Palmer School of Library Science Long Island University, USA; 12.Dec.2002;
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Electronic Services in the Sciences:
international work-sharing, competition, quality control- and the habits of us all

Eberhard R. Hilf
ISN Institute for Science Networking Oldenburg GmbH at the Carl von Ossietzky University

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    Eberhard R. Hilf; Electronic Services in the Sciences:
    international work-sharing, competition, quality control- and the habits of us all;

    given at Palmer School of Library Science, Long Island University, USA ; 12th Dec. 2002















    The ISN Institute for Science Networking Oldenburg

    Mission: design and development of services for the information management for sciences.

    What we do: Search services, science portals, metadata, workflow

    Our customers:

    Julika Mimkes,
    Thomas Severiens
    Michael Hohlfeld
    Heinrich Stamerjohanns
    and 10 students













    Industrial revolutions come in a set of related phase transitions
















    What to learn from Physics about Phase Transitions?

    Infinite Systems show















    Finite Systems show
    We aim at future stable structures, qualitatively different from what we are used to.

    We have a problem of convincing our local colleagues in a world of transition.















    Restrictions of this talk















    What could be the perseverant needs for services which can now be served?

    global new ways of communication and cooperation















    II. Why International Cooperation ?

    From a time of 'blind trust' in a stable structure
    [users know what to expect from a refereed journal article,
    librarians know what skills they need, what tasks they have]

    moving towards a new future time of 'blind trust', we do not know yet.

    We have to define, learn, and implement

    Thus in a time of change librarians have to cooperate worldwide and with their customers to find out what their future skills and tasks are to be.















    How to change the habits of us all















    Some examples of International Coooperations

    1. MareNet, and PhysNet

    are sets of link lists.















    2. OAD Open Archive Distributed for Physics and Graduates














    III .Competition

    Once the full document is free online available,
    then in the ocean of possible add-on services competing leads to a boost towards more effective and useful services.

    Example: Dissonline at CvO: first: perfect service, no customers by local library.

    Once the department set the rules and put up a server, the library took over.















    IV. Quality control

    1. by local colleagues (University Publishers)
    2. by scientific community (ArXiv)
    3. by next generation: Redundant living Longterm archiving of distributed documents
    Improvement of Quality and Professionalism















    Some Portals and Entry Points to Science Fields

    Virtual Physics

    is a joint enterprise of the topical National Library in Germany, TIB Hannover.

    Partners are all physics departments, the national libraries and the STN Host.

    Concept: vertically structured , well refereed professional collection of collections.

    Example: ViFaPhys leads via 'math.Methoden..' and Publications' to e.g. ArXiv















    Search engines

    (see Frank Patalong, Spiegel journal 2002 ,















    eLearning refereed quality filters

    Physik Multimedial PMM

    is a project of the five North-German Universities. LiLi uses an own Metadata-set based on [DC, IEEE, LOM, Ariadne]















    The seven layers of vetting

    as proposed by us for the GAP Project [German Academic Publishers]
    1. technical check for readability
    2. bibliographic checking (references, metadata, formats, completeness)
    3. author as scientist at a University
    4. research group leader approval
    5. institute approval
    6. department series inclusion
    7. blind refereeing
    8. open annotation refereeing
















    Longterm archiving in Physics

    IUPAP-Conference Lyon 2001:
    LTADDP Long term archiving of distributed documents in Physics

    Participants: most international publishers, national libraries and societies.

    The one unanomous opinion is being cast into Charters.

    A. IUPAP (International Union for Pure and Applied Physics),

    and EPS.

    This DRAFT-Paper is open for discussion."~hilf/eps/eps-ltadp.html
    EPS (Acion Committee for Publication and Scientific Communication ACPaSC) recommendations will be:

    1. Distributed redundant Archiving:

    2. Local material archiving to be organized by the library of the author's institution.

    3. Longtime archiving by the National Libraries

    4. non-proprietary formats only (XML, CML, MAthML, XML, SGML, html, LaTeX,..)

    5. archiving the full document content

    6. Ensure nternational Retrieval-Standards (Metadata)

    7. Support for condensing and reformatin content

    8. multiple vetting/certification levels

    9. free access for scientists and students















    V. .. and the habits of us all

    The real challenge is neither the vision of new services nor its realization but the transition of the habits of us all.

    How to change attitudes of individuals in what is not their profession?

    Mismatch of taken risks (traffic vs. lightning)

    Prejudices: I know how I am doing things, I do it so long that way, therefore I am an expert..

    Indeed: humans feel good in structures they are familiar with, thus they must be good.















    Report on a local survey at a specific department

    Some answers: A. Focus on being read than offer to be read

    I want to get all references for my research;
    I do not care about getting read, nor to be visible on the Web.

    I am proud of having papers being cited twice (and I do not know that free full text online papers are cited up to ten times.)















    B. Focus on being hired

    I want to become hired as professor: so better fullfill the rules (and assume it is the number of citations, papers, talks, visits,..
    .. and do not realize that criteria are changing,- not the intent to find the best one.)















    C. Focus on number of papers

    I write well written sketches of my research findings to impress the referees
    (and never learnt that those who distributed their full code, opened a more long standing respect and progress.)
















    D. Focus on to be praised by present day colleagues

    I neither know nor care for long term archiving.

    But commercial publishers are not interested either (no way to make money now),
    and government is just exploring how to do that,- and to archive what! (Marginal papers are not to be archived [cited from Zinn-Justin, Montonen and others]















    VI. Final Remarks

    What is needed to change the habits of us all are seldom found and therefore called Leadership qualities.
















    The future Librarians skills and tasks















    Give your remarks

    and serve me a wine!