observable name as primary object, and attaches properties such as mathematical object and its algebra, experimental setup and definition, physics dimension etc.
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