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A young man is explaining something to another man, a C-shaped EEG measuring device is attached to his ear.
Universitätsgesellschaft UGO Top News Early Career

“Good supervision takes time”

Since 2021, the Universitätsgesellschaft Oldenburg e.V. (UGO) has awarded an annual prize for excellent doctoral supervision. The most recent winners,…

A woman stands in a lecture hall and gives a presentation.
Campus Life Early Career

Out into the world

The University Society Oldenburg provides several funding programmes, including travel grants for conferences and congresses abroad. Students and…

Illustration of two women, one helps the other to climb a stair from a position further up
Campus Life Early Career

Experienced guidance

The university supports female junior scientists through a special mentoring programme. Participant Irene Faber and her mentor Ria Nijhuis-van der…

Three persons are standing in front of a wall covered with a graffiti.
Top News Early Career

Good support for doctoral candidates

The graduate schools 3GO and OLTECH are an important resource for doctoral students. They provide crucial skills and support cooperation, exchange and…

Portrait of physicist Jan Vogelsang
Research Top News Early Career Physics

In the spotlight

Physicist Jan Vogelsang uses innovative laser systems to study ultrafast processes. The University has awarded him a Carl von Ossietzky Young…

Research Early Career Top News

How organisms process sensory stimuli

What happens at the molecular level when we smell, see and hear? At the University of Oldenburg the Research Training Group "Molecular basis of…

Research Early Career Top News

Ukraine: When Languages Converge

People in central Ukraine often speak a mixture of Russian and Ukrainian. Slavicist Gerd Hentschel is studying the phenomenon on location – and…

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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