
DAAD and Federal Ministries

Dr. Anne Clausen

+49 (0)441 798-4333

European Funding

Dr. Janna Just

+49 (0)441 798-4764

European Funding
European Structural Funds

Ilka Carstens

+49 (0)441 798-2817

The University of Oldenburg is member of the European University Association (EUA)

The University of Oldenburg ist member of the network EU-Research Support Lower Saxony


International Funding

International funding is diverse and in addition to research and education funding, it also includes university cooperation programmes with non-European countries. We have compiled the main funding programmes on this site for you. We have also included some national funding programmes with international funding backgrounds in addition to the funding programmes of the European Union.

MWK Europe Program

The Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony (MWK) would like to increase the participation of scientists from Lower Saxony in EU funding programmes and has therefore launched the "Europa-Programm".

The following measures are eligible for funding

  • measures for initiating and consolidating cooperation with the aim of forming consortia for joint applications
  • measures for the preparation of EU proposals (H2020/HEU collaborative research proposals and ERC, Erasmus+, Interreg A/B/Europe, other programmes),
  • activities to support engagement in EU science policy committees, in subject-related advisory activities for the EU Commission and in exploratory talks with science policy actors in Brussels,
  • activities for the presentation of Lower Saxony's research strengths in Brussels,
  • as well as for other measures with a focus on the European level.

Further information on the call for proposals and application can be found on the MWK website

Link to the call for proposals

EU framework program for research and innovation - Horizon Europe

  • Horizon Europe is the framework programme of the European Union for research and innovation in the period from 2021 to 2027. Here you can find university-internal notes for proposal preperation.
  • Marie S. Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF): Scientists with a doctoral degree and a maximum of 8 years of full-time post-graduate research experience can apply for an PF. Career breaks, parental leave and periods spent in a non-European and non-Associated Country can be deducted from the 8 years.
    The research topic can be chosen freely. If successful, the project is conducted in a host institution in another European country (European Fellowship) or includes a 12-month return phase to Oldenburg (Global Fellowship) alongside a stay in a non-European foreign country.
  • European Research Council: The ERC funds excellent (junior) researchers for a period of five years.
    Basic research is financed in the following funding lines:
    • Starting Grants for junior researchers (2 - 7 years after PhD) with up to 1.5 million EUR
    • Consolidator Grants for junior researchers (7 - 12 years after PhD) with up to 2 million EUR
    • Advanced Grants for excellent experienced researchers with up to 2.5 million EUR.
      Please also refer to the internal university notes for applicants.

European Structural and Investment Funds - ERDF, INTERREG, ESF

The European Structural and Investment Funds (ESI Funds) are the central instrument of the European Union's (EU) cohesion policy for strengthening regional competitiveness and addressing the current structural policy challenges in the regions. In the 2021-2027 funding period, the ERDF and ESF+ will place greater emphasis on the Green Deal and the European Pillar of Social Rights and link them to the areas of competitiveness and innovation.
Please be advised that these programs require co-financing of the project participants.

Show more for on ERDF, INTERREG und ESF in Lower Saxony

Funding opportunities for universities in Lower Saxony in the 2021-2027 funding period are available primarily from the following funds:

  • European Social Fund (ESF), funding programmes for social affairs, education and gender equality ESF Lower Saxony
  • European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), support for investment in employment and growth. Project propsals are managed by NBank, which also provides further information.
  • INTERREG - funds from the ERDF are used to support not only regional projects within Lower Saxony, but also transnational projects. Among others, there are the programs Germany-Nederland, North Sea Region, Baltic Sea Region
    INTERREG for Lower Saxony

If you are planning to apply for funding from one of the ESI funds, please contact us at an early stage. We will help you to classify your project idea in the funding programme and assist you in preparing your application.

EU Programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport - Erasmus+

Erasmus+ is the EU programme for general and professional education, training, youth and sports. In addition to the support of individual mobility for students and employees, European collaborative projects can also be funded through:

International Collaboration from German Funding Organisations

  • The DFG supports collaboration with foreign partners in all its funding procedures with a wide variety of instruments. Generally, the following applies: necessary resources for international cooperation can also be requested for all types of project funding.
  • The International Bureau of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) publishes country and discipline specific calls for proposals
  • The Leopoldina Postdoctoral Fellowship is aimed at outstanding postdoctoral researchers up to 7 years after their doctorate. Researchers from Germany can carry out their independent research work at the most renowned research institutions abroad. Researchers from Austria and Switzerland can apply for projects at German research institutions.
  • The foreign-related funding initiatives of the Volkswagen Foundation serve international scientific collaboration and targeted support from institutions and projects abroad. 

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers a wide range of research-related funding programmes and scholarships for post-doctoral academics, including research stays abroad, events and networking opportunities, guest lectureships and visits to foreign partner universities. Through these initiatives, the DAAD promotes long-term international cooperation in research and higher education.

Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (P.R.I.M.E.): A grant of the German Academic Exchange Service P.R.I.M.E. supports postdoctoral students of all nationalities and subjects. Funding includes a 12-month phase abroad and a six-month integration phase at a German university where the individuals being funded are employed as postdoctoral students for the entire duration of the project.

Further EU programs

There are also other individual funding programmes, on which we will be happy to inform you on request.

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