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Semester: Summer term 2024

6.02.141_2 Topics in clinical auditory neuroscience: Hearing disorders and rehabilitation -  

Event date(s) | room


The course aims to introduce students to research topics in the field of clinical auditory neuroscience. Students will gain knowledge on different types and causes of hearing impairment, methods for subjective and objective assessment of hearing function, and neurocognitive consequences of hearing loss.
The course is set up as "extended" journal club. Based on a research article, we will discuss current research questions and methods in the field of clinical auditory neuroscience. To provide additional context on different study populations affected by hearing disorders, the paper discussion will be accompanied by an introductory presentation by students (~20 minutes).

To earn course credits, students have to give an introductory presentation.


Study fields

  • Interdisziplinäre Veranstaltungen / Interdisciplinary courses
  • Neurocognitive Psychology
  • other courses



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