Meyer A,*, Gläser A.*, Bräuer AU., Wree A., Strotmann J., Rolfs A., Witt M. Olfactory performance as an indicator for protective treatment effects in an animal model of neurodegeneration, Front. Integr. Neurosci. 2018 Aug. 12;12:35.
Ebner L., Gläser A., Bräuer AU., Witt M., Wree A., Rolfs A., Frank M., Vollmar B., Kuhla A.Evaluation of Two Liver Treatment Strategies in a Mouse Model of Niemann-Pick-Disease Type C1.,Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 972.
Lukas J., Cozma C., Yang F., Kramp G., Meyer A., Eichler S., Neßlauer AM., Böttcher T., Witt M.,Bräuer AU., Kropp P., Rolfs A. Glucosylsphingosine Causes Hematological and Visceral Changes in Mice—Evidence for a Pathophysiological Role in Gaucher Disease, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2017, Oct 20; 18(10).
Neubert J. and Bräuer AU., Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles: promote neuronal regenerative capacity, Neural Regen Res., 2015 Oct;(10)10:1568-9.
Klar M., Fenske P., Rezza Vega F., Dame C.*, Bräuer AU.* The transcription factor Yin-Yang 2 alters neuronal outgrowth in vitro, Cell Tissue Res., 2015 Nov;362(2):453-60.
Pohland M.*, Glumm R.*, Stoenica L., Höltje M., Kiwit J., Ahnert-Hilger G., Strauss U., Bräuer AU., Paul F., Glumm J. Studying axonal outgrowth and regeneration of the corticospinal tract in organotypic slice cultures, J. Neurotrauma, 2015, 7:14.
Neubert J., Wagner S., Kiwit J., Bräuer AU.*, Glumm J.*. Effects of different superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles on murine primary brain cells. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2015, 10, 2033-2049.
Coiro P., Stoenica L., Strauss U., Bräuer AU. Plasticity-related gene 5 expression promotes spine formation in primary neurons. J Biol Chem, 2014, July 29.
Hübner A., Derkow K., Bräuer AU. Efficient isolation of CD8a positive T cells from postnatal mice using a combined MACS approach. J Immunol Methods, 2014 Apr:406: 110 116.
Rupprecht A., Sittner D., Smorodchenko A., Hilse K., Goyn J., Moldzio R., Seiler A., Bräuer AU., Pohl EE. Uncoupling protein 2 and 4 expression pattern during stem cell differentiation provides new insight in their putative function. PLOS One, 2014 Feb. 11; 9 (2): e88474.
Velmans T., Battefeld A., Geist B., Soriguera Farrés A., Strauss U., Bräuer AU. Plasticity related gene-3 promotes neurite shaft protrusion. BMC Neuroscience, 2013 Mar 19;14:36.
Rupprecht A., Bräuer AU., Smorodchenko A., Goyn J., Hilse KE., Shabalina IG., Infante-Duarte C., and Pohl EE. Quantification of uncoupling protein 2 reveals its main expression in immune cells and selective up-regulation upon T-cell proliferation. PLOS One, 2012;7(8):e41406.
Stadler K., Bierwirth C., Stoenica L., Battefeld A., Reetz O., Mix E., Schuchmann S., Velmans T., Rosenberger K., Bräuer AU., Lehnardt S., Nitsch R., Budt M., Wolff T., Kole MH., Strauss U., Elevation in type I interferons inhibits HCN1 and slows cortical neuronal oscillations. Cerebral Cortex, 2012 Oct 4.
Battefeld A., Rocha N., Stadler K., Bräuer AU., and Strauss U., Distinct Perinatal Features of the Hyperpolarization-Activated Non-Selective cation current Ih in the rat cortical plate. Neural Development, 2012 Jun 13; 7(1):21.
Vogt J., Glumm R., Schlüter L., Schmitz D., Rost BR., Streu N., Rister B., Suman Bharathi B., Gagiannis D., Hildebrandt H., Weinhold B., Mühlenhoff M., Naumann T., Savaskan NE., Bräuer AU., Reutter W., Heimrich B.*, Nitsch R.* and Horstkorte R*. Homeostatic regulation of NCAM polysialylation is critical for correct synaptic targeting, Cell Mol Life Sci, 2012 Apr;69(7):1179-91.
