Prospective doctoral candidates
Your Doctorate @UOL
Discover the experiences of our doctoral candidates and get fresh pictures from our campuses!
Latest news
Orientation Programm: „Pursuing a Doctorate after Graduation?”
The program "Berufsfeldorientierung - Nach dem Studium promovieren? (in German only)" is organized by the Graduate School 3GO and is aimed at Master's students from Faculties I-IV (except Computer Science) who are interested in doing a doctorate. The study-accompanying further education program is entering its next round in summer term 2025.
Prospective doctoral candidates
Are you interested in doing a doctorate at the University of Oldenburg? On this page you will find information on the initiation of a doctorate, advice and formalities of the doctoral process.
Initiation of a doctorate
The first step on the way to a doctorate is to find a supervisor for your research project. You can choose from professors at the University of Oldenburg, but also lecturers at other universities or a cooperation partner. The doctoral topic must fit into the academic research field of the potential supervisor. You can contact your supervisor yourself; this is usually done during office hours or by e-mail. You may already know a potential supervisor from your Master's degree programme. During the first meeting with the supervisor, you should narrow down your research topic and agree on an exposé. An exposé is often a maximum five-page description of your doctoral project, including the provisional title. You will also conclude a supervision agreement with your supervisor, which should guarantee the academic supervision required for the success of your doctoral project.
Further information on the formalities of the doctoral process can be found here.
Doctoral counselling
Are you wondering whether a doctorate is right for you? Are you unsure how to approach the doctoral process? Would you like to find out more about doctoral opportunities at the University of Oldenburg?
The Doctoral Counselling Service of the Study and Career Counselling Service will advise you on these and similar questions. In individual and group counseling sessions, the counselor provides information on paths to a doctorate and supports those interested in pursuing a doctorate in their orientation and decision-making. Counseling is free of charge, confidential and open to students and graduates of the University of Oldenburg as well as external interested parties.
Schools and doctoral degree regulations
As a doctoral candidate, you will be admitted to doctoral studies at one of the six Schools of the University of Oldenburg. The respective doctoral regulations of the School regulate all details of the doctoral process; for the Dr. rer. nat. degree, for example, there are joint doctoral degree regulations for several Schools. You can find an overview of the doctoral degree regulations here.
Doctorate FAQ
From acceptance for a doctorate to a doctorate with a disability: in the FAQ provided by the Graduate Academy you will find all the information you need about the doctoral process.