University of Oldenburg
Physics Department


Physics Departments in The Netherlands


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One example:
paris observatoire adresse - to find the postal address of the Paris Observatory.

The Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy

Research institutes and foundations in the Netherlands

University of Amsterdam
Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics and Astronomy
Physics Research Department
Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam
Division of Physics and Astronomy
The Dutch High-Energy Physics Center

University of Technology
Department of Applied Physics

Den Haag (The Hague)
Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO)
TNO Phyisics and Electronics Laboratory

University of Technology
Department of Applied Physics

University of Twente
Faculty of Applied Physics
Electrical Engineering

University of Groningen
Department of Physics
KVI Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut (nuclear physics accelerator institute)

University of Leiden
Department Astronomy and Physics

University of Nijmegen
Subfaculty of Physics
Department of Theoretical High Energy Physics
HEFIN - High Energy Physics Institute Nijmegen
NN-Online: Information on the Baryon-Baryon interaction group
Experimental High Energy Physics
Nijmegen-Amsterdam High Field Magnet Laboratory
Foundation for Neural Networks (SNN)

Erasmus University of Rotterdam
Department of Biomedical Physics and Technology

NIOZ - Netherland Institute for Sea Research

Utrecht University
Faculty of Physics and Astronomy

Agricultural University
Department of Agricultural Engineering and Physics

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To increase the search depth please consider in running a gatherer (HARVEST based) on your home machine for your institute or region or nation or continent and contact us for the integration into this network (see, e.g. Ireland or Germany for such solutions).
Statistics of this Services.

This service is copyright protected by the German Urheberrecht. You may not publish any copies of the PhysNet pages or of parts of them without compliance of the authors. We are not liable for the content of any of the linked servers, though we check the links frequently to be obviously physics related. Last update on PhysNet: 09.11.1998

Responsible for the links: Michael Hohlfeld, and for the service and search-engines: Thomas Severiens.
In charge for the EPS: Eberhard R. Hilf.
Parts of this collection by Heinrich Stamerjohanns, Ilona Rujan, Olaf Bieker, and Stefan Migowsky. A cooperation with the TIPTOP PAW crew is avowed.

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