Dr. Jessica Wilke
I am a researcher at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg in Germany. My research is embedded in the field of developmental psychology as well as psychology in special needs education, with a focus on self-regulation and moral development in children's social-emotional development.
Research Interests:
- Resource-poor contexts and poverty
- Moral development in childhood
- Self-regulation and self-control in childhood
- Emotional and social development
- Prevention of bullying and behavior problems
I strive to make my scientific contributions, data, instruments, and teaching materials predominantly accessible in open access. I have signed the Commitment to Research Transparency and will publish my research according to the standards of Open Science.
Department of Special Needs Education and Rehabilitation (» Postal address)
Winter term 2024 / 2025
Quantitative Forschungsmethoden; Einführung in SPSS: Deskriptive und inferenzstatistische Grundlagen
Vertiefende Auseinandersetzung mit ausgewählten Fragen und Problemen im Förderschwerpunkt Emotionale und soziale Entwickung Teil 1: Moralentwicklung und Bullying
Nach dem Studium promovieren?!