Braun D., Kinne A., Bräuer AU., Sapin R., Klein MO., Köhrle J., Wirth EK.*, Schweizer U.*, Developmental and cell type-specific expression of thyroid hormone transporters in the mouse brain and in primary brain cells, Glia, 2011 Mar;59(3):463-71.
Wierschke S., Gigout S., Horn P. Lehmann TN., Dehnicke C., Bräuer AU.* and Deisz RA.*, Evaluating reference genes to normalize gene expression in human epileptogenic brain tissues, Biochem. Bioph Res Co., 2010 Dec 17;403(3-4):385-390.
Kühbacher M., Bartel J., Hoppe B., Alber D., Bukalis G., Bräuer AU., Behne D., Kyriakopoulos A. The brain selenoproteome: Priorities in the hierarchy and different levels of selenium homeostasis in the brain of selenium deficient rats, J Neurochem., 2009 Apr 21.
Trimbuch T.*, Beed P.*, Vogt J.*, Schuchmann S., Maier N., Kintscher M., Breustedt J., Schuelke M., Streu N., Kieselmann O., Brunk I., Laube G., Strauss U., Battefeld A., Wende H., Birchmeier C., Wiese S., Sendtner M., Kawabe H., Kishimoto-Suga M., Brose N., Baumgart J., Geist B., Aoki J., Savaskan NE., Bräuer AU., Chun J., Ninnemann O., Schmitz D.*, Nitsch R.* Synaptic PRG-1 modulates excitatory transmission via lipid phosphate-mediated signaling, Cell, 2009 Sep 18, 138 (6):1222-35.
Wirth EK*, Roth S*, Blechschmidt C, Hölter S, Becker L, Racz I, Durner VG, Fuchs H, Naumann T, Bräuer AU, Köhrle J, Grüters A, Schweizer U. Neuronal 3',3,5-triiodothyronine (T3) uptake and behavioral phenotype of mice deficient in Mct8, the neuronal T3 transporter mutated in Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome, J. Neurosci., 2009 Jul. 29; 29(30):9439-49.
Smorodchenko A.*, Rupprecht A.*, Sarilova I., Ninnemann O., Bräuer AU., Franke K., Schumacher S., Techritz S., Nitsch R., Schuelke M., Pohl EE. HHComparative analysis of uncoupling protein 4 distribution in various tissues under physiological conditions and during developmentHH, BBA-Biomembranes, 2009 Oct; 17888(10):2309-19.
Drews D., Klar M., Dame C*, Bräuer AU.*, Developmental expression profile of the yy2 gene in mice, BMC Dev Biol. 2009 Jul 28; 9:45.
Hoppe B.*, Bräuer AU.*, Kühbacher M., Savaskan NE., Behne D. and Kyriakopoulos A. Biochemical analysis of the selenoprotein expression in brain cell lines and in distinct brain regions Cell Tissue Res, 2008 Jun. 332(3): 403-414.
Nürnberg A., Bräuer AU., Wettschureck N., and Offermanns S. Antagonistic regulation of neurite morphology through Gq/g11 and G12/G13, J Biol Chem, 2008 Dec. 19; 283 (51): 35526-35531.
Kole MH, Bräuer AU, and Stuart GJ. Inherited cortical HCN1 channel loss amplifies dendritic calcium electrogenesis and burst firing in a rat absence epilepsy model J. Physiol., Jan., 15, 578 (Pt 2): 507-525, 2007.
Savaskan NE, Rocha L, Kotter MR, Baer A, Lubec G, van Meeteren LA, Kishi Y, Aoki J, Moolenaar WN, Nitsch R, and Bräuer AU. Autotaxin (NPP-2) in the brain: cell type-specific expression and regulation during development and after neurotrauma. Cell Mol Life Sci, Jan, 64(2): 230-243, 2007.
Savaskan NE, Borchert A, Bräuer AU and Kühn H. A role for glutathione peroxidase-4 in brain development and neuronal apoptosis. Free Radical Bio Med, Jul. 15; 43(2): 191-201, 2007.
