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Semester: Summer term 2024

OLT.24.06 Climate change, people and the ocean -  

Event date(s) | room

  • Donnerstag, 11.7.2024 8:30 - 17:00 | HIFMB, Ammerländer Heerstrasse 231
  • Dienstag, 10.9.2024 8:30 - 18:00
  • Mittwoch, 11.9.2024 8:30 - 18:00


Open for all doctoral candidates/disciplines!!!

The ocean has a central role in Earth’s climate system, but also for how climate change affects humans. The vast majority of the anthropogenically added energy is stored as heat energy in the ocean, the biological carbon pump extracts gigatons of CO2 from the atmosphere and next to the issue of global warming, ocean acidification and sea-level rise are two fundamental marine facets of rapid environmental change. At the same time, half of the human populations on Earth lives close to the coast and their interaction with the marine environment is one of the tightest connections between humans and nature.

In September 2024, UOL will host a two day symposium on “Climate, People and the Ocean”, which among others will include scientific sessions with eminent speakers, art-science interventions and workshops. We offer this unique PhD course to prepare and conduct these workshops with an explicit focus on questions relevant to early career researchers. We will start with an interdisciplinary series of lectures from natural and social sciences that will pave the way for a 1-day retreat (on July 11th, 2024, where we will plan the workshop within the Oldenburg symposium (2 slots, 1.5 hours each on 10. and 11.9.2024). Both speakers and attendants of the scientific sessions will take part in the workshop.

Learning Aims
• Advanced understanding of climate change consequences for the ocean and their feedback to human wellbeing
• Practical planning of workshop with international and national scientists including formulation of aims, development of content and learning methods for discussion and result capture
• Moderation of Scientific Discussions

May/June: Video lectures: Basic knowledge and advanced topics (Hillebrand, Wurl, Pahnke., et al.)
Lectures are provided as videos and discussed in a flipped classroom format. Thereby each PhD student will work in their own pace to watch the videos. Each video is 45-60 min, we aim for ca 6 lectures. A full list of lectures and link to the videos will be provided end of April 2024.
We will use a datefinder to select a 2-hr slot for a Q&A session including the lecturers and PhD students. In this online Flipped Classroom date, we will discuss open questions, hard to grasp content.
July 11, 2024: Planning retreat (Hillebrand & Garcia)
The actual planning of the workshop will take place on July 11th 2024 at HIFMB, Ammerländer Heerstrasse 231 (room Neue Empore in the 4th floor). The content is the joint elaboration of i) which aims we as a group have for the workshop, ii) which methods are useful to achieve the aims, and iii) which tasks we can distribute among group members (moderators, rapporteurs, subgroup leads).
September 10-11, 2024: Symposium workshop
The PhD students conduct the workshop and document the output


Study fields

  • Environmental Sciences
  • Interdisziplinäre Veranstaltungen / Interdisciplinary courses
  • Interface Science
  • Neurosensory Science and Systems
  • olt134 Additional module „Communication
  • olt734 - Additional module „Communication”


deutsch und englisch

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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