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Semester: Wintersemester 2024

3.02.191 S Dimensions of Diversity -  

Veranstaltungstermin | Raum


Starting out with a definition of diversity and the application of diversity education in different contexts, this class aims at exploring different manifestations of the term both at school and classroom level. Using the PISA results in 2001 as a starting point, national, European and multicultural values will be regarded against the backdrop of educational policies. A postcolonial perspective and the phenomenon of globalisation contribute to a more complex grasp the issues at hand. Looking at the situation in countries such as the UK or the US, home and school languages will be contrasted. A special focus on EAL (English as an additional language) and bilingual upbringing add to the topic of linguistic diversity.
As a next step, language diversity in education will be examined as a broader term and then specified as “translanguaging across the bilingual continuum” (Ofelia García). Language policies as a political statement will be an important point of discussion and possibly contention. This will also include the idea (or ideology?) of the native speaker ideal, which will be deconstructed but also regarded as a powerful influence on TESOL discourse and teaching traditions. Finally, the concept of language-sensitive teaching and its impact on the TESOL classroom will be put under scrutiny.
Participants are encouraged to contribute more examples of diversity to our discourse in class. Heteronormativity, e.g. as reflected in text books, could be a starting point for a critical discussion of the state of affairs in German schools.
How can equality, diversity and inclusion actually be put into practice? What are practical tools for pluralistic approaches in TESOL classes?
The idea of an inclusive classroom in Lower Saxony and its curricular manifestations will be amended by examples of other institutions, e.g. the British Council. In this context, different documents, concepts, resources and interviews with practitioners will be studied and critically reflected upon. One particular displacement story will serve as a starting point to ask how literary learning can contribute to a more diverse approach towards TESOL teaching.

The course finishes by focusing on the question how differentiation can foster learning in the TESOL classroom. The concept of differentiation will be examined from a variety of angles and examples from teaching materials and textbooks serve as an opportunity to practise one`s analytical skills. Scaffolding is another important term participants need to be familiar with. Relevant references in the field will have to be studied in order to prepare for the final assessment.

Assessment issues:
Participants are expected to
-contribute to discourse during class.
-provide samples of their work.
-pass an end-of-term test ON CAMPUS !!! (written assessment / Klausur)



(Stand: 20.06.2024)  | 
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