Erasmus+ coordination, counselling for university staff and students with special needs
Advising students on Erasmus+
For more information, please visit
Responsibilities at the University of Oldenburg
For Erasmus+ key action 1 (Erasmus+ university coordination and inter-institutional agreements):
For Erasmus+ key action 2 and 3 projects (for example strategic partnership, policy support):
Liability clause
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Further information and advice on the ERASMUS+ mobility measures can be obtained from
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
Nationale Agentur für EU-Hochschulzusammenarbeit
Kennedyallee 50
53115 Bonn
Tel.: +49(0)228/882-8877
Fax: +49(0)228/882-555
Erasmus+ programme (Europe)
Erasmus+ is the European Union's programme for education, youth and sport. Erasmus+ combines the previous EU programmes for lifelong learning, youth and sport as well as the European cooperation programmes in the field of higher education.
Key action 1 supports the mobility of individuals. In the higher education context, Erasmus+ supports students in all study cycles up to and including doctoral studies who wish to complete part of their studies or an internship abroad for up to 12 months. In addition, funding is available for short-term lectureships and further training programmes for teaching and administrative staff. Furthermore, universities can invite company personnel from abroad to take part in teaching visits. In addition to key action 131, key action 171 can also be used to fund mobilities with partner countries.
Focussing on social participation and environmental sustainability, the programme provides top-ups to individuals who have fewer opportunities (social top-up) or who use green mobility (green travel top-up).
Guidelines 2 and 3 focus on cooperation and policy dialogue, for example by supporting the establishment and implementation of joint strategic partnerships and cooperation projects or the initiation of cross-educational cooperation and policy dialogue with third countries.
Erasmus+ offers various instruments and programme lines that can be used to support partnerships and co-operation projects. These include Cooperation Partnerships, the ERASMUS Mundus degree programmes, and the new Erasmus Mundus Design Measures, Erasmus+ Teacher Academies, the Jean Monnet Actions, and Alliances for Innovation.
Information from the Department for Research and Technology Transfer