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Semester: Summer term 2024

3.02.996 S Cultural Theory for MA Students: Digital Media and AI: Histories, Concepts, Approaches -  

Event date(s) | room


The seminar explores theoretical perspectives on digital media and technologies, focusing on artificial intelligence. It makes students familiar with different cultural studies-based concepts of and approaches to digital media and AI. Students will apply these concepts and approaches to examples of their own choice and will also be given the opportunity to create a podcast in cooperation with the Kulturbüro of the city of Oldenburg.

Course requirements:

- Regular attendance & active participation (e.g. reading assignments, in-class discussions)
- Paper on the basis of a presentation (“Referat und schriftliche Ausarbeitung”, c. 12-15 pp.) or “Hausarbeit” (15-20pp.) due September 15th 2024. As an alternative, you can also take part in preparing two podcast-episodes for the “Digitalog” produced by the ‘Oldenburger Kulturbüro’, one of which will be recorded live on June 6.



Study fields

  • Studium generale / Gasthörstudium



Für Gasthörende / Studium generale geöffnet:

Hinweise zur Teilnahme für Gasthörende
Lehrsprache: englisch Sichere Beherrschung des Englischen auf dem CEF-Niveau C1 ist erforderlich.

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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