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Semester: Summer term 2024

Communicating Science to the Public -  

Event date(s) | room

  • Montag, 27.5.2024 9:00 - 17:00 | PFL (Peterstraße 3, 26121 Oldenburg)
  • Dienstag, 28.5.2024 9:00 - 17:00 | PFL (Peterstraße 3, 26121 Oldenburg)


Workshop "Communicating Science to the Public"

The workshop is aimed at scientists who want to communicate their research topics in a structured way, both in written form such as on websites, in social media or in press releases, but also verbally on site or in digital media through moving image formats.

The workshop is designed to enable participants to
  • prepare complex research content in a way that is appropriate for the target group and successfully pass on knowledge
  • use a methodical toolbox with simple communication tools and
  • coach and support each other with communication tasks in a collegial exchange in the conception and implementation.

Contents of the workshop / schedule
Methodologically, the workshop consists of alternating technical inputs in lecture format, practical exercises, quick writes, activating question-and-answer sessions, short group discussions and discussions and peer feedback sessions.

Day 1 - Overview of science communication (presence, duration: 6 hours; e.g. 10 am - 4 pm)
  • Welcome & WarmUp, aims of the workshop
  • Thematic input on science communication: definition, challenges, solutions, communication channels, current trends and best practice examples
  • Input & exercise: Defining communication goals and knowing target groups
  • Input & exercise: Social media for science, exercise "Writing a perfect fit": How to formulate posts for Twitter, Facebook & Co.

Day 2 - Focus on current projects (presence, duration: 6 hours; e.g. 10 am - 4 pm)
  • Input & exercise "Science Pitch - My research project in 60 seconds" (part 1 - prototyping), content & structure of a pitch; formulating attention & call to action (partner exercise)
  • Input & exercise: Successful presentation, speech/voice training, gestures/mimicry; science pitch (part 2 - testing), feedback from trainer and team
  • Input & exercise: "Storytelling for science communication" on various research topics of the research topics of the SFB 1372 (science storytelling part 1 - idea sketch; group exercise)
  • Science Storytelling (Part 2): Selection of possible communication topics and elaboration Communication measures (e.g. social media); possible pitfalls in communication
  • Outlook & resource planning

Virtual coaching (up to 3 months after the workshop)
  • Individual support for science communication for the SFB 1372, in particular Social media (Twitter)
  • The coaching takes place online in a 1:1 format by appointment; a virtual platform for the coaching sessions (Zoom, Conceptboard) can be provided free of charge by science3.



  • olt134 Additional module "Communication"
  • olt161 Transferable skills / Scientific career
  • olt165 Additional module "Transferable Skills"

Study fields

  • olt134 Additional module „Communication
  • olt161 Transferable skills / Scientific career
  • olt165 Additional module „Transferable Skills"


(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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