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GA 1.37 Tailor Made Job Applications -
Veranstaltungstermin | Raum
- Donnerstag, 24.10.2024 9:00 - 17:30 | Schlaues Haus Oldenburg
- Freitag, 25.10.2024 8:30 - 16:00 | Schlaues Haus Oldenburg
Participants will develop individual job application strategies based on their personal and professional background and employment options.
The relevant criteria that are obligatory for a written job application will be covered. Parti-cipants will also be given the opportunity to have their application documents analyzed and optimized, if desired.
The last part of the workshop will deal with the job interview. Which aspects should an interviewee pay special attention to, and what are the different elements of a typical job interview? Finally, participants will act out individual elements of a job interview to feel more confident in these situations.
This workshop has been designed for PhD candidates and postdoctoral candidates who want to prepare for the job search in a systematic way, or who want to learn more about appli-cation strategies and feel more confident in the application process.
The relevant criteria that are obligatory for a written job application will be covered. Parti-cipants will also be given the opportunity to have their application documents analyzed and optimized, if desired.
The last part of the workshop will deal with the job interview. Which aspects should an interviewee pay special attention to, and what are the different elements of a typical job interview? Finally, participants will act out individual elements of a job interview to feel more confident in these situations.
This workshop has been designed for PhD candidates and postdoctoral candidates who want to prepare for the job search in a systematic way, or who want to learn more about appli-cation strategies and feel more confident in the application process.
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