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Semester: Winter term 2023

5.04.255 Programming course C++ (Programmierkurs C++) -  

Event date(s) | room


Aim/ learning outcomes:
• learning of the programming language C and understanding of basic concepts of programming
• finding and correcting programming errors
• development of computer programs and organization of complex projects
• working with software libraries
• independent analysis of scientific problems and their implementation in C

Linux basics, the C++ programming language (e.g. data types, loops, functions, classes, templates), compiler (function, process), OpenSource tools (e.g. make, gnuplot), implementation of numerical algorithms as application examples



Study fields

  • Studium generale / Gasthörstudium



Für Gasthörende / Studium generale geöffnet:

Hinweise zum Inhalt der Veranstaltung für Gasthörende
Aim/ learning outcomes: • learning of the programming language C and understanding of basic concepts of programming • finding and correcting programming errors • development of computer programs and organization of complex projects • working with software libraries • independent analysis of scientific problems and their implementation in C Content: Linux basics, the C++ programming language (e.g. data types, loops, functions, classes, templates), compiler (function, process), OpenSource tools (e.g. make, gnuplot), implementation of numerical algorithms as application examples

Hinweise zur Teilnahme für Gasthörende
Lehrsprache englisch

(Changed: 19 Jan 2024)  | 
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