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Semester: Summer term 2021

PhD Success Lab -  

Event date(s) | room

  • Montag, 17.5.2021 9:00 - 12:00 | Correct starting time and online meeting room will be announced later!!!


The “Success Lab” is a 12-week step-by-step programme for PhD students. The Success Lab gives you the success formula to develop and implement your personal roadmap to PhD success! You can attend from everywhere and receive step-by-step guidance on how to master your PhD study.
Find more detailed information here:

It shows you exactly how to plan and conduct your PhD study with ease, so that you can finish it on time with high scientific quality and you can be proud of your achievements.
Watch a short video on for further details.

What you learn in this course:
1. Set up system to plan and control your PhD project until completion
2. Adopt work patterns of a successful PhD candidate
3. Master dissertation writing
4. Professionalise interactions with supervisors

How does the course work:
1. 12-week digital programme with short, doable and specific weekly units that can easily be incorporated in your weekly schedule
2. all course-material (step-by-step guides, worksheets, exercises) available to download
3. all lessons include face-to-face instructor videos
4. you decide when to work on the lessons
5. accessible 24/7 from everywhere
6. 5 live support-sessions for participants with instructor: you can ask whatever you want to ask about your PhD project
7. private discussion group for exchange among participants
8. ECTS-credit certificate

As this is a short-term offer, the first selection criterion is that you are an OLTECH member and the second is “first come first serve”.

The deadline for application is May 10, 2021! You have to register via Stud.IP for the PhD Success Lab (seminar/summer semester 2021).



  • olt161 Transferable skills / Scientific career
  • olt165 Additional module "Transferable Skills"

Study fields

  • Environmental Sciences
  • Interdisziplinäre Veranstaltungen / Interdisciplinary courses
  • Interface Science
  • Models of Gravity
  • Neurosensory Science and Systems
  • olt165 - Additional module „Transferable Skills”
  • olt165 Additional module "Transferable Skills"
  • olt165 Additional module „Transferable Skills"



(Changed: 19 Jan 2024)  | 
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