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Semester: Summer term 2024

GA_1.34 Spotlight Seminar: How to apply for tenure-track positions in North America (In-Person Event) -  

Event date(s) | room

  • Mittwoch, 10.7.2024 9:00 - 13:30 | Schlaues Haus Oldenburg


The seminar offers an overview of the application and search process for academic positions
in the USA and Canada (English-speaking). From "small liberal arts colleges" to "research 1
universities," participants first gain an overview of the North American higher education
landscape and different academic career paths (focus: tenure-track). The seminar then
introduces participants to all aspects of the application and search process - from identifying
suitable positions and creating effective cover letters, CVs, research statements and teaching
philosophies/portfolios to mastering telephone interviews, job talks, and the various aspects
of a multi-day campus visit. Upon completion, participants will better understand what
search committees, academic departments, and hiring agents expect from applicants and how
they can effectively prepare for "going on the job market."


Study fields

  • Karriereplanung und Karriereentwicklung



(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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