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OLT.25.03.02 Open Science and Error Culture in Academic Science -
Veranstaltungstermin | Raum
- Dienstag, 25.3.2025 9:00 - 12:00 | W15 0-023 ICBM
In scientific research, genuine errors are inherent to the process. Undetected or undisclosed errors in research data can not only influence the outcomes of a single research project but also result in enduring negative consequences for future use. Although honest errors do not involve deliberate falsification or fraud, a lack of sensible error culture often hinders data sharing. Authors fear that the transparency may unveil honest errors and “sloppy science”, making them vulnerable and potentially jeopardizing their reputation.
This entry-level workshop will introduce principles of Open Science and the initiatives at our university (1/3rd) and then focus on Errors in academic science together with the current handling of these (2/3rds).
It builds on a paper (Preprint: ) written in the context of the NFDI section Education and Training (
This manuscript describes different types of errors in research and proposes potential benefits of a constructive error culture in the following fields of action:
• Technical and Infrastructural Improvements
• Policies and their effective implementation
• Science as a system of trust
• Motivating and empowering change
The workshop encourages participants (i) to share personal experiences with scientific errors, (ii) rise awareness for error culture in academic science and the own working group, (iii) discuss the necessary steps for building a better error culture, and (iv) contemplate on how to initiate discourse on the risks of inadequate error management.
This entry-level workshop will introduce principles of Open Science and the initiatives at our university (1/3rd) and then focus on Errors in academic science together with the current handling of these (2/3rds).
It builds on a paper (Preprint: ) written in the context of the NFDI section Education and Training (
This manuscript describes different types of errors in research and proposes potential benefits of a constructive error culture in the following fields of action:
• Technical and Infrastructural Improvements
• Policies and their effective implementation
• Science as a system of trust
• Motivating and empowering change
The workshop encourages participants (i) to share personal experiences with scientific errors, (ii) rise awareness for error culture in academic science and the own working group, (iii) discuss the necessary steps for building a better error culture, and (iv) contemplate on how to initiate discourse on the risks of inadequate error management.
- Johannes Voßkuhl
- Graduate School OLTECH
- Dr. rer. nat. Ferdinand Esser, MBA
- Christine Steinseifer-Jeske, M.A.
- Environmental Sciences
- Humanmedizin
- Interface Science
- Neurosensory Science and Systems
- Renewable Energy Online (REO)