Dalla Puppa L., Savaskan NE., Bräuer AU, Behne D. and Kyriakopoulos A. The role of selenite on microglia migration. Ann NY Acad. Sci., Jan 1096: 179-183, 2007.
Schridde U*, Strauss U*, Bräuer AU*, and van Luijtelaar G. Environmental manipulations early in development alter seizure activity, Ih and HCN1 protein expression later in life. Eur J Neurosci., 23(12):3346-3358, 2006.
Peeva GP*, Angelova SK*, Guntinas-Lichius O, Streppel M, Irintchev A*, Schütz U, Popratiloff A, Savaskan NE, Bräuer AU, Alvanou A, Nitsch R, and Angelov DN*. Improved outcome of facial nerve repair in rats is associated with enhanced regenerative response of motoneurons and augmented neocortical plasticity. Eur J Neurosci., 24 (8): 2152-2162, 2006.
Schäfer M., Bräuer AU, Savaskan NE, Rathjen FG, and Brümmendorf T. Neurotractin/Kilon promotes neurite outgrowth and is expressed on reactive astrocytes after entorhinal cortex lesion. Mol Cell Neurosci., 29(4):580-90, 2005.
Bajorat R, Bräuer AU, Wasner U, Rolfs A, and Strauss U. Functional significance of HCN2/3 mediated Ih in striatal cells at early developmental states. J Neurosci. Res. 82 (2):206-13, 2005.
Strauss, U.*, Kole MH.*, Bräuer AU., Pahnke J., Bajorat R., Rolfs, A., Nitsch R., and Deisz RA. An impaired neocortical Ih is associated with enhanced excitability and epilepsy. Eur J Neurosci. Jun;19(11):3048-58, 2004.
Bräuer, AU., Nitsch R. and Savaskan NE. Identification of macrophage/ microglia activation factor (MAF) associated with late endosomes/lysosomes in microglial cells. FEBS Lett., 9;563(1-3):41-8, 2004.
Meier, S., Bräuer, AU., Heimrich, B., Nitsch, R. and Savaskan, NE. Myelination in the hippocampus during development and following lesion. Cell Mol Life Sci, 61(9):1082-94, 2004.
Savaskan, NE*, Bräuer, AU*, and Nitsch, R. Molecular cloning and expression regulation of PRG-3, a new member of the plasticity-related gene family. Eur J Neurosci., 19(1):212-20, 2004.
Bräuer AU.*, Savaskan NE.*, Kühn H., Prehn S., Ninnemann O., and Nitsch R. Is PRG1 a new lipid phosphatase? Nat Neurosci Comment, 7 (8), 2004.
Bräuer, AU., Savaskan, NE., Plaschke, M, Ninnemann, O. and Nitsch, R. The role of CCK in the course of de- and regeneration after lesion in the hippocampus: molecular evidence revealed by differential display-RT-PCR. Neuroscience;121(1):111-21, 2003.
Bräuer AU.*, Savaskan NE.*, Kühn H., Prehn S., Ninnemann O., and Nitsch R. A new phospholipid phosphatase, PRG-1 is involved in axonal growth and regenerative sprouting. Nat Neurosci., 6(6):572-8, 2003.
Eyüpoglu, IY.*, Savaskan, NE.*, Bräuer, AU.*, Nitsch, R. and Heimrich, B. Identification of neuronal cell death in a model of degeneration in the hippocampus. Brain Res Brain Res Protoc, 11(1):1-8, 2003.
Savaskan, NE.*, Bräuer, AU.*, Kühbacher, M., Eyüpoglu, IY., Kyriakopoulos, A., Ninnemann, O., Behne, D. and Nitsch, R. Selenium dificiency increases susceptibility for glutamate-unduced excititoxicity. FASEB J, 17(1):112-4, 2003.
Meier, S., Bräuer, AU., Heimrich B., Schwab, M., Nitsch, R. and Savaskan, NE. Molecular analyses of Nogo genes in the hippocampus during development and following lesion. FASEB J, 17(9):1153-5, 2003.
