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Semester: Summer term 2024

GA_4.6 Writing your research for non-expert audiences (In-Person Event) -  

Event date(s) | room

  • Freitag, 17.5.2024 9:00 - 17:00 | A15 1 113


Much of your academic writing is for readers who are usually as similarly knowledgeable as you within your subfields. This workshop, in contrast, is about how you can write more widely for readers that are not as fully knowledgeable as you. We’ll look at techniques you can use, and how to write about your research so that your readers can understand. This is especially useful outside academia, but also sometimes within it. We will consider writing for blogs, journalism, the business world.


Study fields

  • English Language Courses
  • olt133 Language courses
  • olt134 Additional module "Communication"
  • olt561 Steps to scientific publishing
  • olt662 Scientific Writing
  • olt762 - Scientific Writing and Publishing



(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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