Academic Career Paths
Academic Career Paths
At the University of Oldenburg, all researchers are supported and qualified in the best possible way, regardless of their qualification level.
Are you interested in a doctorate or are you already a junior research group leader? The University of Oldenburg is constantly looking at the diversity and special features of academic career paths and phases. On the following pages you will find all relevant information, contact persons as well as qualification and support services offered by the University, which are bundled along career phases and target groups.
Shaping your doctorate successfully
First Stage Researcher - R1: Researchers who conduct research under supervision (doctorate).
Targeted in the postdoc phase
Recognized Researcher - R2: Doctoral researchers with still limited scientific independence.
Qualification and appointment
Established Researcher - R3: Researchers with a doctorate who are able to independently develop their own research, acquire funding and lead a research group.
Support leadership roles
Leading Researcher - R4: Doctoral researchers who are recognized by their peers as leaders in their own field of research.
Strategic support for early career researchers
The University of Oldenburg focuses in particular on early career researchers. To this end, it has adopted concepts papers that provide a guiding framework for the promotion of academics in early career phases. The promotion of transparent access to the doctorate, the ability to plan careers and reliable framework conditions in the postdoc phase, as well as the compatibility of career and family and care responsibilities are important to the university.
Promoting skills at all career levels
The University of Oldenburg takes a broad strategic approach to promoting the skills of researchers and includes all career stages from doctorate to professorship. The university supports its researchers according to their career phase and profile. It follows a competence-based approach to further education and qualification programs in accordance with the guidelines of the European Competence Framework for Researchers of the European Commission and the classification of researchers into the four profiles R1 - R4. These Research Profiles Descriptors apply to all subject areas and across different employment sectors. Last but not least, the University of Oldenburg is aware of its responsibility to qualify its academics for the non-university labor market - the majority of academics will take on (leadership) tasks outside academia, which is taken into account in the various offers.