Please always use this form for inquiries addressed to the Examinations Office, and do not make any further enquiries before receiving a reply. 

This form enables us to process your message or inquiry more efficiently and quickly.

Contact form result

Thank you for contacting us! 
We will get back to you as soon as possible.Please bear in mind that our reply may take some time.
Please do not send further inquiries in the meantime.

Thank you for your support!
Your Academic Examinations Office

You should shortly (up to 5 minutes) have received an automatic notification from us with the following subject:

‘Your request to the Academic Examinations Office’

Please also check your spam folder. If this is not the case? 


Only in this case you should contact the team responsible for you at the Examinations Office:

Administration Team 1

Administration Team 2

Administration Team 3

InfoPortal Studium (Changed: 29 Oct 2024)  | 
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