Department für Informatik
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- Forschungsinstitut OFFIS
- DfKI – Bereich Interaktives Maschinelles Lernen
- DfKI – Bereich „Marine Perception”
- DLR – Institut für Systems Engineering für zukünftige Mobilität
- DLR – Institut für Vernetzte Energiesysteme
- Ehemaligenvereinigung Oldies e.V.
Grundsatzpapier des DfI gegen Diskrimierung und zur sozialen Verantwortung
Wir handeln
- Wir nehmen unsere Mitverantwortung für die Gesellschaft, in der wir leben, aktiv wahr.
- In einer vernetzten Welt lassen sich Herausforderungen nur in einer friedlichen internationalen Zusammenarbeit lösen. Jeder Form von Nationalismus treten wir entschieden entgegen.
- Wir setzen uns dafür ein, dass Menschen nicht wegen ihrer Hautfarbe, Herkunft, Religion, Geschlecht oder sexueller Orientierung benachteiligt oder diffamiert werden.
- Wir sind nicht bereit, Diskussionen zu tolerieren, die faktenfrei oder auf der Basis von Ressentiments geführt werden.
Was tun bei Diskriminierung?
Ignorieren und verdrängen Sie Diskriminierung nicht, sondern setzen Sie sich zur Wehr:
- Schaffen Sie klare Verhältnisse und signalisieren Sie, dass dieses Verhalten unerwünscht ist.
- Dokumentieren Sie Diskriminierung schriftlich (insbesondere bei sexueller Belästigung).
- Sprechen Sie mit Menschen Ihres Vertrauens, mit der Fachschaft, mit verantwortlichen Dozentinnen und Dozenten sowie auch mit der zuständigen Beratungsstelle über diese negativen Erlebnisse.
- Gleichstellungsbeauftragte des DfI
- Fachstudienberatung des DfI
- Erstanlaufstelle (Asta):
- Beratungsstelle conTakt:
Oldenburg im Oktober 2019
Department für Informatik
Aktuelle Termine im Department
Im Rahmen d er Disputation seines Promotionsverfahrens hält Frederik Halterma nn\, M.Sc.\, seinen öffentlichen Vortrag zum Thema
\n„Cooperative Software Verification” strong>
\nam Freitag\, den 21 . Februar 2025\, um 14:00 Uhr im BIS-Saal und im Online-f ormat via BBB:
\nMit der Teilnahme von Zuhörerinnen und Zuhö rern an der anschließenden Prüfung bis 15:30 Uhr ist Herr Haltermann ein verstanden.
LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-elevating-social-presence-in-multi-user-vr DTSTAMP:20250206T162840Z DTSTART:20250224T151500Z DTEND:20250224T164500Z SUMMARY:Elevating Social Presence in Multi-User VR DESCRIPTION:KolloquiumAm Montag\, den 24. Februar 2025\, um 16:15 Uhr häl tSimon KimmelUniversität Oldenburgim Rahmen seiner beabsichtigten Dissert ation einen Vortrag mit dem TitelElevating Social Presence in Multi-User V RDer Vortrag findet im OFFIS\, Escherweg 2\, Raum F02 statt. \nAbstract:I n contemporary society\, social connectedness is increasingly at risk due to shifts in both professional and personal domains\, such as remote work and globalization-driven mobility. This trend has profound social conseque nces\, contributing to heightened levels of loneliness and social isolatio n\, which in turn negatively impact mental and physical well-being. Multi- user virtual reality (VR) emerges as a promising technology to address thi s challenge by providing immersive and interactive environments for remote social interactions. However\, despite its potential\, current multi-user VR systems often fail to foster a compelling sense of "being with another " - the so-called social presence.This dissertation aims to systematically investigate how social presence—the psychological experience of perceiv ing a technologically mediated counterpart as real—can be enhanced in mu lti-user VR. Social presence is crucial for successful technology-mediated interactions\, as it correlates with positive outcomes such as trust\, en joyment\, and naturalistic social behavior. Existing research in this doma in primarily focuses on other communication technologies\, leaving a gap i n understanding the unique challenges posed by multi-user VR environments. In particular\, the influence of user representations and their propertie s remains underexplored\, despite being central to VR-mediated social inte ractions.To address this research gap\, this dissertation examines three k ey properties of user representations that may enhance social presence in multi-user VR: (1) behavioral realism\, (2) visualizing mental states\, an d (3) social touch. First\, this work explores whether avatars with realis tic facial expressions and gestures can foster a stronger sense of social presence. Second\, given that access to an interaction partner’s mental state is integral to social presence\, the study investigates whether real -time visualization of cognitive load derived from biosensory feedback can enhance perceived connectedness. Third\, the dissertation examines the po tential of integrating haptic social touch\, such as handshakes and high-f ives\, to increase social presence. The research follows a human-centered design approach\, employing requirement analyses through interviews and su rveys\, followed by controlled lab experiments assessing social presence i n dyadic user interactions. Findings indicate that behavioral realism\, pa rticularly through eye and mouth movements\, significantly enhances social presence. Cognitive load visualizations further foster social presence\, particularly in tasks with lower cognitive demand. Additionally\, haptic f eedback in social touch not only increases social presence but also reduce s negative affect\, reinforcing its potential to support social interactio ns in VR.By systematically identifying effective design strategies\, this dissertation provides actionable guidelines for enhancing social presence in multi-user VR\, contributing to the broader discourse on leveraging tec hnology to mitigate social isolation in an increasingly digital world.Betr euerin: Prof. Dr. Susanne Boll X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:Kolloquium
Am Mont
ag\, den 24. Februar 2025\, um 16:15 Uhr hält
Simon Kimmel
Universität Oldenburg
im Rahmen seiner beabsichtigten Dissert
ation einen Vortrag mit dem Titel
Elevating Social Presence in
Multi-User VR
Der Vortrag findet im OFFIS\, Escherweg 2\, Raum
F02 statt.
