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GA_1.31 Next Step: Third-Party Funding to Lift-Off Your Academic Career -
Veranstaltungstermin | Raum
- Montag, 11.11.2024 13:00 - 14:00 | Großer Dialograum, Öko-Zentrum 2-214
Do you seek sources of funding for your independent research, for fellowships, your own position, international networking or other scholarly activities to further develop your academic profile?
This seminar will give you insights into the great variety of funding opportunities (regional, national, international) and provide you with details on a number of selected programs that are specifically attractive to you as an Early Career Researcher.
By completing this seminar, you will have acquired an overview of the diverse German and European research funding system and be able to strategically use the opportunities it offers to you on your career path. There will be plenty of room to discuss your individual questions and to highlight single funding programs that are of particular interest to you.
All Early Career Researchers at doctorate and post-doctorate levels are welcome to attend.
The seminar will be held in English.
This seminar will give you insights into the great variety of funding opportunities (regional, national, international) and provide you with details on a number of selected programs that are specifically attractive to you as an Early Career Researcher.
By completing this seminar, you will have acquired an overview of the diverse German and European research funding system and be able to strategically use the opportunities it offers to you on your career path. There will be plenty of room to discuss your individual questions and to highlight single funding programs that are of particular interest to you.
All Early Career Researchers at doctorate and post-doctorate levels are welcome to attend.
The seminar will be held in English.
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