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Certificate Program Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

A solid teaching profile and skills have become an integral part of the selection process for academic jobs. At the same time, debates about universities’ performance have brought about the desire to increase the quality of teaching.

In light of these challenges, the University of Bremen, Osnabruck University and the University of Oldenburg have created a joint qualification program geared towards all staff engaged in academic teaching. The certificate program Teaching and Learning in Higher Education has been running since Winter Semester 2005/06.  

Program structure

The program consists of three modules amounting to a total of 200 units (1 unit = 45 minutes).

Workshops are supplemented by reading and independent study.

In order to make the certificate as flexible and as convenient in terms of space and time as possible, we have also included e-learning courses into the program.

Who is the certificate for?

The program is best done at the beginning of the academic career, as research assistant or assistant professor. The courses are, however, open to all faculty members and have proven to be useful at any stage of your academic career. We are here to help – contact us if you need any advice!

Eligibility requirements
All faculty members engaged in academic teaching can attend our courses.

Do I need to enroll in the program?

You do not need to enroll in the program. Simply sign up and attend the workshops that are part of the program and collect proofs of attendance.

Can I attend individual courses without having to complete the entire certificate?

Yes. All workshops of the certificate program are open to all academic staff. You can thus attend all individual courses you are interested in. You can later decide to attend further courses and obtain the certificate.

What are the costs of the certificate program?

Instructors from the University of Oldenburg can participate in workshops organized by the University of Oldenburg free of charge. Please note that due to changes in the legal framework instructors from other universities unfortunately cannot at present attend our workshops, including those in the certificate program.

For information about participation fees and other details, please refer to the respective workshop descriptions.

Certificate of attendance and certificate of completion

After attending individual workshops you will receive a certificate of attendance from the university where the course took place.

After successfully completing all three modules, you will receive the official certificate of completion. In order to have the certificate issued, please contact Dr. Simone Schipper, Head of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education at .

Transfer of credits (workshops and courses completed at other institutions)

Our cooperation network – the University of Bremen, the University of Oldenburg, Osnabruck University, and the Centre for Excellence in Lower Saxon Higher Education at the Braunschweig Institute of Technology – upholds the same quality standards, which guarantees easy transfer of credits among these institutions.

If you have attended courses on teaching and learning at institutions outside our cooperation network, the transfer of credits is still possible. We will review such requests on a case-by-case basis. If you have any further questions, contact Dr. Simone Schipper, Head of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education at

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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