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Semester: Summer term 2022

50.01.008 Important concepts in ecology, evolution and biodiversity -  

Event date(s) | room


    It is a common observation that there is a large number of basic concepts in the diverse fields of ecology, evolution and biodiversity research that may have been touched briefly during the course of BSc and MSc studies but which merit a much more detailed treatment by any student who is about to obtain a PhD in these fields. By combining these three fields in one course, the students will also gain a broader perspective and the opportunity to integrate ideas from outside their direct field of study into their own research program. The discussion of the development of the concepts will also allow the student to understand the processes behind the development and evolution of scientific ideas and methods.

    In a series of seminars, the students will become acquainted with a wide range of basic concepts in ecology, evolution and biodiversity. Students will actively participate by preparing short oral presentations related to particular problems and concepts, by doing literature searches on the impact of particular concepts in shaping research agendas, or by preparing sample data sets for simulations to illustrate the application of concepts in practical research. A key focus of the weekly meetings will be on promoting active discussion by all the participants. One aspect of the module is also to obtain a historical perspective of the evolution of ideas and concepts in the three research fields, which will lead to a more in-depth understanding of the scientific process.

    English language skills

    Course format:
    The course will be conducted on a weekly basis during the semester.

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    Will be distributed at the beginning of the course.




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