Bräuer, AU.*, Savaskan, NE.*, Plaschke, M., Ninnemann, O. and Nitsch, R. Perforant path lesion induces up-regulation of stathmin mRNA, but not SCG10 mRNA, in the adult rat hippocampus. Neuroscience; 102 (3): 515-11126, 2001.
Bräuer, AU.*, Savaskan, M.*, Kole, MHP.*, Plaschke, M., Monteggia, L., Nestler, E., Simbürger, E., Deisz, R., Ninnemann, O. and Nitsch, R. Molecular and functional analysis of hyperpolarization-activated pacemaker channels in the hippocampus after entorhinal cortex lesion. FASEB J; 15: 2689-2701, 2001.
Savaskan, NE.*, Eyüpoglu, IY*, Bräuer, AU.*, Plaschke, M., Ninnemann, O., Nitsch, R. and Skutella T. Entorhinal cortex lesion studied with the novel dye fluoro-jade. Brain Res. May 2; 864(1): 44-51, 2000.
Bräuer, AU.*, Savaskan, NE.*, Plaschke, M., Prehn, S., Ninnemann, O. and Nitsch, R. IG-molecule Kilon shows differential expression pattern from LAMP in the developing and adult rat hippocampus. Hippocampus 10(6): 632-44, 2000.
Savaskan, NE.*, Skutella, T.*, Bräuer, AU., Plaschke, M., Ninnemann, O. and Nitsch, R. Outgrowth-promoting molecules in the adult hippocampus after perforant path lesion. Eur J Neurosci. Mar; 12(3): 1024-32, 2000.
1. Strauss U. and Bräuer AU. Current views on regulation and function of plasticity-related genes (PRGs/LPPRs) in the brain. BBA – Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids. Special Issue: Lysophospholipids, Biochim Biophys Acta., 2013 Jan;1831(1):133-8
2. Bräuer AU and Nitsch R. Plasticity-related genes (PRGs/LRPs): A brain-specific class of lysophospholipid-modifying proteins. BBA – Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids. Special Issue: Lysophospholipids, Biochim Biophys Acta., 2008 Sep;1781(9):595-600
3. Bräuer AU. and Savaskan NE. Molecular actions of selenium in the brain: neuroprotective mechanisms of an essential trace element. Rev Neuroscience; 2004 15(1):19-32
4. Schweizer, U., Bräuer AU., Köhrle J., Nitsch R., and Savaskan NE. Selenium and brain function: a poorly recognized liaison. Brain Res Brain Res Rev., 2004 Jul;45(3):164-78
*Contributed equally as first or senior author.
1. D.N. Brindley and A.U. Bräuer
Chapter 12 Lipid Mediators and Modulators of Neuronal Function: Lysophosphatidate and Lysolipids Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology,
Neural Lipids, 2010, Part 3, 289-310, DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-30378-9_12,
A. Lajtha, G. Tettamanti, & G. Goracci (eds.)
1. Inventor(s): BERGHOF, Kornelia; GASCH, Alexander; BRÄUER, Anja; GRÖNEWALD, Cordt: WILBORN, Freimut; ROLFS, Arndt Applicant(s): BioteCon Gesellschaft für biotechnologische Entwicklung und Consulting mbH, Tegeler Weg 33, D-10589 Berlin, Deutschland
Titel: Amino acid sequences and method for isolating bacteries from the type genus Pseudomonas
Application Number:WO9912949A2
2. Inventor(s): NITSCH, Robert; NINNEMANN, Olaf; BRÄUER, Anja; SAVASKAN, Nicolai Applicant(s): Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, vertreten durch den Verwaltungsdirektor des Universitätsklinikums Charite, Berlin, Deutschland
Titel: Plasticity related Gene (PRG): Eine neue Klasse nervenspezifischer Membranproteine mit wachstumsregulierenden Eigenschaften.
Application Number: CH060/2002
3. Patentanmeldung läuft: Inventor(s): BRÄUER Anja und STRAUSS Ulf Applicant(s): Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, vertreten durch den Verwaltungsdirektor des Universitätsklinikums Charite, Berlin, Deutschland
Titel: Verfahren zur Analyse eines Phospholipidprofils im Liquor als diagnostisches Verfahren für neurologische Erkrankungen
Application Number: CH580/2011