Establishing and Extending Scientific Centres

Guidelines for establishing and extending scientific centres (German only)
(access limited to members of the university)


Research Centres

Research centres are outstanding interdisciplinary scientific institutions at the University of Oldenburg, which are established in close coordination with the university's strategic processes and thus make a special contribution to the objectives set out in the mission statement. Research centres are set up for a limited period of time and are evaluated externally in accordance with the university's standards of excellence.

There are three research centres at the university:

Scientific Centres

Scientific centres are cross-faculty and interdisciplinary scientific institutions of the University of Oldenburg, which are established in close coordination with the university-wide strategic processes. They support the work of the institutes or faculties as needed, e.g. in a coordinating manner. Scientific centres are independent organisations set up for a limited or unlimited period of time and are evaluated externally on a regular basis.

The following scientific centres are currently part of the University of Oldenburg:

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