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Semester: Sommersemester 2022

5.08.4352b Praktikum Biogeochemie (Teil B) -  

Veranstaltungstermin | Raum


Preparatory meeting: Place and time will be announced. This two-weeks-course will take place during the semester break. For participation in the practical course, participation in the corresponding seminar is mandatory (5.08.4351 in SoSe22). This course mainly addresses master students from the marine environmental, chemical and biological sciences with basic knowledge in organic and analytical chemistry. We will work with the environmental samples aquired during part-A of this module and model mixtures of standard compounds. This advanced course is complementary to the NMR courses offered by the Institute for Chemistry and it is open for master students of chemistry, marine environmental sciences and biology alike.

Course title:
Advanced NMR Methods for Environmental, Chemical and Biological Scientists

Course content:
Structural analysis of environmental samples using high-field NMR techniques- Identification and quantification of components in complex mixtures using TOCSY and DOSY NMR- NOESY and ROESY NMR for stereochemical assignments- Training and excercises at the NMR instrument- NMR experimental setup, data processing and interpretation.




(Stand: 20.06.2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/studium/lehrveranstaltungen/va-details?course_id=27041c4a0a69bd60d9b2e0882b250a3b&cHash=608c3fb999ff8b2c66379c30a05e4caf
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