Recommendations for the use of generative AI in the field of doctoral studies

The Presidential Board of the University of Oldenburg has published general recommendations for doctoral candidates on the use of generative AI in dissertations.

Recommendations for the use of generative AI in doctoral theses

Contact points for doctoral candidates

Graduate Academy 
Interdisciplinary workshops, mentoring programs

Graduate School 3GO (Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Subject-specific workshops, advice, further development of structured doctoral programs

OLTECH (Graduate School of Natural Sciences, Medicine and Technology)
Subject-specific workshops, courses and events

Mental health during the doctorate

Working on a doctoral dissertation for several years is challenging. In addition to independence and self-organization, good agreements with the supervisor(s) are key. Questions about financing the doctoral period and navigating the academic system can be further challenges. You can find support here.

Healthy University(only in German)
 Counselling and coaching for employees
Workshop series "Mental Health"

Podcasts on the topic:
Glücklich promovieren(only in German)
Erschöpfte Wissenschaft(only in German)

Doctoral candidates

Over 1400 doctoral candidates are currently conducting research at the University of Oldenburg. This is an exciting and intensive time for the often young researchers, who receive the best possible support from various university institutions in the form of advice, training, networking opportunities and funding formats. On this and the following pages you will therefore find all the key information about doctoral studies in one place.

Counselling for doctoral candidates

The counselling services offered by the Study and Career Counselling Service (ZSKB) are open to all prospective doctoral candidates and doctoral candidates at the University of Oldenburg. If you are looking for guidance with professional questions or information on career prospects, the doctoral counselling service is available to you free of charge and confidentially. In case, you require support in challenging situations during your doctorate, the counselling for employees is available.
You can find subject-related advice, for example on funding and qualifications in structured doctoral programs, on the pages of the graduate schools 3GO (for Schools I - IV) and OLTECH (for Schools V and VI, as well as the Institute of Computer Science).

Counselling to international doctoral candidates is offered by the Welcome Service of the International Office.

FAQ and subject-related information about the doctorate

At the start of the doctoral phase, formal issues such as acceptance and admission to doctoral studies, as well as questions about funding or specific doctoral programs are at the forefront. At an advanced stage, you may ask yourself how you can combine your doctorate and family responsibilities, what interest groups, qualification opportunities and international funding options are available. The following FAQ of the Graduate Academy provides an overview of all key topics during the doctoral process.
As a doctoral candidate, you will be admitted to doctoral studies at one of the six faculties of the University of Oldenburg. The respective doctoral regulations of the individual faculty regulate all details of the doctoral process; however, for the Dr. rer. nat. degree, for example, there are joint doctoral regulations for several faculties. You can find an overview of the doctoral degree regulations here.

Further information on subject- and institute-specific regulations relating to doctoral studies can be found on the pages of the faculties' doctoral committees.
Doctorate at the Faculty I of Education and Social Sciences (in German only)
Doctorate at Faculty II, Department of Business, Economics and Law (in German only)
Doctorate at Faculty II, Department of Computer Science
Doctorate at the Faculty III for Linguistics and Cultural Studies (in German only)
Doctorate at Faculty IV for Human and Social Sciences (in German only)
Doctorate at Faculty V - Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Doctorate at Faculty VI - Medicine and Health Sciences

Subject-related and interdisciplinary competence development

The University of Oldenburg has three graduate institutions that offer an interdisciplinary or subject-related qualification programme for doctoral candidates. The Graduate Academy is a service unit in the Department for Research and Transfer that offers an interdisciplinary qualification programme in the form of workshops and mentoring programmes for all early career researchers (from doctoral candidates, postdocs to junior professors) of all Schools. In the workshop programme you will regularly find offers e.g. for career development to familiarize yourself with various career options during your doctorate. The Graduate School for Social Sciences and Humanities 3GO is a joint institution of Schools I - IV and offers doctoral candidates subject-related workshops and summer schools as well as advice on funding and qualification issues. Both individual doctoral candidates and doctoral candidates involved in structured programs can participate in the 3GO program. The Graduate School for Natural Sciences, Medicine and Technology OLTECH offers a subject-related continuing education program for doctoral students with courses, workshops, a mentoring program and advice on qualification and career issues. The Graduate School is an institution of Faculty V of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty VI of Medicine and Health Sciences and the Institute of Computer Science (Faculty II).

Coaching for doctoral candidates with disabilities

The University of Oldenburg supports doctoral candidates with disabilities or chronic illnesses with individual coaching to help them overcome difficult phases in their careers. All information on how to apply can be found on the page of the Measures to ensure equal opportunities.

Current workshops for doctoral candidates


Summer term 2025

Winter term 2024 / 2025

Current workshops and events of the Graduate School OLTECH


Summer term 2025

Winter term 2024 / 2025

International mobility for doctoral candidates within the framework of ERASMUS+

There are various opportunities for doctoral candidates at the University of Oldenburg to go abroad via the current ERASMUS+ program generation (2021-2027) coordinated by the International Office. In addition to study and research stays, teaching and working stays of various durations are also possible. You can find all information at the Doctoral candidate mobility.

Further qualification offers

The teaching and learning in higher education team (Hochschuldidaktik) offers a qualification programme, workshops, materials, exchange formats and (individual) counselling appointments for university lecturers. In addition to fundamental topics of teaching and learning in higher education, other focal points include research-based learning, gender & diversity and teaching and learning with digital media. The Day of Teaching and Learning (TdLL ) brings together lecturers, students and other interested parties. Particularly successful courses are recognized with the Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Since 2016, there has been a cooperation agreement between the universities of Bremen and Oldenburg in the area of graduate support. Doctoral candidates at the University of Oldenburg can therefore take advantage of the BYRD (Bremen Early Career Researcher Development) qualification programs. Take a look right now!

Science management as career option

A doctorate in science management is an attractive option for more and more academics. The work of a science manager is often characterized by a strong proximity to science and studies; at the same time, the professional field is very diverse. The University of Oldenburg offers the following study and further education programs in science management. The MBA course in Education and Science Management, offered by the Center for Lifelong Learning (C3L), prepares you to take on management tasks in universities, research and science or qualifies you for education management, for example in schools, companies or adult and continuing education. The C3L at the University of Oldenburg also offers the UNILEAD training course an English-language further education program for university managers from Southeast Asia, Africa, Central and South America and the Middle East.

Further information: The platform (in German only) bundles all current information and career options in science management.

Career outside academia

Anyone who wants to start a business, has already developed their first business ideas or is pursuing innovative projects can get support from the GIZ. In addition to personal advice and mentoring, the Founding and Innovation Center (GIZ) of the University of Oldenburg offers funding for start-up projects.

More information on non-university career paths
The University Association for the Qualification of early-career researchers in Germany (UniWiND) is a network of currently 85 member institutions that have made the support of early-career researchers a central task of their universities. UniWiND members regularly and academically examine the career paths of doctoral graduates outside of the traditional academic career. Some selected publications can be found here:
Löchte, von Schmeling (2018): Prospects after the doctorate. Career paths outside academia: Employers in conversation, UniWiND Special - Part 2

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