In contemp
orary society\, social connectedness is increasingly at risk due to shifts
in both professional and personal domains\, such as remote work and globa
lization-driven mobility. This trend has profound social consequences\, co
ntributing to heightened levels of loneliness and social isolation\, which
in turn negatively impact mental and physical well-being. Multi-user virt
ual reality (VR) emerges as a promising technology to address this challen
ge by providing immersive and interactive environments for remote social i
nteractions. However\, despite its potential\, current multi-user VR syste
ms often fail to foster a compelling sense of "being with another" - the s
o-called social presence.
This dissertation aims to systematically in
vestigate how social presence—the psychological experience of perceiving
a technologically mediated counterpart as real—can be enhanced in multi
-user VR. Social presence is crucial for successful technology-mediated in
teractions\, as it correlates with positive outcomes such as trust\, enjoy
ment\, and naturalistic social behavior. Existing research in this domain
primarily focuses on other communication technologies\, leaving a gap in u
nderstanding the unique challenges posed by multi-user VR environments. In
particular\, the influence of user representations and their properties r
emains underexplored\, despite being central to VR-mediated social interac
To address this research gap\, this dissertation examines thre
e key properties of user representations that may enhance social presence
in multi-user VR: (1) behavioral realism\, (2) visualizing mental states\,
and (3) social touch. First\, this work explores whether avatars with rea
listic facial expressions and gestures can foster a stronger sense of soci
al presence. Second\, given that access to an interaction partner’s ment
al state is integral to social presence\, the study investigates whether r
eal-time visualization of cognitive load derived from biosensory feedback
can enhance perceived connectedness. Third\, the dissertation examines the
potential of integrating haptic social touch\, such as handshakes and hig
h-fives\, to increase social presence. The research follows a human-center
ed design approach\, employing requirement analyses through interviews and
surveys\, followed by controlled lab experiments assessing social presenc
e in dyadic user interactions. Findings indicate that behavioral realism\,
particularly through eye and mouth movements\, significantly enhances soc
ial presence. Cognitive load visualizations further foster social presence
\, particularly in tasks with lower cognitive demand. Additionally\, hapti
c feedback in social touch not only increases social presence but also red
uces negative affect\, reinforcing its potential to support social interac
tions in VR.
By systematically identifying effective design strategie
s\, this dissertation provides actionable guidelines for enhancing social
presence in multi-user VR\, contributing to the broader discourse on lever
aging technology to mitigate social isolation in an increasingly digital w
Betreuerin: Prof. Dr. Susanne Boll
Im Rahmen d er Disputation seines Promotionsverfahrens hält Carsten Krüger\, M.Sc.\, seinen öffentlichen Vortrag zum Thema
\n„Engineeringprozess für Virtualisierte Die nste in Smart Grids” \;
\nam Donnerstag\, den 27. Februar 2025\, um 14:15 Uhr im OFFIS-G ebäude\, Raum F02\, und im Online-format via BBB: /seb-vqb-mms
\nMit der Teilnahme von Zuhörerinnen und Zuhörern an der anschließenden Prüfung bis 15:45 Uhr ist Herr Krüger nicht einverstanden.
LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-departmentrat DTSTAMP:20250217T100844Z DTSTART:20250305T120000Z DTEND:20250305T130000Z SUMMARY:Departmentrat DESCRIPTION: X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html: LOCATION:Meeting Raum in StudIP-Veranstaltung 2.01.888 DPR Informatik (htt ps:// 1c9ee9edb1c3ba4fd34e5fbc6&sso=cas&cancel_login=1&ticket=ST-4524636-MY3KWgB yBQtaitZAKTcwvr3fwDUcas05) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-ringvorlesung-informatik-6 DTSTAMP:20240611T094931Z DTSTART:20250312T150000Z SUMMARY:Daniel Sonntag: Der Weg zur menschenzentrierten KI DESCRIPTION:Im Department für Informatik der Carl von Ossietzky Universit ät Oldenburg sind in den letzten beiden Jahren 7 neue Professorinnen und Professoren neu dazugekommen. Sie haben das Department für Informatik auc h um neue\, spannende und wichtige Themen und Schwerpunkte bereichert. In dieser Vortragsreihe wollen sie sich und ihre Themen Ihnen gern allgemeinv erständlich vorstellen. \nDie Vorträge finden jeweils Mittwochs ab 16 U hr im CORE statt.\nCORE Oldenburg\nin der Oldenburger Fußgängerzone\nHei ligengeiststraße 6-8 26121 Oldenburg\ X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:Im Department für Informatik der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg sind in den letzten beiden Jahren 7 neue Professorinnen und Professoren neu dazugekommen. Sie haben das Department für Informatik auch um neue\, spannende und wichtige Themen und Schwerpu nkte bereichert. In dieser Vortragsreihe wollen sie sich und ihre Themen I hnen gern allgemeinverständlich vorstellen. \;
\nDie Vorträge finden jeweils Mittwochs ab 16 Uhr im CORE statt.
\nCORE Oldenburg
\nin der Oldenb urger Fußgängerzone
\nHeiligengeiststraße 6-8
26121 Oldenburg
LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-from-real-world-traffic-data-to-scenarios-in-the-context-o f-automated-vehicles DTSTAMP:20250129T142132Z DTSTART:20250324T151500Z DTEND:20250324T164500Z SUMMARY:From Real-World Traffic Data to Scenarios in the Context of Automa ted Vehicles DESCRIPTION:Am Montag\, den 24. März 2025\, um 16:15 Uhr hältLars Klitzk eUniversität Oldenburgim Rahmen seiner beabsichtigten Dissertation einen Vortrag mit dem TitelFrom Real-World Traffic Data to Scenarios in the Cont ext of Automated VehiclesDer Vortrag findet online statt\nhttps://studconf \nAbstract:The large-scale introductio n of automated vehicles on public roads is an ambitious and challenging go al. This technology aims to significantly contribute to increased traffic safety and comfort\, while also serving as the foundation for further inno vative mobility concepts. However\, one of the most significant challenges in introducing such systems is ensuring their compliance with local regul atory requirements\, since it is essential that these systems function cor rectly and safely within complex real-world environments without a human f all-back option.Due to the complexity of the systems and their environment \, the driving function or the automated vehicle is systematically tested in specific scenarios. However\, the availability of an extensive dataset with diverse scenarios is a critical prerequisite\, which can be defined b ased on different data sources. The collection of traffic data in the real world\, using either vehicles or (quasi-) stationary infrastructure\, rep resents a particularly valuable source\, as it realistically reflects the behaviour of human road users and also includes atypical behaviour or even critical conflicts between participants. Specifically\, infrastructure-ba sed traffic data collection allows a detailed description of scenarios and \, due to continuous data collection\, the identification of rare phenomen a. However\, this continuous stream of traffic data must be systematically processed to create a comprehensive collection of scenarios.This thesis a ddresses this issue and presents a methodology for representing traffic da ta collected in the real world based on scenarios and their systematic ide ntification from real-world traffic data. A hierarchical data model is use d for this purpose\, which semantically describes traffic data at four lev els of abstraction. Various approaches to defining and identifying phenome na at those abstraction levels using real-traffic data are presented. In p articular\, the level of primitives is motivated and a methodology is prop osed that allows traffic data to be represented in terms of primitives and \, based on them\, the derivation of manoeuvres. Based on this\, a methodo logy is presented for the systematic definition and extraction of scenario s using ontologies. The different methods are integrated into a modular pl atform that enables the continuous identification and analysis of scenario s in real-world traffic data.The procedures and methods presented in this work are individually evaluated using real-world problems. Overall\, the r esults show that the proposed methodology enables the systematic identific ation and representation of scenarios from real-world traffic data\, there by contributing to the compilation of a comprehensive knowledge base of sc enarios. Furthermore\, the results highlight the versatility of the propos ed methodologies\, demonstrating their application to a range of research questions. The exemplary use of ontologies may also serve as a foundation for future work\, particularly within the domain of artificial intelligenc e research.Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Frank Köster X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:Am Montag\, den 24. Mä
