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Campus Life Study Affairs Theology

From a different era

Getting up at sunrise to excavate ancient relicts, bathing in the Jordan at noon, living at a kibbutz: What currently hardly seems imaginable was…

Underwater picture. A person in a diving suit with mask, oxygen tanks and fins knots a thick cord.
Research Campus Life Marine Sciences Study Affairs

Diving for science

For those who like the idea of combining scuba diving with science, the Scientific Diving course at the Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the…

Top News Study Affairs

New faces on campus

"Celebrating the start of your studies here and now, together and in-person, means a lot to our university and to me personally.” With these words,…

Several students in white coats stand around the virtual dissection table (a large, horizontal screen). Prof. Bräuer shows something to the bystanders.
Top News Study Affairs

New ideas for teaching

From child protection in primary education to virtual reality in anatomy: seven projects at the University of Oldenburg are receiving funding through…

young corals
Campus Life Study Affairs

A look at the future

Five groups of students conducted research focused on the topic of "the future". Among the questions they investigated were how the climate movement…

Top News Study Affairs

Welcome to campus

"Approach your studies with confidence and joy. It is an amazing phase in your lives!" With this message, University President Ralph Bruder welcomed…

Study Affairs Top News

"Concepts are in place"

The summer semester has begun - again largely digitally. Nevertheless, it is not always easy to tackle studies with motivation, as Vice President…

Study Affairs Top News

Migration is the topic of our times

It has happened millions of times since time immemorial: men, women and children leave their home countries in search of a better life. Launched in…

Study Affairs Higher Education Policy Top News

The Future of University Education

Individualised and online-based is how Anke Hanft, scientific director of the University of Oldenburg's Centre for Lifelong Learning (C3L) sees the…

Study Affairs Top News

High speed into the future

A group of students at Oldenburg University and Hochschule Emden/Leer has a vision: to help design a brand new mode of eco-friendly transport. Their…

Study Affairs Top News

"Nothing can Replace Dialogue"

The Founding Dean of the European Medical School Oldenburg-Groningen, Prof. Dr. Eckhart Hahn, in an interview about the sense of community among those…

Study Affairs Top News

Improve University Access!

Germany suffers from a lack of university graduates. One reason why Germany is lagging behind in this respect compared to other countries is that…

Study Affairs

Oldenburger Fortbildungszentrum (OFZ) to become competence centre for in-service teacher training

Lower Saxony modernises advanced teacher training / Nine new competence centres established across the state

Study Affairs Top News

Clicking into Science

The University will use the Audience Response Systems for the first time in the winter semester. The general public is familiar with these devices…

(Changed: 20 Jun 2024)  | 
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