rz 2025\, um 16:15 Uhr hält
Lars Klitzke
Universität Oldenburg
im Rahmen seiner beabsichtigten Dissertation einen Vortrag mit dem T
From Real-World Traffic Data to Scenarios in the Context of Auto
mated Vehicles
Der Vortrag findet online statt
The large-scale introduction of automa
ted vehicles on public roads is an ambitious and challenging goal. This te
chnology aims to significantly contribute to increased traffic safety and
comfort\, while also serving as the foundation for further innovative mobi
lity concepts. However\, one of the most significant challenges in introdu
cing such systems is ensuring their compliance with local regulatory requi
rements\, since it is essential that these systems function correctly and
safely within complex real-world environments without a human fall-back op
Due to the complexity of the systems and their environment\, th
e driving function or the automated vehicle is systematically tested in sp
ecific scenarios. However\, the availability of an extensive dataset with
diverse scenarios is a critical prerequisite\, which can be defined based
on different data sources. The collection of traffic data in the real worl
d\, using either vehicles or (quasi-) stationary infrastructure\, represen
ts a particularly valuable source\, as it realistically reflects the behav
iour of human road users and also includes atypical behaviour or even crit
ical conflicts between participants. Specifically\, infrastructure-based t
raffic data collection allows a detailed description of scenarios and\, du
e to continuous data collection\, the identification of rare phenomena. Ho
wever\, this continuous stream of traffic data must be systematically proc
essed to create a comprehensive collection of scenarios.
This thesis
addresses this issue and presents a methodology for representing traffic d
ata collected in the real world based on scenarios and their systematic id
entification from real-world traffic data. A hierarchical data model is us
ed for this purpose\, which semantically describes traffic data at four le
vels of abstraction. Various approaches to defining and identifying phenom
ena at those abstraction levels using real-traffic data are presented. In
particular\, the level of primitives is motivated and a methodology is pro
posed that allows traffic data to be represented in terms of primitives an
d\, based on them\, the derivation of manoeuvres. Based on this\, a method
ology is presented for the systematic definition and extraction of scenari
os using ontologies. The different methods are integrated into a modular p
latform that enables the continuous identification and analysis of scenari
os in real-world traffic data.
The procedures and methods presented i
n this work are individually evaluated using real-world problems. Overall\
, the results show that the proposed methodology enables the systematic id
entification and representation of scenarios from real-world traffic data\
, thereby contributing to the compilation of a comprehensive knowledge bas
e of scenarios. Furthermore\, the results highlight the versatility of the
proposed methodologies\, demonstrating their application to a range of re
search questions. The exemplary use of ontologies may also serve as a foun
dation for future work\, particularly within the domain of artificial inte
lligence research.
Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Frank Köster
Im Department für Informatik der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg sind in den letzten beiden Jahren 7 neue Professorinnen und Professoren neu dazugekommen. Sie haben das Department für Informatik auch um neue\, spannende und wichtige Themen und Schwerpu nkte bereichert. In dieser Vortragsreihe wollen sie sich und ihre Themen I hnen gern allgemeinverständlich vorstellen. \;
\nDie Vorträge finden jeweils Mittwochs ab 16 Uhr im CORE statt.
LOCATION: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:calendarize-ringvorlesung-informatik-7 DTSTAMP:20241211T124149Z DTSTART:20250604T140000Z SUMMARY:Ringvorlesung Informatik DESCRIPTION:Im Department für Informatik der Carl von Ossietzky Universit ät Oldenburg sind in den letzten beiden Jahren 7 neue Professorinnen und Professoren neu dazugekommen. Sie haben das Department für Informatik auc h um neue\, spannende und wichtige Themen und Schwerpunkte bereichert. In dieser Vortragsreihe wollen sie sich und ihre Themen Ihnen gern allgemeinv erständlich vorstellen. \nDie Vorträge finden jeweils Mittwochs ab 16 U hr im CORE statt. X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:Im Department für Informatik der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg sind in den letzten beiden Jahren 7 neue Professorinnen und Professoren neu dazugekommen. Sie haben das Department für Informatik auch um neue\, spannende und wichtige Themen und Schwerpu nkte bereichert. In dieser Vortragsreihe wollen sie sich und ihre Themen I hnen gern allgemeinverständlich vorstellen. \;
\nDie Vorträge finden jeweils Mittwochs ab 16 Uhr im CORE statt.